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W4/17##/j/13122d41-gea�syei,C722/04 � CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN c Wiffle Copy No. 134 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) /// 27 April 1957 DOCIAAWT 04.101GE 114 CLASS. of-cv.p,sset) CLASS. C'riPM,G, "TO: 'TS o� 14E.Y.T. REVIEM 0 ATE% AUTH: 1-0-1 70-2 BEVIONER DM. OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 � Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 CONTENTS 1. DEVELOPMENTS IN JORDAN (page 3). 2. TURKS REINFORCE TROOPS ON SYRIAN BORDE1 (13age 5). 3. EGYPTIAN-SAUDI DIFFERENCES INCREASING (page 7). 4. ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTER PROMISES NEW TEST OF RIGHTS ON GULF OF AQABA (page 8). nb5. EUROPEAN NEUTRAL BELT IDEA GAINS SUPPORT IN BRITAIN (page 9). 6. MIKOYAN HINTS USSR DESIRES SUMMIT CONFERENCE (page 11). 7. JAPAN TO PROTEST COMING AMERICAN NUCLEAR TESTS (page 12). 0 V) B. SUMATRAN LEADER SETS CONDITIONS FOR SETTLEMENT WITH DJAKARTA (page 13). 9. MILITARY JUNTA SEEN IMMINENT IN HAITI (page 14). R10. ALLEGED CHINESE BRIBERY BECOMING EFFECTIVE / CAMPAIGN ISSUE IN PHILIPPINE POLITICS (page 15). 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP-SEC-RE-T Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 ',wee *Noe 1. DEVELOPMENTS IN JORDAN Comment on: The curfew in Jordan will probably be relaxed somewhat during the next few days because of the surface calm which has prevailed since imposition of mar- tial law on 25 April. Martiatlaw will ap- parently continue in full force, however, and Defense Minister Tucian was ap- pointed military governor on 26 April. With martial law and the curfew in force the extent of internal opposition to King Hussaints forceful moves is not yet clear. Some Communists and opposition leaders have been arrested and others put under surveillance. Conservative government leaders are taking precautions against possible assassination, however.. Hus, Sain is aware that former anti-Western chief, of staff Nuwar still has many sympa, thizers in the army whom he intends to purge gradually in order to avoid provok- ing major opposition. The Syrian armored brigade in Jordan is 'reported to be in a state of alert, and there are no indications 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -A*14,P-S-PC-RE-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 %La 'NNW that it will be withdrawn. Syrian forces in Jordan had reconnoitered the Iraqi forces near the Jordanian border, which were reported to include two infantry brigades, 24 tanks and 50 armored cars. Syrian president Quwatli on 26 April, meanwhile, left Cairo for Riyadh with a group of high Syrian and Egyptian officials, reportedly in an effort to urge King Saud to join in sending a three-nation ministerial delegation to Jordan in a desperate attempt to preserve the facade of pro-Egyptian Arab unity. King Hussain's two younger brothers, Crown Prince Mohammed and Prince Hassan, arrived in Beirut on 26 April, according to press reports, en route to school in England. King Hussain's uncle, Amir Naif, had arrived in Riyadh on 22 April to meet King Saud. Naif's mission is uncertain. In 1951 he intrigued with sup- porters in the Arab Legion in an attempt to ascend the Jor- danian throne instead of Hussain's father, Prince Talal. He was thwarted largely by action of Hussain's mother and Gen- eral Glubb. Saud might therefore be planning to support Nail's candidacy for the throne of Jordan if Hussain should be assassi- nated, since Hussain's brothers are very young. Limited mobilization in Israel appar- ently was completed on the night of 24 April, according to the American army attach�n Tel Aviv. It is estimated that be- tween 3,000 and 5,000 men were recalled to augment the pre- vious 55,000-man force, and that further call-ups would be necessary to ensure successful occupation of West Jordan. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 .1. N../ k_./ �L.I.E. 4mir' 2. TURKS REINFORCE TROOPS ON SYRIAN BORDER Comment on: A redeployment of Turkish troops to forward areas on the Syrian border was ordered at 2200 hours on 25 April, according to the US army attach�n Ankara. The 39th Infantry Division, a first echelon unit, is most directly affected, with division headquarters and one infantry regiment ordered to move from Iskenderun to Kirikhan. Two additional regiments of this divi- sion, already near the frontier, will move to forward positions at Gaziantep and Kills. The First Tank Battalion stationed at Dortyol has been moved to Islahiye. The Fiftii Armored Brigade has been ordered to move from Ankara to Iskenderun and the 28th Infantry Division in Ankara has been alerted for possible movement. The air force has been instructed to patrol the bor- der. Leaves in all affected units have been canceled. 50 100 27 APRIL 1957 27 Apr 57 Statute Mlles TURKEY � ISLAIIIYE � DORTYOL KIRIKFIAN LATAKIA � GAZIANTEP KILIS SYRIA � ALEPPO CYPRUS BEIRUT LEBANON ISRAEL Current Intelligence Bulletin -12O-P-sEett-E-T- 70426 3 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 A. ILJA.4�... A. Nor On the arrival of the Fifth Armored Brigade from Ankara, there will be approximately 16,000 Turkish troops on or near the border between the Euphrates River and the Mediterranean coast. A movement of the 28th Division to this area would increase this number by another 8,000 to 10,000. The army attach�omments that the moves are primarily designed as a diversionary maneuver aimed at reducing Syrian capabilities to participate in any action against Jordan. He adds that Ankara's action will in- evitably draw domestic Turkish attention away from the bitter dispute with Greece over Cyprus. The Syrians, who have a traditional fear of Turkish designs on northern Syria, will probably re- inforce their estimated 4�.500 troops in the Aleppo and Latakia areas, and may seek a counter-gesture by the USSR. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 TOP SECRET 3. EGYPTIAN-SAUDI DIFFERENCES INCREASING Comment on: 27 Apr 57 President Nasr has been informed by his ambassador in Saudi Arabia that "trouble for King Saud is brewing in Riyadh." the Egyptian embassy and Egyptian -military officers were in contact with sdisaffected princes and other "unreli- able elements" in the Saudi kingdom. On 21 or 22 April, an unknown number of persons were reportedly arrested in Riyadh on the charge of distributing antigovernment, anti royalty literature, and one of them was to be executed. Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP-SECRET Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 4. ISRAELI FOREIGN MINISTER PROMISES NEW TEST OF RIGHTS ON GULF OF AQABA Comment on: Israeli foreign minister Meir informed Ambassador Lawson on 25 April that an Israeli-flag vessel would probably test Israel's right to innocent passage through the straits of Tiran to the Israeli port of Eilat in a week or ten days. Mrs. Meir urged that the United States tell King Saud to refrain from public threats to halt Israeli vessels by force and to give Israel private as- surances that he does not intend to interfere with Israeli shipping. At present no Israeli-flag merchant- man is known to be within a week's distance of the straits south of the Suez Canal, The Pandora, a Costa Rican vessel which Israel used under Israeli flag and under the name of Queen of Sheba last winter to carry cargo between East Africa and Eilat, transited the. Suez Canal northbound on 22 April. The Atlit, an Israeli-flag vessel which departed Haifa early in April for Eilat via the Cape of Good Hope, presumably is still off the West African coast and reportedly is not expected at Eilat un- til early June. The Israelis still have two frigates and armed launches in the Gulf of Aqaba, however, and it is possible that a test would consist of using these vessels, either alone or as protection for a foreign-flag vessel. The American-owned tanker Kern Hills, which is under time charter to the Israeli government fuel cor- poration, has again loaded 15,000 tons of crude oil at Bandar Ma- shur, Iran, despite the Shah's "order" to halt such shipments. The Kern Hills departed Bandar Mashur on schedule on 19 April, almost certainly headed for Eilat via Djibouti. It would reach Eilat about 28 April. Like the first cargo which it discharged at Eilat on 6 April, the Kern Hills' second loading was for the ac- count of the National Iranian Oil Company and was consigned to a firm located in Switzerland. The ship declared for Cape Town, The Kern Hills' first passage to Eilat was protested strongly by Saudi Arabia and the other Arab states. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 L.1.1,1,1t-4-11-�.JILI 5. EUROPEAN NEUTRAL BELT IDEA GAINS SUPPORT IN BRITAIN Comment on: Growing support in Britain for Labor Party leader Gaitskell's plan for a neutral belt in central Europe may bring the government to give it.seri- ous consideration. In recent months Gaitskell has in- formally suggested that all foreign troops be withdrawn from a reunited Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia and Hungary, that their security be guaranteed, and that their national forces be limited and controlled. He asserts that NATO should not be dissolved merely because of Germany's withdrawal. Pub- lication on 25 April of Gaitskell's book including the plan will bring increasing attention in Britain to the idea. On 25 April the influential London Times endorsed its substance, advising that "something of this kind is the only way forward in Europe." The government would be especially vulnerable to wide popular pressure on this issue because the Gaitskell plan appears to draw its inspiration from proposals offered by Eden at the 1955 "summit" talks. Eden called for limitations and controls on all military forces in Germany and its neighbors and also suggested a demilitarized zone, appar- ently in Germany. The British government soon dropped this approach and now cautions against anything that might lead to a weakening of NATO. This growing interest in the neutral belt concept will provide the USSR with further opportunities to press its proposals for a European zone of limitation and inspection of armaments as a step toward a collective security system for 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 "SECRET_ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Europe. Soviet Soviet spokesmen continue to claim that their plan is based on Eden's summit proposals. Soviet delegate Zorin told the American representative at the London disarmament conference on 16 April that establishment of a zone of limita- tion and inspection would set the stage for a collective security agreement and political settlements in Europe, and recalled that Britain had earlier proposed this. In his 20 April letter to Prime Minister Macmillan, Premier Bulganin stated that the USSR is ready "to resume discussion" of the Eden plan as a first step toward a collective security system. Moscow probably will exploit interest in the neutral belt idea to counter the trend toward Western European integration and, with an eye to the West German elec- tions in September, to encourage the Germans to believe that the USSR would make considerable concessions on reunification if Bonn would withdraw from NATO and agree to the neutraliza- tion of a united Germany within a European security system. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin -StleRE-T- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 CONFIDENTIAL- 6. MIKOYAN HINTS USSR DESIRES SUMMIT CONFERENCE Comment on: conference. Soviet deputy premier Mikoyan's re- marks to Austrian officials on 24 April support other indications that the Soviet leaders intend to propose a top-level tie said that ways to a detente with the West "will simply have to be found" and suggested in this connection the possibility of a wide demilitarized zone in Europe. In con- trast, he called the US proposal to ban further manufacture of atomic weapons without destroying present stockpiles merely a device to perpetuate Western superiority. Mikoyan repeatedly stressed the USSR's conviction that the United States genuinely desires world peace, and said that American efforts on behalf of peace dur- ing the Suez crisis had made a powerful impression on the Soviet government and people. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TUMIDENTFAL-- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Ti 0 SE 7, JAPAN TO PROTEST COMING AMERICAN NUCLEAR TESTS Comment Agitation against the Nevada tests is not likely to reach serious proportions, al- though the Japanese maintain that any type of nuclear test can be dangerous to humanity and that prior registration of tests is a needed step toward an ultimate ban on the testing and use of nuclear weapons. Japan has proposed that a UN committee determine whether all nuclear tests can be detected by scien- tific means, and if so, that all future tests be prohibited. Even the Socialists joined in general Jap- anese criticism of Moscow's contentions that the recent Soviet tests were not objectionable since they were held within Soviet territory and necessary preventive measures were taken. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin -TOP SECRET Page 12 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 w1 '4r 1.11-zn-r12,11.�-- 8. SUMATRAN LEADER SETS CONDITIONS FOR SETTLEMENT WITH DJAKARTA Comment on: In a defiant speech in Padang on 23 April before a gathering which included Prime Minister Djuanda, Lt. CoL Hussein of Central Sumatra listed 11 specific condi- tions for the settlement of differences betwee the Djakar government and the non-Javanese prov- inces. These conditions included the "immediate abolition of centralism," recognition of the Central Sumatran governing council and legalization of actions it has taken since December, the return of former vice president Hatta to a position of joint national leadership with President Sukarno, a "proper finan- cial understanding" between Djakarta and the provinces, and the organization of Sukarno's proposed national advisory coun- cil into a senate which would represent the provinces. Three of the conditions dealing with the army call for severe restriction of the authority of the army chief of staff, General Nasution. These particular terms prob- ably reflect the demands which will be presented by Sumatran and other dissident leaders during the current army conference in Djakarta. Sukarno is quite unlikely to accept the 11 conditions or even to use them as a broad basis for compromise. The outlook is for a continued deadlock as long as the provinces can maintain themselves economically and can resist efforts by Sukarno and Nasution to undercut provincial authority. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 TONF-113ENTIAL- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 'ger' 9. MILITARY JUNTA SEEN IMMINENT IN HAITI Comment on: Mounting tension and continued deteri- oration of the political situation in Haiti will probably necessitate mili- tary control of the government in the near future. The army reportedly failed in an attempt to set up a mili- tary junta on 26 April, possibly because of reluctance of most of the army offi- cers and because of opposition from at least two of the leading presidential candidates, The 11-member executive council of government, composed of supporters of five presidential candi- dates, has been unable to deal with the continuing political and economic crises since it took office on 6 April. Constantly shifting loyalties and political maneuvering among the candi- dates and army officers apparently preclude the development of a stable government under the present administration. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416 10. ALLEGED CHINESE BRIBERY BECOMING EFFECTTVE CAMPAIGN ISSUE IN PHILIPPINE POLITICS The opposition Liberal Party's charges that government officials have accepted bribes on behalf of the Chinese refu- gees whose Philippine visas have ex- pired are gaining public credence because of the Nacionalista Party's inept reaction, In protesting his own innocence, President Garcia has fostered the impres- sion that such other important Nacionalistas as Senate president Rodriguez and Senator Laurel may be guilty. In addition, Na- cionalista opposition to Liberal demands for a congressional investigation have strengthened public suspicion of government corruption. The charges have stimulated intense public interest, and this is- sue may well decide the November election in their favor if it can be kept alive. Comment The practice of "soliciting" and ac- cepting Chinese funds has been preva- lent among Philippine officials in the past. The awkward Na- cionalista response to the Liberal attack stems partly from the desire of rival bidders for the Nacionalista presidential nomi- nation to use the charges against each other. In any event, the successful pinning of the corruption label on the Nacionalistas could be an important, and possibly decisive, factor in the November elections as the Liberal Party knows from bitter ex- perience. 27 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 -sEeft-Eir Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150416