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vr 3,7:40-7/ Awrodvedfor lapbs:323t7h)/:c1,(22i)04 es4 ,f� Cf#Off.TOP SE( 3.5(c) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN �O;7117/7/2720�04 9 March 1957 Copy No. 131 nOCUMENT NO CHANGE IN CLASS. lipit. i DECLAS3IFIED TO TS . S C NEXT REVIEW DATE' �IOW '--)-', ADUt,\TT c.111,: iiii4j_yeir,L-NiWE..11: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 41k Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 TOF SECRET �10" CONTENT S g1. COMMENT ON ISRAELI INTENTION TO FORCE PASSAGE THROUGH GULF OF AQABA (page 3). INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT FEARS BORNEO WILL REVOLT (page 5). 3. TENSION RISING IN HUNGARY ON EVE OF 15 MARCH (page 6). /1/4. GOMULICA WARNS POLISH PRESS TO END ANTI-STALINIST CAMPAIGN (page 7). 5. GHANA OFFICIAL SUGGESTS RELATIONS MAY BE ESTAB- LISHED WITH SOVIET BLOC (page 8). 9 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 71)r SECRET 1. COMMENT ON ISRAELI INTENTION TO FORCE PASSAGE THROUGH ABA Beirut informed Cairo that Israel planned to attack Egypt if Cairo at- tempted to obstruct passage of Israeli ships through the Gulf of Aqaba. (See Item 1, CIB, 8 March 1957.) This report is in general accord with the statement of Israeli foreign minister Meir on 5 March to UN secretary general Hammarskjold to the effect that Israel "next week" would exercise the right to pass shipping through the Straits of Tiran. Mrs. Meir stated that Israeli naval ves- sels would be used "if necessary" in this undertaking. Prime Minister Ben-Gurion on 6 March informed the Israeli parlia- ment he would use force to protect Israeli "rights" in the Gull of Aqaba. The principal channel for shipping through the nine-mile wide entrance to the Gulf of Aqaba is Enterprise Passage, a 4,600 foot wide deepwater channel adjacent to the Egyptian coast. (See map, p.4.) There is a second narrower and shallower entrance, Grafton Passage, just to the east of Enterprise Passage. The Israelis have destroyed the Egyptian gun positions commanding the entrance to the gull, leaving Egypt no immediate local capability for opposing the passage of Israeli shipping from the shore. Egypt has one frigate and about eight motor torpedo boats in the Red Sea area, and the Gulf of Aqaba is within range of Egypt's 35 IL-28 jet light bomb- ers. Nevertheless, Israel's air power as well as its naval strength in the gulf�two frigates and two armed launches--is sufficient to cover passage through the gulf. It is probable that Israel will attempt to send its ships through the Straits of Tiran and support their passage with force of arms if necessary in the near future. Egypt will certainly react with protests to any Israeli attempt to force the straits and may use force. An important deter- rent factor to the use of force by Cairo is the presence of UNEF units at Sharm el-Shaikh, The political posture of Britain and espe- cially France strongly suggests that they would give IsraA at 9 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 cFCRF.T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 TOP SECRE1 least moral support in such action. Since the Israelis have demonstrated their ability to cope with Egypt militarily with- out outside assistance, it seems doubtful that direct military assistance is viewed as neress2ry at this stage. PROFILE OF STRAIT OF TIRAN ENTERPRISE PASSAGE GRAFTON PASSAGE REEFS AND SHALLOWS WITH 950 FEET DEEP 300 FEET DEEP SINGLE CHANNEL 54 FEET DEEP SAUDI EGYPT I TIRAN SLAND ARABIA , . f , n , ) 1, 'A r ."', , X ,: . . 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 MILES EGYPT isC..1 , Area of Mai Map ioomi e ,'zz:-., '7 . JORDAN SAUDI ARABIA SAUDI ARABIA r1 i (NS' JI, F OF A B A E G Y P T SINAI PENINSULA (...)" 2 t�N - ..�, .- /.... i TIRAN INAFI �NN, 0 1 1 MIL,gs 4A 9 MARCH 1957 9 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin 70308-2 Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 SECRET vi4 2. INDONESIAN GOVERNMENT FEARS BORNEO WILL REVOLT Indonesian officials in Djakarta are re- ported highly apprehensive that Borneo will join in the spreading revolt against the central government. They are par- ticularly concerned over a reunion of army veterans in Borneo which opened 5 March in defiance of an army ban on such meetings. In addition, the South Borneo governor, who returned from Djakarta just prior to the conference,carried the news that the central government had promised only a part of the $40,000,000 special reconstruction budget which the province had demanded. The American army attache comments that these developments are typical of those which preceded the emergence of autonomy movements in Sumatra and East Indonesia. Representatives from Atjeh in North Sumatra and from the disaffected Central Sumatran province as well as local officers and civil leaders were reported present at the veterans' reunion. Comment Borneo is the only major area outside Java still accepting direction from Djakarta. There have been growing indications that Borneo, like Sumatra and East Indonesia, wants greater local self- government and a greater share of the central government's expenditures. Central Sumatran military leaders have been in touch with Borneo officials within the past month and reportedly are trying to effect unity among all Indonesian ele- ments opposed to the Ali cabinet and to President Sukarno's "concept!' 9 Mar 5'7 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 GILLELT__ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 4414 fl)NFIDENTTAL 3� TENSION RISING IN HUNGARY ON EVE OF 15 MARCH With the approach of Hungary's national independence day, 15 March, Premier is showing extreme nervousness and making urgent efforts to assure calm. The American legation in Budapest makes the "highly tenta- tive" estimate that there may be sporadic outbreaks of vio- lence but no widespread fighting in Budapest, and that popu- lar hatred will probably be expressed in some form of silent demonstration. � There reportedly has been a sharp build- up in Budapest of Soviet and Hungarian forces. The security forces are jumpy and could become trigger happy, according to the legation. Popular hostility toward the regime is ex- pressed in a variety of ways, such as work slowdowns and "ostensible stupidity" of students taking Russian language courses. Incidents of violence continue to be reported in Budapest and in widely separated parts of Hungary. 9 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 'i 17VtTri7VT1 A 1. Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 SECRET Noe' vie 4. GOMULKA WARNS POLISH PRESS TO END ANTI- STALINIST CAMPAIGN campaign, During a recent conference with the editorial staffs of two leading Polish intellectual journals, Gomulka de- manded an end to their anti-Stalinist Gomulka told the editors that Moscow would be at his throat if their press campaign continued. Gomulka has become nervous and dicta- torial in recent weeks, and during conferences does not permit the opposition to voice contrary views. Gomulka feels his program is threatened chiefly by the radical ideas of the intelligentsia. He believes he can swing the Stalinist Natolin group to his point of view and keep them in line through appeasement. Gomulka plans to maintain good relations with Cardinal W szynski and the Catholic hierarchy, and the peasants. Comment On 24 February one of these journals pub- lished an article as strongly anti-Stalinist as any recently seen in Poland. It is not clear whether it was written after Gomulkais admonition, and therefore in defiance of him. Gomulka has already removed the editors of Zycie Warszawy and Trvbuna Ludu, the principal govern- ment and party papers. On 27 February he criticized all of the press for antisocialist leanings. In his attempts to appease the Natolins, who are not likely to come over to his point of view, Gomulka might undermine his popular support. 9 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411 044,, :51teRLF- 410114 5. GHANA OFFICIAL SUGGESTS RELATIONS MAY BE ESTABLISHED WITH SOVIET BLOC Ghana's secretary general of external affairs told a group which included Amer- ican officials on 5 March that his coun- try may find it necessary to establish diplomatic relations with members of the Soviet bloc, al- though no final decision has yet been made. Prime Minister Nkrumah added that firm decisions have been taken only on establishing diplomatic relations with the United States, Britain, France and Liberia. Nkrumah stated that Ghana's policy will be "noninvolvement and nonalignment in the East- West struggle" but that Ghana "will protect its independence and resist domination!' Comment The USSR has recently increased its purchase of cocoa, which accounts for over 60 percent of Ghana's foreign exchange earnings. TASS has already reported a Soviet invitation for Ghana parlia- mentary groups to visit the USSR. 9 Mar 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150411