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e Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402, .a. z 011 CURRENT 7 INTELLIGENCE 0!/ BULLETIN r # � /// i/ 0:44 TOP SECRET WANZ,,A, 17 October 1956 Copy No. 2 DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS, o DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE. AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE 9 ITLtee.??REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2)0044 /./ / � ' 4/ Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for fOriele7sj":2-079710/23 C03150402 tura" CONTENTS 1. EGYPTIAN-SYRIAN ATTITUDE TOWARD DEVELOP- MENTS IN JORDAN ) (page 3). 2. NEW WEST GERMAN DEFENSE MINISTER LIKELY TO SLOW DOWN REARMAMENT (page 4)0 3. YUGOSLAV-ITALIAN COMMUNIST COMMUNIQUE (page 5). 4. SOVIET PARTY PLENUM POSTPONED 5. BRITISH VIEWS ON HONG KONG SITUATION (page 7). 6. CHOU MAKES NEW OVERTURE TO JAPANESE ) (page 8). 17 Oct 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) (page 6). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approve7o7iele�a7e71879710/23 C03150402 1. EGYPTIAN-SYRIAN ATTITUDE TOWARD DEVELOPMENTS IN JORDAN Increasing Syrian nervousness over Israeli intentions in Jordan The Syrians expected a new Israeli attack on Jordan in the Jenin and Latrun sectors. Israeli troop con- centrations were reported on a wide front opposite the portion of West Jordan north of Jerusalem. The Jordanian command was described as "shaky:' The Soviet has informed the Jordanian legation that Israel is preparing a "big attack" on Jordan. Syrian president Quwatli was confirmed this infor- mation Soviet represent- atives have previously supplied the Arab states with alarmist reports. Syria has decided to provide heavy arms to Jordan immediately. the Syrian chief of staff believed Egypt "had gone back on its word" after agreeing to send arms aid to Jordan. Syria planned to send 16 Sherman medium tanks immediately, and a similar quantity later, together with six French 105-mm. guns. Delivery of the heavy equipment began on 16 October. Egypt has tried to play down the Israeli threat to Jordan so that Arab attention would not be distracted from the Suez Canal dispute. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP-sEeff T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved forTeie7se:275-16716/23703150402 T*400 Nishitire 2. NEW WEST GERMAN DEFENSE MINISTER LIKELY TO SLOW DOWN REARMAMENT The American embassy in Bonn ex- pects a more national-minded approach to West German defense planning and less effort to meet NATO goals as a result of the appointment of Franz Josef Strauss as defense minister. Herbert Blankenhorn, German representative to NATO, told American officials in Paris at it would be unrealistic to expect West Germany's military build-up to accelerate until a review of NATO strategy is completed. While the embassy in Bonn believes Strauss will attempt to conduct Defense Ministry policy more independently of Chancellor Adenauer than his prede- cessor, Theodor Blank Strauss, who believes that the West German military build-up is proceeding too rapidly for efficiency, has said a future re-examination may show a 300,000-man army adequate for German;. He is one of - the chief advocates of further consideration of modern and atomic weapons for Germany. Comment The appointment of Strauss, former atomic affairs minister, is the most important change made in the Bonn cabinet reshuffle of 16 October. Former defense minister Blank has long been the target of West German criticism for his vigorous efforts to accelerate West Germany's build-up. The West German public already doubts the wisdom of rearmament and will probably support Strauss in a cutback of military spending. Strauss has repeatedly defied or ignored Adenauer with regard to atomic energy policy and has been the principal stumbling block to German agreement on EURATOM. On 12 October, however, Adenauer said that the time may come when all European armies will receive atomic weapons. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TO-P-SEC-RE-T- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 � Alb. -M. N Niariv 3. YUGOSLAV-ITALIAN COMMUNIST COMMUNIQUE Comment on: The communiqu�igned at the conclu- sion of Italian Communist deputy secre- tary general Longo's visit to Yugoslavia is the first statement of principles agreed upon between Yugoslavia and a Western European Commtmist party. In terms reminiscent of the Soviet-Yugoslav party declaration in July, it emphasizes that party relations will be developed on a basis of equality, non- interference in internal affairs, mutual respect of differing attitudes, and "comradely criticism!' It indicates that these principles can be a pattern for party relations with other so- cialist and progressive movements. Longo singled out for special praise Yugo- slavia's workers' council system, which he said could serve as an example for Italian Communists and other workers' move- ments because it "makes possible the creation of the most ef- ficacious form of people's democracy." Polish and Hungarian officials have already spoken favorably of the workers' coun- cil system in Yugoslavia. Moscow has made no public comment on the visit of the Longo delegation. However, it has shown con- cern over Yugoslav influence in Poland and Hungary and in early September warned the Satellite parties not to look to Belgrade as a model. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for Release: 2019F16723 C03150402 %woo; 4. SOVIET PARTY PLENUM POSTPONED Comment on: Postponement of the Soviet Communist Party's central committee plenum, originally scheduled for sometime in October, may reflect uncertainty, fol- lowing the recent talks with Tito, over the proper course the Soviet Union should pursue vis-a-vis the Satellites. Khrushchev informed Western newsmen of the postpone- ment at a reception at the Afghan embassy on 15 October. Khrushchev said that another plenum of the party's central committee would be held this year but not within the next month. Tito has asserted that the Yugoslav posi- tion remains unchanged as a result of the recent talks. It is rumored that a meeting of the pre- sidium of the central committee, with the addition of a few other important central committee members, will take place this month and the new policy could be decided upon at that meeting. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 -7!7-nirrr11IRA1'L7SCIELL4L1 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Nemo, 5. BRITISH VIEWS ON HONG KONG SITUATION Despite the vigor of the Chinese Commu- nist protests about the recent Hong Kong riots, the British Colonial Office and Foreign Office do not believe that Peiping seeks an early change in the status of the colony, according to the US embassy in London. London believes the so-called Triad societies were primarily responsible for the riots, but sees "no clear evidence" of Chinese Nationalist-Triad co- ordination. The riots demonstrated Hong Kong's extreme vulnerability to possible Communist-directed rbting and sabotage which could in the future afford a pretext for Chi- nese Communist intervention. The Colonial Office plans to maintain its opposition to renewed Communist pressure for official dip- lomatic representation in Hong Kong. Comment The British have long recognized the vulnerability of Hong Kong. They ap- parently do not believe that the riots have changed the circumstances which have led the Communists to refrain from seizing the colony in the past. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for�Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 *Nome 441�1 6. CHOU MAKES NEW OVERTURE TO JAPANESE Chou En-lai has told a Japanese Socialist leader that Peiping intends to open negotiations with Washington for settlement of the Taiwan question after the American elections, Chou said once such negotiations are in prog- ress, it will be impossible for Washington to raise further objections if Tokyo agrees to discuss resumption of Sino- Japanese relations. Chou is said to have promised that the Chinese would make "every effort" to open mainland markets to the Japanese. He also gave assurances that Peiping would encourage Japanese economic expansion in Southeast Asia through the "13,000,000 Chinese merchants" in the area. Comment Japanese Socialists as well as influen- tial business interests are proponents of "normalized" relations between Tokyo and Peiping, and their efforts will be aided by Chou's statement. Chinese Com- munist spokesmen have previously argued that since the Amer- ican government is negotiating with Peiping at Geneva, there is no reason why the Japanese government should not enter into talks with the Chinese. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP�SECRE-7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 rj Approved for Release: 20117073 C03150402 Nape 'Noe THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 16 October) UN truce supervisor Burns has advised the UN secretary general that the entry of Iraqi troops into Jordan would not contravene the terms of the armistice agreement and that Israeli contentions to the contrary are not correct. The British charg�n Tel Aviv reported to �the American ambassador on 15 October that he had delivered to the Israeli Foreign Ministry the text of assurances which Iraq had given to Britain regarding movement of its troops. The British charg�aid he was not allowed to divulge the contents of the communication but he felt it would help clear the atmos- phere in Israel. A Syrian Foreign Ministry official has told the American embassy that if Iraqi troops enter Jordan, Syrian and probably Egyptian forces would also enter. He said that Jordan had already made official requests of Syria, Egypt and Iraq for military assistance. The American army attach�n Damascus estimates the maximum Syrian contribution would be one battalion of infantry plus a battalion composed of 12 tanks and a company of armored cars which is presently available near the Jordanian border on the main Amman-Damascus road. A French Foreign Ministry official told the American ambassador on 15 October that pro-Israeli sentiment is so strong in the French assembly and with the French people that Paris would probably be forced to support Israel if hostilities should break out. He said that France had urged Britain to try to delay the movement of Iraqi troops into Jordan until satisfactory r c Iraqis. The American embassy has been informed by an Israeli Foreign Ministry official that the army has asked the cabinet for more authority in selecting reprisal targets, for 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402 Approved for Release: 5-019/76723 C03150402 Noire NoW4 � more time to prepare the strikes, and for more latitude in method of operation. Lsraeli military officers feel that losses have been considerably increased because of the government's desire to avoid attacks on Arab civilians, reports that the Israeli defense force has obviously changed its mobilization procedure and that observation of military move- ments has become more difficult. some move- ment of tools and materials to north Israel was noted on 13-14 October. Israeli troop_ movements northward have also been noted by the Arabs. 17 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for for Release: 2019/10/23 C03150402