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June 20, 1957
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r757,,y/IMAed for tii Release: 2019/12/04 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CO3148918 ;1 7 1 71 7rS(d4 3.5(c) r 3.3(h)(2) / 04/ /47 /?// id r/. r VA/ 20 June 1957 Copy No. nOCUMEN-c NC. 4.z. NO CHANGE N 112 DECT.',LASTE9 CHANGEtY1-0: S NEXT EVIEVJ CATE: AUTH: ' 70-2 at DATE OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Auk T ' IIIMINTOTIOSHINP 11110411�44 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 I VI" JLA-ti:L 1 ,11111a, CONTENTS 1. SUEZ CANAL COMPANY DIRECTOR REPORTEDLY SEEKS AN "UNDERSTANDING" WITH EGYPT (page 3). 2. LEBANESE ELECTION PROBLEMS (page 4). 3. INDONESIAN AIR FORCE REPORTEDLY CONTRACTS FOR SOVIET AIRCRAFT (page 5). ' li40 LOCAL DJAKARTA ELECTIONS SCHEDULED FOR 22 JUNE (page 6). . KHRUSHCHEV HINTS USSR MAY RETURN SOUTHERN ICUR1LS TO JAPAN (page 7). 20 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C031148918 vi IJLJ1Ud 1 I. SUEZ CANAL COMPANY DIRECTOR REPORTEDLY SEEKS AN "UNDERSTANDING" WITH EGYPT The French director general of the Suez Canal Company, Jacques Georges-Picot, is prepared to reach an "understanding" with Egypt in hope of obtaining compensa- tion for Egyptian nationalization of the canal, He is advancing proposals which include increasing canal transit tolls. Comment Recent reports indicate that the Egyptians, despite public denials, have been interested in beginning negotiations with the Suez Canal Company. The French government's decision on 13 May to permit French ships to transit the canal opened the way for the canal company to reach agreement with Cairo. In the recent Anglo-Egyptian financial talks in Rome, Britain insisted on Egyptian negotiations with the Suez Canal Company as one of its preconditions for releasing blocked Egyptian sterling balances. These talks are expected to resume, and, in deference to its own shipping interests, London will prob- ably insist that Cairo compensate the company without raising tolls. UN Secretary General Hammarskjold is al- ready trying to arrange a toll surcharge for repaying canal clearance costs. He has written to Cairo urging consideration of the question of compensation to the company, but the reply was noncommittal. 20 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 2. LEBANESE ELECTION PROBLEMS Comment on: The success of pro-Western premier lh in bringing about the election of his candidates in the first half of the parliamentary elections has created a tense political situation in Lebanon. Two cabinet ministers recently appointed to hear from the apposition on election procedures resigned on 17 June, stating that while "the con- duct of elections from an administrative point of view was correct, the general atmosphere prevalent during the elec- tions does not encourage us to continue our missiono" The election developments have apparently alienated the chief ciE staff, General Chehab, w'ao feels that the opposition must be allowed to win sufficient seats in parliament to give thi..irk voice in affairs. An additional problem has been create.,:. by Premier Solh's reported threat to resign if President Gila- moun and General Chehab, who is in direct charge of main- taining security during the elections, do not allow his son, Abdur Rahman, to run for parliament, 20 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 1,t11-.1.1. TA' 1LFL,tLNI 1.1114. MININF 3. INDONESIAN AIR FORCE REPORTEDLY CONTRACTS FOR SOVIET AIRCRAFT The Indonesian air force has contracted with the Soviet Union for several jet fighters and twin-enaine bombers. ac- These aircraft, /will be accompanied by Soviet technicians and pilots who will remain in Indonesia for maintenance and instruction purposes. In addition, eight technicians are scheduled to arrive in Indonesia soon for per- manent assignment to care for President Sukarno's IL-14. all of the planes will be stationed at an airfield near Makassar, which has al- ready been expanded and modernized to accommodate them. Comment Indonesia has already ordered approximately 500 Soviet jeeps, some of which have been delivered, and reportedly has an option to purchase a total of 4,000 jeeps. The purchase of the jeeps--for the armed forces-- was undertaken independently of the $100,000,000 Soviet tech- nical aid agreement, and any contract for aircraft would prob- ably also be a separate arrangement. The Mandai airfield near Makassar is one of the best military airfields in Indonesia and probably is the only airport other than the busy field near Djakarta capable of handling jets. The Indonesian air force is loyal to Djakarta. 20 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 C,r Cif/ T1' /ILP/La I. /L11.1_A 4. LOCAL DJAKARTA ELECTIONS SCHEDULED FOR 22 JUNE Comment on: Election for Djakarta's 45-seat city council will be held on 22 June, the first of a series of nationwide pro- vincial elections scheduled for the remainder of 1957 and early 1958. The Communists have been working hard to improve their showing in Djakarta over the 1955 national elec- tions when they finished a poor fourth behind the Masjumi, National Party and Nandlatul Ulama. They reportedly have access to large sums of money, and their campaign un- doubtedly has received additional impetus from President Sukarno's encouragement of extensive Communist activity in support of his concept of "guided democracy." The outcome in Djakarta will probably influence later elections, particularly those in Central and East Java. 20 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918 5. KHRUSHCHEV HINTS USSR MAY RETURN SOUTHERN KUR,ILS TO JAPAN Comment on: Soviet first secretary Khrushchev told a Japanese correspondent on 18 June that the Soviet Union may agree to return the southern Kuril islands of Etorufu and Kunashiri, depending on improvement in the international situation and the state of relations with Japan. Except for one informal feeler in February 1956 concerning return of Kunashiri "under certain conditions," Soviet officials flatly refused to consider return of either Kunashiri or Etorufu during the protracted treaty negotiations. Khrushchev's re- marks are the first high-level hint of a possible change in the Soviet position. Eventual Soviet conditions for return of the islands would probably require American return of Okinawa and withdrawal from Japan, This statement was obviously timed to coin- cide with Premier Kishi's visit to the United States, 20 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 -SEER-ET- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148918