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,Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 � I "rtn� s'EGKEI" 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 15 June 1957 Copy No. 00CUI�A_'.c\li� NO. O C1-1A,INICL CLAS D'i'GLAS'61:11:'.17) C.:,;1.t.,N(...'..Fv...) f):TS S C NT PAL10-1. et' _ IEVIE4EF�I'. OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 044, 4111111111110110.111111011111.1P11140$4400014110111111111110111PFEININIII Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 1 VE" 3LC,KG I CONTENTS . USSR MOVES TOWARD SHOWDOWN ON NUCLEAR TESTS IN LONDON TALKS (page 3). 2� POSSIBLE FIRST SOVIET TESTS OF EARTH SATELLITE VEHICLE OR ICBM NOTED Noforn) (page 5). 3. KHRUSHCHEV OFFERS TO RETURN KARELIA IN EXCHANGE 3/4 FOR NEUTRAL SCANDINAVIAN BLOC (page 6). 4. GOMULKA TO VISIT EAST BERLIN (page '7). . YRIAN LEFTISTS PLAN COUP FOR NEAR FUTURE (page 8). 6. EGYPTIAN-JORDANIAN ESTRANGEMENT (page 9). . HAITIAN ARMY OVERTHROWS PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT (page 10). iro. NEW REVOLUTIONARY ATTEMPTS REPORTED IMMINENT IN CUBA (page 11). ' '9. PEIPING RELEASES TWO MORE AMERICANS JAILED AS "SPIES" (page 12). ,/,/) 10. NO-CONFIDENCE MOTION AGAINST PRO-COMMUNIST MAYOR ON OKINAWA FORESEEN (page 13). 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 1. USSR MOVES TOWARD SHOWDOWN ON NUCLEAR TESTS IN LONDON TALKS Soviet delegate Zorin's action in for- mally placing the new Soviet proposal for a two- or three-year suspension of nuclear tests before the UN Disarm- ament Subcommittee on 14 June, together with Khrushchev's public statements on disarmament in Helsinki on 13 June, suggests that Moscow has decided to press for an early show-- down at London on the key issues of nuclear tests and aerial inspection zones. The Soviet leaders probably believe that the Western powers' position on these two issues will be par- ticularly difficult to defend and that a failure of the London talks would facilitate Soviet efforts to heighten world-wide pres- sure on the Western governments on the nuclear test issue. Moscow probably also believes that West German official op- position to a European inspection zone can be exploited to weaken Adenauerts prospects in next September's election in the Federal Republic. The Soviet Union's agreement to establish an international inspection system to enforce a cessation of tests was designed to counter the United States' position which would make any cessation contingent upon Soviet agreement to halt production of nuclear weapons. Zorin's 7 June memoran- dum to the US delegate rejected the American suggestion for a ten-month cessation, charging that such an arrangement "could actually be used to prepare for subsequent tests." In now pressing for an immediate suspen- sion of nuclear tests, Soviet spokesmen will probably contend that the West's refusal to make any concessions on other as- pects of disarmament precludes even a partial agreement and 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 3.E la that in this situation an agreement to suspend tests would create favorable conditions for future progress on other is- sues. Khrushchev stated on 13 June that the present degree of "trust among nations" is sufficient to reach an agreement limited to a suspension of tests. He argued that any solution of broader disarmament problems requires an "atmosphere of real confidence" among the nuclear powers. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRE--T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 qmem Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 2. POSSIBLE FIRST SOVIET TESTS OF EARTH SATELLITE VEHICLE OR ICBM NOTED On lb and Z4 May, two iauncnings were noted at the Kapustin Yar guided missiles test range in which vertically fired missiles apparently released a second-stage vehicle. The vertically fired first-stage ve- hicle fell to earth approximately 50 nautical miles down range while the Soviet radars at both the mid-range (300 nautical miles) and far-range (650 nautical miles) stations were con- tinuing to observe another moving ob- ject. Comment This would be the first two-stage mis- sile known to have been fired at Kapus- tin Yar and appears to be a test of components for either the Soviet earth satellite vehicle Or an intercontinental ballistic missile,(ICBM). . Recent Soviet statements have claimed that the USSR is nearly ready to launch an earth satellite. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 �c115U-17=1- 3. KHRUSHCHEV OFFERS TO RETURN KARELIA IN EXCHANGE FOR NEUTRAL SCANDINAVIAN BLOC the USSR was "ready to begin serious talks re- garding the return of Karelia" if Finland would act as "intermediary" in forming a neutral Scandinavian bloc, The Soviet leader also stated that Norway must "eventually leave NATO." Comment The Russians have long considered Karelia a closed subject although the Finns have con- tinued to press for its return. Increasing concern over possi- ble establishment of NATO atomic bases in the Baltic area probably prompted the Soviet offer. It is doubtful that either the Finns or the Russians think Finland could alter Norway's firm adherence to NATO. The sentimental importance of Karelia to the Finns, however, might induce them to make some vague at- tempt to bring about Scandinavian neutrality. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 �_syffifftinp Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 4._ GOMULKA TO VISIT EAST BERLIN Comment on: Party first secretary Gomulka will head the Polish delegation scheduled to visit East Germany soon and will probably make a strong effort to en- hance his position in the Communist world. East Germany, the first Satellite Gomulka will visit, has been especially concerned over developments in Poland and outspokenly critical of the Polish party. East Germany is reported to have sent representatives to Warsaw on at least two occasions to find out the "true" state of affairs from Polish Stalinists. Gomulka probably hopes personally to convince party first secretary Ulbricht and the other German leaders that the Polish course is no threat to the East German party and that each regime has an equal stake in the stability of the other. Gomulka and Ulbricht may have diffi- culty achieving agreement on what is the proper relation- ship between Communist parties and governments--partic- ularly with reference to noninterference in internal affairs and the meaning of proletarian internationalism. The com- position of the Polish delegation--almost exclusively foreign affairs experts�suggests that no detailed economic or mil- ita,ry agreements between the two countries will develop out of the meeting. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 nr,r r. r111-1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 5. SYRIAN LEFTISTS PLAN COUP FOR NEAR FUTURE A coup by leftist and Communist army officers and politicians in Syria is be- ing planned for the near future The group, which is reportedly receiving support from Nasr, plans to dissolve parliament, purge the army of rightist ele- ments, and declare an immediate "union" with Egypt. The conspirators allegedly have received assurances from the Soviet military attach�n Damascus that, in event of intervention by Syria's neighbors, the Soviet Union would support the new regime with materiel and troops, if needed. Comment Syrian leftists have been alarmed at the trend of events in the Arab world--the developments in jordan, the Saudi-Iraqi rapprochement, the first election results in Lebanon, and the increasing isola- tion of Syria and Egypt. The leftists apparently fear that these events have encouraged moderate elements in Syria to move against them, and are reportedly determined to forestall such action. Akram Hawrani has reportedly partic- ipated in five previous army coups in Syria, and there is little reason to doubt that he might help bring about another. The USSR has shown no serious intention of playing a direct role in Middle Eastern crises, such as in jordan and Suez, where military involvement with the West might result. On previous occasions, the USSR has refused requests from Egypt, Syria and Yemen for active military support. However, six Soviet naval vessels sched- uled to enter the Mediterranean from the Black Sea later this month might "show the flag" at the Syrian port of Latakia, thus lending moral support to anti-Western groups. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 -T-ev SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Pr% c� r n Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 6. EGYPTIAN-JORDANIAN ESTRANGEMENT Comment on: LairoTs aecision to recall its rep- resentative to the Arab Joint Com- mand branch in Amman and to close down the branch radio station, is a further manifestation of the disinte- gration of the Egyptian-dominated joint command and of the serious split between Eavot and Jordan. Ambassador Mallory be- neves tna, %."something just short of a severance of diplomatic relations" between Jordan and Egypt is in the offing. Meanwhile, there are continuing indi- cations of Egyptian and Syrian determination to work against King Hussain. all district commanders were advised that the "desert patrol" had reported the entry of 55 fedayeen into Jordan from Syria to "undertake activities detrimental to public security." 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOT' SECRE1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 1-1 IATVIITIT'Arrrrr 4 y Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 7, ilAITIAN ARMY OVERTHROWS PROVISIONAL PRESIDENT Comment on: Following the bloodless military coup which ousted Haitian provisional pres- ident Fignole on 14 June, army chief of staff Kebreau announced that he will head a three-man military junta which will rule the country until "fair and free elections" can be held. The overthrow of Haiti's seventh government in six months occurred two days before Fignole was expected to proclaim himself perma- nent president for a six-year term. Port-au-Prince was reported calm following the coup, but groups of Fignole's street mobs were seen gathering in the slums. Brigadier General Kebreau had been ap- pointed chief of staff following Fignole's seizure of power on 26 May. His current political affiliations are unknown, and his name has not as yet been linked with any of the presiden- tial candidates whose political maneuverings have been pri- marily responsible for the overthrow of the previous govern- ments. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Page 10 LIC't ICIfr Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 8, NEW REVOLUTIONARY ATTEMPTS REPORTED IMMINENT IN CUBA Insurrectionary groups are expected to stage new uprising in various sec- tions of Cuba within the next few days, Rebel forces are expected to arrive in the Havana area, possibly at the time of an outbreak of ter- rorism there. Cuban police and investigative personnel have reportedly been alerted against possible attacks on military or police installations in the Havana area. the position of the government is steadily deteriorating and that there is considerable tension, although the situation remains outwardly calm. Comment Ex-president Carlos Prio Socorras, in exile in Florida, had previously been re- ported planning new revolutionary attempts during June. Rebel activities in the Sierra Maestra Mountains in eastern Cuba, stronghold of Fidel Castro Ruz, have been increasing since mid-May. Despite the belief that Prio and Fidel Castro were in alliance before Castro landed his rebel forces during Novem- ber and December 1956, they are now believed to be operating independently and possibly at cross purposes. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 9. PEIPING RELEASES TWO MORE AMERICANS JAILED AS "SPIES" Comment on: Two American priests jailed by the Chinese Communists as "spies" four years ago were released on 14 June after completing their sentences. This move is in line with Peiping's position that American "crim- inals" must serve out their entire terms unless these are reduced as a result of "good behavior" by the prisoners. Peiping has held that these prisoners are not covered by the repatriation agreement of September 1955. Two other Amer- icans were released from prison earlier this year. Two priests still being held are due to complete their sentences in June 1958. Four other American prisoners still in Communist hands have been given terms ranging from 15 years to life. The Chinese evidently plan to use these men as political hostages. Last April, Peiping indicated that it regards retention of prisoners ag a guarantee that the US will not break off the Geneva talks between Ambassador Johnson and Wang Ping-nan. The Chinese are apparently still anxious to continue these meetings, currently deadlocked on the pris- oner issue. On 11 June a Peiping spokesman declared "we certainly can compete in patience with Mr. Dulles and his colleagues." Peiping has thus far permitted seven Korean war turncoats to leave Communist China and can be expected to cite this as evidence of its good faith in observing the agree- ment with Ambassador Johnson to permit "expeditious" repa triation of all nationals. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 C Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916 10. NO-CONFIDENCE MOTION AGAINST PRO-COMMUNIST MAYOR ON OKINAWA FORESEEN Comment on: motion of no confidence against pro- ommunist Mayor ICamejiro Senaga may e proposed by the Naha scity assembly er on 17 or 27 June, Prospects for the success of the move have improved as a result of the apparent agree- ment of the two conservative factions to co-operate, and the fact that the group of eight assemblymen which earlier blocked a no-confidence action will lead the ouster move. Senaga has publicly stated he will dissolve the assembly and call for a new election if a no-confidence mo- tion is carried against him. Assemblymen depend on the in- come derived from their office for a living, and their fears of not being re-elected as well as the lack of campaign funds have been behind the refusal of the eight conservatives to support a no-confidence action against Senaga. The willingness of Okinawan businessmen to provide campaign funds and alternative means of livelihood to needy assemblymen who would have to stand for re-election has encouraged action to remove Senaga. The mayor's opponents have been further strengthened by the continued refusal of the banks to grant loans to the Communist administration and the disinterest of contractors in city projects because they doubt the city's ability to pay. 15 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 -SEC-REIT- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03148916