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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131896
1. Birth Data: Michel OOLENIEWSII was born 16 August 1922 in
Nieuwiers, Poland.
2. Parents: Father Miehal GOLENIEWSKI, born 29 SepteNber
1883 at Uhnow, (Lemberg District) Pole
Deceased 17 May 1952 at Ciosanie,
(Sulechow District) Poland.
Mother - Janina GOLINIEWSKI, use TURTNSIA, born
17 August 1899 at Warsaw, Poland.
Present residence: Marszalkowska 140 4
153, Warsaw, Poland.
3. Siblings: None living. A sister died as a small child.
4. Family Background: Subject's father studied law and was
a first lieutenant in the Austrian Army in World War I. After the
war the father joined the Polish Cuetoms Service, married, ant was
first assigned as an inspector in Pin*, later transferring tc
Nieswierc� where Subject was born. Subject was two years old when
the family left Niewsiwere when the Bolshevik Revolution in Htssia
expanded across. the Polish border. The father worked as a bock-
keeper for the State Distilleries monopoly in Warsaw until 19f7,
when he was transferred to Krakow, then in 1928 to Wolsztyn in the
Poznan district. The father was released from his job as the
depression in 1930 overtook Poland and for the next nine year* the
family lived in poverty in the village of Bostersewo, near Wolsztyn,
supported only by occasional jobs. In 1938 a sister of the fether,
Adelaide, who had married a wealthy nobleman, asked the father to
work on her estate in the Lemberg area as a bookkeeper after the
death of her husband. Subject and his nether were left in Nostarseea,
and the father worked on the estate until the outbreak of World War A
in September 1939.
5. Education; At the age of 11, Subject completed primary
school in Rostarzewo and was permitted to take the examinations to
qualify for state assistance in attending the Gymnasium. He passed
theee and was admitted to the Josef Pilsudski State Humanistic
Gymnasium in Wolsstyn which he attended to the outbreak of war. in
Spring 1939 Subject passed the "kleine Abitur" examinations and hop*j.
to continue his studies at the Lyceum specializing in either ohemirtl,
or philosophy.
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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131896
6. World War II History: With the advent of war in Sep-Amber
1939, Subject's father urged him and his mother to join the father
in Lemberg, but conditione were too disrupted to permit the mother
to make the trip. Subject, then seventeen years old, attempted to
join his father, traveling by bicycle the distance of 1500 kilometers,
but the roads between Posnan and Warsaw were clogged with reisageee
and military units and Subject narrowly escaped death several times
from Nazi strafing attacks.
a. Finding his journey impossible, he joined up with a
Polish engineer outfit be met on the road and fought with them
in battles on the banks of the Vistula near Modlin. The Polish
units were cut to pieces and captured by the Germans. Subject
was put to work by the Germans collecting equipment from the
battlefield and =flared to conceal a rifle and make his escape.
Subject joined forces with a Polish lieutenant whom he helpee
to escape and the two of them obtained passes from the Oermars
in Kutno under false names and attempted to make their way tc
Poznan where Subject had friends. German SS atrocities they
witnessed on the road, however, so enraged them that thsc
retrieved the rifle Subject had hidden and appointed themselvev
as snipers to seek revenge. They killed five or six SS ton
in the next few days, but ceased this activity when the German
executed twenty hostages in reprisal.
b. After hiding out in several places, Subject secured
a job on an estate near Ujsad, but on 15 November 193? Subject
was arrested by the Germane for the alleged theft of a bicycle.
Re was lined up with other prisoners on several occasions ant
narrowly escaped being shot as a hostage until his mother
secured his release in April 1940.
c. In May 1940 he was called to labor service by the
Germane and assigned to office work on a large farm enterprise
near Komorowo by the Carman State firm OSTLAND Gmbh. For the
rest of the war Subject worked as a bookkeeper in German
agricultural enterprises near Wolsztyn, supporting his mother
with his earnings.
7. Marital History: In harch 1946 Subject married Anna
MALINOWSKI, a young widow with a six-months old child whom he had
met at the end of the war. A child, Danuta, was born of this marr1,4ge
in late 1946. All went well until 1950 when Anna confessed to Subjct
she had not told him the true story of her identity. She was not a
Pole but a Ukrainian from Stalin� who had been transported in 1942
by the Germans to East Prussia for forced labor. She and the RUREIA,
father of her first child had assumed the name MALINOASKI upon
escaping together from forced labor and upon being imprisoned aea5a
had not dared reveal their identity as Ruesians. hALINOWIll died
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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131896
during this second imprisonment, but Anna was released at the end
of the war. Anna had feared being forced to return to Russia by
the Russian repatriation commissions roaming Poland at the time and
had concealed her true background from Subject at the time of their
a. When his former wife confessed this to him, Subject
bec*meworried *bout his career with the UB and. told the story
to Major MAR, a Soviet advisor with whom he was frien64,
who was able to fix the situation. However, about 1954 Sobjec.
noticed that his former wife eas acting strangely and seamed
to be suffering delusions of persecution, believing that euhet
and his mother were intent on harming her. Subject states he
believes Boviet pressure on his wife to Check on his loyalty,
perhaps coupled with threats based on her Russian nationality,
vere responsible for her mental decline. Anna was never
really well-balanced and calm from this time onward and
Subject was forced to move his mother out of the household.
The situation worseaed until Saject himself moved out and
joined his mother. He obtained a court divorce in late
1957 which was granted on the dual grounds that his wifu was
a schizophrenic and had concealed material facts concerning
her person at the time of the narriage. So far as Subject
knows Anna and the two Children eontinaet to reside In Warsaw
at Solariego 5 Wit.
b. On 7 March 1961 Subject married Irmgard UMW, a
German citizen eh= he met in East Berlin in 2958. He was
enable to get a vlea to bring her to Warsaw to arrange the
marriage at an earlier data because of the opposition of hiu
superiors because of her reletives in West Germany. Upon
deciding to leave Poland and defect to the West, Subject
asked Irmgard to accompany him and maim him as soon as
could be legally arranged. Subject does not have a copy of
his Polish divorce decree.
8. Potwar Career* Salbject joined the UB as a guard in Ziellina
Gore. in 1945, as the only job available to him in the confused poe7,
war period. Be intended to return to his studies,- but rapit advare
ea= and family responsibilities intervened.. in 1948 he was an
operationa3 officer with the rank of lieutenant and section chist
in the Zielona Gore. TB. Prom early 1948 to April or NOY 190 Slek4et
was director of the CE Department of the Malin provincial VB.
served as director of the OE Department of the UB in Gdansk from
WOW 1950 to mid-2952 and was promoted to major. In mid-1952 bjct
wee transferred to Warsaw OB Headquarters as Chief of Section 9,
Department I, (Study and inspection) which post he held until 451-
In 1954 he was made deputy director of Department I (CI) of the 'Er;
called EB10 at that time). in December 1955 Subject vas transfer-ed
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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 CO3131896
to the GZI ((entral Directorate for information, the Military Cg
and Security Service) as a lieutenant colonel and deputy to the
Chief. In December 1956 Subject was fired from the GL as a
"Stalinist" by Gomulka's newly appointed Minister of Defense,
SPYCHALSKI. In February 1957 he was brought back into the LB (now
called MS-) as a lieuteeant colonel and given the post of %left
Section 6, Department 1. He held this post until his defection in
January 1961.
9. Political and Party History:
a. Subject first came into contact with Marxist theory
at the Gymnasium in Wolestyn, where a seminar in "philoloceP
run by a Latin professor was in reality a carer for socialislac
indoctrination. Despite his father's own labor sympathies sne
leftist (in terms of Pilsudaki's ultra-conservative regime)
leanings, he advised Subject not to attend these seminars.
Youthful poverty and the complete breakdown of the Polieh Sate
in World War II motivated Subject toward sympathy with socUlism.
The rapid promotions he received in the postwar cci*unist-rn and the urging r of his superiors combined to distsuade hi
from returning to his normal studies, and instead he was seet
to a Communist Party school in Warsaw where he completed Ft
course and emerged as a full-fledged Party member, which we
essential to his further progress in the US.
b. A. chronology of Subject's Party history and schooling:
15 May 1945 to 10 Jan 1946 - candidate for admission
to Party
10 Jan 1946 to defection - member of Party
(Dec 1960)
10 Oct 1944 to 1 Mar 1948
Aug 191e to 1 Sept 1949
Party schooling:
1946 - 1948
1949 - 1952
1,54 - 1955
- member of 'Wee commi Ass
in 7ielona Gora
- member of exec commliAme
in Posnan Party
- attended Cateuory I scboe
- attended Category L. sck
(higher indootrinatIon)
- attended har* Lenin Ins th
in Warsaw
c. Disillusionment set in as Subject got an inside view A:
the cynical exploitation of Poland by the Russians, and tie
complete disregard for law or humanitarian considerationr which,
marked the nierut Comuunist regime in Poland. He was hole/vex
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tied to the Soviet advisors by the circumstances of his pest
service to them and their hold over his former wife, and vas
forced to conceal his growing disillusiomment 'with communism
to preserve his life snd freedom. He broke completely with
communism in April 2958 by ariting a latter addressed to the
Director of the FBI offering his services against the COMM-
ast regimes In Aussie. and POlamd. He performed valuable
services at the riak of his life from this date until
January 19610-vhen he feared that his double role had been
detected and he fat forced to flee for his life.
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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131896
Ire Margaret. LAMP?
1. Births Born 6 January 1929, Berlin, Gernany.
2. Parente: (the entire family is now living in Frankfurt
in the German Federal Ispublie.)
Father: Frans Comred Theodor KAMPF, Wm 6 November
1365 in Merlin, Germany. Occupation, laborer.
Mother Louise Methilde LAMP? nee HENSCHM, born h
April 1891 in Merienterg, Germany.
Brothers Alfred KAMPF, born 14 May 19114 in Berlin, erI
Married to Ursula KAMPF on WINTS16 horn 16
1923 in Berlin. Three children:
Sister $ Margaret* WAG'S, no LAMP?, born 25 August 191
in neelin, Germany. bidow with three �Madras/.
Misplayed as clerk in food eters.
3. Educations Subject completed eight years of lementary
school in Berlin. 1935-1943. In 1943-1944 she attended a beFiesses
school in Berlin.
4. Mnplc7nent Record: In 1945 Subject worked as purcha inr
agent for a vegetable seller in Berlin. In 1947-1951 she wee
employed as a clerk and later an a supervisor in the records sectin
of the Berlin Magistrat, in the Trade and Welfare Section: I'rovi
April 1951 to 1959 she wee aap10704 as a secretary at the 26th
Oberechule, Stadibesirk Hitt*, Oet Berlin, the Magistrate Abteiltni:
VoIksausbildung. In 1950 sbe was traneferred to, a secretarial
position with the 13th Cberschule where she worked until 3 4anuar7
5. Political Bietory: Subject never applied for nor held
membership in any political party, either before or after 4orld Id
II. Nor was she ever active In any yeuth organizations. 5he as
frsn 1951 a member of the ?meloyee Trade Union of the Laeirt-wt,
which is ccmpulsory.
6. Last Address: 7rom birth to 3 January 1,61 Subject lived
with her parents at N-58, Wellinerstraese 54, Berlin Ost.
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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131896
Michel COINTIEWSICI awsicel Deem-40= - July 1961
Imegerd KAMM
Aim: 35
Dexk brown
165 pounds
Slaw en
Two moles din left cheek
combed straight biak
Aiwa - Jolly 1961
Marks z81,16latkor protruding front uper teeth
Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131896