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August 3, 1961
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Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 8 AUG fq-- MORANDum FOX.: The Director of Central hatelligesce 1115.1EC TS: Michel GOLENIZINSKI and frra1sr4Zara.t1 (nee KAMPF) 1. This snensoraodussi siaUeat. action oa the part I Director of Cesare' Intelligence. uch action is contaiaeu paragraph 10. 2. The Cleat, Lantern 5.:urope Jivision with the con;us-rs- of the CIA Defector Coordinator, has rooms:seeded that the c 6 be greeted permaamtt residance in the tlaited -UAW, under :A csi.ki, of the CIA At of 1949. as amended- (See Tab A) 3. The Chief. ast.ri /burlaps -Aviation, states that tie LI c pa/ subject, while serving as a I-dente:taut Colonel sad ! iteticr- Chief In the Varela* Department of Pelieh Intelligence at *CI &I Poland, operated in place for the Ageacy fres) April 1964 4 January 1941, when circu.mstatices necessitated his epen delecti. During this period he furnished very valuable information totic.hrid Polish and Resides% intelligence operations. lie and 'vulgar* his female female compaaion, fled to West Berlin, Germany, tui-i brought to the United States tinder parole to MA on 12 Januar,- i'ot I for further exploitation. 4. The Chief. aaLern Litrop�Jtvisia, states furthk,i, Lea. the principal subject ad married #-Jana MALIVOWSKI. 4 Viiii4V7, -n March 1946 and divorced her in 1937. On 7 Inkurch 1961, at r`a�lingu. Virginia, the **ejects were married and under the factuai circeres auc we believe this to be a valid marriage. However, MAC*, the 4 4.41C 1:4 Poland cannot be documented since the court orders were rstctne1 r 005.4.ENIEWSKI's official personnel folder. there may be 411-icar r affignitifkil in satisfying the Immigration service. Despite ttil problem, it was COW:140d it would be appropriate to forwart, tha case consistent with what we believe the legal marriage statv ,t attempt to s*tlsfy evidentiary requirements as may be requstyte,A. Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 S. At the ric144111t of the Chief. Lantern Zurope 6. Th. Alien Affairs Officer has advised that *inc* tie principal subject had been a member of the Communist Party frc- January 1946 until his defection, he is inadmissible to the United State* for permanent residence except through Section 7 ctici Under the present circumstances the wife would probably *e considered ineligible by Immigration and Naturalisation for admittance under the German quota. Consequently. &echo action is the only means whereby she may be given permanent rebid:nee in the United States at this time. 7. Investigations made abroad and in the United tit have established the wale fides of the subjects and there is* no i = -- nation known which would preclude favorable action on the recnr niendation for Section 7 action. O. The General Counsel is of the opinion that the orzbjec cases cams within the purview of Section 7 of the CIA Act of 1141: as amended, and the intent of Congress and has so indicates Oy sinning his signature to this memorandum. 9. in compliance with Part IL Paragraph 6(5)7 of 50-110 (HR (HR SO-I) of the CIA Manual of Regulations. the Snstera Xurope Division will assume responsibility for the subjecth vn_1 they are in the United States. 10. There has been prepared for your eignatore 4 iOttar to the Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalisation. (See Tab Pi) /-5"/ R. L. Banneratan Acting Director of tle,oiartV CON U R Deputy Director . . Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 1 August 1961 FOR: Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Admission of Michel OOLENINSEI and Irmgard War to the United States Imior the Provisions of Section 7, Public Law 110 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation sdbmitted for DCI approval. This recosmendation is contained in paragraph 3. 2. Michnl OOLEXIEWSKI, a Lieutenant Colonel and Section ieX in the Foreign Department of Polish Intelligence, first provide information and offered his cooperation to the United. States 14y. mailing 4 letter on 2 April 1956 to the U.S. Pilhasaador in Bwitzer- land. Until his defection to CIA in Berlin on 4 January 1961, OOLENIEWSKI cooperated in place,j Information originalky provided by OOLENIEWBEI was mme on.:y Jam to the Soviet spy ring in the United Kingkeil, five members of which were recently given prison sentences fov theft of British Karel secrets. OOLINIEWSKI and his wife, thz: former lrmgard KAMPF, are now in the United States and he it maklng a major contribution in the field of connter-intelligeme. He is also willing to cooperate with us in emplaning recruitment end/or defection leads which he may provide. Detailed :ustifl- cation for this reggest, together with the other reggired data is attached. 3. It is recommended that the entry of Adana GOYANIBMI and Irmgard nee EANW� his wife, into the U. S. under the Provi- sions of Section 7, PUblic Law 110, be approved. A stepchild and Child of Michel OOLKSIEWSKI are not to be included in this recom- mendation 'since they remain in Fbleind. Gordon M. Stewart ChiPf 'Eastern EuroPe Division cc: DWI 2- Attachments: A. Detailed Justification and Assessment B. Biographic Data )ed: Jarnr,s. ts Cttief, s CI nal? (b)(1) (b)(3) I Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 _JUNTInCLATMI AND AMESOMENT le Taylor of his 000peratics Laplace at the risk of his life, the commitment made to Ws at the time of his defeetion� am_ the value of his services to the muse of Western seourity, ye believe Athol GOLEXIEWSKI and Maya, ahead be granted peraement residence lathe United Oates under the Previsions of Section 7 of the =Act of 109. Other means, such as a private bill, Isru considered feasible toaegplarise their status. Thayer. premently In the United States under was. 2.. Theiirpncy of probationary entry into the United Mates justified at the time of his defection to, the tolLedawfnators a.MININWSKI defected from fear of his life* as he felt that the UN (Palish Intalligenos Nerviee) vas beecang suepiclaus of his double role* Is reenested aseurance he imadtm evamowledpomptly to the United States with bin companion. With Isadivartersperaissios, these assurancLm mere given him in Berlin. h. The speelel seourity faster is presented 'by the feat that he vas in lost Berlin am official business for the PIN and it weuld. be only a Obort time uatil his absence would be noticed. 'peed in evacuating him to a safe location was therefore essent4o34 and it was inconsistent both with the security requirements of the ease and the Agency COMilt� ASKO to him to beep him in the Federal leptiblic. e. Mere was keen interest in prompt mums, ma the part of the Federal &tram of Investigation* shish had fCUove the ease from its ineeptian. It was aloe considered impertac., in view of the swifts nature of his allegations about hostile penetration of various allied services* that be be debriefed at Neadgparters where all the various interests could be weighed together by responsible senior officials, rather than in the field* 3. The wet ioportant result of the operation so turbos been the vidsly publicised arrest of five members at an illegal eepionsem network in the United kingdom run by the In CNussian Intelligence Service The British arrests are the direct resul-,- f1.111 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 00ISIMSICI many months s4f4 telling us thst a had been rearmagod br tbo Pales Ails serving t4 1910endves currently being rue in rtt* rthe k. GOIANUMI bass identified throe Polish neynto in the Vni notes, new of iduna hod doverzsest positions or direct acmes to Classified sigitsriels. In addition: ha bias igoirlAsil infOrnstion which his led as ssif lead to ideabificationa aPPov- hasten, or conviction er hostile Wits In th* follertai sen- sitive 'coition* in friondlp +countries: 4p Aid* Ming letsff officer of the British Secret Intelltemoo Service 411-6). (miss &Used) V. A ponetretion of the Sermon intellisence Service NU:. go. A. A dumb source Who provides SATO documents. Alert rren tin awry Intianottan� Sobriering or Colonel OOLINISWOXI t13 grantliT =IMP UAL kno6o4Se iniminYnxisis whart intOrmation is doted or incooplete. Ammo* these topics or. thiP Soviet advisor system for saidames fad control of service effort*, the Selentlfic and Doehui,le or the Mimi= intelligens* Service; new mom. ions of the Zest Gorman Intelligence Service (S) vitt_ ran esverel jednt operstdonso and the personselosethoas 2 flrT Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 PF r ,T wazidagpactiees of the Polish Countorlmtelligenee Departmett Dopt. it of the US) end Ittlitery Sometexintelligence (00 which is else responsible for the seouriV or Us 4Smoodiogioso- No is stse empeble of making a worthnhils esatribution in the poolUve istalligsmas thielaseALAis in fast already provided interest:U:4 (WA es pine-perlet teneicms, particularly with regard to unastioravtor_ eeeperatica in the ataxic field. 7. Despite the fact that the PIS has mew eomoluded that; 001Maffda has defected to the looriesss, his vhsresbsuts &holm net be publicised. Tor this reason as well as U.S. tertian ba1t7 eensiderintleee tumor, io Do woo to moue um Tt *Mold be noted that SOLSKISVSKI enC. his female **pinion are legelly registered with the asmigmnttal and Saturalisetion Service, eratwill be legally marrieds* soon DO a divorce recognizable under U.S. low clan be secomplisbed. 8. le 'mines to the Mew cameitmemt to OOLINISWEIZI to +moot Maud, his wife is meeldents of the United, States and aid them in commenaing new lifs here, proept regalarisation of their SiattIO Win be OR important faator in easing the adjustment of 44121CW8KI end his wife, who is met witting to his intelligence past bet regard& blues e Fatah journalist who chose freedom. SCOXISWBSI he been fully cowerative to dem, bat unrest aad mervonsnees Oa the pert Of his wife has oompliested. his debriefing at time* end prolemped daay in regamrisiag their status adjAht heee a deleterions effect Voakis Prilsoot 000perative attitude as 11443. as daialtiag Piaaascl 1411211 jetich ei13. onsble than to live more normal lives. IWOMISOjects Niro bnt 0010Prok000tme notice] azgainstionb Agency physicians end there are no serious medical preblina at in evidence. MO serious 'mythological prOblems are ferseen which not inherent in the detester readjustment poetess 10, I ilk was fornerly married to a dertet national id* became eehinchreeic end trait who' he vas 10101327 divereed inside reload la does not have in his possession a copy of the divorce decree and CFT 3 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889 eiresestances, security considerations prevent cm beimp *tamed by aanuilassaa. Newever, full debriefing and interrosexton ea the eiroumetanose ot the divorce saunass us that the cireuestsnaet ef the divorce as he affirms timer* tree. IL. A datailad plan ter financial mad reeettlemert aia is beLne VierbOd out sadly= be presseted. for approval by DEV/COPS. It tsar be stated Oat army dais met play a large role In OCLEXIBM$Ire tintlea and that =Mar ba me his vita Ms yet astiallrid sij emeessive arivilag far luxurious livimg. Deqpite this, it is clear that the rahlhilitmtiou and resettlement of OOLDNINSEI in a nom. eatsupatiaa =du seem* aaadLtioaavill be a relatively long-rang* Phases* and Plibufttag Is presemtly being does to assure that the transition can be msde in a emeett orderly way. la. GUNNIMIlts motives ter his cooperation are very cowl, x. stetes that he beeeme oomvimeed that semeenise is ea Inhumane sad unworkable cream from isstattiag the excesees and intriguns inside the political and intelligence hiarerehy, and the systemetir sad vay in whiohthe lusalams exploited !plead for Their 01* Pirsmeeko oven decatring sod 111.SUILISj their zest loyal support eith the pat& causssist Party. A mere personal motive Is round is his statement that Pussies pressure and intrigues drove hi. fortar vita to the brink et inseuity. dhe is presext4 In Poland, SA in- surable sehlsophrenic. In view et the above eircuerbemees and the mpeeial ream! or 00111013WEI's past services to the United States am well es his Usk petaatial valua as a seems et CI imfammetien en the Polish 012d ISTIOt services, his entry into the United litotes under PL lio is considered to be folly justifiable. , Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131889