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August 3, 1961
PDF icon MICHAEL GOLENIEWSKI AND I[16098722].pdf411.05 KB
Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 SECRET MEM WM : Ibe Jirector of Central in SUHIE michal CsaLE Snore KAMP S.VISICI and Irmgar 1. This mornorandeto suggests active* on the Director of Ceatral Intelligence. Lasct* action is contained In paragraph 10. 2. The Chief. tastera L4arope isua. with the cvnc, of th. CIA Defector C,00rdinabter, has recommenced that tag be granted permanent residence ia the United States iisiColce 12 of the CIA .0,ct of 1949. as amended. (See Tab ) trt Ct 3. The Chief, 1.essere &ere,* Division, states that ti cipal subject. while serving as a lAeutenaat Colossal an* Chief in the Foreign Liepartment of Polish Intelligence at ,i4tritia Poland, operated La place for the Agency freri April 1956 *oda 4 January 1961, when circumstances necessitated his �pea *eicdL. During this period he furnished very valuable information u r Polish *ad Russian Intelligence operations. He and lerniarl his female compaaioa. fled to i�ileat Serlia, tiertriguey. anti �,7t.-2s brought to the Ueited itates ander parole to t.3.,A, oa 12 January lt for further exploitation. 4. The Chief. 4estere Ligrope itiIsia. states urbil- it L the principal subject hatt married A,ana MAL-14c March 1946 anti divorced her in 1957. On 7 March 1161, at rhea Virginia, the *abject, were married and natiTtr the factull tircwa. we believe this to be a. valid marriage. 1:101ThVer, since the ktive=e Poland cannot be documented sine* the court orders were rotalas. GOLENIEWSKI's official personnel folder, there may Je eitittei*tet difficulties in iatisfying the Immigration Service. Liespitd this problem, it was concluded it would be approfriate to forwat*:, case consistent with what ens believe the legal marriage statui attempt to satisfy evideetiary requirements as may be reeuratee. SECKT Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 003131879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 5. At the request of the Chief. Eastern urop. 6. The Alien Affairs Officer has advised that elate inks ubject had been & member of the Communist li�Urty ik =UT! until his defection,. lie is inadmiseible to the Unite States for permaaent residence except through dection 7 actioxl. Under the present circumstances the wife would probstely considered ineligible by Immigration and Naturalisation 1i admittance under the German quota. Consequently. Section action is the only means whereby she may be given permanent residence in the Uaited States at this time. 7. Investigatiens rtmoe abroad and in the United States have established the bun& fides of the subjects and there iv nu 121 made* known which would preclude favorable action on thr rcce - =Laudation for Section 7 action. S. The General Col:nisei is of the opinion that the auzjsci meet: come within the purview of Section 7 of the CIA iict of 194' , as annend04# and the Intent of Congress *Ad has *0 iadicateo ty) affixing his signature to this memorandum. 9. In compliance with Part U. Paragraph 6(n)7 of iectie 50-110 (MR 50-1) of the CIA Manual of Regulations. the gaitere JEurope Divisien will assume responsibility for the subjectwaJ they are in the United ftates. 10. There has been prepared for your signature a Aette r to the Commissioner to Immigration and Naturalisation. (bee Tab a) R. I.. Ban:tern lat Acting Director of Ssea.rity CONCURRENCE: Cieneral Counsel ��������������������� moray' .iiirector/ :Plans ..riSe;-- Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 3. August 1961 Director of Central Tntelligence SUBjEC'T: Admission of Nidhal GOLENIIIWSKI and Irmgard to the United States under the Provisions of Section 7, Public Law 110 1. This memorandum contains a recommendation eubmitted far DCI approval. This recommendation is contained in paragreph 3. 2. midi& magamma, & Lieutenant Colonel and Section Chit/ in the Pbreign Department of Faith Intelligence, first provided information and offered his cooperation to the United States 4 malting a letter on 2 April .1918 to the U.S. Ambassador in Switzer- lead. Until his defection to CIA in Berlin on 4 January 196.1, GOMM= cooperated Laplace, Information originally provided by GOLENIEWKI was the only lead to the Soviet spy ring in the United Elretov, five members of which were recently given prison sentences for theft of British Neva secrets. OOLSE1EW8KI and his wife, thu former lrmgard KAMPF, ars now in the United States and he is making a major contribution in the field of gounter-intelligetce. He ill also willing to cooperate with us in exploiting recruitteat and/or defection leads which he mar provide. Detailed justifi- cation for this reg.:est, together with the other required date, is attached.. 3. It is recommended that the entry of Michel GOLEN1EWSU and irmgard nee KAM, his wife, into the U. S. under the Provi- sions of Section 7, Public Law 110, be Approved. A stepchild mnd Child of Michel =MIAMI are not to be included in this recom- mendation since they remain in Poland. cc: DDCZ 2 Attachments: A. Detailed Justification and Agee:lament B. Biographic Data iicth :Ad n P. Let, CI 1tLff Gordon M. Stevert Chief Xestern Europe tdvisicei Approved ay: Dates A t77.7171 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 J :JUN=ATI AND NT 1. In view of his cooperation lapis's. at the risk of hle the commitment made to his at the time ef his detection., ant the value of his services to the esume of Western security, ye believe Michel 001=1WONX sad his vire should be granted penrunert residence in the United States under the /tarlatans at :cation 7 ct the CU Act or 1949. Other means such as elm-1mA. bill, are not considered feasible toresilarize their status. Therese presen in the United States under parole. 2. The urgency of probaticeary entry into the Vatted States vas Justified at the time of his defection by the fallowing factors a. SOUNXISRMI detested trot fear or as Ufe, as W tilt that the 0 (kaiak intalitionoo Setvios) vas becoming suapicioum of his double role. Ne reemesbal assurance he veu3A be evacuated prcelytly to the United States ilth his emipanion. With Neadoparters permission, these assurances vete given him in Derxlin. b. Ihe epeelal security factories presented by the fact that be is Fest Berlin ea official business for the PIS and it vauld be only a short time until his *Nonce yield be nattered. Speed in orscuatinm bin to a site loactioL was therefore essential, and it was incommistent both with the seeurity requirements of the ease and the Agency it- ^ _ to him to heap him in the Federal MOPublia. e. There was Wen interest in prompt access on the part of the Federal Sureau of Investigation., which had follows. the case trot its inception. It was ale oonsidered importamt. in view of the serious *stun of his allegations about hostile penetration GIC various gaited services that he be debmtered at Beadquarters vhere all the various interests (meld be weighed together by responsible senior officials, rather thar. in the field. 3. The most LortsEt result of the operation so tar hue been the widely Ub.Udsed arrest of five meMbers of an illegal espiceskir metro* in the Vatted EingOao r by ZOB (jeelan lutelligenct Service). The British arrests are the direst reem:Lt Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 - N of i leiter fri Cialnagala Dahl soatitts a, talialguil that a British nstict 3.Whom reoruLted by the Pnles while mervieg in Mend sbant MO and vos currently being sinainBrit0112 by the Soviets. 1 losidentitiel throe PoUnheigonts In the State*, naos of whom hal Ooverasent monitions or dixecT. 43401111aledslotecri4s* ilsalditteosAebaelgrondad istementiteivhich ham lotiorionylond to lemetUMWeldne4 *se- a' **aviation of hoetile *gents in the fallowing sen- titive mealtime in trieedly countries: am AU* vatInCeietc oftionr of tut British Seare ZahntLigemme Serviee (i4-6). (cam eloped) 1). A menstrstien of the Orman latellimmee Service ONLY Is g. A *arch ware who provide. documents. the ObOve intoesation, debriefing of Camel 411 gagray agar.UI.kaealosigo in mess where infOrmstion in gated or incopplste. Among Moos twigs are the Morift advisor *Wm for 1114411011 end control of swiss efforts, ths Scientific end Technise:. of the sulissaa Intaltalavve Iorrine; slay aspeata time of the Best Oarnen Intelligence Service (*tS) wit� several jeint qmerstions, and the pereonnelkestbods 2 171-71)rir Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 rirT III: 1 ltatIngicOsetials of VOA Pala COOAterietelliMem, De Dept. Zr of the tiD) end Kilitary Counterintelligonce (WSW) *doh is oleo reepausible for the neourity of the Amid Toms. le is als0 $$bia ot naking a vorththile contribution in the posittys intatiganne field sad hes in fact a1.rea4y prepriohtd interesting aitt on Siae-Boviet tensions, j?artioulioly vita mead to unertisfaetors esoperetion in the atonic field. 7. Duette the fact that the Mho* ;we emmaludadthat MAWS= has detested to the Americana, hie thereabouts Ovu14 not be publicised. For this reason as sell es U.S. rermian neli7 oonsiderstions there is ne plan to suttee bin It shenta be voted that OSIMUNNSKI end his female eaRatalea are legally rogiebwredteith the losismitioc end istandiestion Service, ends= be legally married, as soon at a divorce recognizable under u.O. 1mm eon be emeamplished. 8.la addition to the Avow commitment to OCLEUMMen to stompt his and his site as residents a the thittel States and aid thenin onessonSpg 0, new lifo bore, prompt reolarisation at their status sill be SA inportant factor in easing the adjestnent at efLONMSSICE and his sae, who is not -witting to his intolligemee post but regards his no a Pat* journalist 'who them triodes. DOWMIlla has been 11434 cooperative to date, but unrest and nerrOusnessanthe pert Of his wife has ocelplicated. his debriefing at tines *a prolOnaid delay in regplarining their status Iniat have & asistaisss street Voli his erosent coosorative attitude SO Vail. 0$ delairieg Ilesaed steps enable tai -U--live ems normal lives. Both Subjects him hd oceeprthansive isetioal ormaleat4.0ne bT Agency physicians and there are no serious medical prOanne now in et/donee. Ito serious peyebangigal pocklens are Meson *Lich torrAistnt vas fuzierlynarried to a Soviet national 'bobs-came and frog Shon he von 144014 divorced inside Pa3enes JO does not have la ble poseession a awry of the diver** decree and 3 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879 recastances,, securi4 considerations prevent coo beie4 Obtained *Ma neane� lamprer, fUll debriefing and interrceetich sm. the circuastanoes of the divorce eartrince us that the circuusbecoei. of the divorce as bs affirms the' are true. detailed plan for financial and irsoted out and irM be presented for approval by DISD OPS. be Stated tat Arno darts not play a largo role in GOLISMILKIes aetivation and that neither be mar Ids wife has yet dialoged au eresselve craving far luxurious Living. Deeptte this, it IS Callia that the rehabiliteA4= and zosettlaesst of COISSIMPRI ins. onrma isolation under 'sours conditional.= be a relative/4Y lang-ranak payees.; and germ% is presently being dam to assure that the tranattlen can be ands in le siowth ordsr3,y vay. 22. aleamompais motives for is cogyezation are veil cc*piix Zs states that he toms ccurinoed that eacrinaissisea inhumane ISZIrarkalls system frac ustehisia the faubliwns and intridlins inside the politica and intellimpnos hiarsrakft ant the BYPtaNitS'3 aM eallame way in ithsa Busistaus eragatted, Mind for their own purposes, even deceiving and nisusing their Mat 3al iuortru ifith the hail& Cossuniet torty. A awe perusal motive is toned his etatment tbat *simian pressure end intarlipmes drove las foe:Jar wife to the brink of insanity. She is presently in and, an in - amble sohlsqphrenic. 23. In Tient et the above eircumennees and the apecial value OSISSIIMISII's past services to tha United States as vell as hit hi...Potential valve as Wares of CI infonmetion en the Polish end Soviet servioes, big entry into the United States under IL uo is oonsidered to be PAU justifiable. a Approved for Release: 2022/08/01 C03131879