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PDF icon PROPOSED REVISIONS OF NSC[15723700].pdf457.56 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 SUBJECT reposed Revisions of NSCID No. 5 R E Depertiraent of the Navy draft. Security Council Directive No. 5 . Reference was prepared by the Department of the Navy as se emendation CU draft of a revised CW No. 5. It was subMtted at the 1.1eeting eLtC Sc for C respects the delel unacceptable. pur on 24 July 1951. and additions '1.)r opolv, of thisrr as well as to MOM iraposed changes. The ftu4awental objection to reference is that its propsa1 are ting . The primacy of the Director of Central intelligence respects, of the C nce and counterintelligence e Agency in matters of but eti1zgated in the National Security Act of 1947 a e Implementing dir ectives of the Notional Security Council. 4. Wore reference to be validated by all concerned, the eff eturn the U. S. tatcillgence cornunnthty to that condition of d lathe responsibilities which was injurious to U. S. interests e 1947 and which mode essential the passagu c1 the Notional SECRET '94V1,11 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 *clarity Act and the ent of a central intelligence agercy. The rv1sion of NSC1D � S proposed by the Central teU1gence Agency is based upon the side *C directive to the extent possible. It is cannot i States. Pr o tale a revision solely upon the Notional 5kcurity Act act is in the public domain. is not ciassifieC isione which concern the clandestine act1vitt at the United NSCW No. 54 and any revisions thereof. swat be desi nod which, by its 5. 6. The National$ty Act distinguish*, unrnietsk.l 7. aunt meet. and 'Intelligence affecting the nal tOUO1 security . rr,ed organised Fed pionage and counterespieriage in era o. 5. The proposed CIA outside the United States.... Wi � and the National Security Council t trnental intelligence and to assign prbnacy in the forrr o the Central e Agency is self-evident. This vital dietincti ed. in the Navy's proposed version. i the following sub-paragraphs no attempt efers to of been blurred to deal imposed by ref,ycuc. bit rather to ill strate, by citing the so 1011Ce ant of Congress. Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 ederal ) intelligence ct fr y be limn:we and cont NSCID No. 5 is clearly staLted. National ence conthicted abrJed� as gence activity 1i�i1ied for the a single Agency, are the province of the Ceiral elligence Agency, ing para �ponMbllity as a se concern. The effect of a. trunriber of passages in � 2. 4. go 96 1E4 and 12 make of the Central bitt one any b. The roo.a Vet elere � to destroy this concept avid Agency not a central lastior that there be a free esrhange counterintelligence information, both raw a f4,i4she , is t i put into effect, it wottid swamp the USC member agencies of infornatiot, inch of it highly sensitive, to the d efflcency and the national security. The Director of Central IntelligencE is charged by the National Security Act with the protection a inst elligence sources and methods. A free exchange of saw intelligence 170 make it e and impossible for c. lhe definition of d), C respous from the sense of the Na 115 the purpose of a by para. k o ref erence ional Se y 2;"Ct, S 5Ctlect ring the lit once 3 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 acdviUea of e evera1 Governnent interest of rational eecrity. The definition prtovof by 1 ervice relationships. not coordination. ewortkv that Title 1 of the National ecurtt d. It is Coordinating spec' role. n for National Security C assigned to the Central cafly allocated to the Direct N. 5. The affect of roferi nation (pares 6 and 7) withoa Central hatellig * tgerK: . Agency were oce by te present be to charge him with. insuring granting Um the coordinator le central e. Those provisions of the CIA draft which deal with liaison COZICer n contact niainttnad by a U.S. Agency with a clandestine service to deal matte . Within this realm the Direc al ge his r*ponsibWties for coor.iinthn. the ces and rr et a rit by all concerned. If. as reference proposes. y were rer.iy coordinated among the U. central point of reference. then confw rob lens woud Inevitably result. This Al 4 0, Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 VIT Trr, grr, ,,e unfortunate reeultn ensue when 1tMon approaches e 'raffle vitbout coordtnattQn with the central point of reference. a. The listing of the above changes proposed by reference are acceptable. It is considered, ratkt*r, that these objections go to the heart of the matter and demonstrate that the position advocated by reference az the position of this Agency are not dhergent but oncilably opposed rtment of the -by-point rebuttal of the Iwo the more fu4dar utal re frame of reference in which that position kiss been stated. Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Approved for Release: 10-1-9-/g/18 C03124788 TS #141599 Copy No. 3 IAC -D-1057-5� 9 July 1957 Draft INTELLIGENCE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Review of National Security Council Intelligence Directives References: IAC-M-292, item 3; IAC-M-287, item 10 1. Attached is a draft revision of National Security Council Directive No. 5, prepared pursuant to a recommendation of the President's Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities. Because this draft constitutes such an extensive revision of the text of the present NSCID No. 5, the prior practice of submitting a draft in which the old language is lined out and the new language underlined has not been followed in this case. 2. Members of the IAC working group on revision of the NSCID's will be notified by General Truscott's office when a meeting will be held to discuss this proposed revision of NSCID No. 5 and prepare a coordinated draft for submission to the IAC. Document No. - ----- No Change In Class. .1 Declassifies] Class. Changed to: TS Next Review Date; 70-3 Date: He el, �����.���Yr Secretary (b)(1) (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) .TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 zoe,xs-s- Approved for Release: Z01-9/156/18 C03124788 Ikaw TS W141599 IAC-D-105/5 9 July 1957 Draft NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 5 ESPIONAGE AND COUNTERINTELLIGENCE Pursuant to the provisions of Section 102 (d) of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, the National Security Council hereby authorizes and directs that: -X" 1.. The Central Intelligence Agency shall conduct all national espionage outside the United States and its possessions in order to meet the needs of all Departments and Agencies concerned, in con- nection with the national security, except for certain agreed activities by other Departments and Agencies. 2. The Central Intelligence Agency shall conduct all counter- intelligence outside the United States and its possessions, except that this authority shall not preclude the departmental counterintelligence activities, and certain agreed counterintelligence activities pertaining thereto, of other Departments and Agencies, necessary for the pro- tection of their respective personnel, operations, installations, material, and equipment. Each Department or Agency with personnel or installations located outside the United States and its possessions is responsible for the counterintelligence protection of such personnel or installations. 7t4 14"n , /04.41 ".04~0-44. A41:0, ECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Nor TS #141599 IAC-D-105/5 9 July 1957 Draft 3. For the purpose of this directive: E iori\a e is defined as the clandestine procurerIent of informa z,zr,". _ . ' t b. ounterintelligence is defined as thatAactivity, with its resultant product, which is u dertaken to pro ect the security of the nation, .nd its personnel an installations[a: r at3, against \ k espionage, counterespionage, sabota , and subver ion. As an activity, count rintelligence is the p cess of pro tiring,v\s. developing, and re rding information con erning esp\ nage, \ counterespionage, sa otage, and subversion airected ag inst the national security, a d of penetrating, mam ulating, o repressing individuals, gr ups, or organization conductin or capable of conducting, su acts. 4. The Central Intelligence Agency shall be responsible for maintaining as a service of common concern the central indices and records of foreign counterintelligence information. It shall be the obligation of the Departments and Agencies to assist the Central Intelligence Agency in the execution of this responsibility by contributing to the central file, ona continuing basis, all pertinent material col- lected by them. - - -T-OP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 %me _ Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 ikor TS #141599 IAC-D-105/5 9 July 1957 Draft 5. To promote the over-all interests of the U.S. intelligence community the Director of Central Intelligence shall, in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee, coordinate all activities authorized herein except in active theaters of war where U.S. forces are engaged in combat, in which event the provisions of paragraph 12, below, shall apply. 6. The Director of Central Intelligence shall coordinate foreign clandestine intelligence collection with overt collection abroad. He shall also insure in consultation with the Intelligence Advisory Committee that counterintelligence activity abroad is coordinated with the Depart- ments and Agencies responsible for domestic counterintelligence to the extent necessary to insure conformity with the policies enunciated by the National Security Council. The Director of Central Intelligence shall invite Departments and Agencies not permanent members of the Intelligence Advisory Committee which have counterintelligence responsibilities abroad to participate in the Intelligence Advisory Committee deliberations when counterintelligence matters affecting such responsibilities are under consideration. 7. Other Departments and Agencies shall assist the Central Intelligence Agency in its conduct of espionage by providing continuous - 3 - TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 rinArkla- El JOT) E Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 Nov TS #141599 IAC-D-105/5 9 July 1957 Draft and timely guidance, specific collection requirements, and assessments of intelligence information collected. 8. In the conduct of national espionage and counterintelligence the Director of Central Intelligence shall make arrangements with the Departments and Agencies for such cover support as may be needed by the Central Intelligence Agency. 9. In a foreign area other than an active theater of war where U.S. forces are engaged in combat, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U.S. repre- sentative appropriately advised of U. S. espionage and counterintelli- gence activities conducted in or from the area. 10. In a foreign area where major U.S. military commands are stationed, the designated representative of the Director of Central Intelligence shall keep the senior U.S. military commanders informed of the espionage and counterintelligence operations conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency in or from the area in direct support of the commanders. 11. The Central Intelligence Agency is responsible for the establishment, conduct, and development of liaison concerning clandestine matters with foreign intelligence and security services. - 4 - --RIP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 -- Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 -wirr TS #141599 IAC-D-105/5 9 July 1957 Draft Other Departments and Agencies may conduct liaison on non-clan- destine matters with foreign intelligence and security services as required for the proper execution of their missions. However, all liaison which concerns or affects clandestine matters shall be coor- dinated in advance and on a continuing basis with the Central Intelligence Agency in order to insure that such relationships are beneficial to the over-all clandestine interests of the U.S. 12. In active theaters of war where U.S. forces are engaged in combat: a. All resources of the Central Intelligence Agency shall be included in a CIA Theater Force and, through the CIA commander thereof, shall provide espionage and counterintelli- gence support to military operations in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Military Theater Commander or the Joint Chiefs of Staff. b. Such exceptional espionage and counterintelligence operations as may be conducted by the CIA Theater Force in support of national requirements as distinguished from those operations conducted in support of the Military Theater 5 -T-0P-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788 ApprovewdlOriief=."16170.9/18 C03124788 TS #141599 IAC-D-105/5 9 July 1957 Draft Commander shall be coordinated by the Director of Central Intelligence with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. c. The Director of Central Intelligence and the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall establish procedures for the coordination of liaison between U.S. military commanders and foreign services concerning clandestine matters. 6 -FOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/18 C03124788