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Publication Date: 
March 2, 1962
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Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 C03034902 0 2 March 1962 MEMORANDUM row THE RECORD SUBJECT: DDI/ONE - Consultants 1. On 23 February 1 met with Miss Frances Douglas, DDI/ONE, to obtain information regarding the manner in which ONE used the 19 individuals appearing on the Office of Personnel's Summary of Consultants. 2. Miss Douglas advised that this group of individuals was otherwise known as the Princeton Panel" and met approximately four times a year for two day sessions at Princeton, New Jersey; that the attendance at these meetings was approximately 20-43 or 14 being consultants, the balance Agency personnel; and that the purpose of such meetings was to consider the substance contained in National Estimates drafts. 3. Misr Douglas corrected the Summary by adding the names )of Lindbeck, Pye and Pugh, bringing the current total of consultants up to 22. 4. In discussing this Panel it was learned that 16 served with compensation ($50 a day), the remaining six WOC. The majority of the members are historians and members of the staff of various universities, the balance being made up of the heads of several nonprofit organisations, and retired military. Of the ZZ individuals, Approved for Release 2018/07/24 C03034902 tlrnmr-r� Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 C03034902 -WOW it seems that 11 are former Agency employees. The Panel convenes at the call of the Agency and its meetings are chaired by an Agency member. ONE has no contracts with any of the institutes in which Its Panel member!, are associated. 5 The identity of the ONE consultants and the affiliation of each is a� follows: Date of Name Appoint. Organisation Armstrong, Hamilton F. 4/52 Princeton, Foreign Affairs Quarterly Billinkton, James H. 7/59 Princeton, Department of History 11/56 Princeton, Professor of History Black, Cyril E. /Bowie, Robert It. Bull, Harold R. 10/57 Harvard, Center for International Affairs 1/58 Retired Military (b)(3) Hoover, Calvin B. Knorr, Klaus E. Langer, William L. Lincoln, George A. 9/51 Duke University, Chairman, Department of Economics 11/54 Princeton, Center for Advanced Studies 1/52 Harvard, Professor of History 6/53 U. S. Military Academy, Professor of History Lindbeck, John 11/61 Harvard, East Asian Research Center itze Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 C03034902 ernnri- Approved for Release: 2018/07/24C03034902 .11�1� Date cot Name Appoint. Organisation Linder, � 2/56 Export-Import Bank, President Milliken, Max F. 1/54 MIT, CENIS Mossit, Philip E. 5/52 Director, Council on Foreign Relations (b)(3 (b)(6 10/61 MIT, CENTS, Professor, Political Science (b)(6) Sontag Raymond $trayer Joseph Per Yanslyck, DeForest Young, T. CuyIer Y 0 suer of History 9/52 Princeton, Professor of History 10/60 Unknown 6/52 Princeton, Department of Oriental Studies ROBERT 3. BLADERGROEN Assistant General Counsel -3- In re-2 nry E Et Approved for Release 2018/07/24 C03034902 Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 C03034902 TAB Approved for Release: 2018/07/24 C03034902