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August 24, 1959
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11:7111�SECRET� 3-5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 24 August 1959 Copy No. C CENTRAL P!') INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. _70. NO CHANGE IN CLASS.)r LI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE. LA) 401.261EviEwER -MID-SECRET- 77/7 A Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03029878 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03029878 � ',WE imilrEWVAMII= P SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03029878 TrIP QPPPPT Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03029878 24 AUGUST 1959 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Khrushchev assures Nasir he will make no Middle Eastern agree ments with President Eisenhower behind Nasir's back; agreement on additional Soviet arms for UAR expected shortly. Ulbricht meeting with Khrushchev; East German officials allegedly fear Khrushchev will concede too much on Germany. Hanoi broadcasts charge Saigon with involvement in Laotian situ- ation and carry Laotian Communist call for realignment of Laotian for- eign policy and for coalition govern- ment. II. ASIA-AFRICA Nehru wishes to visit Tehran after a scheduled three-day visit to Kabul in mid- September . Noe - j it' f ' � TOP SECRET Iraq--US Embassy doubts that anti- Communists or Communists feel strong enough for coup now, but more incidents of violence could force the hand of either. Ethiopia--Assassination of Haile Selassie reportedly planned for 24 August. III. THE WEST De Gaulle, in talks with UN Secre- tary General, ruled out political negotiations with Algerian rebel premier and gave no indications of major change in France's Algerian policy. British-Maldivian negotiations at an impasse over terms for key RAF base on southernmost atoll. Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03029878 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03029878 %owl - ,)1.A.A(G1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN f4- 51 24 August 1959 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-UAR:apersonal letter from Khrushchev to Egyp- tian President Nasir on the forthcoming trip to the United States was delivered on 15 August by the Soviet charg�n Cairo, The Soviet premier explained the purpose of his exchange of visits with Pres- ident Eisenhower and offered assurances that he would make no agreements behind Nasir's back. Khrushchev asked for Nasir's views on probable American proposals for the Middle East and expressed fear that President Eisenhower would sug- gest an arms embargo for the area, opposition to which would place the USSR in an awkward positioS Negotiations now are in progress in Moscow concerning the supply of additional arms to the UAR, and an official agree- ment is expected to be concluded shortly. USSR-East Germany! Ipast "Gerrman party leader Ulbricht, who is conferring with Khrushchev at the Black Sea resort at Sochi on current strategy, fears that the Soviet leader may not hold to previously agreed positions on Germany and Berlin, O Therefore, Ulbricht "intends to stay as close as possible" to Khrushchev to keep him from wavering and may remain in the USSR until the Soviet leader leaves for the United States, Other East German officials also have expressed concern that Khru- shchev may concede too much during his talks with the Pres- ident. An East German party plenum scheduled for late August has been postponed pending Ulbricht's return-1 � 41A4' 'g.;;;-",c ;.. � . . WWW.W. WWWW% .WWWW, W.% WWWW, . LaoS: A statement broadcast from Hanoi on 21 August, but attributed to a spokesman of the Laotian Communist front, calls �