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Document Creation Date: 
December 28, 2022
Document Release Date: 
July 18, 2018
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Publication Date: 
October 30, 1965
Approved for Release: 2018/07/16 C03022728 ll11.4%.41\1.J jaW posli; 103 (b)(3) OCI No. 2787-65 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Office of Current Intelligence 30 October 1965 INTELLIGENCE MEMORANDUM The Indonesian Situation (Report #46 - As of 4:00 PM EDT) 1, President Sukarno met again last night with the Supreme Operations Command (KOTI). Afterward, Sukarno-oriented Information Minister Achmadi told the press that Sukarno felt that security in Central Java had returned to normal. Sukarno obviously wants to avoid having to denounce or even mention the rising armed PKI activity in both East and Central Java. 2. The army announced today that 50 Communists were killed in a "battle" with air force troops near the central Javanese city of Jogjakarta. According to unconfirmed press reports, 51 anti-Communists Moslem youths were recently killed by Communist terrorists in East Java. The army has previously stated that Communists have killed over 200 persons in East and Central Java since 30 September. 3, The Indonesian Minister of Interior has announced the firing of the Communist mayor of Surabaya, Indonesia's second largest city and capital of East Java. The army in Surabaya has now begun a roundup of key Communist leaders and cadres. According to previous reports, the crackdown had been delayed pending the arrival of troop reinforcements from other areas. 4. The campaign against Foreign Minister Subandrio appears to still be gathering steam. A Moslem newspaper and a leading Moslem political organization yesterday openly called for the expulsion of Subandrio from the SECRET Approved for Release: 2018/07/16 C03022728 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2018/07/16 C03022728 cabinet. According to an unconfirmed press report, Subandrio has now been replaced as head of the Central Intelligence Bureau (BPI) by an army general. 5. In the most recent development in the current Peking-Djakarta riff, Indonesia has sudpended its exports to Communist China. No press announcement to this effect has yet appeared, possibly because Sukarno has not been consulted, or if consulted did not agree. -2- SECRET Approved for Release: 2018/07/16 C03022728