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Publication Date: 
May 27, 1952
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Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C03022306 T --reme-me. - FEB 1952 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CLASSIFICATION COUNTRY Cuba SUBJECT Formation Or DATE OF INFO. PLACE ACQUIRED IAL SECURITY I NFORNAT I ON INFORMATION REPORT REPORT NO. Batista 60=4 ;'� rti �r fi� CiiiCULATE CD NO. (b)(3 DATE DISTR. 27 WY 1952 NO.OFPAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. MASTED BELOW) SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. (b)(1) (b)(3) THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES, WITNIN THE NEANINGOPTITLE 18, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE U.S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REVE- LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT OT AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS PROHIBITED BV LAW. THE REPRODUCTION OF THIS FORM IS PROHIBITED. SOURCE THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION (b)(1) (b)(3) 1. The Partido Socialista Popular (PSP, Cuban Communist Party) held a meeting recently to determine what position it should take in the anti-Batista opposition which is forming now. The Ortodox� opposition group bas already invited the Communists to join a conspiracy led by Aurelian� Sanchez Arango, but the leaders of the Autentico opposition group are strongly Opposed to uniting with the Communists. For this reason the Communist position is still in doubt. At the present time the Communists are endeavoring to find out from the Autentico leaders what conditions are required to permit their entry into the conspiracy. 2. Sanchez Arango, former Minister of State, is at present in GuatmaelaJ The Caribbean Legion with hes&quarters in Guatemala, is collaborating with Sanchez Arango in this matter. (b)(1) 3, the rebellion in Cuba will be started by labor groups (b)(3) and those voters who are still loyal within the Partici� Popular Cuban� 1Ortodoxo) (PVC (0)) and the Partido Revolucionario Cuban� (Autentieo) PRC (A)). Thee* groups will be supported by the Communists and by members of the armed forees who are still loyal to ex-President Carlos Prio Bocarras, a strong nucleus of whom still exists in the Army. As yet, no date has been set for the action against the Batista government. (W(1) logically in a position to be aware of such. a conspiracy, (b)(3) have confirmed the foregoing information. In addition, they gay that certain labor leaders who have close connections with "revolutionary groups"2 have approached the latter in hopes that they will join the conspiracy, because the *success of the movement is assured" and by joining now they will benefit more financially speaking, than by joininkIlater, Many other labor leaders comPaitted to the Autentico Party have also joined the movement. CeASSIFICATioN .9-313431E161:7;14 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C03022306 Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C03022306 C 5. Another group which has aligned itself enthusiastically with this conspiracy is the Accion Rev-olucionaria Guiteras (ARG). The leaders of this group, Eufemio Fernandez Ortega and Jesus Gonzalez Cartas ("El Extrano"), are in Guatemala, reportedly in close contact with Sanchez Arangoo 6. Carlos Prio Socarras 113 contributing $20,000 a month to take care of the initial preparation expenses, and he will increase this sum whenever such increase is necessary to obtain the eventual success of the conspiracy. � (b)(1) 7. The conspirators find inspiration by comparing their plans with the (b)(3) success of the recent revolution in Bolivia. In that example the people - mainly the workers - properly armed, defeated the Bolivian Army, 2 (b)(3 Comment.: indicated that Aurelian� Sanchez:Arango was clandestinely in Babana, meeting with Ortodoxo and Autentico (b)(3) leaders to plan A counter-revolution. Comment: By 'revolutionary groups" it is believed that means such political gangster groups as the Union Insurreccionaria Revolucionaria (up) and the Movimiento Socialista Revolucionari(b)MR). (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2023/06/07 C03022306