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Approved for Rele; 2019/09"6 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN co30204 eD/47,61 3.5(c) 30 December 1955 Copy No. 103 DOCUMENT NO, -3 z NO CHANGE IN CLASS. IIS CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 2010 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: 1. VIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -47 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Nor' NNW, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 vrrl Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Nispi *me CONTENTS 1. BULGANIN AND KHRUSHCHEV SUPREME SOVIET SPEECHES (page 3). 2. NASR CITES OBJECTIONS TO WESTERN OFFER ON HIGH DAM (page 4). 3. THAI GOVERNMENT CRITIC MAY VISIT COMMUNIST CHINA (page 5). 4. IRAQI PREMIER REPORTEDLY THREATENS TO QUIT BAGHDAD PACT page 6). 5. BONN'S CHOICE FOR moscpow POST PLAYS DOWN ITS IMPORTANCE (page 7). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION ;page 8) 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 1. BULGANIN AND KHRUSHCHEV SUPREME SOVIET SPEECHES The speeches of Premier Bulganin and party secretary Khrushchev be- fore the SuPreme Soviet on 29 Decem- ber revive strongly anti-Western themes and make it clear that Moscow now considers the "spirit of Geneva" a monopoly of the Sino-Soviet bloc and such states as India, Burma and Afghanistan. Khrushchev made the strongest attack against President Eisenhower since the summit conference. Khrushchev boasted of the USSR's re- taliatory capability by asserting that the Soviet hydrogen bomb "can be considerably increased in power." Neither speech contained any reference to outlawing war as a means of solving international disputes--a point mentioned several times in the Soviet-Indian declaration. Khrushchev reiterated that the USSR in- tends to fulfill the promises of economic and political sup- port to Asian countries made by the Soviet leaders while thay were in the area. Both leaders attacked the Baghdad pact and warned Iran and Pakistan of the consequences of com- mitting themselves to Western-sponsored alignments. Khru- shchev expressed sympathy for the Arabs and said that "from the first day of its existence, the state of Israel has been tak- ing a hostile, threatening position toward its neighbors." Both speeches pictured the USSR as strong internally, confident of further successes in foreign affairs, and capable of standing up against the West in all categories of military strength. 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Now 2. NASR CITES OBJECTIONS TO WESTERN OFFER ON HIGH DAM Egypt's Prime Minister Nasr and Finance Minister Kaissouni are dis- turbed by the conditions placed by the International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development on its loan to finance Egypt's pro- posed high dam. Nasr told Ambassador Byroade on 27 December that in his preliminary view, the language of the bank's letter of intent appears to give it complete control over the Egyptian economy. Nasr foresees, for example, the possibility that if Egypt were forced to pur- chase still more arms to counter Israeli purchases, the bank would be in a position to cancel the high dam project. Comment The conditions under which an IBRD loan is likely to be granted are almost certain to lead Nasr and his advisers to consider more seriously an offer from the USSR, particularly if the Soviet offer appears to lbe "without strings." 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 3. THAI GOVERNMENT CRITIC MAY VISIT COMMUNIST CHINA Thep Chotinuchit, a member of the Thai parliament and leading critic of the government, has applied to the British embassy in Bangkok for a visa, presumably for transit through Hong Kong to Communist China. The British state that since Thep possesses a valid passport, issued in 1954, they will have little choice but to grant him a visa unless officially requested by the Thai government not to do so. Comment Early this month Peiping invited Thep, Thailand's most articulate advocate of neutralism, to visit China. Thep reportedly has planned to take with him a large group of student and business lead- ers and newsmen. Premier Phibun has publicly professed opposition to Thep's making the trip, but he has privately said that if Thep has a valid passport, the government can- not prevent his departure. if Thep is permitted to make the trip, the glowing reports of Communist China likely to be brought back may make possible a "psychological breakthrough" in Thailand of great value to Peiping. 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09)16 C03020473 _ _ Noe Nor 4. IRAQI PREMIER REPORTEDLY THREATENS TO QUIT BAGHDAD PACT Comment Nun's reported threat would be in line with his increasing concern over Iraq's position as the sole Arab member of the pact. The subsequent British failure to induce Jordan to join the pact has probably increased this concern and underscored the fact that there are no other likely Arab prospects. Iraq's isolation, plus its failure to ob- tain the benefits anticipated from joining the pact, may cause it to withdraw from active participation in "north- ern tier" defense. 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 rt to re ern, vier Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 �TPY 5. BONN'S CHOICE FOR MOSCOW POST PLAYS DOWN ITS IMPORTANCE he appointment of Wilhelm Haas, est German ambassador to Tur- ey since 1952, as ambassador to he Soviet Union suggests that Bonn does not wish to emphasize the importance of the new diplomatic connection. News of Haas' appointment was confirmed to American representatives by a Bonn For- eign Ministry source on 28 December. Previous specu- lation had been concerned only with top officials in Bonn, and Haas, in his standing at home, contrasts sharply with Soviet deputy foreign minister Zorin, who recently took up his post in Bonn as Moscow's ambassador. Haas, now 59, served in various Ger- man foreign service posts between 1922 and 1937, but has no experience in the USSR. He was recalled to the Foreign Ministry when the Federal Republic was set up in 1949, and served for a time in 1951 as personnel chief. 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 tY1 lkirir& ktPri_A I Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473 THE ARABS-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 29 December Israel claims that a small Egyptian force briefly occupied a disputed hill near the Gaza strip on 28 De- cember. An accumulation of such incidents in the past has led to Israeli retaliation. The American military attach�n Israel has noted a substantial increase in the number of tank trans- porters and prime movers in Ramat Gan motor park in Tel Aviv. This park is normally used as an assembly point dur- ing Israeli army mobilization. An assembly of civilian vehi- cles and drivers usually follows the departure of tank trans- porters from the park when a large-scale mobilization is under way. On 27 December all Isradeli newspapers carried a story presumably inspired by the Israeli army call- ing attention to the considerable increase in Arab military strength expected during the coming year. The newspapers elaborated on statements made by Israeli chief of staff Dayan to the effect that Israel's superiority was diminishing daily. The domestic effect of this type of reporting is likely to be a rise in war fever. although it is nrobablv designed to influence world opinion Press reports from Tel Aviv state that Prime Minister Ben-Gurion's tough line toward the Arabs has been supported by his Mapai party after three days of debate. It is doubtful that his victory is as clear-cut as the vote of con- fidence would imply. Considerable dissatisfaction with his assumption of "dictatorial" powers over security matters prob- ably still exists. The long-standing differences between Ben- Gurion and Foreign Minister Sharett appear to have been brought to a new peak by this debate, and Sharett may now resign. A likely replacement would be former defense minister Lavon, who at one time reportedly was Ben-Gurion's protege. 30 Dec 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03020473