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November 27, 1955
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pproved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO3019095 re#121: 27 November 1955 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Top SECRET Copy No. 100 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUNir NT NO NC) CHANGE IN CLA3r, DhotAsciPIE�i) Cl CHANGED TO: TS S C NF-X7 REVIEW ['ATE AUTH HR 70-2 DATE � 4:ar. I. [VIEWER; R) 111 Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 'rtiood Nuoi, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Now, Nue J. .6.1tn ..11-.1 � H CONTENTS 1. PRESIDENT DIEM'S BROTHER COMMENTS ON SEATO (page 3). 2. INDIA UNLIKELY TO SUPPORT RESOLUTION CENSURING PATHET LAO (page 4). 3. AMERICAN FIRM REPORTS ON RELATIONS WITH AFGHAN GOVERNMENT (page 5). 4. STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARED ON CYPRUS (page 6). 27 Nov 55 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 7) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 or" n r*., nor rr Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 I kir 1. PRESIDENT DIEM'S BROTHER COMMENTS ON SEATO President Diem's brother and princi- pal adviser, Ngo Dinh Nhu, believes the military value of SEATO is greatly overrated by British Commissioner General for Southeast Asia Sir Robert Scott, who recently visited the Indochina states. Nhu thinks Scott's suggestion of the possible future adherence of Indonesia and Burma to SEATO is academic and observes that combining mili- tarily weak states in Southeast sia to the neitralist states would be adding "zero to zero." Comment President Diem has recently been show- ing interest in a more formal association with SEATO. However, his brother's opinions, which nor- mally carry weight in the development of South Vietnamese policy, may cause Diem to temper his attitude toward the Manila pact organization. 27 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 s-v. 1.1 Ps-J Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 � 1.."11.41...111..L.4 Nue' 2. INDIA UNLIKELY TO SUPPORT RESOLUTION CENSURING PATHET LAO In a conversation with the Indian chair- man of the International Control Com- mission in Laos, Ambassador Yost gained the impression that New Delhi is now chiefly concerned with prevent- ing an intensification of hostilities in Laos and is most unlikely to join in any report condemning either party. The chairman pointed out his government had failed to censure the Diem government for its failure to comply with the terms of the Geneva accords and is therefore now reluctant to de- nounce the Pathet Lao. The Indian chairman in Phnom Penh, meanwhile, told Ambassador McClintock on 24 November he is convinced the Laotian problem is linked to that of Vietnam and that the probable indefinite partitioning of Vietnam would lead to a de facto partitioning of Laos. Comment Failure of the control commission to support the royal government's case against the Pathet Lao before the Geneva co-chairmen would probably serve further to persuade Laotian govern- ment leaders that a military offensive, despite insufficient logistic resources, is the only alternative to a partition of the country. 27 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 "T'Z'a Iri r-ir Fin, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 4 %." 4 ha' .1.-11.,1%.4.4 Nue' 3. AMERICAN FIRM REPORTS ON RELATIONS WITH AFGHAN GOVERNMENT bfficials of an American construction company, believe Afghanistan is "very rapidly join- ing Russia" and that it is time for the company's position in the country to be clarified, Kabul has (a) ordered all shipments stopped until the firm can guarantee uninterrupted passage through Pakistan, (b) requested that, failing this, the firm explore routes through Iran, and (c) requested in writing that the firm per- mit Afghanistan to participate in handling land shipments by "unspecified routes." The company officials said they had heard other importers had been instructed to start shipping via Russia. 27 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 4*-11-1 rye', var. Pr, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Nose NNW 4. STATE OF EMERGENCY DECLARED ON CYPRUS The British declaration of a state of emergency on Cyprus on 26 November is partly a reaction to the mounting tide of violence and guerrilla attacks by Cypriot terrorists and is intended as a stern warning of Britain's determi- nation to restore order in the colony. On 25 November the terrorist organi- zation EOKA issued a call for "retri- bution in blood" and Cypriot National- ist leader Archbishop Makarios indi- cated to the American consul in Nicosia his belief that London would soon be forced to give Cyprus an unconditional guarantee of self-determination. Makarios has already rejected London's latest�and not yet public--reiteration of its offer of "a large measure of" self-government, which for the first time included an offer to consider Cypriot self-determi- nation at some unspecified future time. In denouncing the emergency declaration, which touched off a new wave of Nationalist violence, Makarios appears publicly to have aligned himself with the Nationalist extremists. London, for prestige and strategic reasons, and because of strong reaction from Turkey, will probably refuse any further concession toward self- determination. Since Makarios probably could not accept the British plan in any case without forfeiting his leader- ship of the Cypriot cause, the prospect is for a period of violence bordering on guerrilla operations, with the possi- bility of incidents involving American personnel. 27 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 irrA Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 1.1.L.1%,+1 %LI NNW' THE ARAB- IS RAE LI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 27 November) Incidents continue to be reported on Israel's frontiers with Egypt and Jordan. The Israeli army's listing of incidents, including two casualties, suggests that it is continuing to prepare the record in anticipation of retaliatory action. (Press) The Jordanians are taking additional steps to tighten border security between Jordan and Israel and to prevent Arab infiltrations into Israel. General Glubb, commander in chief of the Jordanian Arab Legioni believes Egyptians in Jordan are not only directing commando raids into Israel, but are also instilling such dissatisfaction with British leadership of the Arab Legion that it ultimately may have to be withdrawn. General Glubb fears Cairo may hope, with Saudi Arabian assistance, to bring about a coup d'etat in Jordan and establish an Egyptian satellite re- public. Egyptian minister of war Amir, who is also commander in chief of the armed forces, is currently conducting military talks in Damascus, and has publicly pro- claimed his objective as making "the Arab states one state and the Arab armies one army." In New York, the Egyptian deputy foreign minister said on 25 November that Egypt would accept outside mediation on the Palestine situation but would not agree to direct meetings between the Arab states and Israel. At the same time recent press reports have been indicating that Marshal Tito, who probably would welcome the opportunity, might act as a possible mediator in the dispute. Tito is expecting to start his visit to Egypt on 20 December. There is no indication he will stop in Israel. He told Secre- tary Dulles on 7 November, however, he would point out to Nasr and all the Arab states that they must recognize the fact that Israel has become a state. Further indication that King Saud intends to maintain close relations with the US, at least for the present, 27 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Pr" 11 r:Iff 11 ry Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095 Nine' while King Saud would not seek a meeting with the Soviet leaders, he might en- counter them during the course of his two-week tour which began on 26 November. Crown Prince Faisal had advised the king on 20 November to avoid a meeting with the Soviet leaders. Following up the recent French agreement to resume shipments of jet planes to Egypt, France has re- portedly signed contracts to sell Mystere Mark II aircraft to Israel, according to a Paris press report of 26 November. However, the French counselor in Tel Aviv told an American embassy official on 23 November that Israel is no longer in- terested in obtaining Mark II Mysteres because there is doubt that these planes can compete with MIG-15's. Israel, he said, would like to get Mark IV Mysteres but the French government has thus far made no commitment to deliver Mark IV's. It is part of the French plan to balance arms shipments to Egypt by authorizing delivery of Mystere jets to Israel. Israel is most anxious to obtain F.-86 jet aircraft from the US and from Canada. Israeli officials have suggested to the American air attach�n Tel Aviv that if the F-86's were delivered. Israel might drop efforts to procure Mysteres. 27 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SniVrT Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019095