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Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 F.A/ SECRET 26 November 1955 Copy No. 1011 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. _IL NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Li DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 2010 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: A t) VIEWER; Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET // 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Nei Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 NWT CONTENTS 1. FAURE THINKS HIS OVERTHROW IS LIKELY (page 3 2. VENEZUELA REPORTED TRAINING COSTA RICANS PLANNING REVOLUTION (page 4). 3. PEIPING SHOWS IMPATIENCE WITH JOHNSON-WANG TALKS IN GENEVA (page 5). 4. TURKEY AND IRAQ TO PRESS FOR JORDAN'S ADHERENCE TO BAGHDAD PACT (page 6). 5. GREEK PRIME MINISTER PESSIMISTIC ON RELATIONS WITH TURKEY (page 7). 6. BURMESE COMMUNIST LEADER MAY BE NEGOTIATING FOR AMNESTY (page 8). * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 C eel D Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 A ��..." L-46., I 1.1-4 441or Nee 1. FAURE THINKS HIS OVERTHROW IS LIKELY French premier Faure told Ambassador Dillon on 24 November that he would probably be overthrown before he could get the National Assembly to set a defi- nate date for elections. The embassy points out that the govern- ment's position has weakened seriously since the failure of the premier's effort to have elections held in December., Faure's call for a vote of confidence on dissolution of the assembly in February is an effort to counter attempts by his opponents to avoid the election issue by overthrowing him on general policy. Comment Heretofore, one of Faure's strongest crutches was the deputies' conviction that it would be difficult to reach agreement on a successor. His opponents have been encouraged to seek his downfall now by his acceptance of Communist support on the early election issue and by the growing support for an electoral system of single-deputy districts to replace the current de- partment-wide balloting. A new premier, possibly Mendes-France, might be invested on the promise of elections as soon as electoral reform is accomplished. Since redistricting, which would be necessary for single-deputy constituencies, would alter the representation of over 50 percent of the departments, the Mendes-France forces could expect the assembly to wrangle long enough over the proposed changes to give Mendes-France the campaigning time he wants. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 rflri er.rPrrr Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 I II-f 2. VENEZUELA REPORTED TRAINING COSTA RICANS PLANNING REVOLUTION Foreign Minister Esquivel told , American ambassador Woodward in San Jose on 23 November that "about 500" Costa Ricans are beipg trained in Venezuela by the Caracas government for an attack on Costa Rica. Costa Rican defense officials speculate that plans may call for an invasion and a simultaneous internal uprising. Comment The Venezuelan regime, which as- sisted Nicaragua in promoting the invasion of Costa Rica last January by Costa Rican exiles, hates and distrusts the Figueres administration for its past aggressive championship of democracy and its tolerant attitude toward the activities of Venezuelan exiles. A number of participants in the January in- vasion went to Venezuela from Nicaragua last March at Venezuelan expense. Teodoro Picado, Jr., military leader of the January attempt and son of a former Costa Rican president, Venezuela was supplying the Costa Rican "revolutionary forces" and that an attack would be launched in December by "a number of planeloads of troops" landed on airfields seized by "hired rebels." 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 T('1,1 c", r1.-1 rs Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 003019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 I %.,,s vs..4 a L N." 3. PEIPING SHOWS IMPATIENCE WITH JOHNSON-WANG TALKS IN GENEVA Peiping's impatience with the lack of progress in the ambassadorial talks at Geneva has been evident in several recent statements accusing the United States of "stalling" and asserting that the talks cannot be "prolonged indefinately." Deputy Premier Chen I, speaking to a visiting East German group, has made the most belli- cose of these statements, saying Taiwan will be invaded if the talks break down. Chen, the long-time commander of all military forces in East China, called attention to the "rapid" construction of Fukien Province's first rail line, the building of "numerous" ships, and the construction of "numerous" air bases along the coast. five of the nine fields in the coastal area on which work was started this year are now capable of use. Unusual move- ments of MIG jet fighters in Manchuria, and a recent formidable in- crease in antiaircraft artillery weapons at at least three of the five serviceable coastal fields may point to their early occupation by Communist air units. While apparently not yet capable of a successful Taiwan invasion, the Communists can at any time step up their military pressure on the offshore islands. Such a move would lend substance to Communist threats and would probably be aimed at strengthening Pei7ing's bargain- ing position at Geneva. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 FT'rin Cv r:I" n riot, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 I LAE Noe vair" 4. TURKEY AND IRAQ TO PRESS FOR JORDAN'S ADHERENCE TO BAGHDAD PACT Iraqi prime minister Nun i and Turkish prime minister Menderes are notifying Jordan they "will extend some arms and economic aid" if Amman decides to join the Baghdad pact, according to the American em- bassy in Baghdad. British foreign secretary Macmillan has also said Britain is ready to grant "some arms aid" and to revise the Anglo-Jordanian treaty if Jordan joins. Both Nun i and Menderes are confident these assurances, in addition to the promise of "some arms aid" from the British, will bring Jordan into the pact. Comment Iraq, the only Arab state in the Baghdad pact, is anxious to prevent being iso- lated from the Arab world and to prevent Egypt from achieving undisputed leadership of the Arab states. King Hussain of Jordan is believed to favor membership in the pact, but Saudi Arabia is exerting extensive influence on high Jordanian officials, especially by bribery, and public opinion is strongly op- posed. It is not likely that Turkey and Iraq can offer sufficient inducement from their own resources to per- suade Jordan to join. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 rrt nC, ',elr ry Pr/ Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/06/16 C030191094 "Or Naar� 5, GREEK PRIME MINISTER PESSIMISTIC ON RELATIONS WITH TURKEY Greek prime minister Karamanlis is convinced that Ankara's atti- tude toward Greece has hardened. He insists Turkish performance on com- pensation for the damages at Istanbul and Izmir to date "does not provide him with a sufficient basis to meet the pressures of Greek popular feeling." It therefore appears that Greek par- tici e tion in NATO and Balkan pact affairs is unlikely un- til Athens can present the Greek people with some kind of diplomatic victory over the Turks. Meanwhile, how- ever, I'urkey has issued invitations to a meeting of the Balkan Alliance Permanent Council in Ankara, which must be held before the end of the year, and has asked for an exchange of views to fix the date. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 'D /1i Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 a 'kJ Nasairo 6. BURMESE COMMUNIST LEADER MAY BE NEGOTIATING FOR AMNESTY mors persist that Than Tun, leader of the insurgent Burma Communist Party, is in Rangoon seeking an amnesty with a view to open association of his follow- ers with the Communist-front Burma Workers and Peasants Party, accord- ing to 1:he American army attach�The American embassy also has heard that the government has been in communi- cation with the Communist leader. A Burmese cabinet of- ficer admitted to the embassy that government leaders are receiving letters from Communists suggesting a deal. Comment An effort by Than Tun to negotiate would be compatible with the current trend among Asian Communist parties to pursue their objectives by "peaceful methods," although as late as 26 August he ordered an intensification of mili- tary efforts. Influential members of the Burmese government, including the defense minister, are reportedly in favor of offering more lenient amnesty terms than those presently extended to the Communists. The cessation of insurgent activity by the Burma Communist Party would remove the most im- mediate obstacle to the development of even friendli relations between Burma and the Sino-Soviet bloc. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 1 1,..111 a./ L.A.. 1.1�J NNW' THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 25 November) nor incidents continue to be reported on the Egyptian-Ili border. A small selective call-up of Israeli forces and lwavy vehicles was reported under way ,on 24 November. It was then suggested that Israel might be in the initial stages of a large call-up. On 25 November the American army attach�n Tel Aviv reported that it has apparently been completed. The attach� believes that the call-up is for training purposes or in support of a possible reprisal raid. King Saud of Saudi Arabia informed Am- bassador Wadsworth on 22 November that the Saudi ambas- sador in New Delhi had been approached by the Polish gov- ernment and offered arms, including aircraft, guns, and "anything else, all of best quality." Saud informed the American ambassador that his government would not decide on this offer, or on a Russian offer which is under con- sideration, until it learns the results of its discussions with the United States. The royal counselor who conveyed the king's message assured Wadsworth that "despite any- thing you may read or hear�the king will not change what he had told you before hearing from you again." This assurance is in line with other recent Saudi statements. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 PR, eet. I. R.. A Pm, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094 WA Of-Arial-A A Nowt? 500,000 tons of Soviet bloc crude oil and 186,000 tons of Soviet bloc kerosene. These deliveries will be in imple- mentation of barter arrangements made in April and Au- gust between Egypt and the bloc. They point up the sharp expansion under way in Soviet supply of petroleum prod- ucts to Egypt, but are not directly connected with the arms deal. 26 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019094