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November 24, 1955
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Approved for Release: � fr Approved '2019/09" "030157 / D 3.3(h)(2) ECR 24 November 1955 � � Copy Nor, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Cir DECtASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT IIIEViEW DATE: 20/0 AUTH: HIR 70-2 oa DATE; \s\r\$!.'1.NEVIEWER. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY / for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO3019093 Nod 1.0" Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 #I 6.11-aq..... IaL4 Noir mar CONTENTS 1. CHIANG NOTES CHANGE IN THAI AND PHILIPPINE ATTITUDE TOWARD TAIPEI (page 3). 2. USSR REPORTEDLY TO MAKE "SPECTACULAR" MOVES TOWARD GREECE (page 4). 3. KING SAUD DENIES CONCLUDING ARMS DEAL WITH SOVIET BLOC (page 5). 4. MEETING OF BAGHDAD PACT NATIONS (page 6). 5. BRITAIN UNWILLING TO EXPAND ARMS AID TO JORDAN (page 7). 6. CONTINUED UNREST IN MOROCCO PROBABLE (page 8). 7. TENSION WITHIN BRAZILIAN MILITARY INCREASES (page 9). * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 n rs Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 J /1eJ L.A....10 A�A NNW 44111% 1.. CHIANG NOTES CHANGE IN THAI AND PHILIPPINE ATTITUDE TOWARD TAI:PEI n conversation with the American am- assador in Taipei on 22 November, Chiang Kai-shek observed that during recent months there had been a distinct cooling toward Nationalist China on the part of the Philippine and Thai governments. Chiang remarked that continuation of the Johnson-Wang talks in Geneva was strengthening the im- pression that the United States was moving toward recog- nition of Communist China. During the visit to Manila of the Chinese Nationalist foreign minister in early November, Philippine officials had expressed the opinion that American recognition of Peiping was "only a matter of time." The foreign minister also attached sig- nificance to the recent personnel shift which leaves Thailand represented in Taipei merely by a second secretary. Comment There have been a number of recent re- ports from Bangkok indicating that some Thai officials, including the premier, are considering a modification of Thailand's "tough" policy toward Communist China. 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 'J1 la 1.41...4%L.a 2. USSR REPORTEDLY TO MAKE "SPECTACULAR" MOVES TOWARD GREECE the Greek government has "in- creasing evidence" the USSR is prepar- ing to make "spectacular gestures" toward Greece, These moves will be timed to bolster the leftist vote in the February election. he Soviet ambassador intended to announce publicly "within a few days" that the USSR would support Greek irredentist claims and guarantee Greek borders in return for Greek neutrality. Comment Greece, as a member of both the Balkan pact and NATO, has for some time been regarded by Moscow as a promising field for encouraging neutralist influences. Among the moves the USSR might make is a new statement of full Soviet support for Greek am- bitions regarding Cyprus--possibly including a suggestion that the Cyprus issue be brought up in the 'UN Security Council. The USSR might also offer to intercede with Bulgaria to settle its $40,000,000 reparations bill to Greece. 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 7 �,.0.1 1...7A-I�-�111.1.-J A Neale 3. KING SAUD DENIES CONCLUDING ARMS DEAL WITH SOVIET BLOC King Saud of Saudi Arabia has asserted that he has not concluded a deal for arms from the Soviet bloc. The king implied that reports to the contrary are inspired by the British, presumably in the hope that doubts about Saud's intentions would lead the United States to refuse to sell him arms. Comment Although Saudi money is almost certainly available to Egypt and Syria for their arms negotiations with the Soviet bloc, Saud may prefer to stay on good terms with the United States at this time. Saudi thinking is reflected advising him to avoid a meeting with Soviet leaders while he is visiting India since such a meeting might be exploited by the British to "alienate us from the Americans." The Saudis have ur- gently sought American support since British-led forces occupied the Buraimi area on 26 October. 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 I Li Lat. %EA 1 `4001- 4. MEETING OF BAGHDAD PACT NATIONS organizational meeting of the ghdad pact nations--Pakistan, Iran, Iraq, Turkey, and Britain-- on 21 and 22 November established permanent political, economic and military committees. At the Baghdad meeting Turkey urged the establishment of a permanent planning staff as a first step toward a unified military command but was outvoted on the grounds that such a step was premature. An ad hoc military committee has been set up to make preliminary studies of the military situation in the Middle East. All the participating countries showed a desire to produce an effective area defense organization. However, continuing encouragement and support from the Western powers will be necessary to ensure the effective- ness of the new organization. Iraq, politically the weak- est country in the pact, will be under continuing pressure from the Arab states to abandon the alliance. Unless the pact shows strength from the outset, Iraq will probably not be able to resist such pressure and may give in to Egyptian influence. 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 _ vole 5. BRITAIN UNWILLING TO EXPAND ARMS AID TO JORDAN ritam will inform Amman that it can- not agree to arm additional Jordanian divisions in return for Jordan's ad- herence to the Baghdad pact, accord- ing to the American embassy in London. The Foreign Office emphasized that the recent gift of ten Vampire planes was not made as an inducement to join the pact. Britain will renew its offer to revise the Anglo-Jordanian treaty if Jordan joins the pact and will assure Jordan that other pact members would then be in- terested in seeing Jordan's legitimate military needs ful- filled. Comment Jordan had requested arms for at least one infantry division and one armored division. London probably believes that Jordanian adher- ence to the pact, although desirable, does not warrant such an expensive inducement at this time. 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Top SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 = Lai-Pa-0A ILX-4 Nor' 6. CONTINUED UNREST IN MOROCCO PROBABLE no/ The American consul general in Rabat reports that propaganda leaflets have been distributed in Morocco by resist- ance groups acting under orders of the Liberation Army of Arab North Africa. The leaflets assert that the return of Sultan ben Youssef is not a final victory, which can come only when France proclaims the independence of Morocco. Comment Terrorism can be expected to continue and may expand who agreed to continue North African resistance. The Arab League agreed to spend $287,000 for these activities. 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 2 sta 14,2.4 ���� AI 2.2,2 7. TENSION WITHIN MILITARY INCREASES he arrest of General Azambuja rilhante by forces backing War Minister Lott and their temporary detention of General Juarez Tavora, he army's candidate in the 3 Octo- r election, have increased tension in the Brazilian War Ministry. The refusal of the Lott forces to allow Caf�ilho to resume the presidency is unquestionably less palatable, in the armed forces than the 10 November "preventive coup," according to the American army attach�n Rio de Janeiro. Comment there was no indication of plans for military action by forces op- posed to Lott. Nevertheless, the administration's re- course to a state of siege to prevent Caf�ilho from ap- pealing to the Supreme Court has enhanced the moral and legal position of the anti-Kubitschek forces, and they can be expected to reassess their strength in the hope that a sbizure of power may be possible. 24 Nov, 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 �Ter Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 J Now THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 24 November) Reports from Jerusalem and Tel Aviv in- dicate that Israel may be preparing for retaliatory attacks against Egyptian-operated terrorist bases. On 21 November Israel issued strong statements listing incidents which have occurred in Israel over the past month and laying the principal responsibility for them on Egypt. The statements charged Egypt with "open hostility." (Press) The Israeli Foreign Ministry informed American officials in Tel Aviv that these statements should be interpreted as a warning to Egypt that unless the activities of marauders stopped, Israel would find it necessary to take action. The embassy comments that Israel, in line with its previous actions, is probably establishing the rationale for re- taliation. According to 24 November press reports, Israel has ordered its United Nations delegation to protest to the Security Council in order to bring to its attention the "un- broken chain of attacks on Israel by Egypt." (Press) General Burns has informed American of- ficials that the Egyptian military attache in Amman is directing the Jordan-- based terrorist operations in Israel. Israel has long contended that Egyptian attaches in the surrounding Arab states were directing terrorist activity against Israel. Burns added that Jordanian officials were at a loss as to how to handle the situ- ation, as they were afraid to oppose Egypt or to interfere with the "patriotic efforts of the Palestinians." A further indication of Moscow's continued interest in Middle East affairs was a press report from Cairo that Soviet ambassador to Egypt Solod visited Arab League head-, quarters for the first time on 23 November. Solod reportedly discussed the general international situation and inquired about the Arab attitude toward British prime minister Eden's proposals for a Palestine settlement and the Buraimi dispute between Saudi Arabia and Britain. (Press) 24 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093 klit ICJ k. .11 ILL:a Nrieri Nue The Soviet Union is offering to have Skoda of Czechoslovakia build an arms factory or factories in Egypt when "the Egyptian steel plant" is ready for oper- ation, Egypt began construction at Helwan near Cairo in late 1954 of a large installation comprising a steelworks, foundry and rolling mill. A nonferrous metal works is already in oper- ation there and a factory for producing artillery shell and cartridge casings is nearing completion. Czechoslovakia had agreed to construct a "jet air- craft factory" in Egypt. The British de Havilland firm built an aircraft assembly plant at Helwan in 1952, but the plant never produced any jet planes. Czechoslovakia might under- take partial re-equipment of this plant and assign technicians there to assist in the assembly and major maintenance of MIG aircraft. Czechoslovakia had offered a "factory" for making the casings of mortar shells and air- craft bombs. 24 Nov 65 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03019093