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rFAyeez):MorRI'Weg5012,21CW z tim �7/ e/ I 4/z CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 15 September 1956 Copy No, 105 3 DOCUIVIEN'T NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. pl.- 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: H 70- DAT EVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.3(h)(2 3.5( e TOP SECRET /7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Nme 'Tr CONTENTS 1. NEW SOVIET MOVES IN SUEZ CRISIS (page 3) 2. EGYPT APPEARS STILL SE KING TO AVOID PROVOCATION IN SUEZ CRISIS (page 5). 3. EUROPEAN REACTIONS TO PROPOSED SUEZ USERS' ASSOCIA- TION 4. NASR REPORTED READY TO NEGOTIATE ON BASIS OF SPAN- ISH SUEZ PR.OPOSAI (page 7). J. NEHRU CALLS A COLOMBO POWERS' MEETING ON SUEZ (page 8). 6. SOVIET CANAL PILOrrs REPORTED IN EGYPT (page 9). 7. TWO SUBMARINES BELIEVED SOVIET ENTER MEDITERRANEAN (page 10). 8� SOVIET NUCLEAR TESTS PROBABLY CONCLUDED (page 11). 9. SAUD REDUCES PRICE FOR EXTENSION OF DHAHRAN AIR- FIELD AGREEMENT (page 12). 10. SOVIET-INDONESIAN AID AGREEMENT SIGNED (page 13). 11. USSR WARNS SATELLITES AGAINST YUGOSLAV INFLUENCE (page 14). 12. EMPLOYMENT OF IET TECHNICIANS IN EGYPTIAN OIL EXPLORATIONS (page 15). 13. VENEZUELA NOT INVOLVED IN ARUBA STRIKE THREAT (page 16). 15 Sept 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 17) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 T-eft-sEGRE-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Noe 1. NEW SOVIET MOVES IN SUEZ CRISIS Moscow's first official demarche to the Western powers on the Suez problem since the London conference was con- tained in notes delivered to London and Paris on 12 September. The notes warn again that the use of force against Egypt would carry the inherent risk of an ex- panded war and encourage the British and the French to undertake new nego- tiations either in a conference or at the United Nations. The notes will reassure Cairo of Moscow's good faith in carry- ing out its promise to give Egypt active political support during the crisis. According to a source in the British Foreign Office, the note to London dealt largely with the dangers of using force in the present age, the lasting effect the use of force would have on Western interests in the Middle East, and an appeal for a peaceful settlement of the problem based on the United Nations charter. According to the French Foreign Ministry, the note to Paris adds an in- sinuation that the United States is attempting to replace France in Algeria and gain ascendancy in the Middle East. The note asserts that the USSR had no prior knowledge that Nasr was going to nationalize the Suez Canal and that Moscow has con- sistently urged Nasr to settle the matter peaceably. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 3076717/23 C03015179 Meanwhile, TASS in London has termed the creation of the canal users' association a "signal for the intensification of a campaign of blackmail and threats in re- spect to Egypt:' Moscow radio on 13 September charged it runs counter to the United Nations charter. Western press reports state that Soviet diplomats in London have harshly criticized the users' association and have stated that while the USSR wants to avoid a conflict over Suez, the USSR would be among those nations providing Egypt with both volunteers and arms should there be an attempt to force solution on Egypt. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Noe 2. EGYPT APPEARS STILL SEEKING TO AVOID PROVOCATION IN SUEZ CRISIS !while the Egyptian government's initial reaction to the announcement of the formation of a Suez Canal users' association was one of outrage and determination to resist with all available means, soberer second thoughts appear to have produced a renewed determination to avoid any ac- tion which could be interpreted as provocation or as Obstruc- tion of canal traffic. The Nasr regime's tactic, seems to be to ridicule the users' asso- ciation plan while trying to marshal world opinion against it. Comment Strong Egyptian statements opposing the users' association plan, even con- sidering they were made in the heat of the initial reaction, seem to have closed off any possibility that Cairo might come to terms with this plan. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -SEeRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 NIS 3. EUROPEAN REACTIONS TO PROPOSED SUEZ 'USERS' ASSOCIATION Premier Mollet and Foreign Minister Pineau during a conversation on 13 Sep- tember gave Ambassador Dillon the impression that the proposed users' asso- ciation fully satisfied British and French needs for action and contributed to avoid- ing the danger of armed hostilities with Egypt. Once the association was organ- ized, Paris would be willing to undertake serious negotiations with President Nasr for a permanent settlement along the gen- eral lines of the 18-power proposal. Pineau believes there is a good possibil- ity of avoiding hostilities unless Nasr commits another grave act, but he did not indicate whether rendering transit impos- sible for vessels of the proposed users' association would, if carried out peacefully, be the type of grave action which might bring on hostilities. Italian foreign minister Martino on 13 September told Ambassador Dillon in Paris that he did not see how the proposed association would be successful in get- ting shipping through the canal and said that Italy, for geo- graphical and financial reasons, could not undertake to route its shipping around the Cape of Good Hope. Martino said he felt the only way to make further progress would be to call another conference of the 18 nations. The Italian cabinet, on the other hand, issued a communiqu�n 12 September ad- vocating recourse to the United Nations. The Danish, Norwegian and Swedish for- eign ministers meet in Stockholm Sunday to seek a common Scandinavian position toward the proposed users' associa- tion. The reaction of the Scandinavian governments to the proposal has been strongly negative and Foreign Minister Unden of Sweden is convinced the matter must be referred to the UN. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 1-1 ." 7.-9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 4. NASR REPORTED READY TO NEGOTIATE ON BASIS OF SPANISH SUEZ PROPOSAL t/ The Egyptian ambassador in Madrid has informed Spain that Nasr would accept Spain's proposed formula of an interna- tional consultative body for the Suez Lanai, teaving .Egypt full operating control, as a babislor negotiations in a new 45-power conference sought by Egypt. Spanish foreign minister Martin Artajo informed Ambassa- dor Lodge on 13 September that Spain had promised to in- form Egypt of its intentions with regard to the proposal by 15 September, but desired to know the US position first. Martin Artajo also expressed concern lest the West find itself at war without having explored this new development. The Egyptian ambassador prefaced his announcement of Nases offer with the statement, "Spain's hour had now come" to save the peace. Comment At the London conference, Spain re- served its right to suggest a consulta- tive form of international participation for the Suez Canal similar to the Indian plan should the 18-power proposal be rejected by Egypt. The Spanish government and the con- trolled press have taken the view that the Spanish amend- ment was the only approach to the issue that had a good chance of effecting a prompt solution. The Egyptian press has claimed the support of t*enty. nations-'-inclticling India and the Soviet bloc members--for the new conference pro- posal, but no official acceptances have been reported. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for -Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 5. NEHRU CALLS A COLOMBO POWERS' MEETING ON SUEZ Nehru has called for a meeting on 15 September of representatives of the Colombo powers in New Delhi to dis- cuss the Suez Canal question, accord- ing to an Indian government announce- ment. India's move--which reportedly surprised Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma and Indonesia-- is probably to seek 'approval for a new approach to the dis- puting nations. This approach seems likely to take the form of a call for postponement of any proposed Western action and for further peaceful negotiations on the basis of mutual recognition of Egypt's sovereignty and of international in- terest in the canal. Pakistan, which supported the West at the London conference, may under mounting public pressure associate itself with any mediation move by the Colombo powers. Britain would deplore such a move by a group in- cluding the three Commonwealth nations of India, Pakistan and Ceylon, but would be unlikely to be deterred by Pakistan's defection from the 18-nation group at the London conference. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 'CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 003015179 Approved foTlie-lea;e72-6T-97716-723 003015179 Now, 6. SOVMT CANAL PILOTS REPORTED IN EGYPT Comment An unspecified number of Soviet ship pilots have arrived in Egypt and are prepared to enter on duty on the Suez Canal, according to a press report quot- ing the Soviet consul in Port Said. Egypt has received offers from pilots of many nations. Earlier this month Cairo was postponing acce ta qualified Polish pilots b applicants be postponed 15 Sept 56 Egypt requested five her Current Intelligence Bulletin Page( 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 003015179 -- Approved for Release: 2079/10/23 C03015179 7, TWO SUBMARINES BELIEVED SOVIET ENTER MEDITERRANEAN Comment Two submerged submarines, probably Soviet, entered the Mediterranean Sea through the Straits of Gibraltar on 12 September, The USSR may have sent these sub- marines to the Mediterranean for re- connaissance purposes and, in the event of hostilities, to make them available to Egypt. It is also possible that these are the Soviet submarines scheduled for transfer to Egypt this month. These submarines are known to be manned by Soviet crews. The two submarines which passed Gibraltar probably are those which passed submerged through the Great Belt in the Danish Straits on 31 August. A third submariiea1snnroIably left the Baltic submerged on 8 September. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -T-OP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for -14-eTea-S-jE2-0'-1971T;23 C03015179 'Now 8. SOVIET NUCLEAR TESTS PROBABLY CONCLUDED The departure of at least 28 military aircraft from Semipalatinsk between 10 and 12 September suggests that the current Soviet nuclear test series has been concluded. The fly-out culmi- nated in the scheduling of 23 aircraft to fly from Semipala- tinsk on 12 September. Of the 28 aircraft, 19 were light transports, Comment The exodus of substantial numbers of transport aircraft from Semipalatinsk has marked the ending of a test series in the past. These aircraft are presumed to be carrying technicians, scien- tists and observers, as well as instruments and equipment. The 23 aircraft on 12 September constitute the largest num- ber noted leaving the Semipalatinsk airfield on a single day and provide an index to the extent of the logistical build-up that took place at the test site prior to the initiation of the series. The current series of nuclear tests has included four detonations, on 24 August, 30 August, 2 Sep- tember and 10 September. All have been characterized by fairly, high yield (more than 100 kilotons. At least one was of the thermonuclear type. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 -TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179- rf 1�.14 r^a 1*. rrl Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 ',ewer Now 9 SAUD REDUCES PRICE FOR EXTENSION OF DHAHRAN AIRFIELD AGREEMENT King Saud,as his "last offer," expressed willingness to Ambassador Wadsworth on 13 September to extend the Dhahran airfield agreement for five more years if the United States would agree to grant $85,000,000 worth of military equipment in addition to furnishing $25,000,000 worth of other aid. The king added that if the United States uld agree to sell an additional $35,000,000 worth of arms, previously sought by him, he would desire to retain the American military advisory mission. Comment Saud's proposal contrasts with his pre- Suez offer to extend the agreement for five years in return for $250,000,000 worth of arms. The previous five-year agreement ex- pired in June of this year, but was provisionally extended by the king pending conclusion of a new agreement. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release:�H597f5T2T-60k115179 '44010, 10. SOVIET-INDONESIAN AID AGREEMENT SIGNED An agreement for $100,000,000 in Soviet aid for Indonesia will be signed in Djakarta on 15 September, according to an announce- ment by the Indonesian Foreign Ministry. The announcement stated that the aid would be used to help develop asphalt and hydro- electric plants as well as coal and nickel mines. The aid probably has been set up as a line of credit on which Indonesia can draw as its economic plans progress under a five-year plan, now in final stages of prep- aration. The Indonesian press reported on 12 September that the credit would be at 2.5-percent interest repayable in 12 years. The decision on the amount of aid may have resulted from talks held by President Sukarno and Foreign Minister Abdulgani during their recently concluded visit to Moscow. Indonesian officials may argue--in defense of their neutrality�that the Soviet credit balances the $100,000,000 granted by the Export-Import Bank in 1950, which has been exhausted only this year. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page .13 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release:-07/1073 C03015179 Noe 410, . 11. USSR WARNS SATELLITES AGAINST YUGOSLAV INFLUENCE he Soviet ommunist Party warned he Hungarian and other Satellite par- ies on 3 September against Yugoslav nfluence in regard to the "separate oa s o soma ism concept, explicitly criticizing Com- munist statements too commendatory of Yugoslavia and saying that the USSR remains the model to follow. The Soviet party also criticized Yugoslav foreign policy as be- ing "too pro-Western:' according to information received by the American embassy in Belgrade. Comment The recent press exchange between Yugoslavia and the Soviet bloc on the "Cominformist" trials indicated that the question of "na- tional Communism" was still unresolved. Although Yugo- slavia adopted a "conservative" attitude toward changes in Eastern Europe up through the period ending with Tito's June visit to the USSR, the Yugoslays have again resumed the initiative in influencing developments in the Satellites and have accorded public support to "moderate" Polish and Hungarian Communist elements. Although this Soviet move may compel "moderate" Communist forces to adopt more cautious tac- tics, previous warnings such as Bulganin's speech in Warsaw last July were apparently largely ignored by those Satellite Communists intent on more independent, liberal policies. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Relea;72-079./1-0753 C03015179 Niv 12. EMPLOYMENT OF SOVIET TECHNICIANS IN EGYPTIAN OIL EXPLORATIONS or Cairo Soviet technicians are to assist Egypt in the oil explorations for which Amer- ican and British companies had been seeking leases for several months, ac- ng to a repor received by the American embassy in American companies had been assured they would be awarded the leases. The reasons for the re- ported decision are said to have been hostility to Britain and fear that concessions to American firms would be in- terpreted as a sign of weakness. The USSR has unsuccessfully attempted to secure rights to oil exploration elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East. The embassy speculates that similar arrangements may be extended to other planned oil explora- tion activities in Egypt, but there have been no indications that concessions already operated by British and American companies will be affected. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Irm Mr, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 13. VENEZUELA NOT INVOLVED IN ARUBA STRIKE THREAT Preliminary reports that Venezuela planned an invasion of Aruba in the Netherlands Antilles in connection with a possible strike at the Lago refinery �appear exaggerated and without basis in fact, The Hague knows of no such invasion plans and the American embassy in Caracas does not believe the Venezuelan government is prepared for such an adventure. Local Netherlands officials have given assurances that adequate police and military measures are planned to prevent violence and protect water and food sup- plies in the event of a strike. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 16 Approved for for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 Approved for Release:-2-07971*-072v3r 623-015179 Nino' THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 14 September) A new serious incident took place along the Israeli-Jordanian border during the night of 13-14 September. A Jordanian military spokesman charged that a large Israeli mobile force raided a police post 12 miles inside the border in South Jor- dan, killing at least 21 Jordanians. The Israeli press claimed that there were no survivors among the 50-man garrison of the post. None of the recent raids has been acknowledged by the Is- raeli government. Tension mounted as Jordanian troops were placed on the alert and officers' week-end leaves were reported canceled. Meanwhile, Jordan's King Hussain flew to Habbaniya in Iraq for an emergency conference with Iraq's King Faisal, Prime Minister Nuri Said andArmy Chief of: Staff Rafiq, in a reported effort to obtain Iraqi aid. (Press) the bulk of thejor- dantan army has moved in recent days into West Jordan and that there is always a possibility, that the Jordanian army "will take matters into its own hands, causing a major action' rily limited and sporadic retali- ation for the recent Israeli attacits in the form of fedayeen terror- ist activity, there were no signs of a large-scale mobilization of Israeli forces, but that very heavy con- centr firms of Israeli troops had been observed in the Beersheba area. The new Israeli raids will promote instability in Jordan by further weakening the influence of the king and the gov- ernment in West Jordan, where the National Guard and former resi- dents of Palestine have borne the brunt of the pressure. The Amer- ican embassy in Amman reports indications that both the National Guard and the civilians are becoming more difficult to control. Reports from Cairo indicate the possibility of exhaustion of refugee relief food supplies in the Gaza strip by the 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 17 -GOAFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179 � Approved fo�r R�ele-a�se7561-671672TCAO-5.015179 *or' NNW end of September. The American embassy reports that the Gaza refugees are already aware of the shortage of food sup- plies and are beginning to show discontent. American and Egyptian relief officials expect that unless the refugees can _11P�gRanred_that_more fOod s coming. riots a occur... ur. 15 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 18 -CONFIDENTIAL- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015179