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Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 0 p ,gr7 if 0 29 July 1956 Copy No. 105 _ DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS.," I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE: 'JTH: HR 70- ; ..? frit). REVIEWER: . 3.5(c) OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET A Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 TOP SECRET CONTENTS 1. BRITISH AND FRENCH WANT STRONG ACTION AGAINST EGYPT ) (page 3). 2. WORLD REACTIONS TO SUEZ CANAL SEIZURE (page 4). 3. LAOTIAN P WITH PATHET LAO LEADER ON 30 JULY (page 5). 4. CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS SEEN POSSIBLE IN SOUTH KOREA (page 6). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 7) 29 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 TtIP-4J-Er-ttrr 1. BRITISH AND FRENCH WANT STRONG ACTION AGAINST EGYPT At a 27 July meeting with American and French representatives about Suez, British foreign secretary Lloyd stated that the British government felt it was no go s ar mg any measures unless we are prepared to take military measures in the end. . . if. . . necessary." Lloyd said Britain was thinking of proposing to Egypt that the canal be operated by a consortium, perhaps under the UN, and then taking tripartite or broader "strong action" if Egypt refused. France, according to Ambassador Chauvel, was also disposed to retaliate by selling more Mystere air- craft to Israel, but Lloyd said Britain thought it imperative to keep Israel out of the situation. Comment Britain and France are reluctant to take military action without United States sup- port. A parachute brigade of about 2,000 men could probably be detached from the 20,000 British troops on antiterrorist duty on Cyprus in view of the improving situation there. About 20,000 more British troops are stationed in small contingents elsewhere in the Middle East. An aircraft carrier, two cruisers, and other smaller ships are now in the Mediterranean, and sey- eral fighter-bomber squadrons are based in the area. In view of the Algerian situation, any substantial French troop commitment would probably require either further withdrawals from Germany or a new call-up of reserves. London in effect prevented the use of Egypt's current sterling resources on 28 July by requiring Treasury approval for transferring either sterling held by Egyptians or any Suez Canal Company assets. In addition, Britain still holds about $290,000,000 of Egyptian funds in the blocked sterling ac- count set up during World War II. France has blocked the canal company's funds in France, and has asserted administrative con- trol over all Egyptian transactions in France. 29 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 ,, CONFIDE flAL yaw? 2. WORLD REACTIONS TO SUEZ CANAL SEIZURE Egyptian president Nasr's seizure of the Suez Canal Company and his gestures of defiance against threats of Western counter- action have been received with unanimous approval by the press and public in the other Arab states. Messages of support and congratulation have been sent to Cairo by a number of Arab po- litical leaders, most notably King Hussain of Jordan and Syrian president Quwatli. The Syrian defense minister stated on 29 July that his country's army had taken "all preparatory meas- ures to stand by Egypt in the face of all possibilities!' Politi- cians in Lebanon, where the government is involved in a dispute with the Iraq Petroleum Company, have hinted strongly that Nasr's example should be followed, and some Syrian circles reportedly are urging that the Iraq-Mediterranean oil pipeline be cut and an appeal made to Arab workers to leave the oilfields if the West uses force against Egypt. A similar wave of emotional satisfaction with the discomfiture of the West has swept the press of South Asia, but in India and Ceylon the feeling appears to be tem- pered with concern about the effect a dispute over the canal might have on the economies of the area. Editorial opinion in both these countries and in Japan puts emphasis on the need for a peaceful settlement of the issue. The Soviet reaction has been one of sympa- thetic understanding of Nasr's action, which Pravda asserts is legal; the Suez issue is described in a 29 July Pravda article as one more illustration of the coming defeat of imperialism. Western governments not directly involved in the dispute have refrained from issuing statements. Greece, where public opinion is already intensely hostile to Britain over the Cyprus issue, is the only NATO country whose press ap- proves Nasr's move. 29 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 NNW 3. LAOTIAN PREMIER MEETING WITH PATHET LAO LEADER ON 30 JULY Comment Souphannouvong is expected to offer a settlement of the Pathet Lao problem in exchange for a pledge of neutrality and "reintegration" of Pathet personnel into the life of the country. The premier has often indicated that he intends to take a tough stand with his half-brother, but there are numerous indications that he is vulnerable to the latter's blandishments and may be willing to go so far as to take Pathet Lao representatives into the Laotian government. Such a settlement would clear the way for Souvanna's projected trip to Peiping and would remove the pri- mary obstacle to Laotian recognition of Communist China. 29 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Page 5 � Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Noe 4. CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS SEEN POSSIBLE IN SOUTH KOREA A proposed amendment of the South Korean constitution which would re- move vice-president-elect Chang Myon from succession to the presidency may provoke a constitutional crisis if Rhee's Liberal Party tries to force its enact- ment. Chang, whose Democratic Party is the major opposition party, would be denied succession to Rhee by a provision in the amendment permitting the vice president to serve out the president's term only if both are members of the same political party; otherwise a new election for president would be required. The amendment, drafted by two National Assembly members belonging to minor opposition parties, provides for limited parliamentary government by re-estab- lishing the position of prime minister and empowering the assembly to vote nonconfidence in the cabinet. These features could attract opposition support for the amendment, while elim- ination of the possibility that Chang and the Democratic Party will inherit political control will attract the Liberals. The fact that the Liberal Party will encounter difficulties in obtaining the eight additional votes for a two-thirds majority in the assembly, and that the amendment probably will cost the Liberals some of their remaining popular support will militate against any attempt to pass the amendment. There is one report, however, that Liberal chief Yi Ki-pung has been per- suaded to push the amendment with the understanding he would become prime minister and use the power of this post to succeed to the presidency when Fthee dies. 29 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 -5=7- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178 Noe kiro#' THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 29 July) Jordanian chief of staff Nuwar admitted to UN secretary general Hammarskjold that Jordan is training "fedayeen" units, according to the Jordanian foreign minister. Nuwar reportedly asserted, however, that the fedayeen trained by Jordan are "really commandoes and will be used purely for defensive purposes," not for killing civilians. The British em- bassy in Amman believes the Jordanian fedayeen strength is about 200, and that their training was undertaken by the Jordanian army as a control measure after the government became alarmed by increasing numbers of EavDtian-trained fedaveen oDeratina in Jordan. King Hussain told the American ambassador in Amman on 27 July that Jordan was continuing to to everything in its power to bring the "present cycle of incidents" to an end. The king said he regretted the wounding of UN observers by Jorda- nian villagers on 25 July but did not find it surprising since the villagers had been living under tension for years, As a result of a ground" rectlfmaissance he con- ducted in the Suez Canal zone on 25 and 26 July, the American mili- tary attach�n Cairo doubts a previously reported British estimate that four infantry battalions, a medium tank regiment and a heavy tank unit have been moved into the zone. He believes elements of each may be there, but he saw only a small number of infantry and a total of 23 assorted tanks at various camps. 29 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03015178