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. Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825, 1-0P--84FeRET 3.3(h)(2) G_D 3.5(c) 4 January 1955 Copy No. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT N. 1- 76 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: ___21:ill.2 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE:(5///c9 0 REVIEWER Office of Current Intelligence > CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 79 zr-r,"1 TI ZiPTI L .1 LAI- iL i d .1 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO3010825 PTI. Irs 1.1 [7161:6�TrlII Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 'Now SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Infiltration of Chinese-trained Thai Communists allegedly to begin this month (page 3). 2. Burmese ambassador recommends postponement of Premier Nu's visit to US (page 3). 3. Burma strongest advocate of Peiping's participation in Afro-Asian conference (page 4). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 4. USSR reported ready to order disbanding of Tudeh in Iran (page 5). 5. Comment on Iraq's suspension of diplomatic relations with USSR (page 5). 6. Israel planning further step to force West to recognize Jerusalem as capital (page 6). 7. Leftist officer reported leader of anti-Nasr group in Egyptian army (page 7). 8,, Papagos obsessed with British political intrigue in Greece (page 7). LATIN AMERICA 9. Comment on assassination of Panamanian president Remon (page 8). * * * * 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 TO Er Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 %re Nee SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Infiltration of Chinese-trained Thai Communists allegedly to begin this month: Comment: Since the Indochina armistice and the reappearance of former Mai premier Pridi in Communist China last July, Prince Wan has on several occasions emphasized the threat posed by Yunnan as a base for subversive activity against Thailand. He has not cited convincing evidence to justify his fears, however. An operation from Yunnan is easily within the capabilities of the Chinese Communists, especially in view of the inadequate border controls in north Thailand. 2. Burmese ambassador recommends postponement of Premier Nu's visit to US: 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 ..-TOP�SECTET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Pvt.-% r% ef riz-N Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 NI1110e Comment: Nu is publicly committed to attempt to promote a Sino-American rapprochement The Rangoon press, which looks with favor on the premier's projected mission, is already expressing concern lest an invitation by the American government not be forthcoming. Nu has never been to the United States. Since planning his trip to Peiping he has hinted strongly several times that he would be receptive to an invitation. 3. Burma strongest advocate of Peiping's participation in Afro-Asian conference: During the meeting of the Colombo powers last week, Burma was primarily responsi- ble for Communist China being invited to the Afro-Asian conference which is to be held in ones a n x ccording to the permanent secretary of the Ceylonese Ministry of External Affairs. The Burmese were reported to have indicated they would not attend the conference if Peiping were not invited. Ceylon and Pakistan were opposed, but India and Indo- nesia sided with Burma. The Ceylonese added that it was generally agreed the conference would be postponed if more than a third of the invited countries failed to accept. Comment: Premier Nu was ad- vised by Chou En-lai that the Chinese Communists were greatly in- terested in attending the Afro-Asian conference. The Burmese leader favored their participation. It was shortly after this that Nehru, who probably was kept informed of developments, changed his attitude toward such a conference from one of indifference to warm support, thus ensuring it would be held. It appears that India, Burma and Indonesia, in addition to their announced aims, see Peiping's partic- ipation as a means of increasing the stature of the conference. India may in addition consider it an opportunity to draw the Chinese Com- munists away from Moscow. 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Nei Niue NEAR EAST - AFRICA 4. USSR reported ready to order disbanding of Tudeh in Iran: USSR, through this dramatic move, primarily desires to forestall Iranian participation in the Turkish-Pakistani pact. USSR had abandoned its idea of taking over Iran by Tudeh infil- tration and desires a period of calm relations with Iran. The American embassy is disinclined to believe the reports and argues that the following factors make dissolution unlikely: (1) a complex organization which had re- quired much time and effort to set up would be scrapped; (2) mo- rale of Communists in Iran and elsewhere would be adversely affected; and (3) present evidence points to Soviet ability to ob- tain considerable good will in Iran without resort to such a dras- tic measure. Comment: In the event of public disso- lution, an organization of hard-core Tudeh members would be maintained underground for infiltration and espionage and for the purpose of reviving an overt party when needed. Moscow has on several occasions changed the organizational form of a national Communist party to meet the requirements of its foreign policy. 5. Comment on Iraq's suspension of diplomatic relations with USSR: Iraq's suspension of diplomatic relations with the USSR on 3 January results from Prime Minister Nun i Said's long-standing determination to reduce Communist activ- ity in the country. 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Approve-C-I for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 *we Nun i has pushed a strong anti- Communist line since he came to office on 4 August. Early in November, the foreign minister told the American ambassa- dor that if the USSR did not voluntarily close its legation in Baghdad, Iraq "must find a way to close it." With an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 Com- munists in Iraq--more than in any other Arab country--Nuri ap- parently hopes the closing of the Soviet legation in Baghdad will eliminate a source of considerable Communist agitation and thereby weaken internal opposition to his plans for strengthening Iraq's de- fenses with Western assistance. Czechoslovakia, however, con- tinues to maintain a diplomatic mission in Iraq. 6. Israel planning further step to force West to recognize Jerusalem as capital: French ambassador Gilbert in Tel Aviv told the American ambassador on 29 De- cember that the Israeli government would 'insist on an exequatur to the new French em. Both ambassadors believe this new demand of Israel's is a further step to force recognition of its posi- tion in Jerusalem. Comment: The 1949 UN resolution placed Jerusalem under international administration, and currently none of the consuls there has an exequatur. This new Israeli demand is a maneuver to gain French recognition of Israel's control over the new city of Jerusalem despite the UN resolution. It may be followed by simi- lar tactics against other countries having consuls in Jerusalem. The Arab states were greatly concerned over the presentation of credentials in Jerusalem in early Novem- ber by the British and American ambassadors. The Arabs would therefore probably try to force the issue of the internationalization of Jerusalem in the UN should this new demand of Israel b be com- plied with. 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 TO ET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 crima-e-rrl Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 I_ 7. Leftist officer reported leader of anti-Nasr group in Egyptian army: Comment: This is the first identifica- tion of an anti-Nasr group within the army. The group probably reflects strong nationalist and neutralist sentiments rather than Communist sympathies. While it is unlikely that this group could challenge the regime at this time, the existence of such opposi- tion can be expected to limit 'lases movement toward closer asso- ciation with the West. Reports from Cairo have suggested that Salim b speech of 27 December, which is said to have outraged Nasr, may mark a schism in the council, with Salim champion- ing Arab solidarity in opposition to /cases policy of co-operation with the West. Papagos obsessed with British political intrigue in Greece: Prime Minister Papagos' long-standing obsession regarding British intelligence activities in� Greece continues strong, 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 IS2R-SECIUET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 .01 T's Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Nye, ivinced that Britain aims to destroy the Greek Ra ly and rid Greece of All American influence. He further believes that Britain con- stitutes a greater danger to Greek stability than does the USSR. Papagos is con- Papagos appears to be surrounded by and gets his impressions from a clique consisting largely of members of IDEA, an ultraconservative secret military organization. The recent shake-up of the Greek high military command has moved IDEA officers into top positions and considerably enhanced their influence. LATIN AMERICA 9. Comment on assassination of Panamanian president Remon: The assassination of Panamanian presi- dent Remon on 2 January may introduce a new period of political instability into Panama. Jose Ramon Guizado, first vice president and foreign minister who was sworn in as president on 3 January, will, according to the constitution, com- plete Remon's term which would have ended in October 1956. Guizado's administration can not be expected to have the strength which characterized that of Remon, whose position was based on his personal following among politi- cians, the police, and the public. The National Guard, however, Panama's only armed force, reportedly is supporting the Guizado government. 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 sEeR-E-r- Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825 Approved for We-lease: 2019/09/17 C03010825 'Nor Nor Remon's death may delay formal signing and ratification of new agreements between Panama and the United States on the Canal Zone, especially since Guizado's attitude toward the United States is unclear. Communists have not been strong in Panama, but they, in combination with other oppositionists, probably will attempt to exploit the president's assassination and the treaty issue through disorders. 4 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 _Top--sEtizEr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03010825