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0 18 March 1961 CopyNo.0 76 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 1404 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 -TOP-SEGRET-- Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 'Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 %NOSE:UHL! IAZ 18 March 1961 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS 1. Situation in Laos. (Page t) _ 2. Congo: Moscow responds to Gizenga re uest 4 0, for lanes; transit problem unsolved. .', (Page t) A / 3. Communist China: Peiping seeks technicians from Western Europe. (Page ti) 4. Afghanistan: USSR may provide aid for dam in Helmand River valley. (Page tt) 5. Angola: Terrorist action touches off serious disturbances; high white casualty rate reported. (Page VI) � Va Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 FE/ -1k1ORTH. VI ET 1)157h9 Sa!Y IPHONG-SArY fk#'. I Dien Bien Phu .... . . / ���� ....1 �����./ 1....."-\ . I ./." I Auong Sai NAMiTHA .1 Nam Bac -.. t \ I ......" / Saw; Neua ....../s-..."'".. LUANG1PRA ANG AM NEUA Luang Prabane.; 41�k , �,../�.7".... '''' -- �.. ,----,-5 ��:-....� SAYABOURY 0 :����"'"XIENG KHOUANG\ Muon#6 Soui �,,�.........- .. 'Thin Ban Ban Pru Khoun �larr s Xieng Khou Muo g Kay .�", / 1 . Ban Ta Viang V / ." �Tha Thorn . ang iehg 4/��-..,. \ .. ........ VIENTIANE i C Pak Sane . 1 / --...,, j....) GovenpRiTHERN LAOS 1111111�1 KONG LE - PATHET LAO KONG LE - PATHET LAO CONCENTRATIONS AREA OF ACTION �ROAD � TRAIL ? 50 100 STATUTE MILES ROUTE NUMBER 10318 2 Vientia KHAMMOUANE Thakhek 411ci1vannakhet_ 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C030073/82 La 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 18 March 1961 DAILY BRIEF Laos: 11e Soviet ambassador in Bangkok used the occa- sion of special audience with the Thai King on 11 March to convey a warning from Moscow against Thailand's becoming involved in the internal affairs of its neighbors. The ambas- sador indicated that the USSR was pleased with its relation- ship with Thailand and "hoped it would continue." The King and top Thai officials were annoyed over this approach, which they considered impropes3 long Le - Pathet Lao forces are continuing their pres- sure on government forces both north of the Phou Khoun junction and south of Xieng Khouang. In the former area, forward elements of government forces reportedly were un- der fire from 105-mm. artillery on 17 March, possibly sig- naling a new enemy push there. Laotian Army troops in the vicinity of Ban Ta Viang were withdrawipg on 17 March toward rlIhQ Th rem-7 Congo: he Stanleyville regime's emissary to Moscow has claimed at "the comrades are ready to furnish us the planes which we need." "It now remains to settle the the problem with the African countries." The continuing refusal of Sudan and other neighboring territories to grant transit rights and the lack of aviation fuel in Stanleyville will make it difficult to use aircraft in a sus- tained nrogram of sunnort for Gizenaa. the UAR believes Gizenga's position is "hopeless" and expects his effort to collapse momentarily. However, Cairo reportedly will con- tinue to give moral support to the Stanleyville regime "to prolq 14 / Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 ell Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 � All-weather road I Broad-gauge railroad Narrow-gauge railroad Kushka Zahedan 30493 10318 Sta linabad. 'USSR Termez Put i Khumr Qizil Qala Baghlan NBag ra � KAB andahar haman Quetta Naghlu � Gardez Fort Sandeman PAKIiSTAN CHINA �)JAMMU AND e' KASHMIR 1 (Status in d,spute) awalpindi SELECTED FOREIGN PROJECTS US USSR - Road paving � Airfield AL Darn Salang Pass road di Metal working factory Hydroelectric project Oil discovery 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 -voir CLIAR policy is consistent," despite a desire to reduce its direct involvement with Gizenga. No significant new deteri- oration in Gizenga's position has been reported by other sources, although his situation has been precarious for some tim9.2.1 (Backup, Page 1) (Map) Communist China: Qhinese Communist representatives recently asked the gational Hydrocarbons Agency (EN!) of Italy to send petroleum chemists and "other technical assist- ance," claiming they needed this help because of the Russian withdrawal of technicians last August. Peiping is also appar- ently planning to use specialists from France and Sweden in the� installation of eauipment purchased from these countrief_.7 (Backup, Page 2)- Afghanistan-USSR: A visit by a Soviet team in early March to southwest Afghanistan near the Iranian border suggests that Afghanistan is continuing negotiations on a technical level for Soviet assistance to build a new diversion dam in the lower Helmand River valley. These negotiations have apparently been under way since last spring. This project, estimated at $10,000,000, would probably be included in the Second Five- Year Plan which begins next September. Such an undertaking would bring Soviet construction activity into the southwest corner of the country for the first time. It could divert some of the personnel and resources of Afghanistan's Helmand Valley Authority now being used to develop the more promising upper Helmand, where American assistance has been used for some years to construct irrigation dams and canals. Backup, Page 3) (Map) *Ang.ola: Rortuguese officials in Lisbon estimate that thou- sands of natives were involved in the disturbances which began ,d__A_Lt-re- in Angola on 15 March; they believe the number of white casualli ties to be extremely high. The attackers are reported to hav_e3 18 Mar 61 DAILY BRIEF --SEeRE-T- e 41..toityg-44. Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 /Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 � @lit some road communications, forcing the Portuguese to a rlift special troops to critical areas in the north. The attacks were launched from the Congo, apparently directed by the non-Communist Angolan People's Union (UPA). Ac- cording to earlier reports, the UPA had planned to open a series of terrorist raids against white=owned plantations in mid-March. Lisbon recently reinforced its military and security forces in Angola to a strength of about 10,000. The all-Portuguese units, totaling approximately 900 troops, have been concentrated along the Congo border and in the ex- clave of Cabine (Backup, Page 4) 18 Mar 61 DAILY BRIEF iii ,A Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Banana Matadi Kitona INDIA 500 SUDAN 390 TUNISIA 3,200 MALAYA 210 INDONESIA 1,150 MOB UTU Leopoldvi ysville public of the Congo MALAYA 150 Gemena Scattered MOB UTU 800 EOUAT EU *Coquilhatville � Boende GHANA 1,900 Approximate area controlled by: IT Kasavubu�Mobutu [Z] Gizenga Kalonp Tshombe Atlantic United Nations Forces Ocean Selected road �I-0� Selected railroad Selected airfield X Cut railroad STATUTE MILES Luanda 83 uluabourg Bak MOROCCO Aket1 MALAYA 400 LIBERIA RcNAL ETHIOP Kamina Usumbura NIGERIA Kongolo Albertville NIGERIA SWEDEN 680 TSHOMBE 4,000 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 1Nwie .5LCI(L Situation in the Congo a Malian ambassador to Gizenga's regime had ar- rived in the UAR and would soon proceed to Stanleyville. Cairo, as part of an apparent effort to disengage itself from Gizenga, is discouraging its neutralist associepresentatives to Stanley- ville, contacts with Gizenga be carried out through Stanleyville's Cairo mission--a course which may also be followed by the Malian emissary. Factionalism apparently is continuing among Gizenga's lieutenants. Bernardin Plaka, a Stanley- ville official who is represening Gizenga in Kivu Province against the wishes of the local authorities, reports that the radio in Bukavu is broadcasting propaganda in the name of Anicet Ka,shamura, a Communist sympathizer. Kashamura was the principal figure in the Kivu government until he was larnuahLback_ta_Staniewille and placed under house arrest. TOP SECRET 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 v*, SECRET Communist China Seeking Western Technicians LA recent report that four Chinese petroleum engineers are Currently studying pipeline methods at the ENI plant in Milan indicates that ENI is already extending some technical assistance to the Chinese. Earlier contacts between EN! and Peiping have been largely unproductive. Mattel, president of EN!, went to China in December 1958 but was unable to inter- est the Chinese in offers to sell equipment or to supply techni- cal aid. A Chinese mission inspected ENI installations in Italy in April 1959 and purchased some steel pipe but apparently re- fused to consider the possibility of ENI technical assistance. In view of ENI's previous interest in this field, it seems unlikely that Mattei would refuse a Chinese request for technical aid now.] Peiping has also agreed to have Swedish engineers con- struct a long-distance communications network in China under a recently signed contract with a Stockholm firm. China has relied previously on Hungary and East Germany for both equip- ment and technical aid in the advanced communications field:.7 In addition, at least four French engineers are now in China advising on the operation and maintenance of electric locomotives which the Chinese purchased from a French firm. The French technicians are reportedly instructing large classes of trainees In Paochi, where some of the locomotives are already in service on the Paochi-Chengtu line. Whatever the outcome of current Sino-Soviet talks on future economic relations, the willingness of the Chinese to use West- ern technicians, together with observed shifts in their trading pattern, suggests that Peiping is trying to ease the impact of the withdrawal of Soviet technicians and is probably not eager to re- turn to heavy dependence on Soviet equipment and technical aid. SECRET 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 sossl--61Ld-efCt�r� -1�0 Afghans Seeking Soviet Aid for Dam Project Afghanistan first accepted economic assistance from the USSR in 1953, when the latter built the much-publicized grain elevator and bakery in Kabul and began paving the streets of the Afghan capital. In 1955 the Afghans accepted a $100,000,000 line of Soviet credit under which a number of transportation and power projects are being built. Afghanistan has also re- ceived about $100,000,000 worth of Soviet arms. Total Soviet economic and military assistance extended to Kabul now amounts to over $250,000,000. During 1960 an estimated 1,600 Soviet technicians and advisory personnel worked on economic devel- opment projects in Afghanistan. Although Soviet economic assistance activity in Afghanistan continued to expand in 1960 as more projects passed from the planning to the construction stage, no new major projects have been authorized since last spring. Afghan-Soviet agreements on new projects apparently await the completion of the draft of the Afghan Second Five-Year Plan. Kabul apparently expects Moscow to provide several hundred million dollars worth of assistance under the plan. The new diversion dam would be used for irrigation and flood control. Since it would increase Afghanistan's ability to hold back and utilize water whenthe Helmand River is low, Iran's concern over lack of an agreement with Afghanistan on division of the Helmand waters will increase when construction work be- gins. Tehran probably would regard the new project as aimed at forcing it to accept what it regards as an unsatisfactory dis- tribution of the waters. 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Aik Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 0.9 Cabinda � 10318 4 1Matadi Leopoldville REPUBLIC OF THE Buel la � � Moquela do Zombo CONGO Sao Salvador CONGO Nova Csipemba� Carman.] (Uige) Ambriz Nlombuangongo ./ � N. / � Quitexe It.....� LUANDA Luanda r j . 1 \ : CUANZA NORTE ( i I LUNDA \ Malange � �N � 'N '1------ \ ------. m ALANGE ! ). N. i ( ) .\\ CUANZA SUL i ..-. i Lobito � Benguela � BENGUELA NORTHWESTERN ANGOLA UNCLASSIFIED 0 190 2,90 STATUTE MILES 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Page Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 _Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 comoi 3LLAIL I Noe � Terrorist Attacks in Angola Africans in Angola, who outnumber the whites there 4,300,- 000 to 200,000, have been increasingly excited by the progress being made by other, African territories toward independence. They have formed two emigre nationalist organizations�the UPA with headquarters in Leopoldville and the pro-Communist African Revolutionary Front for the Independence of Portuguese Colonies (FRAIN), which is based in Conakry, Guinea.. FRAIN, which has devoted much of its attention to Portuguese Guinea, has received active support from Guinea's President Sekou Tour; but Portuguese Guinea appeared quiet as of 14 March. Led by Roberto Holden�an exiled Angolan also known as Jose Gilmore--UPA reportedly planned its attacks to coincide with the UN Security Council debate on Angola in an attempt to focus world attention on the rising public discontent in Portu- guese Africa. the dis- sidents received some weapons--including 25 machine guns and 150 grenades--from Tunisians in the Congo, who may also have provided some tra1ning3 Portuguese authorities can be expected to move ruthlessly against these infiltrations. Recent army reinforcements from Portugal include two companies of commando-type troops, which arrived in Luanda in February. Following last year's mutiny of Congolese troops against their Belgian officers, the Portuguese began with steps to increase the ratio of white troops to Africans. They have also sought to exploit the traditional hostility between northern and southern Angolans by assigning troops from the south to northern units and vice versa. Although born in Angola, Holden has spent most of his life in the Congo. His last visit to Angola--in 1956--was cut short when he learned of Portuguese plans to arrest him. Holden claims to be a moderate and to have advised UPA against resorting to terrorist tactics. He claims that while he was a delegate to the January 1960 meeting of the All- African Peoples' Conference in Tunis, he spurned an offer by officials of FRAIN to combine forces with UPA. As a result, TOP SECRET 18 Mar 61 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 Approved for Release: 2020/08/11 C03007382 I Nil ,SLUI