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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 - 3 3(h)(2) %we ivr 3t�mci 3.5(c) 23 December 1960 Copy No, C 74 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 11011r 4/4 NO 010,%NOE IN CLASS. Ad* o kILOLiaSIFILEJ CLASS. CH TO; TS S Nc.XT ILVI.Wweer� ALITI4; tut 14-2 DATE4 JUN 198ClEviEwEite �TOP�SECRET� ZA -------- eZI for Release: 605007-37-e Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 maw 23 DECEMBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR--Earth satellite launching attempt fails. If. ASIA-AFRICA Laos--USSR considering calling for re- sumption of ICC. Morocco�Possible recognition of North Vietnam and North Korea seen. Ethiopia�Situation returning to normal. 0 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 A � / evkppr.oveg for Release:--. 2020/03/13 C03007374 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 23 December 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC sSSR: A probable earth satellite vehicle was launched irom the Tyura Tam Missile Test Range at about 0245 EST (0745 GMT) on 22 December 1960, the vehicle did not go into orbit and impacted in North Central Siberia. This is the first launch from Tyura Tam since that of Sputnik VI on 1 December, The ob- jective of the 22 December launching cannot be determined at this time, but it may have been similar to that of Sputnik VI, which contained dogs and other material related to the inves- tigation of systems for support of manned space flight. IL ASIA-AFRICA Laos: the USSR was considering calling for a resumption of the IC in Laos. It is considered likely that Moscow will cleeide to do this_j Six additional Soviet AN 12 heavy transports have been scheduled to fly from Irkutsk to Peiping. These aircraft probably continue on to Canton with supplies destined for Laos. (Page 1) IA TOP SECRET AkaWOVWG-14W-e"'"Riiii/ 3/1 3 comoiii:ir � � Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 � Morocco: a'he government of Morocco will soon recog- nize both North Vietnam and North Korea as a further dem- onstration of "positive neutrality," according to statements made to the American charge by a Moroccan diplomat close o palace circles. In view of Morocco's expanding ties with he Sino-Soviet bloc, the government, and particularly the impetuous crown prince, might see recognition as a counter- balance to Morocco's receipt of US aid and the relatively close relations which it has maintained wit the West.) (Page ity Ethiopia: The military and political situation throughout Ethiopia is rapidly returning to normal. The greatest impact -cLatt2) of the abortive coup is likely to be felt by the small, educated group which was sympathetic to or implicated in the coup and which is now suspect in the Emperor's eyes. Unless changes in Ethiopia's political and social system occur, the "intelli- gentsia" will probably eventually make another effort, accord= ing to the US military attache in Addis Ababa. (Page 5) 23 Dec 60 a X DAILY BRIEF ii VA TOP SECRET AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3007374'7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 -FOP SECRET The Situation in Laos the USSR was considering calling for the resumption of the ICC in Laos. Soviet charges that responsibility for the civil war rested in the United States for giving military aid to Phoumi's forces and stated that Souvanna Phouma represented the only legal government of Laos0 remarks, wnich in- cluded a reminder that North Vietnam had called for a new Geneva conference, are part of an initial bloc maneuver to discredit US policy in Laos and to generate international ap- prehensions over the situation which would lead to a political settlement of the crisis favorable to the Communists.) A re- cent Soviet propaganda commentary expressed fear -that Laos may become a "second Korea" and that continued US assist- ance to the Boun Oum party "may touch off a conflagration" throughout the area. Tne article concluded by issuing an "imperative call" for a new conference of the 1954 Geneva participants. Issuing his order of the day for the 16th anniversary of the North Vietnamese Army, Hanoi's Minister of Defense General Vo Nguyen Giap charged on 22 December that the US is trying to convert both Laos and South Vietnam into colonies. Echoing tones of the recent Communist confer- ence in Moscow--"imperialism andcolo ialism are entering the days of complete collapse"--Giap said "blatant US inter- vention" in Laos threatened both China and North Vietnam. Giap stated that North Vietnam, "as a signatory to the Geneva Agreements," could not "remain indifferent to these brazen acts." He ordered North Vietnamese army men to "defend our frontiers and be ready to shatter all dark designs of the enemy." Communist China's minister of defense had issued a similarly unsbecific warning on the brevious day. The USSR apparently is substantially increasing the capa- bility of the bloc airlift in support of Laos. As many as nine TOP SECRET 23 Dec 60 CEmTDA1 ikrm I irIPmrP R1111 PT1M Daffe 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 TOP SECRET Soviet AN 12 military transports have been scheduled to fly to the Soviet Far East from the European USSR. At least six of these aircraft had been scheduled to fly from Irkutsk to Peiping on 22 December. Two of the three AN-12s which flew to Communist China from the USSR on 17 and 18 December now are operating in the Soviet Far East also. All eleven AN 12s may be engaged in ferrying supplies to Communist China for shipment to Laos. Collectively they are capable of carrying a minimum of 165 tons of cargo--a major addition to the current capability of the Soviet and Chi- nese aircraft now engaged in the operation. Through 22 December, Soviet and North Vietnamese transports continue to be scheduled for flights to the Vien- tiane area and Sam Neua. There are indications that some supplies are being ferried to southern Laos. One Soviet IL- 14 which flew to Vinh, North Vietnam, on 21 December is the first nown to have flown into this area. Cl'he planned attack by Phoumi's forces on those of Cap- tain Kong Le appears to nave been delayed, although lead ele- ments under Major Siho are believed to be continuing to move forward. The delay may have been occasioned by difficulties of coordination at the staff le e Laotian Army.7 Kong Le may retreat farther up tn.e road to Luang Prabang before attempting to reorganize his forces0 the drop zone for that day would be Van Vieng, Van Vieng is about 80 miles north of Vientiane, in an area reputed to be a Pathet Lao center of strength. [In Vientiane, General Phoumi has indicated that he may be more favorably disposed to suggestions that the National Assembly formally invest the Boun Oum government so as to make it unmistakably constitutional. Phoumi appeared to -rop-sEeRET-- 23 Dec 60 CENTDAI 11�ITC1 I irIchirc pm I CTlkl n 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 003007374"bs' " Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 TOP SECRET recognize that the new government would fare much better internationally if there were no question as to its legality. Phoumi had previously insisted that the assembly no longer existed because his Revolutionary Committee had dissolved it, and that he planned to revise the constitution and hold new elections, TOP SECRET 23 Dec 60 CENTRA I 11�ITIPI I ittrkirc RI III cTIAI Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Page 3 -44w Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 �SteRET-- Morocco May Recognize North Vietnam and,North Korea [The govern ent of Morocco will soon recognize both North Vietnam d North Korea as a further demonstration of "positive neutrality," according to statements made to the American charge in Rabat. The source, a former minister to Washington and now Moroccan ambassador to New Delhi, is close to palace circ1es3 alorocco's continued need for US aid and the desire for good relations with the West frequently professed by both King Mohamed V and the crown prince would seem to militate against such a step. Moreover, Morocco would be unlikely to offend South Vietnam, whose first ambassador to Morocco presented his credentials less than six weeks ago, or to align itself with Cuba as the second free world country to recognize North Korea) ajowever, Morocco's ties with the Sino-Soviet bloc have been expanding and its relations with the West, especially France, deteriorating. Shipments of cobalt have been made to Communist China, and Rabat announced on 15 November that the USSR would furnish jet aircraft. These planes are expected to arrive in the near future...2 Consequently, the Moroccan Government, and especially the impetuous crown prince, who apparently asked the Soviet ambassador for the jet aircraft without consulting the cabinet and only vaguely informing the King, might see this recognition as a means of increasing bloc ties or as an appropriate response to the Soviet veto of Mauritania's UN admission. Any unfriendly Western act, such as countermeasures reportedly planned by the French against Moroccan threats to their base rights, could reci itate such recognitionj SECRET 23 Dec 60 rp0.1111 Al IkITEI I a 15 r�ekif^e 111 I ETIAI --Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 CONFIDENTIAL Ethiopian Progressives to Suffer From Coup The progressive younger elements in Ethiopia may lose considerable influence because many of the more enlightened ministers and intellectuals were involved in the abortive coup against the Emperor,according to an Ethiopian member of the UN staf13 In his event, efforts to increase personal free- dom, improve living standards, and accelerate economic de- velopment would be set back several years. The Emperor's public remarks suggest a lenient attitude toward rebel sym- pathizers, but in view of his suspicion of the progressives, he is expected to rely for advice increasingly on represent- atives of traditional Ethiopian society. Notices posted at the University College in Addis Ababa state that any student signing a letter of apology to the Em- peror will be allowed to continue his studies, although he may be subject to later punishment. The students were strongly in favor of the coup and demonstrated in its behalf on 15 Decem- ber. The American military attache in Addis Ababa reports that the situation is rapidly returning to normal, although troops are still hunting down two coup leaders and some 325 missing Bodyguard personnel. Of the 5,000 men in the Body- guard, about 475 were reported killed or wounded in the fight- ing in Addis Ababa and 1,800 are held by the army or police. The remainder have been released. The attache believes that the Bodyguard will be broken up, but that the Emperor will probably have to re-create a household guard--perhaps by using the two battalions of Bodyguard troops in the Congo as a nucleus--to act as a counterpoise to the army. He adds that unless reforms are carried out by the govern- ment, the "intelligentsia" will organize another revolt within the next year or two in an attempt to overthrow Ethiopia's feu- dalistic government. 23 Dec 60 CEMTD A I IkITDI I inckirc DI II I CTIM Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 1 Li LiV 1 'NNW /OW THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director ingtiVF�RF7VT-4-4-1--- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03007374