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//// ZZ, Z/Z/ZZ I -Approved for Release. 2020/03/13 C03004635 TOP SECRET-P. 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 15 April 1960 Copy No, C 68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUI101z!tT -I% _ 1./0 VO PNANOE IN CLASS. K , , :mil, Assirmo iv As. cy,AurEo XT REVIER' 04'1 : _�?0,0 _ 411714A vfl 70 2 6 JUN 1980 �ATE; IIEVIEWEN: 40-P�SECRET� ,,,,,,WWWWWZZ Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C 03004635 VZ,Z, frndernrn j Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 V I- *OP 1601,0111.116 41.1k Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 15 APRIL 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR rebuffs Iranian sugge Shah-Khrushchev meeting. Forthcoming central committee meeting likely to replace presidium members Kirichenko and Belyayev. Cuts in Soviet Army under Khrushchev's demobilization program to be largely completed by September. Taiwan Strait--Watch Committee analy- sis. 0 Communist China unsuccessfully attempt- ing to convert Afro-Asian Solidarity Conference into anti-American propa- ganda forum. II. ASIA-AFRICA South Korea�Opposition Democratic party leaders may incite disorders in Seoul. South Vietnam and Cambodia continue dispute over several small islands in Gulf of Siam. 0 Laos--Communists may withdraw some or all of their election candidates to protest government's strong-arm tac- tics. 0 Libya--Minority bloc in new Chamber of Deputies launches strong attack on existence of Wheelus base. III. THE WEST 0 Italy--Fanfani faces difficult task in trying for center-left cabinet. ,11- � trl eN sr, Art rw 71", Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 oK Approved for Release. 2020/03/13 C03004635 Ur it,C:K.t, 1 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 15 April 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR -Iran: The Soviet Union has rebuffed Iranian sug- gestions both for a meeting in Austria between Ithrushchey and the Shah following the summit conference in May and for a "purely ceremonial" visit to Moscow by the Iranian foreign minister. Soviet leaders are probably confident that the cumulative effect of the bloc's propaganda and subversive campaigns against the Shah's regime and the impact of Khru- shchev's talks with Western government leaders Wi1Unduce Tehran to make new efforts to improve relations (Page 1) USSR: Changes in the party presidium will be made at a forthcoming meeting of the central committee, according to a current Soviet rumor. The committee will allegedly pro- mote candidate members Dmitry Polyansky and Aleksey Kosy- gin to replace Aleksey Kirichenko and Nikolay Belyayev, who are in disfavor. A separate rumor alleges that security, chief Aleksandr Shelepin is also in trouble. While the main purpose of any central committee meeting convoked in the near future would probably be a demonstration of party support for Khru- shchev on the eve of the summit, the promotio7 nf. PnlvanR7 and Kosygin at such a meeting is not unlikely. (Page 2) USSR: mosr Ririe army demobilization will be completed by 1 Septem- ber 1960. The plan's current phase calls for the disbandment of selected divisions, certain headquarters staffs, and inde- pendent engineer and technical battalions. The "cleanup" phase will begin in September, and the en- tire roram will be completed by the early, spring of 1961. (Page 3) zy,/ / Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635r f OKA% 2-;:-�zefa"4- AW-2,7%0JZ44'''e'' 5-4 ApprovefOl'iRefea-Se:'-202-0/03/13 C03004635v0.0, = TOP SECRET 'Taiwan Strait. Verbatim Extract from Watch Committee Report of 13 April: The Chinese Communist military attachg in East Berlin recently told a Western journalist that Commu- nist China would "take certain steps" during the spring months to "liberate" Taiwan and the offshore islands, possibly after the end of the National People's Congress (which terminated on 10 April) or several weeks later. Although the Chinese Commu- nists have not fully endorsed Khrushchev's tactics of detente, there has been no propaganda build-up with respect to the strait situation such as preceded the August 1958 hostilities. China also has been trying to convince its Asian neighbors that its in- tentions are peaceful, a line likely to be followed by Chou En-lai during his present tour of Burma, India, and Nepal. Available evidence does not indicate that an offensive in the Taiwan Strait is imminent, although the Chinese Communists have the capability to take military action against the offshore islands at any time with little or no warning. Communist China: Peiping is making a strong bid at the Afro- Asian Solidarity Conference to inject its own bitter hostility to- ward the United States into the Afro-Asian "national liberation struggle." Chinese delegates are charging that "US imperialism is the most vicious enemy of the Asian and African people," and are attempting to convert the Conakry meeting into a forum for this line. Moscow has avoided such vituperation, blaming colonial- ism in general as the main opponent of independence. (Page 4) II. ASIA-AFRICA South Korea: Opposition Democratic party leaders will probably attempt to capitalize on the spontaneous popular re- sentment against the government displayed at Masan, and in- crease their efforts to hold demonstrations elsewhere in South Korea. Although their request to the Rhee government for 15 Apr 60 DAILY BRIEF TOP SECRET pproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 /0//107 01"/Mife, NO% 015,1 Ziff /70 7., 017 7A hApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635e , oe -rop-s-Ec-RE4 , 01< permission to hold a rally in Seoul on 15 April has been refused, It is possibl7 that they will try to incite disorders there in the near future. (Page 5) South Vietnam - Cambodia: The dispute between Cambodia and South Vietnam regarding jurisdiction over several small is- lands in the Gulf of Siam is intensifying. South Vietnamese For- eign Minister Mau has circulated charges to "friendly govern- ments" that new Cambodian landings in the area are "an act of aggression," and Saigon has dispatched patrol craft to reconnoiter. Mau has disclaimed any intention of forcibly dislodging the Cam- bodians, but relations between the two countries are so strained that a serious incident could occur. (Page 6) (Map) Laos: khe fellow-traveling Santiphab party is considering withaFiiiing some or all of its candidates from the 24 April elec- tions in protest against the government's alleged strong-arm tactics, The Commu- nist-front Neo Lao Hak Sat reportedly may take similar action in order to dramatize to the world that the elections are "a farce rigged to please foreign friends." These reports may have been deliberately circulated to generate pressure on the government to hold reasonably fair elections) (Page 7) Libya: tt.. minority bloc in the new Chamber of Deputies has launched virulent attacks on the administration and existence of Wheelus Air Force Base. One of the group's spokesmen has de- manded that the chamber take matters into its own hands and "annul this evil American treaty." Prime Minister Kubar and other leading officials have continued to press for major revi- sions in the American aid program, including a firm commit- ment of funds to the Libyan budget for several years running, as the price for continued US use of the basej (Page 8) 15 Apr 60 DAILY BRIEF iApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 :�-or � /- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635/1 :4-47-147-47'''' / /.."5 III. THE WEST Italy: An attempt to end the six-week-old cabinet crisis is now being made by left-wing Christian Democrat Amintore Fan- fani, who is known to favor a center-left cabinet with outside support of the Italian Socialist party. Fanfani will either seek such a solution immediately or else work for a temporary care- taker government during which he would pave the way for this solution. (Page 9) IV. SIGNIFICANT INTELLIGENCE REPORTS AND ESTIMATES (Available during the preceding week) Outlook for Burma. ME 61-60. 12 Apr 1960. Trends in Soviet Military Capabilities in the Period 1965- 1970. ME 11-60 12 Apr 1960. 15 Apr 60 DAILY BRIEF iv TOP SECRET -Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0300463571Az,,,,,111, /ii:/07A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 TOP SECRET I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Soviet Union Rejects Meetings With Top Iranians The USSR has said it will not agree to Iranian proposals for a meeting between the Shah and Ithrushchev and for a visit to the USSR by Foreign Minister Aram unless Iran is willing to accept Moscow's proposal which would ban foreign military bases in Iran, In giving Moscow's reply to a proposal made through the Iranian ambassador. in Moscow for a meeting in Austria between the two countries' top political figures following the summit con- ference in May, Foreign Minister Gromyko stated on 9 April that such contacts "must have a purpose," and that Iran's in- sistence on the Shah's offer, of a guarantee against only medium- and long-range missile bases in Iran may make the situation "even worse." the Soviet charge in Tehran, responding to a suggestion by Aram that he pay a purely ceremonial visit to Moscow, stated that the visit must have as its object the signing of the Soviet draft protocol for a guarantee against foreign military bases of all types from Iranian soil. The subject of a visit by Aram or by Prime Min- ister Eqbal to the Soviet Union as a prelude to improved rela- tions was broached in February by the Indian ambassador in Tehran, presumably with the knowledge and approval of Soviet officials there. Soviet leaders, in rejecting the Iranian suggestions, appear confident that the cumulative effects of the bloc's propaganda and subversion campaigns against the Shah's regime and the im- pact of Khrushchev's meetings with Western heads of government will induce Tehran to make new efforts to improve relations with the USSR. rtranian officials have begun to show concern over the forth- coming Menderes-Khrushchev exchange of visits announced on 11 April, as well as apprehension that the summit me_eting mav lessen US interest in and support for the Middle East.1 CRET- 15 Apr 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 cONFIDEN TIA L Soviet Central Committee Meeting Rumored The Soviet party central committee will meet soon to make changes in the party presidium, according to a current Soviet rumor which has been reported by the American Embassy in Moscow. Such a meeting would presumably precede the Su- preme Soviet session scheduled to open on 5 May and would probably serve mainly as a demonstration of party support for Khrushchev on the eve of his departure for the summit meet- ing in Paris. The committee might also use the occasion, the rumor alleges, to take up some pending personnel matters, including the promotion of candidate presidium members Dmitry Pol- yansky and Aleksey Kosygin to full membership as replacements for Aleksey Kirichenko and Nikolay Belyayev. The latter two, who have tumbled from favor in recent months, are still for- mally full members. Polyansky heads the government of the Russian Republic (RSFSR); 1Cosgyin is chief of the State Plan- ning Committee. The embassy reports another rumor in Moscow to the effect that Aleksandr Shelepin, who has been chief of state security since December 1958, is in trouble. Despite the un- certain tenure of Soviet police chiefs, however, there has been nothing to substantiate this. CONFIDENTIAL 15 Anr 60 (Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Pace 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Soviet Army Demobilization army demobilization plans call for the bulk of the reduc- tion to take place before September of this year. Selected divisions, headquarters staffs, and independent engineer and technical battalions would be affected in this phase. A cleanup phase involving miscellaneous elements would be completed by the early spring of 19610 He said that a division in the Moscow area was the first to be demobilized. Although Marshal Bagramyan told Ambassador Thompson on 1 April that the bulk of the reductions would take place in the spring and summer, this is the first indication of a plan to complete the reductions well before the two-year time limit set by Khrushchev in his speech of 14 January. It is also the first suggestion that division-size units are to be disbanded. There is no information as to which geo- graphic areas will retain the greatest percentage of their original strength. many of the officers who nave been selected for demobilization, particularly those without enough nt, were extremely unhappy. the "extraordi- nary" benefits the Soviet Government had decreed for the discharged officers were overcoming this discontent. No problem has arisen in connection with the demobilization of enlisted me Shortly after announcing plans for the troop cut, Premier Khrushchev admitted in private conversation that it "had not been easy to sell" to the military. In January and Feb- ruary the regime engaged in a major campaign to explain and "justify" the measure and to publicize the privileges and financial benefits granted the disthrg1 qprxriedaman SECRET 15 Apr 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 CONFIDENTIAL Communist Olina Seeks to Convert Afro-Asian Conference Into Anti-American Forum Communist China is making a strong bid at the Afro-Asian Solidarity Conference to inject its bitter hostility toward the United States into the "national liberation struggle." Spokesmen for the 23-man Chinese delegation--the larg- est present at the meeting in Conakry, Guinea--have charged that "US imperialism is the most vicious and treacherous ene- my of the people of Africa, Asia, and the world." MOSCOW has avoided such vituperation, centering on colonialism in gen- eral as the main opponent of independence. This Chinese effort to focus antagonism on the United States is part of Reiping's campaign advocating hard, uncom- promising political opposition on all fronts as the best and quickest means for destroying "imperialism." The Chinese delegation also is pledging Peiping's "firm support" for na- tionalist movements in a continuing effort to increase Chi- nese influence among new African states. So far there is no evidence that the efforts of Peiping's and other Communist representatives have had the intended effect on the large number of African nationalists attending the conference. In fact, the Communists' heavy-handed ap- proach may be proving counterproductive, even in some of the most leftist-inclined African circles. Although he has accepted an invitation to visit Peiping, Guinean President Sekou Tour d was apparently addressing himself primarily to the bloc when, in his opening speech to the delegates, he re- buked those who saw in Africa "a possibility of transforming our nations into territories reserved to their sole influence" and who brought to Africa "their quarrels and differences." Moreover, Tour's Marxist-oriented half-brother, who is serving as conference president, is reported to have blocked an attempt by the Communist-dominated Japanese delegation to make Okinawa and the US-Japanese security treaty formal agenda items. 15 Apr 60 CApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 .1,. OLCV"*.A.E 1-14,1.041 CONFIDENTIAL Opposition Continues Attacks on Rhee Regime Opposition Democratic leaders, encouraged by the growing opposition to the Rhee administration displayed at Masan, probably will increase their efforts to hold demonstrations elsewhere in South Korea. They have de- cided to go ahead with plans for a mass rally in Seoul on 15 April commemorating the victims of the Masan election-day riots, despite the government's refusal to permit the use of Seoul Stadium. Regardless of their success in this instance, they are likely to continue ef- forts to promote protest rallies in Seoul. Militant opposition leaders might welcome disorders as the most effective means of stimulating support. For its part, the government is afraid even to permit an opposi- tion rally in the stadium under close police supervision, but it realizes that the use of force to prevent demonstra- tions might incite mass rioting. The Democrats have launched the most bitter parlia- mentary attack on the administration since Rhee's Liberal party resorted to repressive tactics in late 1958 to break a Democratic sit-down strike in the National Assembly. Opposition leaders also have filed suit in the Supreme Court to have the recent presidential elections nullified. Such legalistic maneuvers, however, seem likely to be over- shadowed by the resort to mass action. � North Korea is mounting a propaganda campaign to exploit the troubles in South Korea. Pyongyang has staged a mass rally, and the press and radio are giving develop- ments in Masan extensive coverage. All Koreans are being exhorted to rise against the "Syngman Rhee clique" and to accelerate peaceful unification. Such a North Korean response very probably will be used by Rhee to substan- tiate his allegations that the dissidence is entirely Commu- nist inspired. 15 Apr 60 (11,11:171-113 A T TTarr T T Telt, iarl TTT T rrirKT page 5 s"�Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635-"' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 *NO Nov THAILAND Sisophon oSiem Reap ( Battambang C A M II 0 D TON-1. t Pursat6 L Aft0 S 2 Kontum /.�Pleiku _/ g Treng "t4in ART�J.00k \...4 S 0 U T 1 �Ban Me Kompong Thom ),, 0Kratie ----"1 \ c 11 , Thuot ., Kompong s., , 2 :/ Rompong Cham tr-.1".' Dalat 0 ( Chhnang i VE AM \K -,--,-,V - t () Prey .../"".1,..4 - Veng o \ . ITN --i i svay Rieng ���. -\.,,\ , , 01 .�"*".'% '''"v...:1 rt. Doc Ch'au Sihanoukville p n., Kampot k5 .-"-------'9,,pKep j....." \ --,\I`.-,,, /..,�_ My Tho 0 I. du miii;u----------'11e de, l ...._._....Th.. Phu QuocA CAN TH dtiNor soc Trang 0 N, ) s--- Bac Lieu, - --'. GULF OF 31087 PHNOM PENH Takeo� I. du Pic Iles des Pirates SIAM SAIGON 0 /Phan Thiet Cap Saint.Jacques MILES 100 Nhon Song Cau H tTha Trang Phan Rang u i/NA BURMA 1 � Area of Main Map \ SOUTN SEA CHINA VIETNAM OUTH 1 IRTNAM PHILIPRINrfS � A INDONESIA 11�,"'0 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 -SteffE4. viey South Vietnamese - Cambodian Dispute Over Uninhabited Islands Intensifying The dispute between South Vietnam and Cambodia over own- ership of several small islands in the Gulf of Siam is becoming increasingly, bitter. South Vietnam has reacted sharply to re- ported landings on 9 April by Cambodian troops on two uninhab- ited islets in the Iles des Pirates archipelago, which was among several offshore islands claimed by South Vietnam in a note to Cambodia last month. The Diem government has circulated an aide-memoire to "friendly governments" denouncing Cambodia's new "premed- itated act of aggression" and recalling Cambodian occupation in 1956 and 1958 of Ile du Milieu, Ile a PEau, Ile du Pic, and Ile Pirate du Nord--all claimed by Saigon. The Vietnamese note states that Cambodia's provocative act creates an "extremely dangerous situation for peace in this part of the world:' The Diem government is dispatching two patrol craft to recon- noiter, and a company of Vietnamese marines reportedly was placed on 48-hour alert on 13 April. Foreign Minister Mau has told American Ambassador Durbrow that Vietnam has no inten- tion of dislodging the Cambodians by force, but he admitted this was considered at a special cabinet session., Mau com- plained that the West did not understand Cambodian leader Si- hanouk's "real game, which is one of continual aggressive jabs!' Saigon's note last month on the islands touched off a violent reaction in Phnom Penh. Sihanouk warned that Cambodia would fight to retain its territory and would not hesitate to seek Chinese Communist support if needed. While the islands in question have little real value, the supercharged emotions generated in both capitals reflect the traditional enmity between the two countries as well as friction over, contemporary, differences. SECRET 15 Apr 60 CENTRAI IMTPI I InCklre Dl iii Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 L 'goy _Possible Withdrawal of Pro-Communist Candidates From Laotian Elections g4uinim Pholsena, lead'er of the fellow-ti-aveling Santi- phab -party, is considering withdrawing some or all of the party's candidates from the National Assembly elections on 24 April in protest against the Laotian Government's alleged strong-arm tactics, the Communist-front Neo Lao Hak Sat (NLHS) may take similar action in order to dramatize to the world that the elections are na farce rigged to please foreign friends."] NLHS and the Santiphab generally voted together in the last assembly and have probably coordinated their tactics in the election campaign now in progress. Santiphab strength is concentrated in the southernmost provinces of Champassak and Attopeu. An American Embassy officer who recently toured Cha,mpassak reports a general assump- tion there that the government candidates will sweep all six seats in the province because the army and the police are effectively persuading the people, sometimes through threats, that it would be unsafe to vote for opposition candidates_j eports that the Santiphab and the NLHS may pull out of the elections may have been deliberately circulated in order to generate new pressure on the government to hold reasonably fair elections. Communist strategists might see some propaganda advantage in making a token withdrawal of a few of the weaker Communist or pro-Communist candi- dates, but they would probably prefer that most of their candidates remain in the race if there is a reasonable pros- pect that a number of them can win. The Communists prob- ably anticipate a split in the anti-Communist ranks in the next assembly which could be exploited by even a small leftist bloc. CONFIDENTIAL 15 Apr 60 CENTRAI INTFI I inpmrp 111 III CTIkl Pc re 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 LA.J1 Yr 1 LJ,L.1 I ii-i.. Libyan Pressure on American Base Rights riLhe Libyan Government, which for nearly two years has been pressing for modifications in the American base agree- ment and for major revisions in the American aid program, is under growing internal pressure to show results. A minor- ity bloc in the newly constituted Chamber of Deputies has launched virulent attacks on the existence of Wheelus Air Base and several phases of operation, on the "lack of respect shown by Americans for Libyan sovereignty and honor," and on Amer- ican "indifference" to Libyan economic needs. One of the group's spokesmen has demanded that the chamber take matters into its own hands and "annul this evil American treaty.'n 1:While the Libyan Government still controls the majority of the chamber's membership, the strength of the opposition bloc was considerably increased in last January's elections. Prime Minister Kubar is obviously concerned by such symp- toms_of adverse public sentiment; moreover, he has expressed to Western diplomats his conviction that the King will replace him if he cannot negotiate a "satisfactory" new aid agreement with the United States:I During the past few years American aid to Libya has a- mounted to about $22,000,000 annually. Up to this point, Ku- bar has found the American ambassador's proposals for modi- fication of the aid program unacceptable; new American pro, posals are pending. While Kubar has been bargaining for an increase in the total level of aid, he has been particularly in- sistent that a sizable part be in the form of an advance commit- ment of funds for several years and completely at the disposal of the Libyan Governmenla CONFIDENTIAL 15 Apr 60 IT.. �K Magni I MA01.Imk Ia..= ANN II I Im�PIK I 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 leer III. THE WEST Italy to Try Center-Left Government Amintore Fanfani, former premier and the leading figure of the Christian Democratic left, has agreed to try to form a cabinet to bring the six-weekIold Ralian� cabinet crisis to an end. Fanfani will probably work for the forma- tion of a coalition with the parties immediately to the left of the Christian Democrats--the Republicans and the Demo- cratic Socialists�with the parliamentary support of the Socialist party. The strength of the antirightist feeling within the Christian Democratic party was indicated on 11 April by the revolt within the party against participation in the Tambroni government, which would have depended on the votes of the neo- Fascists for a parliamentary ma- jority. If this second attempt fails, President Gronchi�per- sonally a strong proponent of the center-left formula-- will probably favor installing a strictly caretaker, one- party government, rather than experiment with a center- right formula. The Liberals�who caused the crisis by refusing to continue their support of the Segni government without being represented in the cabinet --presumably would demand inclusion in a coalition government. This is a conceivable solution but not a likely one, in the face of opposition from the Christian Democratic left. 711e current crisis has been of record duration, and there have been rumors of a possible coup attempt which would probably lead to a general strike initiated by the lefq SECRE-T 15 Apr 60 CF",WM!) AT TlarTVGIFT T TelVilarirt int1TT T pm Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635.1""' Approve-d-TWele�a7e72.020/03/13 C03004635 Neire THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director PAIVT:114r4s. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03004635 7ZZAIWIWZ/Z/ZZ/ZZ.,(//"..,//ZZ/zzz.oz######### // e/ Approved for Release: 2020/03/13C03004635 , 4. 7 � a � TOP SECRET imjezzmiern/rnpproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO30046357/1 /71//1 Zo