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f 0 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 4.0Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C�3��3296 134CA-111-r" -41 3.3(h)(2) 01,7/eA TOP SECRET P 29 May 1957 3.5(c) 4 Copy No. -3e) DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANCE IN ()LAS...). CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO:TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH. R 70- DAT REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 1U1 ant...Etc, Nagf CONTENTS . THE SITUATION IN TAIPEI (page 3). 2. JAPANESE COMMUNISTS PLAN TO EXPLOIT GIRARD CASE (page 4). bff.- 3. risTAS7REATENS SEIZURE OF US COMPANIES (page 5). 014-4. FRENCH SOCIALISTPARTYS VIEWS ON FORMATION OF NEW GOVERNMEN (page 6). 0 IC-5. FRENCH POSITION ON DISARMAMENT MAY BE SHIFTING (page 7). 0it 6. HAVANA EXPLOSION INCREASES UNREST IN CUBA (page 8). p IP/ 7. THE HAITIAN SITUATION C I0 (page 9). Ag... 8. SOVIET-HUNGARIAN MILITARY AGREEMENT (page 10). 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin T-60P-sEeRtur- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 I WI 1...) �IJO 1. THE SITUATION IN TAIPEI Reference: Taipei, in reporting the 24 May riots bserved that very few military or civil police were sent to the scene, and that the police made no positive efforts toward quelling the trouble, but instead seemed to give in to the vio- ence of the mob, noted that the disturbance was carried on in a "somewhat organized manner." about a week before the riots, Vice President Chen Clieng, generally regarded as Chiang's probable suc- cessor, gave a speech in which he predicted that me anieriedn auLnuilLieb WU ULU "whitewash" Sergeant Reynolds. He reportedly said that this was an example of how the United States forced China to ac- cept its decisions, and that the United States must be shown that China would not be forced into following US policy. Chen, had vetoed the use of troops in the early stages of the riot. The situation in Taipei remains quiet, but martial law will remain in effect until the government feels assured that no further violence will occur. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 �1=1MM-I Nor Nal 2. JAPANESE COMMUNISTS PLAN TO EXPLOIT GIRARD CASE The Communist Party in Japan instructed all departments of the central head uar- ters and prefectural committees to conduct an anti-American propaganda campaign exploiting the accidental killing last January of a Japanese woman by the American service- man William Girard. The Communist campaign is making ,use of "public opinion" polls, handbills, posters and other printed materials. Front organizations have been instructed to carry out similar anti-American campaigns. mment . The Japanese press has been quick to note the similarities between the Girard incident and the,Reynolds case on Taiwan, and some newspapers have printed inflammatory editorials. Leftist leaders in Tokyo may seek to avoid mob violence, however, because of the sharp drop in popular support for the leftists following a resort to violence in 1952. The Japanese Socialists may also use the Girard case to discredit the conservatives and promote neu- tralism. One Socialist member of the Diet has already applied for a demonstration permit. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 3E-IC/Mt-- Nur 3. NASR THREATENS SEIZURE OF US COMPANIES Egyptian president Nasr told a former American news correspondent on 23 May that any further US action "to hurt Egypt" would result in the sequestration of US business firms and nationalization of American oil companies. Nasr said this action would be taken more as a "pointer" to other Arab states than for Egypt's economic benefit. He also stated that the United States has the same colonialist attitude as its allies (Britain and France), but is unwilling to resort to force to achieve its objectives. Comment Nases statement probably more closely re- sembles his actual attitude toward the United States than do the statements by other high-level Egyptian offi- cials, several of whom recently have sought to minimize Egyp- tian-American differences. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 1L/1 V.1 /.115/141 V J. AZ-11.4 Nywor. 4. FRENCH SOCIALIST PARTY'S VIEWS ON FORMATION OF NEW GOVERNMENT Outgoing French premier Mollet's Social- ist Party is asking a stiff price for its support of the next government, accord- ing to the American embassy. Party spokesmen say they will insist on the continuation of "at least 95 percent" of Mollet's social program, prompt ratifi- cation of the EURATOM and Common Market treaties, and maintenance of Mollet's Algerian policy. If this price is met, the Socialists would support a government even if they did not participate in it. If their conditions are met, they will also consider reconstituting the Mollet cabinet. The party will not convene its National Council until after President Coty announces his formal choice of a candidate. Comment In maintaining this attitude, the Socialists indicate willingness for the crisis to con- tinue for some time. It is probable, however, that as Coty's first candidate fails to form a government, they will lessen their demands and accept the limitations imposed by the coun- try's financial condition in pressing for social reform. MolleVs Algerian policy has been generally satisfactory to the right and is broad enough to accommodate new domestic pressure for a political settlement. Action on European integration treaties is likely to be delayed until fall. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 -45-E-tirET Name 5. FRENCH POSITION ON DISARMAMENT MAY BE SHIFTING Pressures seem to be mounting in France in favor of a national nuclear weapons pro- gram, and any new government may be un- able to renew Mollet's assurances that France would forego such a program if an early disarmament agreement could be reached. A French Press Agency commentary on 27 May pointed out that most French political parties have taken the position that atomic armament is a necessary con - dition of independence. The influential conservative and pro 135 daily Figaro has also editorialized that to eliminate France from atomic competition would deprive it of the status to which its international responsibilities entitle it. Mollet's defeat has opened the way for strong nationalist pressures. Behind these pressures are the impact on French opinion of the British decision to rely on nuclear deterrent power; announcement of plans to overhaul the French defense establishment to meet the demands of nuclear warfare; and accumulating frustrations arising from France's setbacks in Algeria and the Middle East, 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 1.3.0 italtri .1 Nur, 6. HAVANA EXPLOSION INCREASES UNREST IN CUBA A violent underground explosion early on the morning of 28 May blew out four gen- erators in the Cuban Electric Company's main power station in Havana, resulting in a city-wide blackout which may last as long as 48 hours in the downtown section. Power is being restored gradually in other sections. Telephone service, operating on auxiliary generators, is limited. The saboteurs were apparently well ac- quainted with the power system, suggesting that the attempt may have been planned by electrical workers. Previous re- ports have indicated that dissident electrical workers, who are feuding with the government-controlled unions, were planning a nationwide power strike and a city-wide blackout in conjunc- tion with new revolutionary attempts which have been expected to occur this month. No disturbances were reported in Havana immediately following the explosion. Reports that a small rebel force of 27 men landed on the north coast of eastern Cuba on 24 May have added to the general atmosphere of tension. high armed forces officials held an all-night meeting to co-ordinate the defense of Havana, indicating the extent of official concern over increasing reports of disturbances throughout the nation. Additional government forces were dispatched to Oriente Prov- ince several days ago to clean up resistance pockets. A clash between government forces and followers of Fidel Castro in Oriente on 28 May led to casualties on both sides. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 -SECRET-- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 IL4 CAL LLFJCil N /1114 7. THE HAITIAN SITUATION Comment on: The Haitian political scene appears to be quiet following the "inauguration" of left- ist Daniel Fignold as provisional president on 26 May, but the situation remains tense and new disorders could erupt at any time. The general strike which paralyzed eco- nomic life throughout the country since 21 May has ended. Fignole apparently is now representing the interests of ousted dictator-president Magloire and the remnants of his support- ers in Haiti. On 28 May he formed a 12- member cabinet, including two under secre- taries, representing the leading presidential candidates excepting Louis Dejoie, from whom Fignole withdrew support in his bid for power. The army, which had turned the capital into a battlefield in a 24-hour power struggle between rival chiefs of staff on 25 May, is reunited on the surface only, according to the American military attach�Colonel Antoine Kebreau, who has succeeded Cantave as chief of staff of the army, also has been connected with the corrupt Magloirist group. Dejoie has denounced the seizure of power by Fignold as illegal and has forecast a life of less than 30 days for his government. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296 (Atli V1' 1JF.I2.L V .1 1..e1JLA vase 8. SOVIET-HUNGAR1AN MILITARY AGREEMENT Comment on The Soviet-Hungarian agreement con- cerning the "legal status of Soviet forces temporarily" in Hungary, signed in Budapest on 27 May, does not deal di- rectly with the length of stay or size of these forces�currently estimated to total up to 75,000 men. The text of the treaty merely stipulates that the numerical strength of Soviet forces in Hungary will be determined by "Apecial agreements" between the two states and that move- ment of these troops within the country will "require in each case" authorization from competent Hungarian authorities. In general, the treaty does not differ significantly from the status-of-forces agreements signed by Moscow with Poland on 17 December and with Rumania on 15 April, but is more generous than the one signed with East Germany on 12 March. As was the case with Rumania, Moscow signed the Hungarian agreement apparently in a desire to "legalize" the continued presence of its forces; to concede, on paper, the "sovereignty" of the Satellite signatory; and to minimize its status-of-forces treaty with Poland, where regime leaders take the public position that the agreement has substance. The new treaty establishes ambiguous procedures for Hungarian legal jurisdiction over Soviet troops who commit crimes while off duty. Provisions dealing with compensation for material damages inflicted on either Soviet or Hungarian property include a reference to the admissibility of unsettled claims dating back to 1947; this, at least legally, would entitle the USSR to submit claims for losses incurred during the revolution last fall. 29 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 eONHDEN-T4-A- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003296