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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 '1 "CH " Cile="1"" CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 26 April 1957 Copy No. 00013101:: coss. 140 ariANGE " Dv..CLI\5311'.'-ro cukss. CHANDP G,-; t4Ext� F,EVIEW PcI311-1.. DAS OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 134 3.5 c 3.3(h)(2) fI REVIEWER Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 %rot CONTENTS T. DEVELOPMENTS IN JORDAN 66 (page 3). 015 2. BRITISH SEE BID FOR MIDDLE EAST TALKS IN BULGANIN LETTER (page 5). A/03. BRITISH SEEN FAVORABLE TO NATO COMMON STOCK- PILE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS (page 6). 06 4. IRAQI OFFICERS ARRESTED FOR ANTIREGIME ACTIVITIES page 7). A " v -5. LAOTIAN PRIME MINISTER REPORTEDLY PLANS TO RESIGN (page 8). 4/56. WEST GERMAN PROBLEMS WITH STATUS-OF-FORCES AGREEMENTS (page 9). 7. OVERSEAS CHINESE ISSUE IN SOUTH VIETNAM MAY BE REACHING CRITICAL STAGE (page 10). ANNEX--Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelligence Advisory Committee (page 11). 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin -r0P-S-E�RE-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 %NO 1. DEVELOPMENTS IN JORDAN Comment on: Relative quiet prevailed in Jordan on 25 April following the new Hashim cabinet's imposition of martial law and curfew, and the dissolution of all polit- ical parties. The cabinet will probably be dominated by the pro-Western leader Samir Rifai, who is deputy premier and foreign minister. Although five of the seven new cabinet members are from West Jordan, the center of Palestinian extremism, all the ministers have rela- tively conservative pro-Western records. The one newcomer to cabinet status is a representative of the Bedouin tribes, which are providing the king with his armed sup- port. Meanwhile, the Syrians and refugee Jor- danian nationalists continue to press Egypt for a decision on joint action 'to'forestall consolidation of King Hussain's position. a mission representing the Syrian general staff and refugee Jordanian leftist military and political leaders was to go to Cairo to discuss with Nasr and Commander in Chief Amer joint action to be undertaken "before events deteriorate in Jordan:' The Syrians were reported to be particularly appre- hensive over action to be taken if Hussain requested interven- tion by the Iraqi army, and to have decided to engage the Iraqi army if it entered Jordan. According to Beirut radio, Syrian president Quwatli flew to Cairo for a four-hour "crucial" con- ference with Nasr on 25 April. On 24 April, King Hussain is reported to have notified Cairo and Damascus that unless Syrian troops were withdrawn from Jordan within 48 hours, Iraqi troops would 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2016/12/04 C03003295 ',Rae *or be brought in. the Jordanian command had asked that Saudi forces in West Jordan prepare to move two battalions into the towns of Nablus and Ramallah to assist Jordanian units in maintain- ing order. Saudi and Iraqi officers had conferred on the Jordanian-Iraqi border. A limited precautionary mobilization of reserves appeared to be continuing in Israel as of 25 April. The American embassy in Tel Aviv tentatively assesses this to be a result of both mounting tension in Jordan and the need for troops to participate in Israel's Independence Day celebra- tions on 5-6 May. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 CONFIDENTIAL 2. BRITISH SEE BID FOR MIDDLE EAST TALKS IN BULGANIN LETTER The British Foreign Office, in a pre- liminary appraisal of Premier Bulganin's letter to Prime Minister Macmillan, feels that it contains a veiled bid to par- icipa e in a s on the Middle East with the United States, Britain and France. While a definitive British attitude has not yet been formed, the Foreign Office seems to think that the USSR cannot be excluded indefinitely from talks concern- ing developments in the Middle East. Comment There have been no recent indications that London believes the situation in the Middle East could be eased by seeking an accommodation with the USSR. Macmillan may nevertheless again be considering a trip to Moscow. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 s kJ .1.:01.- .1 3. BRITISH SEEN FAVORABLE TO NATO COMMON STOCKPILE OF NUCLEAR WEAPONS Britain might support the French sug- gestion for a NATO "common stockpile" of nuclear weapons under SACEUR con- trol if the plan did not interfere with the Tavored British position in obtaining US nuclear components, in the view of the American embassy in London. Senior British officials, in their anxiety to deter additional coun- tries from producing their own nuclear weapons, had earlier suggested that the United States might prevent this by sup- plying such weapons. Comment Any method of dissuading European nations from producing nuclear weapons would be attractive to London. London's concern is so great that it would probably consider contributing to such a stock- pile, or even surolvina nuclear weapons directly to Francp or Germany 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 4312d11�atKrz-- \Or 4. IRAQI OFFICERS ARRESTED FOR. ANTI- REGIME ACTIVITIES A group of younger Iraqi army officers, including a colonel, were arrested on 16 April for antigovernment activities, according to a well-informed diplomatic source. It is not known whether the arrests were carried out to stop an actual conspiracy, or as a warning to disaf- fected officers. Comment There have been a number of reports of discontent among the younger Iraqi offi- cer element because of what they consider to be Premier Nun i Saides anti-Nasr, pro-Western policy. It is not be- lieved, however, that the Iraqi army is seriously disaffected. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 "SECRET_ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 1 *we 5. LAOTIAN PRIME MINISTER REPORTEDLY PLANS TO RESIGN Comment on: Prime Minister. Souvanna Phouma will resign in May and a political crisis will result, in the opinion of a high-ranking Laotian officer. The officer predicted that Deputy Premier Katay and Independent Party leader Phoui would each prevent the other from obtaining majority support, and that the king would refuse to offer Prince Pet- sarath the premiership. Other reports have also stated that Souvanna has threatened to submit his resignation if he has still not achieved a settlement of the Pathet Lao problem by the time the National Assembly convenes on 11 May. Sou- vanna's resignation would pose the threat of a prolonged cab- inet crisis at a time when the Pathet Lao has stepped up military pressure in the two northern provinces. Souvanna may be persuaded not to resign, however, by the continued feeling that he is in a unique posi- tion, because of his kinship with Pathet Lao chief Souphannou- vong, to achieve the peaceful reunification of Laos. It is also known that the Pathet Lao has been anxious to keep Souvanna in power, fearing that a more pro-Western premier might succeed him. It may there- fore seek to encourage the premi believe that a satisfac- tory settlement is still possible. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP-SfeRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 iL4t.,F1 N1' /1/1fal. I 1. Noe 6.. WEST GERMAN PROBLEMS WITH STATUS-OF- FORCES AGREEMENTS Commenting on Bonn's suggestion to suspend the status-of-forces negotia- tions, Ambassador Bruce remarks that although West German officials are undoubtedly seeking a negotiating advantage, they also genuinely fear an agreement unacceptable to the Bundestag. Bruce points out that on two of the most difficult unresolved items in the negotiations--relating to freedom of the West- ern forces in Germany to maneuver, and to Allied retention of real estate requisitioned from the Germans--the Allied proposals not only exceed rights granted by the Bonn Con- ventions and those under status-of-forces agreements in other NATO countries, but also run counter to German laws. There is intense public interest in both these subjects, he observes, since German citizens want their houses and property back and do not want to be dis- turbed by maneuvers. He thinks German unwillingness to come to grips with these hard problems is chiefly respons- ible for the proposal to end the negotiations. Comment The West German government would un- doubtedly consider itself in a perilous position, in view of the coming election, if it announced highly unpopular status-of-forces agreements on maneuvers and property requisitioning,at,this time. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 C 1VFIDENTIA- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 ILOLY T JL v Noe 7. OVERSEAS CHINESE ISSUE IN SOUTH VIETNAM MAY BE REACHING CRITICAL STAGE Comment on: Tension between Taipei an aigon con- tinues to increase as a result of enforce- ment of South Vietnam's decree imposing mandatory citizenship on locally born Chinese. Taipei's insistence that the Chinese be given the freedom to choose their citizenship, repeated in a diplomatic note of protest dated 23 April, is unac- ceptable to the Ngo Dinh Diem government. Pressure on the Overseas Chinese to com- ply with the Vietnamese government's decree is likely to in- crease, despite the economic dislocation which is bound to result. Shops and businesses owned by noncitizen Chinese engaged in eleven important businesses proscribed to fore- eigners, in which the Chinese predominate, are already being closed down in the provinces and there are signs that enforce- ment is about to be tightened in Saigon. There are not enough Vietnamese with the necessary capital and experience to take over these businesses. Saigon's uncompromising attitude and Taipei's ineffective protection have made the harassed Overseas Chinese vulnerable to Communist exploitation. There is also a danger of the outbreak of violence between the Vietnamese and local Chinese. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -CONFIDENTIAL - Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295 I P1 LILA %.11-r Ned ANNEX Watch Report 350, 25 April 1957 of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intelligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against the continental US or its possessions in the imme- diate future. B. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against US forces abroad, US allies or areas peripheral to the Orbit in the immediate future. C. A deliberate initiation of hostilities by either Israel or the Arab states is improbable in the immediate future. Un- settled issues and tensions, particularly the internal situ- ation l.n Jordan, continue to constitute possibilities for violence. Should there be intensified disorders or civil war in Jordan, military intervention by neighboring Arab states probably would occur, and Israeli intervention would be a possibility. 26 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03003295