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0/MIXAMed loARrelejaiit9210/23 e`P/// e/) NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS C�13Y N�. 1 2 CONTINUED CONTROL �#% 24 November 1956 SC No. 05756/56 / //, # 71 CURRENT DOCUMENT NO. 1-1->------------ 0�"#: ff OrZ eZ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 0 DECLASSIFIED "/ BULLETIN CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S (4 NEXT REVIEW DATE ----A ALITH: 4-1 70- EVIEWER: �006514 ! /3 ff 11 e 0 1 . if cf INTELLIGENCE iff �-i ,J iv ej 61 z OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 00 rt, 00 ,./ ,47 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 00 tv re'rZ This document contains classified information affecting I/ 00 7/ the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections e/ 4.4 74 or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States 0, ej or/ or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. rj ey ty 7j. It is to be seen only by US personnel especially indoctrinated THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE KEPT IN COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE CHANNELS AT ALL TIMES Zoe- 0Y 6, e'Z 0 74 and authorized to receive COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE with COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE REGULATIONS. information; its security must be maintained in accordance 00 rj fj ej 00 41,7 which may be contained herein, regardless of the advantages to be No action is to be taken on any COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE 6, zr. Intelligence. gained, unless such action is first approved by the Director of Central .710117%/"1/17/13 I 1"enIECIF 7 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 %srld Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 A.-1L t I 141 Lti-� CONTENTS 1. USSR TO BEGIN MAJOR NEW ARMS SHIPMENTS TO SYRIA BY END OF NOVEMBER (page 3)0 2. CHAMOUN APPEALS FOR MILITARY AID (page 4). 3. SOVIET OFFICIAL SAYS NEW BERLIN TRAVEL CONTROLS NOT SUBJECT FOR NEGOTIATION (Confidential) (page 5). 4, PRAVDA EDITORIAL JUSTIFIES POSITION AGAINST TITO (Secret) (page 6). 5. GOMULKA REPORTEDLY PLANS MAJOR CHANGE IN POLISH COMMUNIST PARTY (Secret Noforn) (page 8). � 6. POLISH PAPER ATTACKS SOVIET ACTIONS IN HUNGARY (Confidential) (page 9), 7. 7SSR_R7PORTEDLY OFFERS TO EQUIP LIBYAN ARMY (page 10). 8. USSR TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN TO "EXPOSE ISRAEL" (page 11). 9. CHOU EN-LAPS ARRIVAL IN CAMBODIA (Confidential) (page 12). 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET EIDER Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 TOP SECRET Nirr 1. USSR TO BEGIN MAJOR NEW ARMS SHIPMENTS TO SYRIA BY END OF NOVEMBER the USSR had agreed to make major new arms ship- ments to Syria which would begin the last week in November. The new shipments will include small 'arm's; thecuum ana-heavy mortars, mines, ammunition and several hundred motor vehicles. Additional quantities of artillary, communications equipment, and six motor torpedo oats will also befuriiished shortly. While the Soviet re- ponse to Syria's request for two squadrons of van_17 ipt fighters is unknown Despite Syria's wish to route shipments through Syrian ports to prevent detection of the new deliveries, the Soviets recommended that Beirut, with its more adequate handling facilities, be designated the port to receive the "heavy pquipment!' Since 1 November only three Soviet bloc ships known to be carrying arms have reached Syrian ports. Two arrived during the first week of November and a third was unloading cargo on 15 November. No others are known to be en route. 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 1-7Y-P"--SEeR-Ftr-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 % 4 %4_I 4 Novi 2. CHAMOUN APPEALS FOR MILITARY AID Christian leaciers in Lebanon, alarmed by recent terrorist bombing attacks in Beirut and by reports of a Soviet arms build-up in Syria, have made urgent re- quests for military aid from Britain, France, and the United States. Presi- dent Chamoun told the situation was critical and that Syria was becoming a Communist arsenal. He said if prompt action was not taken the situation mieht zet completely out of hand. Syria was pressing for the en- try of Syrian troops into southern Lebanon, and that ChamOun and his minister of de- fense, General Shehab, are afraid Syria exert economic pressure to force a change in Lebanese policy. Foreign Minister Charles Malik told that Lebanon must have some guarantees of outside protection. Malik argued that military aid alone could not prevent a Syrian military or political vic- tory, since a large part of the Moslem half of the population would be a fifth column in the present situation. the Christians are afraid that Egypt and Syria may be trying to stir up Christian-Moslem clashes. Some 3,000 Lebanese security forces, in- cluding army elements, are on duty in Beirut as a result of the bombing attacks of 17, 20 and 21 November. Caches of arms and explosives have been found, and some 20 to 30 ter- rorists or agents,,including the chauffeur of the assistant Egyp- y attach�are reported to have been arrested, 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 - LtFI yr 11,1.141 I I Li11J ��srvi SOVIET OFFICIAL SAYS NEW BERLIN TRAVEL CONTROLS NOT SUBJECT FOR NEGOTIATION The Soviet acting commandant in Berlin, Colonel Kotsiuba, told Allied political advisers on 22 November that, although Soviet authorities were not challenging fled c mmunication to Berlin per se, control procedures n rail travel were entirely a matter for the Soviets to de- cide, and they had a right to change them as they wished. Colonel Kotsiuba emphasized that the purpose of the stricter controls was to limit travel to members of the Allied mili- tary garrisons in Berlin and their dependents, and that this limit would apply to both rail and autobahn traffic. He claimed that persons unconnected with the Berlin military garrisons have been traveling on military trains or under military or- ders on the autobahn. Kotsiuba expressed satisfaction with the American and French willingness to provide Soviet authori- ties with individual travel orders and Russian translations. The British authorities have now decided to follow this prac- tice also. The Allied officials rejected Soviet demands for permission to board trains to inspect passengers' documents and decide whether individuals had a right to such documenta- tion. Kotsiuba was not entirely clear about what criteria should be used for determining what individuals had a right to travel documentation. Comment Soviet authorities started demanding more detailed documentation for rail travel on the night of 20-21 November. Kotsiuba's statement is the first indication that the Soviets might seek to prevent individuals � under Allied military orders from traveling to Berlin on the autobahn as well as by rail. The USSR may hope to force more Allied nationals, if no longer covered by travel orders, to ap- ply for East German visas for travel to Berlin. 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 1.-/I. *WV 4. PRAVDA EDITORIAL JUSTIFIES POSITION AGAINST TITO A Pravda editorial of 23 November strongly denies Tito's charges that Stalinist principles continue in Moscow. Pravda attempts at great length to prove that Soviet relations with other socialist states are being conducted on a basis of absolute equality. It accuses Tito of disrupting socialist international unity and trying to interfere in other parties, particularly the Albanian and French. However, it calls for a clarification of controversial problems in "a comradelike exchange of views:1 Moscow is obviously trying to keep the present dispute from erupting into an absolute split. Pravda calls Tito's independent road a poor example, since Yugoslavia has had to rely on extensive economic aid from the "imperialists." It concedes that the Yugoslav workers' councils have "some positive elements," but criticizes Yugoslavia's decentralization of econbmic planning and failure to socialize agriculture, specifically calling atten- tion to its chronic grain shortages. Pravda boasts that the Chinese Communists have made a "huge contribution" to the construction of a socialist society without trying to impose their ideas on others. In an absolute denial of Tito's charge that Soviet-imposed Stalinist policies had caused the Hun- garian problem, the editorial claims that the excesses of the earlier period in Hungary were the result of too slavish imi- tation of Soviet methods by Rakosi and Gero, against the ad- vice given by the Soviet leaders themselves. The Soviet Union has now put the next move up to the Yugoslays. On 20 November Yugoslav acting 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 --SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 %re foreign secretary Prica told Ambassador Riddleberger that he felt the Soviet leaders did not want to break completely� However, the Yugoslays apparently feel that it is time to in- dicate to Moscow by such gestures as their latest initiative to revitalize the Balkan pact that they are maintaining their relations with the West. 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 kJ LA.. %A.., I New' -46404' 5, GOMULKA REPORTEDLY PLANS MAJOR CHANGE IN POLISH COMMUNIST PARTY Polish party first secretary Wladyslaw Gomulka greatly distrusts the pre-World War II members of the Polish Communist -Party, now in positions of authority, He is promoting former so- cialists, Spanish Civil War veterans, and members of the wartime Communist underground army. He also is reported to be placing great emphasis on a revival of the Peasant Party, and intends it to play a role in the new government, which will eventually become similar to a Western socialist democracy, Gomulka's attitude toward the Communist Party is very hostile, who believes that the party is being destroyed. (NOFORN) Comment Gomulka has already made one Peasant Party leader a deputy premier and has named nonparty men to lead the ministries of health and ship- ping. There is no indication, however, that he plans to change the Communist Party to the extent necessary to make Poland a socialist democracy. He probably does intend to broaden the composition of the party and strengthen his control by ad- vancing people who are in sympathy with his ideas. The pre-World War II Communists Gomulka reportedly distrusts are those who spent the war years in the USSR and have generally been strongly pro-Soviet. 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Nye' 'yule 6, POLISH PAPER ATTACKS SOVIET ACTIONS IN HUNGARY The Polish newspaper Zycie Warszawv on 23 November rejected as "nonsensical" Soviet charges that the Hungarian revolu- tion was started by Western agehts and American dollars. It called this version "too churlish and primitive to deserve argument" and criticized "Russian com- rades" for a "zigzagging lack of consistency and return to Stalinist methods!' The paper compared the Hungarian revolu- tion with the Poznan uprising, and said the "heroic" Hungar- ians were fighting for the same thing as the Poles�sovereignty. Comment Zycie Warszavyy has been in the forefront of the campaign for democratization and national independence, and it is probable that the extreme na- ture of this criticism was not approved by the regime.� Al-- though Polish leaders have been unhappy over Soviet actions in Hungary, they have attempted to avoid antagonizing the USSR by criticizing it openly. The Polish abstention on the Asian-sponsored United Nations resolution on Hungary and the vagueness of the section of the Soviet-Polish communiqu�n 18 November which dealt with Hungary, however, may indi- cate that the regime intends to follow a semi-independent for- eign policy. (CONFIDENTIAL) 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 A-11.- 41... N.1-a Offers _ eral economic aid and "unlimited free arms!' 24 Nov 56 7. USSR REPORTEDLY OFFERS TO EQUIP LIBYAN ARMY The USSR recently offered to equip and maintain the Libyan army at a level of 10 000 men. rently numbers about 2,000. sufficient concern in frce to begin aiscussions on procedures for'carrying out British rnmmitments for expan- sion of the Libyan armed forces, it is unlikely that the Libyan zovernment would seriously con- sider any, Soviet offers, it almost inevitable, however, that the question will be raised in the next session of the Libyan parliament to embarrass the government and the West, The Libyan army cur- Earlier this year, the USSR attempted un- successfully on several occasions to gain influence in Libya. included lib- Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 tir ant-ruL,-1- Nro. 8. USSR TO LAUNCH CAMPAIGN TO "EXPOSE ISRAEL" the USSR will soon begin a campaign to "expose Israel" and would be grate- ful if Egypt has "facts and information to help in this respect!' the USSR had not yet "used all that it has in its bag against Israel!' Comment This is the latest of many indications that the USSR intends to develop an anti-Israeli campaign, which it hopes will perpetuate unrest in the Near East and serve to drive a wedge between the Arab states and the United States. 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Ths S- e RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997 CiU/Nt 9. CHOU EN-LAPS ARRIVAL IN CAMBODIA The "hero's welcome" accorded Chou En-lai on his arrival in neutralist Cambodia on 22 November was a ma- jor Chinese Communist propaganda victory made possible by the all-out efforts of the Cambodian government. Chou was greeted by Prince Sihanouk, "a red carpet several hundred yards lone thousands of school children, and large numbers of Overseas Chinese waving Chinese Communist flags. The embassy comments that Sihanouk, apparently for prestige reasons, wished to give Chou a reception up to Communist standards of regimented enthu- siasm. The Cambodian chief of staff personally supervised security arrangements at the Phnom Penh airfield. The Cambodians were particularly anxious to forestall demon- strations by Nationalist-oriented Chinese, and prominent Chinese Nationalists had been placed under house detention. Chou's reception, which was in marked contrast to the perfunctory attention given the visit of Chi- nese Nationalist foreign minister George Yeh last June, will probably accelerate the drift of Cambodia's Chinese community to allegiance to Peiping. 24 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002997