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� fyy,,, 07.03#00,,- Approved fol� Relem2210123 Cr03;;;:z/mrefed ,/1# e/ NOT RELEASABLE TO 22 November 1956 /1 I'l e/ eZ 744 FOREIGN NATIONALS 3.5(c) Sc No. 05755/56 el efo I/ fid CONTINUED CONTROL U3.3(h)(2) Copy No. 112 ei e/ r/04 f/ CURRENT eis� ../ ory ey ey er/ ej oy BULLETIN INTELLIGENCE OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE 11:0-icu,stts,A,Ettlor4G.:0::::;77.�: s : _ 0;AssIFIED ReeneweR:_0�)21--- r/ e/ f/ 00 r/ el I or,/ e/ /Z 00 e/ 00 ef ef re2 ,/ er/ Z re/2 ovz CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY z ey e/ ri,/, This document contains classified information affecting f/ .ey erZ meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission ef Zor the national security of the United States within the un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an 1/ f/ el e/ edo 7/ 7,4 or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. ed4 rIe,/ zed7 THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE KEPT IN COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE CHANNELS AT ALL TIMES /2 eZ It is to be seen only by US personnel especially indoctrinated 7/ 4047 and authorized to receive COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE e./ e/ information; its security must be maintained in accordance with COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE REGULATIONS. No action is to be taken on any COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE which may be contained herein, regardless of the advantages to be gained, unless such action is first approved by the Director of Central Intelligence. eyd 7i e e/ e/ e/ e/ ez roer,,, eZ rof/ 0, ed4 7/ 0, or/ 0e/e 100 I (0,03/10,7 /A - T r 7 1 " - E e - it E !Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 N.1.04 vtiod � Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Noe itoir CONTENTS 1. ARABS FEAR IMMINENT ISRAELI ATTACK ON SYRIA AND JORDAN (page 4). 2. SHEPILOV PROMISES IMMEDIATE HELP IF SYRIA IS ATTACKED (page 5). 3. BRITISH OFFICIALS REPORTED WEAKENING ON SUEZ CANAL CONTROL (page 6). 4. SOVIETS HARASS WESTERN TRAINS BETWEEN BERLIN AND WEST GERMANY icsiafetttiatrrpage 7). 5. SYRIAN MIG-15'S PROBABLY DESTROYED IN EGYPT (page 9). 6. EGYPT PROVIDES USSR�wiTT-T-RKTI-11-A-TR- OF INCREASED ARMS REQUIREMENTS (page 10). 7. EGYPTIAN AIRCRAFT IN SAUDI ARABIA TO RETURN TO EGYPT ) (page 11). 8. EGYPTIAN ECONOMIC SITUATION REPORTED CRITICAL (Secret Noforn) (page 12)n 9. MOLOTOV'S APPOINTMENT AS MINISTER OF STATE CONTROL (Confidential) (page 13). 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 �TDP�SEC�RETTTDER Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 1/1 1-' ,SECKET LIMA< 100 MOSCOW-BELGRADE PROPAGANDA FIGHT DEVELOPING icontietenriaZ (page 14). 110 TENSION IN INDONESIA SLACKENS-(43) (page 15). 12. HUNGARIAN REGIME ADOPT NCREASINGLY INDEPEND- ENT PUBLIC LINE (Cen tial) (page 16). 13. NEW LEBANESE PREMIER MAKES OVERTURES TO EGYPT (page 17). 14. MOROCCANS MAY TAKE ACTION AGAINST FRENCH USE OF US BASE FACILITIES (Seci:g.tJslefe�rn)1page 18). 15. GREEKS REPORTEnt-v_PLAN DIRECT APPROACH TO TURKEY ON CYPRUS (page 19). 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 r 3LLICE, Noe N.4.0 1. ARABS FEAR IMMINENT ISRAELI: ATTACK ON SYRIA AND JORDAN King Hussain and Jordanian chief of staff Nuwar informed Ambassador Mallory on 20 November that their intelligence re- ports indicated an imminent Israeli at- tack either directly on Jordan, or on Syria in order to draw Jordan in. The two lead- ers cited redeployment of Israeli troops, the absence of significant demobilization activity in Israel, and an increase in Israeli intelligence activity in Jordan. Egyptian speculated that Israel's object was to create a situation which would bring an interna- tional force into the area so that the Israelis could proceed with the diversion of Jordan River water. Similar reports presumably were the basis for the Syrian UN delegate's announcement in New York on 21 November that Israel, Britain and France were about to attack his country. Israeli forces, with an estimated 170,000 men on active duty, remain in an advanced state of readiness and could launch an attack( on Syria or Jordan or both at any time. The threat of Soviet intervention, however, appears to be having a deterrent effect on Tel Aviv. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 rur 0.L.A.J(L-1 2. SHEPILOV PROMISES IMMEDIATE HELP IF SYRIA TS ATTACK-FT) soviet toreign minister snepiloy Win Syrian ambassador to the United States Zeneiddine on 21 November that the USSR had been late in coming to Egypt's assistance but that if Syria were attacked the USSR would "heir, her immediately." Shepilov told the ambassador to notify his government of this statement. Comment By promising immediate help against outside attack, Shepilov may be delib- erately encouraging the leftist-nationalist political combi- nation, of which Zeneiddine is a member, to seize complete control in Syria. As of early November Soviet bloc ships were continuing to deliver to Syria arms con- tracted for earlier this year. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 1 il7P�Strtitb/ 3. BRITISH OFFICIALS REPORTED WEAKENING ON SUEZ CANAL CONTROL the American UN pro- posal for disposition of the Suez Canal issue presents the best possible "posi- tion of withdrawal" for British i lo- macy, According to the Belgian message, the French do not share the British view that the best canal set- tlement obtainable would be administration by Egypt and con- trol of tolls collection by the Suez Canal Users' Association under an arbitral body. Paris still would like to demand international administration of the canal. Comment This report is the first indication that the British government may be consid- ering altering its public position that international control of the canal is essential. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 003002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 CONFIDENTIAL 4. SOVIETS HARASS WESTERN TRAINS BETWEEN BERLIN AND WEST GERMANY On the night of 20-21 November, five of the seven regularly scheduled Allied military trains passing between Berlin and West Germany were subjected to un- usual controls and delays by Soviet authorities at the East German', border point at Marienborn. Three American, one British and one French train were detained in train sheds where an unusual number of armed Soviet soldiers were on hand. The Soviet authorities demanded individ- ual travel orders for the passengers of the trains. They also attempted to board trains to check passengers, in one instance telling an American train commander that a "new agreement" confirmed their right to do so. In each instance train com- manders refused to permit boarding of the trains, and the Soviet officials did not press the point, although they insisted that in the future Russian translations of travel orders would be required. The Soviet authorities showed a particular in- terest in civilian passengers. A British officer was warned that British trains would not be allowed to proceed the night of 22 November unless they produced individual travel orders. Comment The Soviet commandant at Marienborn several days ago announced that more de- tailed documentation would be necessary. The Soviet author- ities are probably exerting pressure in the matter of train documentation in order to test Allied reaction, just as from time to time various new requirements have been made in con- nection with highway travel to Berlin. Although these demands present no immediate threat to Allied access to Berlin, they may be the forerunner of more serious restrictions on rail and highway access. The United States, Britain and France run passenger and freight trains to Berlin under a four-power 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 itttiVFMNFATTFAff, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 CONEIDEAllAL agreement which sets no limit on the categories or nation- alities of personnel who may be carried. The only limits are those which the Western military commanders have im- posed unilaterally, with considerable variation among them. Heretofore Soviet authorities have not required travel orders or identity documents of passengers. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 rrymFtftEi3,tv1-,ii-k Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 reir�aZtrrEl Noe 5� SYRIAN MIG-15'S PROBABLY DESTROYED IN EGYPT Syria's 20 MIG-15 jet fighters did not escape from Egypt and were des- troyed at Abu Suweir airfield. It is known that 20 of 22 MIG-15's at Abu Suweir were destroyed by Anglo-French bombing. At least seven Syrian Meteor jet fighters e in Egypt during the Anglo-French bombing and three of these were badly damaged. . Only 12--possibly 14-- jet lighters, an meteors, had been noted on Syrian airfields up through 16 November, 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP ET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 14pIrr�bbettaffi. 6. EGYPT PROVIDES USSR WITH ESTIMATE OF INCREASED ARMS REQUIREMENTS Egypt has provided witn an estimate or future military aid requirements which suggests that Cairo desires a further increase in its militar forces and in Personnel. data given "as a guide in estimating the extent of aid indicated a desire for an air force of up to 36 squadrons; a radar network and training unit; replacement and reinforcement of antiaircraft artillery; replacement of medium tanks lost in Sinai; and radio sets to build up a complete army communications network. Cairo's new training policy envisages an increase in Czech training missions. Egyptian technical standards would be improved by contracting for ordnance "service depot experts" to meet needs for repair and main- tenance--"with priority to the air force:' tactical training experts for bomber crews arid "for the navy" should be ready to be sent to Egypt in Decem- ber. Cairo also indicated a desire to contract for additional rifles and submachine guns within the limit of the uncommitted balance of the $79,000,000 arms agreement of April 1956. The means of payment for any new Soviet mili- tary aid to Egypt is not known. That the USSR 111217 ask nnlv token payment 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 4giftwpo Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 %Ire I (Jr, I 7. EGYPTIAN AIRCRAFT IN SAUDI ARABIA TO RETURN TO EGYPT the commander of the Egyptian military aircraft which had been flown to refuge in Saudi Arabia asked the Saudi military authorities to permit the aircraft to return to Egypt, ircranto .gypt was ordered by Egyptian air force headquarters. Comment� The Twenty Egyptian IL-28 jet light bombers and ten IL-4 twin-engine transports took refuge in Saudi Arabia following Anglo-French air attacks on Egyptian airfields. Apparently only two IL-28's remained un- damaged in Egypt i at least 18 were destroyed. At least 34 MIG-15 jet fighters were destroyed on Egyptian airfields. There is no firm evidence that any MIG-15's succeeded in fleeing Egypt to Saudi Arabia or Syria. Between five and ten MIG-15's appear to have es- caped serious damage on Egyptian airfields. Egypt is believed to have received as many as 80 MIG-15's prior to the outbreak of hostilities. Some of these were probably stored in hangars, which in many cases were damage1/41 severely. It is also possible that not all of the 80 had been assembled when hostilities started. One crated MIG-15 was n process of being assembled at Almaza airfield when the Anglo-French at- tacks were under way. most of the damage to Egyptian airfields has been repaired and all fields are again considered serviceable. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 SECRET Noe* 8. EGYPTIAN ECONOMIC SITUATION REPORTED CRITICAL Egypt's economic situation, which has been worsening since the nationalization of the Suez Canal, is now critical The sequestration of Anglo-French banks and the restraints placed on commercial enterprises controlled by British, French or Jews, as well as the sequestration of some "neu- tral" foreign enterprises, have created great dislocation and a near breakdown of the credit system. The effects of this situation are being felt by the middle class and are likely to be felt by the whole population unless the credit system is revived in the next few weeks. While organized opposition to the Nasr regime is still not apparent, large numbers of persons are potentially disaffected because of growing unem loyment and dislocation caused by war conditions. ( RN) Comment The Nasr regime is apparently embarked on a campaign to drive all Western Euro- pean and Jewish economic interests out of Egypt regardless of the consequences. Some 40 British and French nationals long residents of Alexandria have been ordered to leave the country on six days notice, and about 500 Jews of various nationalities are reported imprisoned there. The apparent absence of any plans for administering sequestered "enemy" property in Egypt adds to the confusion and deterioration of the economic situation. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 AzPnRcriC Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 COATIVENIVICL� - %IS virile 9. moLoTors APPOINTMENT AS MINISTER OF STATE CONTROL The appointment of Molotov to the post of USSR minister of state coritrol, an- nounced on 21 November, appears to represent a reduction rather than an increase in authority for the former minister of foreign affairs. It makes unlikely his succes- sion to Khrushchev's post of party first secretary which had been rumored as a result of Soviet setbacks in Eastern Europe. Former ministers of state control have been second- level government officials. Molotov retains his rank as first deputy premier, however, and there is a possibility that the re- sponsibilities of his new post have been increased. The party central committee at a recent meeting reportedly took steps to increase the responsibilities of ministers concerned with the execution of government directives and the fulfillment of economic programs. The Ministry of State Control is one of several organizations which have been charged with checking for violations and corruption within all economic organs as well as investigating the nonfulfullment of government decrees. It has had no supervisory powers over the party and has never exercised a powerful influence in top party circles. (C_ONELIDEN" 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 -7-07V-FMEATI74L� Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 etettritntraritt 10. MOSCOW-BELGRADE PROPAGANDA FIGHT DEVELOPING The polemics between Moscow and Bel- grade over Tito's speech condemning Soviet bloc Stalinists will make a com- promise even more difficult between national communism and Moscow's idea of a unified "socialist camp!' It will make it more difficult for the Soviet Union to relax controls in Eastern Europe. It is already forcing other Communist party leaderships to choose sides on the issue. Pravda on 19 November. accused Tito of endangering international proletarian solidarity, inter- fering in the affairs of other Communist parties and echo- ing reactionary propaganda. It said that Tito was contra- dicting his professed support for the principle of different roads to socialism by trying to make the Yugoslav example the only one to be followed. The very brief Pravda summary distorted Tito's remarks to justify the use of Soviet troops in Hungary and ignored Tito's claim that the first Soviet inter- vention was wrong. Borba retorted on 21 November that Pravda was unwilling to acquaint the Russian people with the very views which it criticized. Moscow is accused of wanting to deny Tito the right to free, honest, frank, and equal discus- sion between Communists called for by their joint party com- muniqu�f last June. The Hungarians broadcast the full text, of the speech on 16 November, but have not yet commented. Poland, while not presenting the text in full, did include Tito's remarks critical of the Soviet Union and praised Tito for condemning not only Stalinism, but the system which per- mitted it to develop. Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia and Rumania, on the other hand, followed Moscow's lead and severely criti- cized the speech. (CON L) 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 'Nam, %goy� 11.. TENSION IN INDONESIA SLACKENS Tension in jaidonesia arising from fears of an imminent army coup now appears to be declining largely because of firm government action. The army chief of staff, General Nasution, on 21 November charged the former deputy chief of staff, Colonel Lubis, with organizing a coup, and claimed the army possessed docu- ments concerning his antigovernment activities. Lubis is now charged with desertion, since it has been 12 days since he was summoned to appear before the chief of staff. Although an attempted coup by Lubis and his supporters remains a continuing possibility, the government appears to command enough loyalty in the army to counter any such development. Should a coup be attempted, the most likely time would be after 24 November, when a reunion of Indonesian army academy graduates in Djakarta would per- mit co-ordination of plans. Those attending will comprise a large percentage of battalion and company commanders in West Java, among whom there is strong anti-Nasution sentiment. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 -CONFIDENTIAL 12. HUNGARIAN REGIME ADOPTING INCREASINGLY INDEPENDENT PUBLIC LINE The Hungarian regime apparently hopes to conciliate and win over the hostile and suspicious population by adopting an increasingly independent public line. The USSR may have granted the Kadar regime the right to speak independently in an effort to de- velop a measure of popular support for Kadar. On 16 November, the Hungarian party paper reprinted in its entirety the Tito speech attacking continued Stalinism in the Kremlin; on 19 November the trade union journal reprinted Nehru's criticism of the pres- ence of Soviet troops in Hungary; and on 20 November, the press expressed grave concern that the continued presence of Soviet troops in Poland might set a precedent for Hungary. According to a 21 November press report, the Budapest workers council called a new three-day general strike to protest the prohibition of a national "working parlia- ment" called by the various workers' councils. NoNEIDENT rA- LT) 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 16 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 L-C1XL-1 %err 13. NEW LEBANESE PREMIER MAKES OVERTURES TO EGYPT Sami al-Solh, the new Lebanese premier, is ready to reach an agreement with Egypt on "all policies, international and Arab" ready to agree wan rresiaenc Nar on an "effective policy" and was prepared to send to Cairo Nasri al-Maluf, the new minister of finance and social affairs. Comment Solhis public statements since he assumed office five days ago have been distinctly pro-Western. He has warned against "extrems�sandagainst the dangers of Soviet intervention in the area. ver- tures to Egypt are probably designed to persuade Cairo to call off its agents, who have bombed British- and French-occupied buildings in Beirut and are reportrgi tn have attempted to bomb Lebanese government buildings. Cairo or- dered a bomb attack against Solh himself. Despite Solles pro-Western reputation and the pro-Western orientation of the new cabinet, Lebanon, in the present atmosphere in the Middle East, will probably feel constrainedto maintain fairly cordial relations with Syria and Egypt. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 17 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 SECRLI *NO 14, MOROCCANS MAY TAKE ACTION AGAINST FRENCH USE OF US BASE FACILITIES Moroccan nationalists are considering demonstrations against the French ar- my's construction activity at the American- French naval air base at Port Lyautey, the American embassy in Rabat reports. The Moroccans are also talking of raiding the American wharf where the French on 18 November offloaded military stores, air- plane spare parts, and construction ma- teriaL The embassy adds that the French are pre- sumably aware of this possibility because on 19 November they. stationed three heavy armored cars and a half-track on the wharf. The American commander, who reports the possibil- ity of a strike of American-employed Moroccans, has prepared defensive positions near the wharf. aillEORN-} Comment The United States has nearly exclusive use of the jointly operated Port Lyautey base. When the French army began construction of a warehouse on the American wharf on 12 November over the objections of the sul- tan and the US, the Moroccans assumed that the French had American permission. The French army recently encountered some difficulty in landing troops and offloading supplies out- side the base when Moroccan port workers struck in protest. It apparently hopes to use the base in an attempt to avoid simi- lar incidents in the future. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 18 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996 SECRET Nerf 1.5 GREEKS REPORTEDLY PLAN DIRECT APPROACH TO TURKEY ON CYPPTM told Ameri- can officials on 16 November that Foreign Minister Ave roff intends to undertake se- cret conversations with the Turkish govern- ment on the Cyprus issue. Averoff is said to be encouraged by his recent discussions with Turkish ambassador Iksel in Athens and by conversations between the Greek and Turkish UN delegates in New York. He reportedly feels Turkey has shown "a much calmer mood" toward Greece in recent months and attributes this change to increasing Turkish concern over possible isolation from the West and Turkey's growing eco- nomic difficulties. Greek officials believe Turkey is consid- ering two possible Cyprus solutions: partition, about which the Greeks have reservations, and complete independence, which they are inclined to favor. Comment Both these countries are increasingly con- cerned over the corroding effect of the Cyprus issue on their relations. However, the Turks will probably be suspicious of any Greek initiative and demand firm guarantees against eventual union of Cyprus with Greece. 22 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 19 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03002996