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November 8, 1955
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wiami/Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 COW,3://immr4 , 8 November 1955 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 0 / Copy No. 100 0 / CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 0 /4/ 14/ DOCUMENT NO. -.--Cti� NO.CHANGE IN CLASS. / 0 CLASS. CHANGED TO; TS S C NExT REviEW DATE: ,O- r tecuissinED DATE.% 6 3" REViEWR: // MYTH: HA 1O-2 14* / $ / / Office of Current Intelligence t CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1/ /7 -/ kleree(17 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 y W3171",/, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 ,wiw� Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 9/09/16 C03002349 'WNW CONTENTS 1. ANNIVERSARY SPEECHES IN MOSCOW (page 3). 2. USSR SEEKING INVITATION TO NEXT ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE (page 4). 3. AFGHANISTAN REQUESTS AMERICAN TRUCKS BE IMPORTED VIA THE USSR (page 5). 4. AFGHANISTAN TO CONVENE GRAND TRIBAL ASSEMBLY (page 6). * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 7) 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 I. ANNIVERSARY SPEECHES IN MOSCOW The speeches of presidium member L. M. Kaganovich and Defense Min- ister Zhukov at the anniversary cele- brations of the Bolshevik Revolution were, for the most part, routine recapitulations of earlier pronouncements. No particular significance can be attached to the choice of Kaganovich, a first deputy premier and chairman of the state committee for wages and labor, to deliver the major address, since this honor has been rotated among members of the presidium since 1947. Kaganovich, however, probably indi- cated the major goals for the forthcoming sixth Five-Year Plan in stressing the need to increase labor productivity and introduce advanced technology. The portion of Kaganovich's speech devoted to foreign affairs listed a series of recent Soviet moves designed to ease international tension and empha- sized the prime importance of European security. Kagano- vich devoted particular attention to the USSR's good rela- tions with the Bandung countries. The tone of the speech suggests that the Soviet leaders are satisfied with their current foreign policy line and contemplate no important shifts in it. Zhukov's ten-minute oration was con- fined mainly to generalities on the Soviet Union's love of peace, but also warned "reactionary elements" that the USSR is continually becoming stronger. 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 1 4.1 L-J 4., A IL ^-� WNW "RINI 2. USSR SEEKING INVITATION TO NEXT ASIAN-AFRICAN CONFERENCE be- lieves that the USSR will be invited to participate in a second Asian-African conference, which he understands will be held in Cairo in the spring of 1956, thrushchev and Bulganin report- edly will visit Cairo to discuss this matter with Egyptian premier Nasr as well as to arrange a large-scale Soviet- Egyptian trade agreement. Comment There is no doubt that the Soviet Union would accept an invitation to attend an Asian-African conference. Burmese premier Nu's hos- pitable remark in Moscow that he hoped the USSR would participate in the next conference may place the Colombo powers (India, Pakistan, Ceylon, Burma and Indonesia), who are responsible for issuing invitations, in an embarras- sing position. India and possibly Indonesia would probably support Nu, while Pakistan and Ceylon would be strongly opposed to inviting the Soviet Union. Moreover, several other pro-Western countries that attended the Bandung meeting are unlikely to attend another in company with the USSR unless Australia and New Zealand, if not the United States, are also asked to participate. 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRE- Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 I 'L." 1 /...1-0....,11 .1.-1 3. AFGHANISTAN REQUESTS AMERICAN TRUCKS BE IMPORTED VIA THE USSR The Afghan government has re- quested that future imports of American trucks be shipped via the USSR, ship- ment costs and terms provided by the official Afghan Transit Company "compare favorably" with those for shipment through Pakistan. The American embassy in Kabul comments that if American trucks are barred from the Afghan market as a result of refusal to ship through the USSR, the Soviet Union will probably fill the gap. Comment The Afghan request indicates that Kabul plans to reduce its dependence on Pakistan by making maximum use of the transit rights it obtained under the agreement of last June with the USSR. Requests that other articles of Afghan- American trade also be routed through the USSR are likely to follow. (Concurred in by ORR) 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 vi k.JLa I-� 4. AFGHANISTAN TO CONVENE GRAND TRIBAL ASSEMBLY The calling by Afghan king Zahir Shah of a Grand Assembly of the Tribes (Loe Jirgah) to discuss the Pushtooni- stan issue on 14 November indicates a major policy decision is pending in Kabul. The last two such assemblies were called in 1930 to approve Zahitivsfather as king and in 1941 to affirm Afghanistan's policy of neutral- ity in World War II. Unlike the "rubber-stamp" parliament, the tribal assembly cannot be completely controlled by Prime Minister Daud. Influential elements in Afghanistan still oppose Daud's anti-Pakistani and pro-Soviet policy and may attempt to act against him when the assembly of tribesmen meets. Daud will probably attempt to limit � discussion to the Pushtoonistan issue, which has recently caused a worsening of Afghan-Pakistani relations. The assembly is likely to support Daud on the Pushtoonistan issue as such. Discussion of Pushtoonistan in the tribal assembly will probably include consideration of continued tension with Pakistan, the risk of reimposition of the Paki- stani blockade, and consequently the basic question of Afghanistan's relations with the USSR. The assembly would be wary of endorsing closer relations with the Soviet Union. Unless Baud is rebuked by the tribal assembly for his Soviet policy, the trend toward close relations with the USSR will probably continue. 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700,7 November) No significant military action has occurred on the Israeli-Arab borders in the last 24 hours. The parties appear to be concentrating on their usual post- crisis activity�submitting detailed complaints to the UN truce authorities. (Press) A 5 November TASS dispatch from Moscow lays the blame for the recent incidents on the Israelis who, it is alleged, are carrying out the wishes of "Western circles which are trying to stir up trouble be- tween Israel and the Arab states." (Press) The ratification by the Syrian parlia- ment of a Syrian-Egyptian mutual defense agreement, although of little immediate military significance, will almost certainly be cited by the Israelis as an additional threat to their position. A Syrian-Egyptian jointplanning group appears to be envisaged, and four Syrian officers reportedly will go to Cairo on 10 November to participate in it. Even though Egyptian prime minister Nasr reportedly has turned down a Soviet offer on the Nile high dam, representatives of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development have concluded from their talks with Egyptian officials that Egypt will not accept any other offer until the Egyptian finance minister has visited Washington and after further talks with the IBRD. It seems 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349 ets, doubtful that Nasr's refusal of the Soviet offer will be final until he actually signs with some Western group such as the IBRD or the Anglo-French-German consor- tium. Regarding Middle East arms purchases, the Swiss may be con- templating an embargo on shipments to the area., on 1 November that current arms contracts would be car- ried out, but that the Swiss federal council will consider forbidding new contracts with the Arabs and Israel. The Italians, however, are negotiating with the Arabs for the sale of jet aircraft. he negotiations involve the sale of Vampire fighters-- 25 to Egypt and 20 to Saudi Arabia. 8 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002349