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November 4, 1955
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO3002346 WZMZZA#MMIrliJ E T 4 November 1955 Copy No. 1 0 0 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO -513 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. n DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: _ 4'0 / AUTH: HR 70-2 deloP DATE: _ REVIEWER: v Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY / '1157/P17 174/ ) 3 3(h)(2) , Wel/riff%(OT OP SECRET 7,73/0313/17A ZirAPproved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 110, 'vire Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 Pr An rt rrq Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 '4�11 NIW CONTENTS 1. ISRAELI-EGYPTIAN FRONTIER SITUATION (page 3). 2. EARLY ELECTIONS NOW EXPECTED IN FRANCE (page 4). 3. BREAKDOWN OF LAOTIAN NEGOTIATIONS EXPECTED SOON (page 5). 4. INDONESIAN PRESIDENT REPORTED WORKING TO RESTORE LEFTIST GOVERNMENT (page 6). 5. BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT'S REPORTED HEART ATTACK (page 7). 4 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 rr fl Ill in ri Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 TrIP rrirr Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 1. ISRAELI-EGYPTIAN FRONTIER SITUATION e Israeli raid in the El Auja area n the night of 2-3 November again nderscores Tel Aviv's determina- ion to maintain an unyielding Iron- ier policy and to permit no encroach- ment on Israeli soil. It also appears intended to force the Western powers, which had not satisfied Foreign Minister Sharett's requests for secu- rity assurances and arms, to become actively and favor- ably concerned with Israeli security. Israel carried out extensive mobiliza- tion before it acted in El Auja, and the American military attach�n Tel Aviv believes that when it initiated the raid, Israel was prepared for "any eventuality." Serious violations of the armistice al- ways raise the possibility that the fighting may grow into general hostilities, even though the indications are that neither side is at present prepared to resort to war. Major Israeli assaults may, however, eventually lead Egyptian prime minister Nasr to feel that he must resort to war or lose the support of his army and his people. 4 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Teti, crrprp Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 rrnal crcnr'r Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 NNW' 2. EARLY ELECTIONS NOW EXPECTED IN FRANCE Elections for the French National Assembly will almost certainly be held by mid-December, even though the constitution gives the Council of the Republic two months in which to express its views on the bill voted on 3 November dissolving the assembly. The council is expected to give prompt backing to the conservative deputies who pushed the dissolution vote through the assembly. The government may now decide to make a last appeal to the assembly to reconsider the prob- lem of electoral reform, a dozen proposals for which were debated before the 3 November vote. Such action must be taken by 13 November if the elections are to be held in December, however, and in view of the reluctance of much of Faure's coalition to accept a change, it is likely the current system will be retained--a type of proportional representa- tion which puts a premium on party alliances. Nevertheless, Mendes- France can still be expected to try to marshal opponents of early elections. He will attempt to press the council for delay and, in a last effort to effect electoral reform, try to consolidate his control of the Radical Socialists at their national congress this week. The Communists voted for dissolution of the assembly apparently in the hope of improving their chances for alliances with the Socialists, who may be pre- vented from affiliation with the center groups to the same extent as in the 1951 elections. An increase in local Com- munist-Socialist electoral alliances is likely. In any event, Communist representation in the assembly will probably be increased because of friction between the non-Communist groups. 4 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Tr) rfr, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 Trip CreirIFT Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 3. BREAKDOWN OF LAOTIAN NEGOTIATIONS EXPECTED SOON Crown Prince Savang believes the negotiations between the Laotian government and the Pathet Lao will be broken off by 10 November. Savang states that even if the Pathets make last-minute concessions, it is too late for them to participate in the December elections. At the close of the negotiations the government hopes to get the International Control Com- mission's support for an appeal to Britain and the USSR as cochairmen of the 1954 Geneva conference regarding its dispute with the Pathet Lao. Comment Pathet Lao forces will probably in- crease military pressure in the two northern provinces following a final break in negotia- tions. in early October, the Pathets were ordered by the Wet Minh to increase re- connaissance in preparation for a large-scale offensive during the winter dry season. Savang said earlier that in the event of a breakdown in negotiations, he would strongly favor a study of the situation in northern Laos by the Manila pact powers and action by them should the Viet Minh intervene in force. 4 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TnP crif-DrT Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 fl rr, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 vow 4. INDONESIAN PRESIDENT REPORTED WORKING TO RESTORE LEFTIST GOVERNMENT President Sukarno has sounded out the National Party, the Nandlatul Ulama (NU), and several minor par- ties to ascertain whether a govern- ment similar to the All cabinet could be reconstructed, The "Ali formula" would include Communist support of the government but not participation in it. Both the NU and the moderate wing of the National Party reportedly re- jected the proposal. The American embassy comments that Sukarno apparently regards the unexpectedly large National Party vote in the recent elections as an endorse- ment of his own political approach and this may encour- age him to proceed further in his experiments with the far left. Comment Sukarno, who continues to be the most popular political leader in Indonesia, has developed a strong prejudice against the anti-Commu- nist Masjumi, which leads the present cabinet. It was largely as a result of his influence that the National-led All cabinet, which excluded the Masjumi and depended on Communist support, was established in 1953 and lasted for two years. The outcome of a struggle for leader- ship within the National Party may be the principal factor in determining whether Indonesia returns to the "Ali formula" for its next government. Sukarno is reported to favor the left wing, which apparently is still willing to accept Communist support. 4 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 1D�r, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346 Nue 5. BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT'S REPORTED HEART ATTACK Following a light heart attack on 3 November, Brazilian president Caf�ilho has reportedly been or- dered to take a complete rest. His condition is described as not serious. Should Caf�ie or resign because of Ill-health, his position would be filled initially by the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Carlos Luz. With- in the following 30 days the Brazilian Congress would be constitutionally required to elect a successor for the re- mainder of Caf� term, which ends on 31 January 1956. Until the inauguration at that time of President-elect Kubitschek, however, the government is unlikely to in- stitute any major policy changes. Luz, a federal deputy from the state of Minas Gerais since 1945 and president of the chamber since February 1955, belongs to the same party as Kubi- tschek, but is not considered one of his supporters. Luz is generally considered pro-US. 4 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 '7" rr Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03002346