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Publication Date: 
October 6, 1955
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Approvediot7l=u2011t9/09/16 copoo9681// j#3,1e,,, L--- 3.5(c) ordcl 6 October 1955 3.3(h)(2) Copy No. 100 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO JO / NO CHANGE IN CLASS. t! DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: _rT Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000968 'Wee BIWEEKLY SUMMARY 22 September-5 October 1955 THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Formosa Straits Problem 1. Chinese Communist military action opposite the offshore islands during the past two weeks was limited to artillery firing against various islands of the Quemoy group. During the past week the total of over 1,400 rounds was the highest of any week since September 1954. The increased shelling may have been timed to coincide with the observance of Communist China's National Day--1 October. 2. None of the six Chinese Communist airfields along the East China coast opposite Formosa and the offshore islands is occupied as yet. Nantai and Chenghai appear serviceable. Lungtien and Chingyang are probably unserv- iceable, but could be made serviceable with little effort. Lungchi is unserviceable because of continued construction. Swatow is serviceable only for light transport aircraft and no additional construction activity has been noted there re- cently. 3. Preliminary air photography reports of 3 October indicate that the Chinese Communists recently began con- structing another airfield in Fukien Province, this one near Liencheng, 175 miles west of Foochow. 4. An additional Chinese Communist railway engineer division has moved to Fukien. Of 11 such divisions identi- fied in the Chinese Communist forces, at least seven are now believed to be engaged in the construction of the rail- road that will connect Amoy with the main Northeast-Southwest railway south of the Yangtze River. 6 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TfID Qri`DT�T Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000968 Approved for Releas-e-: --071/09/16 C03000968 %we 5. Despite MAAG objections, the Chinese Nationalist plan to move an additional infantry battalion to Matsu was car- ried out on 25 September and an additional artillery battalion is scheduled to move there on 15 October, With MAAG concurrence, a separate tank battalion with about 50 light tanks moved from Formosa to Quemoy on 1 October. This will bring to approximately 160 the total of light tanks on the Quemoy Islands. 6. On National Day (1 October), Chinese Communist editorials and the minister of defense's Order of the Day to the troops reiterated the determination to "liberate Formosa." However, the National Day comment at the same time reaf- firmed willingness to lessen tension in the Formosa area by direct talks with the US. Earlier in the week, Peiping had charged that the US was reluctant to negotiate. 6 Oct 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -T-PriD�qrre�R-F-T Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000968 C17 I'D VT' Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000968 5 OCTOBER 1955 FORMOSA STRAITS SITUATION Primary roads Secondary roads 1 NAUT/CAI MILFS 5p Ion 160 50 100 150 STATUTE MILFS C � A OPERATIONAL � A SERVICEABLE � A UNKNOWN UNDER 211 CONSTRUCTION COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND USABILITY mm.15, MIG.17,11J-4. I1-28 SECONDARY: AUXILIARY OR EMERGENCY BASES. OR FIELDS OF LESSER TU-2, IL-10, LA-9/11. LI-2, aTC IMPORTANCE. RUNWAYS GENERALLY LESS THAN 5000 FEET. UNKNOWN OPERATIONAL: ACTIVE BASE FOR MILITARY & CIVILIAN AIRCRAFT. SOME BASES USED BY PISTON TYPES MAY BE USABLE BYJETS. 111111 Railroad Proposed railroad DESIGNATIONS FIELDS NOT CONSIDERED CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING SUSTAINED OPERATIONS AT PRESENT. NAIIONIALIST AlkFILLD PRIMARY, CONSIDERED MOST IMPORTANT IN AREA. WITH PREPARED RUNWAY GENERALLY 5000 FEET OR LONGER. SERVICEABLE: INACTIVE BASES CAPABLE OF USE BY AIRCRAFT Unl