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Publication Date: 
September 29, 1955
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 ("043/07" /Approved Tfoor Riel,earLe:,2607119e/LCTI/1,6 c�3;Meo7/077/o; 29 September 1955 Copy No. 99 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. CI DECLASSIFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE P010 AUTH: HR 7.9a2.0 DATE. Al REVIEWER:. Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET for Release: 2019/09/16 tzorA, Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Nee' Nine Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 iijr3C,L,KG CONTENTS 1. MOLOTOV SAYS DISARMAMENT PROGRESS DEPENDS ON US AGREEMENT TO BAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS (page 3), 2. 3. BRITISH AMBASSADOR CONVINCED DIEM WON'T YIELD ON ELECTIONS ISSUE (page 5). 4. NASR APPEARS UNYIELDING ON EGYPTIAN-SOVIET BLOC ARMS DEAL (page 6). 5. TANKS ARRIVING IN EGYPT REPORTED OBSOLETE BRITISH MODELS (page 7). 6. FAURE REPORTED UNWILLING TO FORCE ISSUE ON REMOVAL OF SULTAN (page 8). 7. PARAGUAYAN ARMY LEADERS REPORTEDLY WANT PURGE OF GOVERNMENTS PRO-PERON ELEMENTS (page 9). 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 ur orA,ttn-/� �-�����' I. MOLOTOV SAYS DISARMAMENT PROGRESS DEPENDS ON US AGREEMENT TO BAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS In a conversation with the chairman of the Canadian UN delegation on 22 Sep- tember, Molotov reiterated that progress on disarmament cannot be made if the Americans refuse to agree to the aban- donment of nuclear weapons. When the Canadian represent- ative referred to the difficulties of control over nuclear weapons, Molotov said indirect control is possible through control of the "instruments of delivery." He agreed that 100-percent control would not be possible but argued that "controls are never 100 percent. We must trust one another." Molotov avoided a direct reply to a ques- tion whether the USSR would accept President Eisenhower's blueprint and aerial inspection proposals, saying that "we are studying many proposals and they all have good features." Soviet deputy foreign minister Kuznetsov professed surprise at the Canadian attitude on controls, say- ing, "You want all the details. We would prefer to set up a general plan and then work out the details." The Canadian representative believes the Soviet delegates have no inten- tion of answering detailed questions on control. Comment Molotov's remarks parallel Bulganin's letter to the President in seeking to focus the disarmament debate on the absence of an Ameri- can commitment regarding the ultimate prohibition of nu- clear weapons and the reduction of armaments. Soviet spokesmen are insisting that it is essential to establish a "legal basis" for the proscription of atomic weapons. The Soviet representative on the UN Disarmament Subcommittee has so far refused to elaborate on the functions of the international control agency proposed in the 10 May plan. Molotov's reference to control of the instruments of delivery suggests that in any detailed dis- cussion of the control question, the USSR will maintain that "control posts" in ports, railroad junctions, highways and airfields would provide adequate safeguards against a sur- prise attack. This would obviate any need for aerial photog- raphy and for according international inspectors access to industries and installations engaged in nuclear activities. (SECRET) 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 UV" JELNET Now, 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 1.0? SECIa.-1 3. BRITISH AMBASSADOR CONVINCED DIEM WON'T YIELD ON ELECTIONS ISSUE British ambassador Stephenson in Saigon is convinced that Premier Diem can never agree to nationwide elections or to genuine consultations with the Viet e eves the best way for Diem to gain time is to insist that elections must first be held in South Vietnam, Stephenson has cabled these views to Foreign Secretary Macmillan in New York. Comment As a cochairman of the 1954 Geneva conference, Britain is in the difficult position of having to go through the motions of urging Diem to abide by the stipulations of the accord despite their in- feasibility. The British have hoped that Diem would adopt a more positive stand on the consultations issue, thereby Implying his acceptance of the Geneva responsibilities and obviating any excuse for reconvening the Geneva powers. Diem apparently intends to announce, sometime before the foreign ministers' meeting in October, a plan for the election of a national assembly for South Vietnam, possibly in December. The election would be preceded by a referendum on Bao Dal and the formation of a constituent assembly. 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Nevi Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 L.rct I 4. NASR APPEARS UNYIELDING ON EGYPTIAN-SOVIET BLOC ARMS DEAL Prime Minister Nasr told Ambassador Byroade on 26 September that the course of American-Egyptian relations will de- pend (1) on the general American reaction 'to the Egyptian-Soviet bloc arms deal, and (2) on whether the United States now supplies Israel arms so that the Egyptians remain in the same relatively defenseless position vis-a-vis that country. If the United States gives the Israelis such equipment, he said, he could only conclude that it had hos- tile intentions toward him and Egypt. He wondered whether the United States would now force the situation to the point where the only co-operation open to him would be from the Soviet bloc. Nasr avoided furnishing specific data on � the arms to be received, apparently because he feared this information would reach Israel. He insisted, however, that he had no desire for war, and that Egypt needed arms to pro- tect itself should Israel attack. Comment Nasr apparently intends to go ahead with the arms deal. He and most Arab lead- ers are convinced that Israel poses a direct threat to Arab states. This conviction appears to be the basic motivation in Nasr's determination to get major military equipment. 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 � Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 SECKt I 5. TANKS ARRIVING IN. EGYPT REPORTED OBSOLETE BRITISH MODELS The shipment of tanks which arrived at Alexandria on 22 September for the Egyptian army were sold by a Belgian firm, The shipment con- sistect ot about iut.. "demilitarized and obsolete" Valentine tanks, including four 32-ton tanks, sixteen 16-ton tanks, and probably 80 12-ton tanks. Comment The initial report on this shipment stated that there were 120 tanks and that they appeared to be German World War II models. Valentine tanks were manufactured by the British during World War II and are no longer being produced. 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 01" bt...L:Nt., 6. FAURE REPORTED UNWILLING TO FORCE ISSUE ON REMOVAL OF SULTAN rotectorates Minister July believes hat the possibility of Faure's program or Morocco being implemented becomes ore unlikely every day, according to American embassy in Paris. The embassy added that Faure appears to have refused to force the issue in the cabi- net, and now seems to be throwing up a smoke screen by emphasizing Algeria and other problems. July told an embassy official on 27 Sep- tember that Sultan Mohamed ben Arafa, who up to 24 Sep- tember was "prepared to leave" the throne, is "no longer amenable to leaving." Comment Faure had earlier planned to remove the sultan and face the National Assembly with a fait accompli on this key point in his program. The premier may now hope to avoid a cabinet split prior to an assembly vote on his program and that once the assembly, as is expected, votes its support, rightist ministers may be deterred from an open break. The apparent abandonment of Faure's plan portends the speedy deterioration of the situation in Morocco. The American consul in Rabat reports that Resident General Boyer de Latour is opening displaying contempt for the nationalist Istiqlal party with which Faure consulted at Aix-les-Bains in August and that he is even taking positive steps to make any French-nationalist con- ciliation impossible. Other French officials declare the French are prepared for a showdown with the nationalists, and settler "commando" groups The Moroccans, meanwhile, have started city-wide strikes in Marrakech and Fez, and this strike movement can be ex- pected to spread. 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962 1171 7. PARAGUAYAN ARMY LEADERS REPORTEDLY WANT PURGE OF GOVERNMENT'S PRO-PERON ELEMENTS Paraguayan army leaders are reported pressing President Stroessner to keep Argentine ex-president Peron's asylum in Paraguay brief and to purge the gov- ernment of pro-Peron factions, expecially Central Bank president Mendez Fleitas and Minister of IntericT Romero Pereira. Stroessner agrees that a purge may be necessary but states that he prefers to wait a few months. The army is not satisfied with waiting this long. Comment The Paraguayan government has been unstable since Stroessner came to power in the May 1954 revolution. This instability has been caused primarily by the fact that no single person or group has had the allegiance of the army, long the key to control of the country. Several times in the past year army leaders have unsuccessfully objected to Stroessner's co-operation with Mendez, who has ties with Communists as well as with Peron. Until a few months ago, at least, the president believed an open break with Mendez would precipitate civil war, since Mendez had successfully cul- tivated many of the junior officers, and his friend Romero Pereira controls the police. 29 Sept 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 C03000962