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ved f; lepae;ekTi9:0,1 CO2g,, 343) / (h)(2) % 25 April 1956 3.5(c) 4 � , 0 Copy No. 103 oy 4 , , 4 CURRENT .,.."..,. 07 DOCUMENT NO 7 INTELLIGENCE NO CHANGE IN CLASS. / $ BULLETIN CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS S NEXT REVIEW DATE: 1 : DECLASSIFIED AUT of % DAT REVIEWER 1 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1 0 Of // 1 /./ 1 0 0 7, - SEC fe E. F _ / "'I/A Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 isek Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 azt-rkr.,/ CONTENTS LEADERS ATTACK WESTERN DISARMAMENT VIEWS (page 3). 2. KHRUSHCHEV SAYS SOVIET ARMS TO YEMEN MEANT TO HARASS BRITISH (page 4). 3. SAUDI ARABIA REPORTED PREPARING GUERRILLA ACTION IN BURAI1VII AREA (page 5). 4. PLAN TO ASSASSINATE CUBAN PRESIDENT REPORTED (page 6). 5. MOROCCAN NATIONALIST PROBES AMERICAN ATTITUDE ON AIR BASES (page 7). 6. SOVIET iREcumE USES STALIN METHODS TO END PARTY STRIFE (page 8). 7. FRANCE NEGOTIATING ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICIAL FRENCH TRADE OFFICE IN PEIPING (page 9). 8. ESTABLISHMENT OF JAPANESE COMMERCIAL MISSION IN PEIPING UNDER NEGOTIATION (page 10). 25 Apr 56 ARAR-TSRAELT SITUATION ;page 11) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 ,f7ECRET 1. SOVIET LEADERS ATTACK WESTERN DISARMAMENT VIEWS The British delegate to the UN Disarma- ment Subcommittee, Anthony Nutting, told his Western colleagues on 23 April that on the basis of discussion thus far with Bulganin and Khrushchev on disarmament, the Russians appear to be "fed up" with the subcommittee and are very suspicious of the Western position. The Soviet leaders charged that the American aerial inspection proposal was de- signed to photograph the USSR for target and espionage pur- poses. Bulganin and Khrushchev said they had omitted nuclear disarmament from their 27 March proposals because previous discussion had proved it was impossible to solve the problems of nuclear and conventional arms simul- taneously� The Soviet leaders showed no interest in any par- tial approach to disarmament and insisted that the Western powers had complicated the disarmament problem by retreat- ing from their earlier positions. Nutting concluded that he believes the USSR wants disarmament but not control and, therefore, does not want an arms agreement. Comment The Soviet leaders' remarks on the ae- rial inspection proposal show no change in the views Khrushchev expressed in his Supreme Soviet speech on 29 December in which he charged that aerial photography amounted to military reconnaissance and claimed that such a plan "can only fan war passions and war psychosis." The omission of nuclear disarmament provisions from the Soviet 27 March plan apparently was in- tended to create an impression that the Soviet position is mov- ing closer to that of the West, particularly that of the United States, by offering a separate agreement in the field of con- ventional arms, where the USSR has superiority, The Soviet leaders probably believe such ostensible concessions to West- ern views will lead Western governments, under the pressure of public opinion, to curtail military spending and reduce armed forces even in the absence of an arms agreement. 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 2. ICHRUSHCHEV SAYS SOVIET ARMS TO YEMEN MEANT TO HARASS BRITISH Khrushchev told Foreign Minister Selwyn Lloyd on 21 April that as long as Great Britain supports the Baghdad pact, it must expect the a e measures, such as arms sales to Yemen, to cause maximum annoyance to Britain. Khrushchev made the statement in answer to a question from Lloyd as to why the Soviet Union was selling arms to Yemen when those arms could only be used against the British in Aden. Comment Khrushchev's statement, like the Soviet Foreign Ministry statement of 17 April, serves notice that Soviet tactics in the Middle East will not be changed without a quid pro quo from the West. The Soviet leaders have repeatedly attacked the Baghdad pact as being anti-Soviet. 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -SECRET - Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 toolk S 4141, 3. SAUDI ARABIA REPORTED PREPARING GUERRILLA ACTION IN BURAIMI AREA Saudi Arabia is air-lifting troops to a point near the disputed Buraimi Oasis in eastern Arabia, the forces are to be used for sabotage and raids in the Buraimi area in order "to give the British no peace there," The airlift allegedly had moved 800 troops by 22 April and the operation was continuing. Comment A British mission is expected to arrive in Saudi Arabia about 26 April to re-open negotiations on the disputed Buraimi Oasis, which British- led forces occupied last fall in the name of the sultan of Mus- cat. If the Saudi troop movement is confirmed, the British may refuse to open the talks in order to avoid ap- pearing to be negotiating under duress. Mounting Saudi pres- sure on the British is also evident in King Saud's reported loan of $10,000,000 to Yemen for arms--presumably to support its dispute with Britain over boundaries of the Aden Protectorate in southern Arabia. 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Noe' %NO 4, PLAN TO ASSASSINATE CUBAN PRESIDENT REPORTED A general revolt led by men who were officers under former president Prio Socarras will be set off by the assassi- nation of General Batista, planned for the first opportunity. The president's assassination was originally scheduled for 20 April, but no attempt was made then owing to lack of opportunity. Batista does not know whom he can trust in the army and reportedly is extremely nervous. The source says that his life could be saved if within the next few days he guaranteed free elections this year. 1 Comment Oppositionists, particularly the followers of ex-president Prio, ousted by Batista in 1952, are exploiting the tense situation that has developed since 3 April when a military conspiracy was revealed. They reportedly will attempt a coup, and they may have included President Ba,tista's assassination in their plans. Sueh an event would probably lead to considerable bloodshed through- out the island. Sympathy with the officers convicted of the 3 April conspiracy and antipathy toward the army com- mand, extending increasingly to Batista, is being felt through- out the army, according to reports. The opposition has insisted that the Novem- ber 1.954 election was a fraud and has demanded a new election for all offices including that of president. Batista has adamantly opposed an election before 1958 and apparently has considered changing the constitution so as to be eligible to run again. 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 0011k 5. MOROCCAN NATIONALIST PROBES AMERICAN ATTITUDE ON AIR BASES Ahmed Balafrej, secretary general of the Moroccan nationalist Istiqlal party, has asked the American consul general in Rabat what attitude the United States government would take if the Moroccans de- sired to open direct talks on "military subjects" after the appointment of a Moroccan foreign minister. Balafrej in- dicated that the sultan was now considering the matter. Comment The Moroccan government is likely to press soon for a renegotiation of the 1950 bilateral American-French agreement which permitted the building of the four strategic air bases in Morocco. The Moroccans hope that American payments for the continued use of these bases will partially cover Morocco's annual fi- nancial deficit which will probably run between $142,000,000 and $200,000,000in the future Heretofore, .these deficits have been covered by French subsidies and loans, The Moroccans probably also hope to use an early agreement with the United States as a lever for bargaining during the forthcoming financial and economic negotiations with France, which were recently postponed at the request of the Moroccan government. 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 �5ritiffE4=-- 6.. SOVIET REGIME USES STALIN METHODS TO END PARTY STRIFF, the central committee of the Soviet Communist Party issued a resolution which disciplined the party organization of a thermodynamics laboratory and in- dicated that the collective leadership continues to use Stalin's methods to control dissension within the party. the central committee decreed that the party organi- zation in the laboratory be dissolved; that all party members and candidates in this organization be investigated; and that engineer-technical personnel of the laboratory be re-examined and replaced where necessary. editorial revealed publicly the party's concern over this problem when it con- demned, in language similar to that of the resolution, "re- cent party meetings, including one held in a scientific insti- tute," where "slanderous statements directed against .the party's policy" were made. It is probable that repercus- sions of this nature were fairly widespread and that the party has moved swiftly and ruthlessly, as in the case of the thermo- dynamics laboratory, to remove such opposition to its policies. 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 TOP-SteRET 7. FRANCE NEGOTIATING ESTABLISHMENT OF OFFICIAL FRENCH TRADE OFFICE IN PEIPING the establishment of a French ommercial office in Communist hina is now under active negotiation in Lonaon. rrance nopes to send a staff of about 25 mem- bers who would have the same status as commercial at- taches which Paris sends to other countries. The authority of the office would be confined to commercial matters� Un- der the French proposal, the establishment of a French agency in Peiping would not give Communist China recip- rocal rights to establish a commercial agency in Paris. Comment Althougli the French had approached the Chinese Communists to establish a perma- nent commercial office in Peiping, this is the first report of the terms which were submitted by Paris Communist China would welcome a French commercial office in Peiping and the presence of French commercial attaches as improv- ing its chances for obtaining eventual French recognition. France may believe that the dispatch of a commercial delegation to China will increase its share in China's trade with non-Communist Europe. While West German and British trade with Communist China has tripled since 1952, Sino-French trade has remained at about the same low level. (Prepared jointly with ORR) 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 No04 8. ESTABLISHMENT OF JAPANESE COMMERCIAL MISSION IN PEIPING UNDER NEGOTIATION Japan is working out an agreement with Communist China to set up an unofficial trade mission in Peiping, Referring to the French negotiations for an official mission in Peiping, Foreign Minister Shigemitsu commented that if the French are successful, "our govern- ment will not be in any position to thwart the wishes of our people," Japan's talks with Peiping are probably being con- ducted by private Japanese businessmen rather than by government officials. Peiping has exerted steady pressure on Tokyo for the establishment of closer ties and has sought to exploit Japanese hopes for profitable trade with the main- land, The Chinese Communists would probably prefer to have the trade mission operate on an official basis and can be expected to press for this point during the reported negotia- tions. Peiping would probably accept an unofficial mission, however, as a step toward eventual official recognition. (Concurred in by ORR) 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10. -TXV---gEeR-ET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608 90116, TOP SECRET THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 24 April) Three Israeli water engineers and their driver were ambushed and killed on the Beersheba-Eilat road near the Jordan border. (Press) Syria has announced that it has agreed to a cease-fire on the Syrian-Israeli border on condition that Israel pledges to respect the resolutions of the UN Security Council, A UN resolution in 1953 requested Israel to cease activities at Banat Yacov pending an agreed solution. (Press) Egypt is sending an emissary to other Arab capitals to inform them of its discussions with UN secretary gen- eral Hammarskjold, Egypt had agreed to a pro- posal wnicn woula Dina Dutn slues Lc) observe the terms of the armistice agreement, particularly Article II, to evacuate troops 500 meters each side of the demarcation line, and to remove from demilitarized zones all military or police weapons and all settle- ments or fortifications that have been built since the armistice. Egypt had excluded from the discussions anything connected with the Jordan River waters, the navigation of the Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, the ending of the state of war with Israel, and any npw nronosals outside the scope of the Ham- marskj old mission. a Jordanian mission to Cairo will co-ordinate Jor- dan's war plans with Egypt and Syria. Jordan will ask Egypt to supply it with British arms and am- munition. Egypt, according to press and radio reports, has "presented" arms worth a half a million pounds ($1,400,000) to the Sudan, including tanks, armored cars and other vehicles, and light arms and ammunition. (Press) 25 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995608