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r,e4/ te/eamved flr(ZMVIT101 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN e/I1 /44 CO29955937," 6 April 1956 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT HE VIEW DATE� AUTH: -IR DATE 103 stsof nEVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.5(c) F .ffr TO-P-SEGREZ Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 "Ix 404,, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 ur CONTENTS 1. THE FIGHTING ALONG THE GAZA STRIP (page 3). 2. PRAVDA DENOUNCES CRITICISM OF PARTY BY MEMBERS (page 5). 3. FIRST CHINESE COMMUNIST COMMENT ON DENIGRATION OF STALIN page 6). 4. SOVIET LEADERS ASSIGN TOP PRIORITY TO DISARMAMENT (page 7). 5. DIEM CONSIDERING MILITARY ACTION AGAINST ISLANDS CLAIMED BY CAMBODIA (page 8). 6. LAOTIAN URGED TO MEET PATHET LAO LEADER IN HANOI FPBENIEllpage 10). 7. POSSIBLE MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST DISSIDENTS IN SOUTHWEST CHINA (page 11) 6 Apr 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION page 13) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TflPr.:rr'r?rT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 _WEIN //1-1.1.4 'raw Nur 1. THE FIGHTING ALONG THE GAZA STRIP A series of armed clashes between Egyptian and Israeli forces along the Gaza strip culminated in a general ex- change of small arms, mortar and artillery fire on 5 April. This is the most serious incident in this sector since the Israeli raid on Khan Yunis on 31 August-1 September 1955. While it is possible that Egypt or Israel may find in this incident the occasion for further action which could lead in turn to all-out war, the circumstances suggest that neither side is deliberately seeking war at this time. During the past week casualties, includ- ing fatalities, have become more numerous in the Gaza 314 CM National Guard CM Palestine Home Guard la Infantry CD Armored El Armored Infantry iIzs. Corps ms. Division Brigade Regiment Battalion Company or Battery Egyptian unit CD Israeli unit �31 A0V HQ 5 El Arish I I (=) � 1 1 I Abu Aou Unlocated, but believed attached to infantry div- isions in forward area EGYPT 2 APRIL 1956 El Faluja ,.. 0 ,..." / ,Miflassim .) Nahaloz , �B4r1 . j4�-4 I. ,IoNssufim s ' Ein Hashelosha Beersheba ISRAEL Bir Asluj BlAuja \ DEMILITARIZED \e/ ZONE El Quseima� 6 Apr 56 10 20 30 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 ATT711)ENT1A Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 VINP /DE/ 11AL tiviol clashes. The latest incident appears to have developed out of the earlier patrol actions in which three Israelis and one Egyptian were killed. Egypt has charged that, commencing at 0030 on 5 April, Israeli forces opened fire on Egyptian strip settlements of Gaza, Deir el Balah, Khan Yunis, and Abasan. Egyptian forces then claim to have returned the fire and a general exchange took place all along the border throughout the day. According to an Israeli military spokes- man, Egyptian forces early in the morning launched the first of a series of seven attacks against the three Israeli border1 settlements of Kissufim, Ein Hashelosha, and Nahaloz. Other reports assert that the settlements of Miflassim and Been i were also attacked. In each case Egyptian forces withdrew after receiving Israeli fire. UN truce supervisor General Burns on 5 April ordered a cease-fire by midnight. Earlier on 5 April, Israeli foreign minister Sharett had warned of "grave results" unless Egypt halted its attacks, asserting that Israel "reserved freedom of action in self-defense." 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 ITi'il1i7'iJT 41 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 WINTIDE/N1/4.L w. New 2. PRAVDA DENOUNCES CRITICISM OF PARTY BY MEMBERS Comment on: Pravda% latest comment on the anti- Stalin drive indicates that destruction of the Stalin myth has led to criticism of the Communist Party itself. In an editorial on 5 April, Pravda states that at recent party meetings, including one held in a scien- tific institute, certain members "utilized inner party de- mocracy to make slanderous statements directed against the party's policy and its Leninist foundations." "Under the guise of condemning the cult of the individual some rotten elements are trying to question the correctness of the party's policy." According to Pravda, the party permits free discussion of policy but "has never tolerated and will not tolerate petty bourgeois licentiousness, and particularly antiparty statements, in its midst, even if they are few in number." Pravda's statement of the permissible limits of criticism is an attempt to keep the reaction to the anti-Stalin drive within safe bounds. Criticism of the party is equivalent to criticism of the regime itself. The attack on Stalin is apparently produping more freedom of dis- cussion than the leadership will countenance. The regime faces a dilemma in attempting to stimulate intellectual ini- tiative among such crucial groups as scientists without en- couraging criticism of fundamentals. 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 itriFftWAT�T4-71-1, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 CUTVP1DEITTIA-L---- ,m0 3. FIRST CHINESE COMMUNIST COMMENT ON DENIGRATION OF STALIN Comment on: Communist China's first comment on the Soviet re-evaluation of Stalin appears in a 4 April People's Daily editorial based on discussions held at a meeting of the Chinese Communist Party's politburo. The Chinese com- ment follows, in general, Moscow's justification of its attack on Stalin. The editorial does not indicate that the Kremlin's denigration of Stalin has created any real prob- lems of party or government policy for Peiping. It calls for "serious" study of the works of Stalin, especially those "correctly summarizing Soviet experience in construction." The Chinese formula has been that Stalin's theories were applied and developed--i.e. , altered where necessary--by Mao Tse-tung. In the current comment, Stalin's theories are said to have been "crudely applied" by previously dis- credited Chinese leaders up to 1935--the year in which Mao became the party's leader. The editorial suggests that the Chinese Communist Party will not abandon its special treatment of Mao Tse-tung, which has continued since the Soviet party congress, Stalin's "serious mistakes" are said to have de- rived primarily from his isolation from "the masses," where- as the Chinese party is said to be based firmly on the "mass line." Peiping has justified Mao's personal leadership of the Chinese party in recent months on the ground that he above all other Chinese leaders "feels the pulse of the broad masses." 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 egiNrinliATTLI T. Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 SECKEl. 4. SOVIET LEADERS ASSIGN TOP PRIORITY TO DISARMAMENT At a Kremlin reception on 3 April, Premier Bulganin told the French am- bassador and the American charg�hat the Soviet government attaches first priority to disarmament. At the same reception, Khru- shchev said that "the question of peace, that is to say that of disarmament, takes first place while the German ques- tion and all others come next." He expressed agreement with French premier Mollet's published statement that the West had been mistaken in placing German unification ahead of disarmament at the Geneva foreign ministers' conference. The American charg�elieved that the Soviet government is confident that it has made such appealing concessions that the West will find it difficult to avoid discussing them seriously or to reject them. He also suggests that the Soviet leaders believe their new proposal on reduction of conventional armaments will evoke sympathy in the uncommitted areas and among some circles in Europe and, if accepted, will increase Soviet resources for self- development and foreign assistance. 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 �4Fe*FT� Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 '14140; 5. DIEM CONSIDERING MILITARY ACTION AGAINST .SLANDS CLAIMED BY CAMBODIA South Vietnam's Presictent .urern nab stated that his government probably will soon be involved in a serious controversy with Cambodia over two small islands near Phu Quoc. Ac- cording to Diem, these islands, which he claims are clearly Vietnamese territory, were occupied recently by Cambodian troops. He is therefore considering sending Vietnamese army elements without warning to drive out the Cambodians. Comment Cambodia's claim to the islands is vague and is apparently based on the conten- tion that sovereignty was illegally transferred when Indo- china was under French control. Phnom Penh issued a 6 Apr 56 5 APRIL 1956 2.5 5,0 75 100 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 �ffir7CITET� vole strongly worded communiqu�everal months ago denounc- ing Vietnamese intrusion and interference with Cambodian fishing the area. Relations between Cambodia and South Vietnam have recently been severely strained as a result of a series of border incidents and bitter recriminations which have led to the closing of the border -between the two countries. Phnom Penh, however, last week indicated a willingness to seek a settlement of this dispute. Any mili- tary action as proposed by Diem would seriously prejudice the possibility of a settlement and stimulate anti-Western sentiment in Cambodia, where the view is widely held that the Diem government is under Western influence. 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 .SECR ET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 St.,CKLI Nuo 6. LAOTIAN PREMIER URGED TO MEET PATHET LAO LEADER IN HANOI The Indian charg�n Vientiane is promoting the idea of a "courtesy visit" by Laotian premier Souvanna Phouma to Hanoi as the best means et Lao problem, according to Ambas- sador Yost. The charg�aid he felt the Viet Minh would lend its "good offices" for talks in Hanoi between Souvanna Phouma and Pathet Lao leader Prince Souphannouvong. He added that the Viet Minh might well "advise" the Pathets to accept the government's authority in the two northern provinces in return for a government pledge not to partic- ipate in military alliances or to permit the presence of foreign military installations or personnel in Laos. Ambassador Yost believes the Indian diplomat is expressing the views Hanoi wants conveyed to the Laotian government. Comment Souvanna Phouma has asserted he will treat any Commtinist approadh with "great circumspection." Unless he feels his government's grievances against the Pathet Lao are adequately taken care of at the forthcoming talks of the Geneva co-chairmen in London, he may be attracted by a Communist offer to settle the problem without reference to the Geneva agree- ment. Viet Minh terms for "persuading" the Pathet Lao to relinquish control of the two provinces would presumably include exclusion of American influence in Laos, 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 1 / Is" 7. POSSIBLE MILITARY OPERATIONS AGAINST DISSIDENTS IN SOUTHWEST CHINA Comment on: Chinese Commu- nist military forces may have been en- gaged in action against dissident forces in ou China. At least five piston bombers, probably BAT (TU-2) planes, from Sian reported that they had car- ried out bombing and strafing missions on targets in the village of Hsiangcheng. Ground forces were reported en- gaged with the "enemy" at Hsiangcheng and Litang. There is some possibility that the activity reflected co-ordinated air-ground exercises, but several messages seem to indicate combat operations. One of the liklesk � .Pyagut P Alma Ala TO ET POSSI COUNTER�DIS OPERATIONS IN SOUTHWEST CHINA 6 APRIL 1956 6 Apr 50 Area of antl-guerrilla ,activity in 1952-53 MONGOLIA 4, SZECHWAN � "A'" 4 Chunlop Ingcnen, Kunming � mon, (P tit fp 11 Current Intelligence Bulletin NORTH KOREA voslok 60105 4 Page Al 'EDI; L)-SFTIFFT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 %re Nee bombers was told on 31 March that it was not necessary again to bomb an "enemy"-held Lama temple which had already been hit, since "the important thing is to intimi- date." Communist ground units claimed that "the enemy was completely destroyed" on 30 March, and no aircraft have been reported in the vicinity since 31 March. The area involved in this activity is not far from the scene of Communist China's heaviest anti- guerrilla action against Nationalist remnant forces and restive local tribes, which teamed up against the regime in the Szechwan-Sikang border area in 1952. They were not eliminated as an organized force until late in 1953, after Manchurian-based fighters and bombers were moved to the area to support cavalry units in attaeks on mountain strongholds. The Chinese Communists can expect occasional trouble from dissident local tribes and religious sects in western China. It has been rare, however, that such trouble has required strong military countermeasures. 6 Apr 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Tok_sEeRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593 1 0.1:A..-1�.L, I �11110 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 5 April) See item 1, page 3, for comment on Egyptian-Israeli fighting along the Gaza strip. Israeli regular units have been with- drawn from the Lebanese border during the past two weeks, according to the Lebanese chief of staff. A similar Israeli withdrawal from the Syrian frontier was reported previously. These movements may indicate that Israel is more imme- diately Prmari nypr nnsgihle tion along the Egyptian border. - Fbiai Soviet bloc mine, craft and a Polish merchant vessel, suspected of being en route to Egypt, have been reported west of Ireland. The mine craft probably are ex-Soviet T-43 class mine sweepers have been or- dered under the Egyptian-Soviet bloc arms deal. They are equipped for both mine sweeping and laying, and often operate as escort vessels as well. The Egyptian naval attach�n Pgland has stated that, in addition to some 200 Egyptian naval personnel who have received training in Poland, approximately the same number are training in Czechoslovakia and the USSR. the Egyptian list of requirements for additional Soviet bloc arms includes 55,000 rifles and 25,000 submachine guns as well as the previously re- ported 40 MIG fighter aircraft and at least 20 light jet bombers. A new program is being worked out for the training in Czechoslo- vakia of Egyptian technical personnel in the maintenance and servicing of bloc aircraft. 6 Apr 56 6urrent Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 Trg) T Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO2995593