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November 10, 1955
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refeiozoi,, wit2roved for Release: 2019/09�6 c02995584 rYi0/1/.ff: e.�/*/ 3.3(h)(2) / / 9? 4 10 November 1955 3.5(c) ///////4/� CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN' /' a , / Copy No. 10 0 / / / / / / II / CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 1� DOCUMENT NO ei a / NO 'CHANGE IN CLJkSS. Lid EA DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO; TS S C NEXT REviEw DATE. 0 / a AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: VIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence /// . ' $ ' 1 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 I NJ &a 1.-d t La -weir CONTENTS 1. CHANGES IN ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP RUMORED (page 3). 20 RUMORED REPLACEMENT OF BRAZILIAN WAR MINISTER (page 4). 3. FRENCH OFFICIAL SUGGESTS NEED FOR TALKS WITH WASHINGTON AND LONDON ON MOROCCO (page 5)0 4. TITO STATES VIEWS ON SINO-SOVIET BLOC (page 6) 5. SOVIET BLOC ARMS REPORTED ARRIVING IN AFGHANISTAN (page 7). 6. VIET MINH PROPAGANDA POINTS TO CLOSER TIES WITH USSR (page 8). 7. COMMENT ON PHILIPPINE ELECTION (page 9). * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 10) 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 J. '6,1 ...ILI VAL La WNW 1. CHANGES IN ARGENTINE GOVERNMENT LEADERSHIP RUMORED eplacement of Argentine provisional president Lonardi by a "stronger" gov- ernment is persistently rumored. Names most frequently mentioned as possible ccessors, either singly or as a junta, re Rear Admiral Isaac Rojas, who is the vice president, Minister of the Army Gen. Leon Bengoa, and Gene Felix Videla charge of Cordoba Province� All three were key figures in the ousting of Peron, and all are consid- ered friendly to the United States The announced resignation of General Bengoa late on 9 November may be the forerunner of addi- tional cabinet changes in the next few days. There are press reports that the foreign minister, the education minister, and possibly others, may also be replaced. These rumors probably reflect the ten- sion and severe strain on unity arising from the attempt of a predominantly military regime to make a thoroughgoing reorganization of the administration. Lacking organized political support, the Lonardi cabinet has had to formulate policy out of diverse opinions and ambitions. Although de- nying Uruguayan radio reports of Lonardi's resignation, the government has admitted that he and top military officials are holding a series of meetings which are said to stress the need for greater cohesion within the regime. Controversy over the need for a stronger executive is reported to include concern over profiteering from the recent revision in exchange rates and the renewed activity of Peronista groups� The arrest of 300 militant Peronistas on 8 November and a government communiqu� ordering civilians to turn in all arms suggest new uneasi- ness within the regime. Further uncertainty over the chief execu- tive stems from Lonardi's ill-health. His son has stated that be has high blood pressure and stomach ulcers. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Rene: 20119/09/16 CO2995584 NINOr' 2. RUMORED REPLACEMENT OF BRAZILIAN WAR MINISTER Brazilian war minister Lott may soon be replaced by General Tasso de Oliveira Tinoco, according to rumors reported by the American army attach�n Rio de Janeiro. imented that Lott's removal could "tip the scales" in favor of a military coup to annul the re- cent presidential election, Comment General Lott, a lifelong foe of mili- tary involvement in politics, has been one of the principal stumbling blocks to those mili- tary elements favoring a coup. Although President Cafe Filho, who took indefinite leave of absence on 8 November, opposed a military coup, the attitude of acting president Carlos Luz toward such action is not known. The American embassy commented on 9 November that Luz favors President-elect Kubitschek's opponents, but there is no indication that he is actively associated with the pro-coup faction. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 �...1 3. FRENCH OFFICIAL SUGGESTS NEED FOR TALKS WITH WASHINGTON AND LONDON ON MOROCCO On 8 November a high French Foreign Ministry official raised with American representatives in Paris "on a personal basis" the possibility of French-American or ripar e alks, including Great Britain, on Morocco. The official envisages talks at the ex- pert level on Morocco's international status if the 1912 French-Moroccan protectorate treaty of Fez and the 1906 Act of Algeciras, to which Russia is a party, are revised. He feared the possibility of "Soviet meddling" and antici- pated difficulty in obtaining Spanish agreement to a change in Morocco's status. Like most Frenchmen, the official is convinced that Spanish policy is aimed at maintaining the status quo in Morocco, even to the point of sabotaging French- Moroccan negotiations. Comment Once a Moroccan government is formed under the recently restored sultan, Ben Youssef, French-Moroccan negotiations on internal auton- omy are expected. Moroccan nationalists have demanded that the treaty basis of the protectorate be changed, a de- velopment which Paris is reluctantly coming to accept as necessary. Madrid has repeatedly stated it would oppose any change in the status of Morocco without Spanish consent and has advocated an international conference. Spain, however, is not a party to the treaty of Fez, and Paris prob- ably hopes to gain American and British support for changes in that treaty to undercut any Spanish claim to be consulted. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 1 '.A1 Li'....! 1...1 4. TITO STATES VIEWS ON SINO-SOVIET BLOC President Tito told Secretary Dulles on 6 November that he saw a gain in influence by those Soviet leaders who recognize the need for new policies e ri a e e R from the "blind alley" into which it was led by Stalin's policy. In this group he placed Bulganin, Khrushchev, and Mikoyano He thought, however, that even these leaders would follow the harsh Stalinist line to some extent until they grew stronger. He believed that Stalinism was still strong among a vast number of functionaries, par- ticularly in the MVD. In Tito's view the Satellites are also abandoning Stalinist policies. Although the masses more than the leaders have recognized the need to do this, it was his belief that new Satellite leaders would eventually emerge as a result of popular pressures and the example of Yugo- slavia. Tito insisted that Communist China was not a satellite of the USSR and that the USSR was not pushing China as its spearhead for penetration of Asia. At this point Vice President Kardelj pointed out that according to Stalin's own words, China had been successful in its revolution against Stalin's wishes. Tito said, however, that the USSR had exercised great influence over the Chinese Communists, and that it still occasionally acted to restrain the youthful and revolutionary fervor which sometimes caused Peiping to "run a bit wild." Tito advocated wider political and economic con- tacts for China, including admission to the UN. Comment Yugoslav leaders have held such views on a post-Sta,lin "liberalization" in the Soviet bloc for at least tlyia past year, and on the independence of Communist China for an even longer period. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 �40010' 5. SOVIET BLOC ARMS AFGHANISTAN RRIVING IN One hundred twenty Afghan trucks left Kabul about 25 October to pick up arms at Kelif on the Afghan-Soviet border in e transport [vision of the Afghan Defense Ministry. Forty more trucks reportedly left Kabul about 1 November for the same purpose, and another 40 were to leave a few days later. Comment These are probably Czech arms ac- quired under a $3,000,000 cash deal negotiated last August. They presumably consist prima- rily of light weapons and ammunition to remedy shortages revealed during mobilization of the Afghan army in May of this year. This would be the first substantial quantity of arms received by Afghanistan since British shipments early in World War II. Prime Minister Daud may attempt to use the arrival of the arms in Kabul about the time of the Grand Tribal Assembly on 14 November to demonstrate the success of his policy of closer relations with the Soviet bloc. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 002995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 6. VIET MINH PROPAGANDA POINTS TO CLOSER TIES WITH USSR The American embassy in Saigon sees in recent Viet Minh propaganda stressing ties with the USSR a possi- ble development of a closer relationship between the Viet Minh and the USSR at the expense of pro-Chinese Commu- nist elements among the Viet Minh. In this connection, the embassy also cites the abrupt transfer from Peiping to Pyongyang of Viet Minh ambassador Hoang Van Hoan. The embassy believes that the new propaganda may foreshadow a move by the USSR to press the Viet Minh cause more actively in the international arena. Comment Recent propaganda broadcasts from Hanoi have omitted Mao Tse-tung's name from the list of those who provided doctrinal guid- ance for the Viet Minh, but have included Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin. Hoang Van Hoan, who was transferred and apparently demoted on 22 October after nearly five years in Peiping, was a member of a Vietnamese revolu- tionary group in China as early as 1930 and may have been a member of the Chinese Communist Party. Vietnamese are traditionally hostile to Chinese. On the other hand, available information indi- cates Peiping's aid program to the Vet Minh is over three times the size of Moscow's, and there are many Chinese advisers in North Vietnam. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 002995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 I VI-, I 4,010, Nir00 IL COMMENT ON PHILIPPINE ELECTION Manila Incomplete returns from the 8 9 Nov 55 November balloting indicate a Press general victory for President Magsaysay, with the Nacional- ista candidates apparently capturing six of the nine Senate seats and most of the 52 provincial governor- ships. The election will probably not result in any significant change in the Philippine political picture. Senator Recto, the chief critic of the president's pro-American policies, will undoubt- edly cite his re-election in the face of Magsaysay's opposition as proof of popular support of his policies; unless the final count shows him at or near the top of the list of successful senatorial candidates, however, his influence is unlikely to be a serious threat to the president's leadership. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO 2995584 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700. 9 November) Diplomatic activity centering an tile new efforts of UN truce chief General Burns to achieve a settle- ment of the dispute over the El Auja demilitarized zone has taken precedence over military activity along the Arab- Israeli borders. However, aftereffects of the clash near Eilat on 8 November are apparent to the South Sinai command, that "the enemy is expected to carry out. . . operations as a result of last night's clash." An Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman indicated Tel Aviv intends to renew its diplomatic campaign against the Egyptian blockade of Eilat and reiterated the threat that if diplomacy fails Israel may resort to direct action. Israeli prime minister Ben-Gurion is also reported to have talked in bellicose tones to General Burns, speaking of "saboteurs and murderers" and insisting that Israel's aim is "peace--not suicide." (Press) an Israeli effort to regularize the temporary restrictions that have been imposed in some areas in the past on the free movement of UN truce observers. The Israelis claim to be particularly anxious that their troop movements and posi- tions near El Auja not be given away by the UN teams. A French Foreign Ministry official has informed the American embassy in Paris that France con- siders urgent the delivery to Israel of Mystere jet fighters. The planes have not yet left France, however, since they are not yet in "deliverable" condition. The American air attache in Paris has learned that the planes are still in French air force units, and that the total the Israelis have ordered from the French may be as high as 27 Mysteres and 12 Ouragans. 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 1 I a_7 L..1 A. La 1 IMF Israel meanwhile has outlined its general conception of the arms it should obtain from the United States. These arms would include fighters and antiaircraft guns, anti- tank materiel and some types of weapons for defense against submarines. Israel has also made known that it would have no objection if the United States balanced off a security guaran- tee for it with American adherence to the Baghdad pact. At the same time the Israelis have reiterated that they will make no territorial concessions to reach a settlement with the Arabs. Fthe weapons Egypt has received from the Soviet bloc do not conform with those requested by the Egyptian army, being a mixture of old and new. a suspi- cion of Soviet good faith has been aroused. In the light of the high hopes the Egyptian army has probably placed in the new weapons, a certain amount of disillusionment is probably in- evitable. There is no indication that such feeling, if it exists, has had any effect on Egypt's negotiations with the Soviet bloc authorities. five MIG's have been lost in flight operations in Egypt. Plans for the establishment of joint Egyptian- Syrian planning appear to be moving forward. A meeting of the "supreme defense council" set up under Syria's new pact with Egypt met in Cairo on 8 November and gave the command to Egyptian minister of war Amir. Reports last summer sug- gested that Syrian chief of staff Shuqayr might be given this job as the price of his support of the project. Shuqayr's ab- sence from the scene suggests that his influence may be de- clining. (Press) 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TO Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584 'kJ 611-.1 VIVA 10 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995584