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November 9, 1955
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Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP SECRET 3.5(c) //// 9 November 1955 3.3(h)(2) /4/ 1 Copy No 111 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. "li(TV'V ,-5:9 E: DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: .2 C2/ 0 AUTH: HR 70-210) DATE.,� SIO RFVIEWEITh Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY �TOP�SECRET wi NY/ / f/A Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 "M=1" TOP SECRET CONTENTS 1. TITO REAFFIRMS VIEWS ON WESTERN PROBLEMS (page 3). 2. ECUADOR REPORTEDLY RECEIVING CZECH ARMS MISSION (page 4). 30 BURMA AND POLAND TO EXCHANGE DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES (page 5). 4. INDIA INVITES PEIPING TO FORM BORDER COMMISSION (page 6). 5. SUDAN CABINET MAY FACE CONFIDENCE VOTE (page 7). 6, BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT TAKES LEAVE OF ABSENCE (page 8). THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP 1. TITO REAFFIRMS VIEWS ON WESTERN PROBLEMS Yugoslavia's President Tito told Secretary Dulles at Brioni on 6 November that he has no doubt the USSR fears a revived militaristic and expansionist Germany. Tito believes the danger of German as well as Soviet aggression must be con- stantly kept in mind, since consideration of only one promotes the other. He said Germany must be independent, with the right of limited rearmament, and both Germanies must take part in the reunification process, which he felt would be slow and very gradual. Tito thought there was no danger of East Germany "swallowing" West Germany. He suggested that a solution to the question of European security would facilitate the settlement of the German problem. Commenting on the Middle Eastern situation, which he saw as a real danger, Tito said the West should stress to the Arabs that Israel "has become a fact of life and must be recognized by them." He added that he would particularly stress this to Nasr when he visits Egypt in December. He commented that the great powers should assist the Arabs economically in solving the problem of the Arab refugees, which is poisoning relations with Israel. Tito characterized as untrue reports that Yugoslavia wants to eliminate the military provisions of the Balkan pact and claimed they require less emphasis because of the improved world situation. Tito said he felt that the pact's usefulness would increase despite Turkish actions against the Greeks. 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Nts -TOP SECRETNi4-0 2. ECUADOR REPORTEDLY RECEIVING CZECH ARMS MISSION Comment Ecuador's motivation in seeking arms, even from the Soviet bloc, is its long- standing boundary dispute with Peru, which caused it to bring charges of impending Peruvian aggression before the Organization of American States in early September. Ecuador has been unable to obtain the arms it desires from other western hemisphere sources. There has been no prior evidence that Czechoslovakia intended to send a mission to Ecuador. an Ecuadoran arms purchasing mission was en route to Czechoslovakia and Poland in early October. Czechoslovakia first displayed interest in selling arms to Ecuador last January, after numerous previous approaches by Ecuador. Since then, considerable negotiations have taken place but no deal is known to have been consummated. 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP SECRET violV 3. BURMA AND POLAND TO EXCHANGE DIPLOMATIC REPRESENTATIVES Rangoon to announce on 10 Novem- ber that Burma and Poland had agreed to exchange diplomatic rep- resentatives at the legation level in the interest of promoting friendship and normal inter- national relations. Comment This announcement is designed to coincide with U Nu's visit to Warsaw. It also follows close on the conclusion of a three-year trade agreement between Burma and Poland involving the annual exchange of 50,000 to 60,000 tons of Burmese rice for Polish manufactured goods. This raises to 25-30 percent the amount of Burma's rice exports being shipped to the Orbit. The establishment of a polish legation will bring to four the number of Communist diplomatic posts in Rangoon. 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP SECRET 11=1" 4. INDIA INVITES PEIPING TO FORM BORDER COMMISSION Comment on: The crossing of the Tibet-India border by Chinese Communist troops near Hoti into an area which India claims has led New Delhi to propose to Peiping crea- tion of a joint commission to settle the ownership of the territory, according to press reports from New Delhi. In- dian army forces reportedly have been moved into position and are now facing the Chinese troops "within shouting dis- tance." However, an Indian spokesman is quoted as saying that violence in the area is "quite unlikely." The Indian gov- ernment probably has publicized the inci- dent to show its dis- pleasure and to bring pressure of interna- tional opinion to bear on the Peiping re- gime to withdraw its troops. Communist China has thus far made no statement on the matter. In previous border con- tacts Chinese forces have withdrawn 9 Nov 55 INDIA-TIBET BORDER INTERNATIONAL BOUNDRY BOUNDRY UNDEFINED OR IN DISPUTE 9 NOVEMBER 1955 ...����� NEW * DELHI ...? 7 5,0 190 290 MILLS M JAMMU & ri TIBE T KASHMIR II e) � GorSok Hot/ � 4 L- � INDI A .� KATMANDU ta, 51108 3 ANN\ Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 � TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP SECRET 5. SUDAN CABINET MAY FACE CONFIDENCE VOTE Sudanese opposition parties--impor- tant elements of which are subsidized by the Egyptian government--plan to raise a parliamentary motion of no confidence in Prime Minister Azhari's cabinet and expect to have enough votes to oust it, accord- ing to the American liaison officer in Khartoum. The motion is expected to come up between 10 and 16 Novem- ber, The US liaison officer believes the vote will be close, with the odds slightly in favor of Azhari, who has declared himself in favor of independence rather than union with Egypt. If the Azhari cabinet is defeated, it would probably be replaced by a coalition in which the pres- ent leader of the parliamentary opposition might become prime minister, since no other group appears strong enough to govern alone. Azhari's past record suggests that he may be able to head off or defeat such a move against him. While a new Sudanese cabinet might include persons amen- able to Egyptian influence, the Sudan's basic movement toward independence would probably be unchanged. 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP SECRET 6. BRAZILIAN PRESIDENT TAKES LE AVE OF ABSENCE Comment on: President Joao Caf�ilho of Brazil has taken indefinite leave of absence for medical reasons, according to an official announcement of 8 November. He has been hospitalized since 3 November, following a heart attack. Carlos Luz, president of the Chamber of Deputies, has become acting president. If Caf�ad resigned, the Brazilian Congress would have been consti- tutionally required to elect a new president within 30 days. Under present circumstances, however, Luz apparently will serve until Caf�hooses to resume office or until his term expires on 31 January 1956. In any event, the gov- ernment is unlikely to initiate any major policy changes in its few remaining months. Tension is already high in Brazil be- cause of reported military plotting to prevent president- elect Juscelino Kubitschek and vice president-elect Joao Goulart from taking office at the close of Caf� term. The present changeover injects an additional element of confusion into the situation. 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 ---- TOP SECRET THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 8 November) A'clash between Israeli and Egyptian forces in the area of Eilat, Israel's port on the Gulf of Aqaba, oc- curred on 8 November. This is the first fight- ing in this area since 1949. Egypt and Is- rael have both threat- ened action around Eilat. Nasr once im- plied that Egypt would strike back here rather than in the north, and Israeli prime minister Ben- Gurion has repeatedly said Israel would act forcibly to break the blockade which Egypt has established at the mouth of the gulf. Neither state is be- lieved to have forces larger than company size in the immedi- ate area. Extensive fighting around Eilat would probably also involve Jordan, whose territory is only a few miles distant at this point. A British force of one armored squadron has been stationed for some time at Aqaba, Jor- dan's port within sight of Eilat. 9 Nov 55 0 10 20 30 40 Statute Miles 0 10 20 30 40 . � '� LEBANON IVIOMeters / THE FRONTIERS OF ISRAEL SHOWN HERE ARE li THOSE TEMPORARILY ESTABLISHED BY THE ---- - - SYRIA 33_ GENERAL ARMISTICE AGREEMENTS BETWEEN ISRAEL AND THE SEVERAL ARAB STATES. THE Acre FINAL INTERNATIONAL STATUS OF JERUSA. . 2 NOV LIT HAS NOT YET BEEN DEGIOED BY THE , IN, � Lake Haila r'6`"" r ABORDER VIOLATION �Nazareth ' � �!� F65,. -5 Tel Aviv TA, Jaffa � AV PAMM ,�/ < � , _.---X- Jerusalem I:4 GAZA \ ,-- STRIP g.- �Hebron � iii2/3 NOV ei � / 1 NOVAMishmar Hanegev Beersheba� ( 1 3, �'''�% ISRAEL _ , NEUTRAL 1 Auja ./ Z ONE Sabha 2/3 NOV '..4 ) S A EGYPT * 30 , El Ku.ntilla y, -- OCTAk. Ain / i Ghady5n - SINAI ES d UNCLASSIFIED 8 r � NOV, , Eitillik ' G.I f a of � Aqaba '� . SAUDI ARABI.A � 5 8 NOVEMBER 1955 51108 2 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583 TOP SECRET lessened tension within Israel, with requisitioned buses released on 6 November and leave granted some Israeli army personnel over the week end. Israel's fear that Egypt would counter the Israeli attack of 4 November by using Fedayeen (fa- natic Moslem) terrorists appears to have been supported by two incidents of terrorism on the night of 6 November. Israel has announced that Foreign Minister Sharett will leave for the United States on 9 November in an attempt to obtain American arms aid. (Press) Communist economic deals with Egypt may have gone a step forward with a reported offer of over $21,000,000 worth of wheat from Communist China. Pei- ping would have some difficulty, however, in supplying a large quantity, as wheat is not a normal Chinese export and China's 1955 wheat harvest was only fair. 9 Nov 55 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/16 CO2995583