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Publication Date: 
March 9, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 The National Intelligence Daily TOP-SECA Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only Copy No. '11 I, 8 THURSDAY 9 MARCH 1978 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 056 TCS 556/78 (b)(3) (b)(3) NR Record Brazil- West Germany Nuclear Cooperation Brazilian President Geisel is in West Germany this week in part to reaffirm the Brazilian - West German nuclear accord before President Carter goes to Brazil. Geisel yesterday signed a statement of intent to cooperate with West Germany in research on high- temperature reactors and the thorium fuel cycle; the West Germans will gain long-term access to Brazilian thorium. Brazil and West Germany apparently remain committed to fulfilling their nuclear agreement�including the sale to Brazil of nuclear reactors and pilot uranium-enrichment and fuel-reprocess- ing facilities�despite the practical and financial difficulties Brazil's nuclear program faces. The agreement on the thorium fuel cy- cle undercuts a US offer to Brazil to join the US - West German - French - Swiss consortium on thorium research as an alternative to acquiring a reprocessing facility; the thorium cycle could satisfy Brazil's energy needs (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) Brazilian and West German officials also are probably discussing the Nether- lands' effort to require further safeguards on plutonium storage before the West German - Dutch - British consortium, URENCO, ships enriched uranium fuel to Brazil. We are uncertain how far the Dutch will press their demands, which face opposition from their consortium partners as well as Brazil. West German officials probably are assuring Geisel that, together with the British, they intend to supply the fuel regardless of the Dutch position (b)(3) �TOP-SEGIFIET� (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 _T-0-12-SEC�Rels- 2 THURSDAY 9 MARCH 1978 TCS 556/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY NR Record -T-CP-SEGRE-T-- Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 TOP�SECREr-11'--- THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY TCS 556/78 THURSDAY 9 MARCH 1978 3 NR Record TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789 --44st1--a-=�;reftT 4 THURSDAY 9 MARCH 1978 TCS 556/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION . picciesure Subject to Criminal Sanctions The Central ti�71 intellig;ne:cYballY c4Paicaleti.." L:j.eithit;tetthee Unauthorized prepared in the othfsrllactin4419incienteingence cor:iantz . e wired Analytical rttr;rar;ticles are at7tirtZtedr to their authors. CG NID 78-056JX NR Record Security and control abbreviations used in this publication: TSU�Top Secret UMBRA SS�Secret SPOKE S�Secret C�Confidential U�Unclassified NOFORN�Not Releasable to (NF) Foreign Nationals ORCON�Dissemination and Ca� .(0C) traction of Information Controlled by Origi- nator REL ...�This Information has been Authorized for Release to --70P�SECRET (b)(3) (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002992789