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October 28, 1977
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Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 The National Intelligence ally 4.'63 Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only Copy No. 4 b FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER 1977 VOLUME 4, NUMBER 250 TCS 750/77 Brazil - W. Europe Efforts to Secure Uranium In anticipation of President Carter's visit next month, the Brazilian Govern- ment is intensifying its attempt to en- sure that it will acquire enriched uranium from the West German - Dutch - British Urenco group and sen- sitive nuclear technology from West Germany. The West Europeans are aware of US concern about Brazil's nuclear program but are eager to court Brazil not only as a nuclear client but also as an economic partner in other fields and as a political ally on global issues. Last month, Brazilian officials and Dutch Foreign Minister van der Stoel agreed in principle to a Brazilian safeguards program that satisfies Dutch conditions for supplying Brazil, through Urenco, with enriched uranium for the Angra II and III reactors to be built by West German firms. The program is not significantly stricter than that already pro- vided for in the Brazil - West Germany - IAEA safeguards agreement, but the Dutch believe it is no longer possible to impose wider safeguards or to prevent the Brazilians from reprocessing nuclear fuel by imposing restraints on fuel supply. Last week, the new French Am- bassador to Brazil said publicly that his government could export enriched uranium. He refused to say whether French fuel could become an alternative to US fuel for Brazil's Angra I reactor, but he confirmed that a Brazilian request would receive serious consideration in Paris. Brazilian officials are certain to view a French offer as a way to reduce their vulnerability on nuclear issues. Brazilian Mines and Energy Minister Ueki said yesterday that Brazilian of- ficials will soon sign a contract in Bonn to acquire a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant. The decision to advance the signing�originally scheduled for 1978 under the Brazilian - West German nuclear cooperation accord�was reportedly made to avoid US diplomatic pressure. One West German firm involved has denied that a contract for a plant will be signed, but the Brazilians may be seek- ing assurances about the reprocessing deal. The West Germans probably also want to allay Brazilian concern over the slow progress in imnlementation of the nuclear accord. NR Record (b)(3) (b)(3) NR Record TOP SECRET (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 2 FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER 1977 TCS 750/77 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY NR Record TOP-S-EGRF-X Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 I vi�wm�ult=--I THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY TCS 750/77 FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER 1977 3 NR Record TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 4 FRIDAY 28 OCTOBER 1977 TCS 750/77 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY (b)(3) NR Reco (b) (b) , ecurity and contral abbreviations used in this publication: nd Methods Involved TSU�Top Secret UMBRA SPOKE S �Secret IFORMATION C�Confidential 0�Unclassified orized Disclosureto Criminal Sanctions NOFORN--Not Releasable to (NE) Foreign Nationals ORCON�Dissemination and En. if1ono1 Intelligence Daily is prepared in the (DC) traction of Information Intelligence Agency in cooperation with the Controlled by Origi- IS foreign intelligence organizations. Late items d by CIA alone are nator marked -Analytical fea- cbs are attributed tol'h others Inf(D)(i)as been A utnorizeo for Release to ... Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 CO2992530 � tato SECRET