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Publication Date: 
March 25, 1978
Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 The National Intelligence Daily Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only [12HrErib)(3) (b)(3) Copy No. 4 3 SATURDAY 25 MARCH 1978 VOLUME 5, NUMBER 070 TCS 570/78 NR Record -TOP-SECRE-T_ Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 1W' oC�...rc= 2 SATURDAY 25 MARCH 1978 TCS 570/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY Record Brazil Reprocessing Proposal A nationalist group within the Brazilian Nuclear Energy Commission is advocating that Brazil develop its own fuel-reprocessing capability, free of international safeguards. We have no evidence that the group has influenced anyone outside the Commission, or that the Commission itself is advocating such a capability (b)(3) The group hopes that Brazilian technicians will acquire the necessary technology through the recent nuclear agreement with West Germany and will eventually be able to build a Brazilian plant not subject to international safeguards. The use of West German technology to build unsafeguarded facilities would be in violation of the accord with the Inter- national Atomic Energy Agency that ac- companied the bilateral nuclear accord. The Nuclear Energy Commission formerly controlled all aspects of Brazil's nuclear energy development, but its duties were passed to Nuclebras, the state- owned nuclear energy enterprise, after the signing of the agreement with West Ger- many. Since that time, the Commission has performed an advisory function for Brazilian policymakers but is not involved with the West German nuclear accord. The Commission recently regained con- trol of two Brazilian nuclear research in- stitutes that had been under the control of Nuclebras and were intended for use in conjunction with the West German agree- ment. It is now the only institution in Brazil capable of directing independent nuclear development. Brazil's perception of Argentina's development of non-safeguarded fuel-reprocessing facilities and of US op- position to Brazil's own nuclear development�especially fuel reprocessing�would very likely be used to rally other Brazilians to this groun'q position. (b)(3) �17015--SECITET� Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 --+-Utm�ermiwywm-1- THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY TCS 570/78 SATURDAY 25 MARCH 1978 3 NR Record -TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361 m 4 SATURDAY 25 MARCH 1978 TCS 570/78 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY NR Record Warning Notice Sensitive Intelligence Sources and Methods Involved NATIONAL SECURITY INFORMATION Unauthorized Disclosure Subject to Criminal Sanctions The National Intelligence Daily is Prefoenfedwitleh the Central Intelligence Agency in cooperation -other US foreign intellitence organizations. Late items ci by CIA alone are so. marked. ,A5.ealytical fea- tPurrerrearretioles are 'attributed to their authors. CG MD 78-070JX Security and control abbreviations used in this publication: TSU�Top Secret UMBRA SS�Secret SPOKE S�Secret C�Confidential U�Unclassified NOFORN�Not Releasable to (NF) Foreign Nationals ORCON�Dissemination and Ex- (OC) traction of information Controlled by Origi- nator REL ...�This Information has been Authorized for Release to ... (b)(3) -ToP-seemeir- (b)(3) Approved for Release: 2020/09/11 002991361