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Publication Date: 
August 27, 1977
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 Hp fir The National Intelligence Daily 3.5(c) Published by the Director of Central Intelligence for Named Principals Only SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 1977 VOLUME 4, NUMBER 200 3.5(c) EO 13526 3.5(c) NR 3.5(c)! Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 NR z 3. 5(c) Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 NR Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 NR NR NR � Approved for Release: 2018/09/20 CO2989587 YrEGRET 4 SATURDAY AUGUST 27, 1977 THE NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE DAILY Argentina: Human Rights Controls and Abuses A number of recent changes in the Argentine government's counter- subversion campaign are apparently in- tended to lessen human rights abuses. It is apparent, however, that serious violations of human rights continue. BRIEF MOUREEMBEEMONNEENUMISEiSMAN ,mmwwimnmmnmawmmnmmnmammmnmmnmmom They reportedly include an increasing use of illegal methods by small groups within the military and security forces, apparently reflecting rivalries within the power structure. As a result of the significantly reduced capabilities of terrorist groups, the government has taken steps to control the excessive activities of the security services. Lists of prisoners released or sent to trial are being published, and new procedures have been instituted to lessen the chances of "mistakes" in identifying suspected subversives. In addition, more cases are being transferred from executive jurisdiction to military and civilian courts, although this will not necessarily result in improved conditions for prisoners or end the tor- turing or killing of captured terrorists. Some detainees only marginally con- nected with subversives are receiving reduced sentences, others have been granted full release, and some have re- ceived authorization to leave the country. As the antiterrorism campaign diminishes, the abuses and violence that result from inter- and intra-service rivalries are becoming more apparent. Approved for Release: 2 The abduction of the Argentine am- bassador to Venezuela remains unsolved, as does the disappearance of a prominent labor leader several months ago and of a number of lawyers more recently. There have been no ransom notes in these cases, and the backgrounds of most of the victims offer little to connect them with terrorism or subversion, suggesting that their fate is more closely connected with politics in the military government than with counter-subversion. Such activi- ty reflects the government's inability to control hardliners within its own ranks. 3.5(c) 18/09/20 CO2989587 TOB---SEER ET