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Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) DIRECTORATE DIRECTORATE OF INTELLIGENCE Central In Bulletin Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 inp-Seerer I) 1 1 C LL4 8 March 1968 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Jo' p-Secrer Controlled Dissem The CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN is produced by the Director of Central Intelligence to meet his responsibilities for providing current intelligence bearing on issues of national security to the President, the National Security Council, and other senior government officials. It is produced in consultation with the Departments of State and Defense. When, because of the time factor, adequate consultation with the depart- ment of primary concern is not feasible, items or portions thereof are pm- ((need by CIA and marked with an asterisk. Interpretations of intelligence information in this publication represent immediate and preliminary views which are subject to modification in the light of further information and more complete analysis. Certain intelligence items in this publication may be designated specifically Lor no further dissemination. Other intelligence items may be disseminated linther, but only on a need-to-know basis. WARNING This document contains classified information affecting the national security 4:4 the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code 'Title IS, Sections 93 794, and 798. Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 jsrT 8 March 1968 Central Intelligence Bulletin CONTENTS Vietnam: Situation report. (Page 1) Czechoslovakia: Pressure is building up for Novotny's resignation. (Page 3) Cambodia: (Page 7) Panama: Robles' denunciation of impeachment efforts closes door to compromise. (Page 9) Warsaw Pact: Sofia meeting (Page 10) 'DD2,s-Eeitr7 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 104 ,-Demilitarized Zone e- L THAILAND 1 Tonle \ C AMB ODI Sop 5.. GULF OF � SIAM Hue CHUA THIE a Nang ( ANG NAM � f--- KoNTum 1 1 f PLEIKU / ,,,�,/,....\�..................� PHPHI?( I ' \.,.�,..,,, -, - - . / YEN , ) .1.) , .,. (.1"(1)LIAING DUC1 \---- ;,,."?,,, ., 4 1 �:',"' ', -.' - � C)7"131--AartC-m,e/,, ----11-; - \, �_/,......�.;\ (3uc .,,,N i N H .r.A:,- :RA. H, r LONGI 'L'�c LAM DONG ? - ,-- I L.__ .-- t 114. 11 PI H /`-�, /c' �L 't kNoc,NC- F ONG s.1-1,,,p,s1-1 )._ ' '---- '_(n -.,N,,. 'I EN �c....,\ \ T U ON G , JAIN ( � j r4 r:IPNIG 4211I'lck C11 JONG _'S/ / TFFIEN " � - 4-44, 4,4 -444- 444:-. 4444,-4,4 -4,44-444.-4I 44 .22, BINH BINH HUAN"."-''`," � TUY P C V ng au C N N H �A) , capita pety t 003.. (iz - 1 , SOUTH VIETNAM 102. �FTENT1AL. 25 50 7,5 100 Mei O 25 50 75.. 1 61) Kdorneters 69848 3-68 CIA, 8 Mar 68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 *Vietnam,: South Vietnam: The high level of Communist rocket and mortar attacks of the past several days has tapered off sharply. Heavy ground fighting has, however, been reported near the Demilitarized Zone, in the western highlands, and in northwestern III Corps. In Darlac Province, the South Vietnamese Army 45th Regiment sustained heavy losses in two days of fighting with a reinforced North Vietnamese battalion northeast of Ban Me Thuot. During the initial phase of the action, the enemy killed the commanding officer of one of the South Vietnamese battalions and forced his troops to withdraw in complete disorder. Two addi- tional South Vietnamese battalions brought into the bat- tle on the second day also met stiff resistance. The fighting is still going on. Failure to dislodge the Communists in this instance would have a serious effect on the government units involved and impair their aggressiveness in future operations. A motion of no confidence in the government of Premier Loc has been placed before the Lower House, but it is not expected to be acted upon for some weeks. Action on the government budget has priority on the agenda, and any formal recommendation of no confidence must have the approval of both houses of the assembly. The motion was apparently based on a petition sponsored by the New Society Bloc, an opposition fac- tion strongly representing southern viewpoints. It re- portedly seeks the removal of certain individuals cited as incompetent for failing to detect Communist plans for the Tet offensive. Named in addition to Loc were Minister of Defense Nguyen Van Vy, Minister of Interior Linh Quang \Tien, and Police Director General Nguyen Ngoc Loan. 8 Mar 68 _1.02-SEC-RET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.3(h)(2) 69847 3-68 CIA 3.5(c) Chinese Hydrofoil PT Boat Ha Tou Naval Support Facility 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 8 Mar 68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map/Photos Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Approved for Release: 2019/04/1 7 CO2989258 North Vietnam: The Chinese have delivered at least one modern hydrofoil torpedo boat to North Viet- nam. The Hu Chwan, built and designed by the Chinese, may be useful to Hanoi for protecting coastal waters. The boats should be good for hit-and-run tactics and could be used against US naval forces in the Tonkin Gulf. (Maps/Photos) 8 Mar 68 2 _TDP--,sEeitrir Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Czechoslovakia: Pressure is building in Prague for the resignation of President Novotny. The defection to the United States of Major General Jan Sejna is being exploited to discredit Novotny and other opponents of new First Secretary Dubcek, includ- ing Defense Minister Lonisky, Minister of Interior Kudrna, and Prosecutor General Bartuska. The party presidium has launched an investigation into the circumstances of the defection, and the National Assembly, which has lifted Sejna's immunity from pros- ecution as a deputy, is demanding a separate inquiry. Both Lomsky and Kudrna have been ordered to submit a detailed report on the defection at a cabinet session set for 13 March. Apart from looking into the circumstances which "enabled" Sejna to defect, the investigation will also cover his role in the aborted mobilization of a tank division in support of Novotny during the January leadership crisis. Other officials are said to be im- plicated with Sejna. The Sejna affair has come at an opportune time for the Dubcek faction, elements of which have intensified the struggle against the conservatives in the past few days. On 5 March Novotny was explicitly attacked in a news conference by Josef Boruvka, an agricultural specialist who was brought into the party presidium in January. On 7 March, Radio Prague, in its foreign broadcasts, for the first time attacked Novotny by name, linking his son to Sejna. The tempo of attacks on Novotny should increase markedly, and it is possible that he will soon resign. Defense Minister Lomsky, along with party chief Dubcek, had been attending the Warsaw Pact meeting in Sofia, which ended yesterday. His presence undoubtedly was an embarrassment to the rest of the Czechoslovak delegation. The matter of his ouster will be complicated, 8 Mar 68 3 y_sli;eit-E-r Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 ES however, because he has long enjoyed Soviet support in return for his loyal direction of the Czechoslovak armed forces. 8 Mar 68 4 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 8 Mar 68 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Map Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Available Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 _I-Li-r---"Lrl%1�.-Lr--1 8 Mar 68 5 _IDR,S.1.'7 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 --1-1.1-r--rSite= 8 Mar 68 6 TOP S-Fle-RET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 THAILAND 1 \ H .ttartIttat,,/ ichertiarak 'houJnit cO It, 4 f Phnom Thbenk Meanchey Ports,,t KornpotAK 1,1t.rt) � Nt.)f lit/011g Chttriallg,1 Komptimg Spt7tu NOM . Prey Veng akttmtiu Communist Camps Sihanoukville . Karripot � ke,ttn 7**, 25 50 Miles 25 50 K.lumeters 69842 3-68 CIA k DAO PHU WOG (Vietnam) t rtg C11,11) (.., SOUTH r-�������*" "Chau DocL�......\ AiGON (RVN Prov.)V IETNAM Giang��� (Viet Con9 Prov.) 8 Mar 68 1-11711.1%71711 A T TXTrTurl T T 'UMW" LI 17) T TT L E TIN Map Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 :112-P--S-MrG-Wer Cambodia 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) details on the location and func- 3.3(h)(2) tion oi communist eases situated on Cambodian terri- tory opposite South Vietnam's Chau Doc Province. the Communists reached an understanding with a sympathetic Cambodian military officer as early as 1960. This permitted them to con- trol and tax trade across the border and to locate at least three small camps on Cambodian soil. The camps, moved frequently to avoid detection, were used for district and provincial level meetings as well as for training purposes. On a number of oc- casions they were used to stage attacks into South Viet- nam. The Communists had to keep their presence in Cambodia as unobtrusive as possible in order not to compromise the local Cambodian officers who were acting without authorization from Phnom Penh, in re- cent months pressure from Phnom Penh for tighter border controls, along with disquiet among the Cambo- dian population over the Communist presence, has im- pinged on Communist activities. the Communists opened an important supply route through southern Cambodia as early as 1966� assertions, particularly that substantial quantities of military hardware have passed over this route, did not say whether such supplies were drawn from Cambodian stocks or brought 8 Mar 68 7 _10-P--,SEeftrr Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 in clandestinely through Sihanoukville or elsewhere along the Cambodian coast. 8 Mar 68 8 _TOR-SEefMT Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 *Panama: President Robles' public denunciation of the opposition's motives in attempting to impeach him may have destroyed any chance of compromise. In a nationwide speech yesterday, Robles labeled the impeachment proceedings as "illegal and immoral." Spurning a summons from the National Assembly com- mission investigating the accusations against him, Robles said his constitutional duty was to prevent a "temporary" political majority from dictating to the executive and that therefore he views the assembly's action "completely null." Earlier yesterday, Robles obtained a municipal court order enjoining the assembly from impeaching him. The legislators are expected to meet this morning and re- ject the injunction. It is not clear whether they will also hear the commission's report on the impeachment charges. claim that Robles' latest moves can only worsen the crisis. Opposition leader and presidential aspirant Arnulfo Arias considers the door to a negotiated settlement ciosea. 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.3(h)(2) 3. 3(h)(2) 8 Mar 68 9 _TaP�SPieRET Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3.5(c) Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 8 Mar 68 r1TPNTmrAT. ThT'T.TT(1'MrT. RUT Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258_,LETIN Map 3. Approved for Release:, 2019/04/1 NOTES 7 CO2989258 3.5(c) *Warsaw Pact: The two-day meeting of the Warsaw Pact Political Consultative Committee ended in Sofia yesterday without any sign of a new Soviet-Rumanian confrontation. There are varying 'reports on what was discussed; a final communique is to 'be re- leased today.. Moscow did broadcast an unusually flat statement yesterday noting only that "the meeting adopted appropriate decisions on the questions under discussion," omitting any of the usual fulsome assertions of a com- plete unity of views. 8 Mar 68 10 111QT�SEGRLErhr Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) lop-Seeret- jop_Seeret� Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258 Approved for Release: 2019/04/17 CO2989258