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Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046we iwzijwyjw, jezzio, 7/sEciw- 0 3.5(c) 15 January 1955 � /. 2'4 Wear/MI Copy No. 79 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN QOCUMEN I NO. _66 NO CHANGE IN CLASS. F 1:1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE� e. 0/0 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: e;t7h_e(6_0__ REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TO-12-9ECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 **Nur SUMMARY GENERAL 1. USSR attempting to use POW issue to undermine Adenauer (page 3). 2. Soviet harassments in Austria expected to increase (page 3). 3. Comment on British attitude toward Afro-Asian conference (page 4). S SOVIET UNION 4. USSR offers to "report" on its atomic power station (page 5). FAR EAST . North Korean units may replace Chinese on front line (page 6). 6. Chinese Nationalist commander on Taehens "resigned to defeat" (page 6). 7. Chinese Communists reported resurfacing airfields in Fukien Province (page 7)0 WESTERN EUROPE 8. Luxembourg fearful of French-West German economic agreement (page 9). � 9. Soviet ambassador reported supporting Togliatti against party rivals (page 9). LATIN AMERICA p. Costa Rican rebels appear to be slowing down (page 10). Jr', Comment on oubtc of Panamanian President Guizado (page 11). * * * * 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 r7r,-.fl c. r,r� 11"'T. I Ulf 3LLIXL.. I Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 wr......___-s2LAcrvE, GENERAL 1. USSR attempting to use POW issue to undermine Adenauer: The Soviet Union is reported to have of- fered to repatriate 40,000 West German prisoners of war if negotiations could be undertaken, on the German side, by mem- bers of the Social Democratic Party and the Free Democratic Par- ty. The offer was made through a West German businessman who had raised the question with Soviet officials at East-West trade talks last year. Chancellor Adenauer has been informed through Free Democratic Party leaders. The Soviet officials emphasized that Moscow wanted Adenauer's opposition to receive credit for the negotiations and flatly rejected talks with representatives of his Christian Democratic Party. HICOG believes Moscow is hoping to use the POW issue to delay ratification of the Paris agreements as well as to sow dissension among the political parties by enhanc- ing Socialist prestige at the expense of the Christian Democrats. Comment: This Soviet attempt to under- mine the Adenauer government is not likely to be successful. The West Germans are likely to give much more credit to the individuals involved in the negotiations than to the party. Adenauer would run the risk of serious public disapproval, however, if he should attempt to interfere with such an opportunity to repatriate imprisoned Ger- mans. Moscow for years has insisted it held only 13,500 POW's and has recently said a majority of these were returned in 1953. The 40,000 figure--if accurate�may include many civilians. German officials believe it is impossible to estimate the number still held, 2. Soviet harassments in Austria expected to increase: 15 Jan 55 The American embassy in Vienna expects increasing Soviet harassment of the Austrians. It believes, however, that the USSR is un- likely to take actual moves toward partition, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 TaR-SE-eitEr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 FAJ1 N.Ld Limn", Nerlope even immediately after ratification of the Paris accords, because the resulting international crisis would conflict with over-all Soviet policy. The Soviet Union appears to be laying the ground- work for dramatic moves which would give the impression of an intention to partition Austria if the accords are ratified. To this end, Soviet authorities have set up facilities for check points around Vienna, and may reimpose the zonal border controls and check points abandoned in June 1953, even to the extent of interfering with freight traffic. They may also in- crease their interference with the Austrian police. The embassy expects the Soviet propaganda campaign to reach a new pitch of intensity in coming weeks, further emphasizing the Soviet threat first made at the Allied Council meet- ing on 21 December concerning the "danger to the integrity of the Austrian state" from American actions in western Austria. Commu- nist propaganda on the threat to Austrian unity has been highlighted by a Communist-front call for a congress in Vienna on 13 March dedicated to Austrian "unity and independence." 3. Comment on British attitude toward Afro-Asian conference: 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 TOT�Saltrf Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 I \JI La 1 'giro? These views on the Afro-Asian conference are in accord with the British campaign to rebuild good will on the Asian and African continents. Efforts along these lines, which will be aimed primarily at Nehru, will be continued at the Common- wealth conference later this month, as well as on Eden's extensive tour, after the Manila pact conference in Bangkok in February, of certain Southeast Asian and other capitals where British influence is strong. SOVIET UNION 4. USSR offers to "report" on its atomic power station: The USSR has offered to submit a "re- port" to the forthcoming world confer- ence on peaceful uses of atomic energy On the knowledge it has gained from the atomic power station it put into operation last summer, according to a TASS announce- ment. The Soviet representative, D. V. Skobeltsyn, has been Instructed to present a proposal for the inclusion of this item on the agenda of the conference. Comment: Moscow may hope through this announcement to regain the propaganda initiative it lost last fall when the UN supported the American "atoms-for-peace" plan. The conference of scientists which will discuss peaceful uses of atomic energy is scheduled to meet in August. Moscow's move suggests that the Soviet delegation may introduce its own plan for "atoms for peace," which--unlike the US plan�would be subject to the Security Council veto and would include the participation of Communist China. D. V. Skobeltsyn, scheduled to arrive in the United States on 15 January to prepare for the August con- ference, is a prominent atomic physicist and served as adviser to the Soviet delegation to the UN Commission on Atomic Energy from 1945 to 1949. 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 qr. I flf JE.,1/4., 1AL, Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 I WI ...11-A-.1�.12, - ',111*-0,9 �41101 FAR EAST 5. North Korean units may replace Chinese on front line: North Korean units may be preparing to relieve the three Chinese Commu- nist armies which remain along the demilitarized zone in Korea. Replacement of front-line Chinese troops with Koreans would be consistent with the current North Korean political offensive which insists that peaceful unification can be achieved by negotiations among Koreans themselves. The North Korean army could assume responsibility for the entire front by considerably weakening its reserve and coastal security positions. 6. Chinese Nationalist commander on Tachens "resigned to defeat": Nationalist naval commander in the area had refused to obey sev- eral orders, with the result that casualties and losses of materiel, including urgently needed ammunition, were greatly increased. Comment: General Liu, who is well regarded by American military advisers, has usually accepted reverses in good spirit. :15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 � -r-ur JE.L.A.E. I `44-isre' �4.��� disgust with rear area inefficiency and anger over repeated insub- ordination from Nationalist navy commanders�could be quickly communicated to his entire command. Meanwhile, American military observers on Formosa have a report that a concentration of Communist land- ing craft and other vessels was sighted on 12 January near Communist- held islands north of the Tachens (see map, p. 8). The lift-capacity of these vessels is estimated at about 23,000 troops, whereas Na- tionalist forces in the Tachens number about 10,000 regulars and 2,700 guerrillas. A successful Chinese Communist inva- sion of the Tachens is possible at any time. 7. Chinese Communists reported resurfacing airfields in Fukien Province: as many as six airfields may be under repair in the coastal areas directly opposite Formosa (see map, p.8). Ka,ochi airfield on Amoy Island is being resurfaced and the field at Machiang, 12 miles northeast of Amoy, appears to be under repair. Shell craters in the runway of the field at Swatow, just south of the Kwangtung-Fukien border, are being filled and there is some evidence that work on three other fields in Fukien�at Chienou, Changting and Foochow--may be about to begin. � Comment: This is the first report of recent improvements at any of the Fukien fields. Runways of these fields, except the one at Swatow, are already long enough for jet fighters and jet light bombers, but improved surfaces are necessary before jets can be based at these sites for prolonged operations. 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 T-A-P�S" Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Nememati Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 SECRET opeor 32 H U P � e7 OaOC NANCHANG K I A N GYANG (I MACAO HONG KONG (Pori.) CHANGT:ING moserem SWATO K NANKING HUHS1EN CHIENOU FOOCHOW WENCHOU s P WU-CMU PE4.pORES IS NINGPO 44c 441 � 670 CHOUSHAN IS 0 .151INGHAI ommunist 41;14:Ting ncentration [CHIANG eiSHANG IA CHEN 145IA TA 04EN � PISHAN *WAN 041 SNAN TAIPEI FORMOSA (TAIWAN) SOUTH CHINA COAST (incl. FORMOSA) LOCATION OF CHINESE COMMUNIST AIRFIELDS !Available Airfield (jet) Available Airfield (conventional) Airfield Construction or Improvements 0L. 100 200 Statute Miles 190 il Rail (selected) Kometers Road (sele.cted) 24� KEELUNG PRESENTATIONS DIVISION 14 JANUARY 1955 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 50114-2 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 1 1/1 ant-hr., i WESTERN EUROPE 8. Luxembourg fearful of French-West German economic agreement: Luxembourg foreign minister Bech fears that West German chancellor Adenauer and French premier Mendes-France may reach an economic agreement which would have adverse effects on the Benelux countries, according to the Belgian minister in Luxembourg. Bech has repeatedly urged Bel- gian foreign minister Spaak to discourage the Germans from mak- ing final agreements with the French without consulting the Bene- lux countries. The Belgian diplomat said that West Germany had asked his country, Luxembourg, and presumably the Netherlands to make a demarche to France to permit Benelux representatives to sit in on the final economic discussions result- ing from the 14 January meeting of Adenauer and Mendes-France. Comment Belgian industrial circles fear adverse effects from the French-German economic collaboration which is already, evident in the metallurgical field. They also sus- pect that the French proposal for an arms production pool is aimed at establishing armament industries in the south of France and in North Africa to the exclusion of the Benelux countries. The Netherlands has likewise expressed strong opposition to the French arms pool proposal, negotiations on which are scheduled to start on 17 January. 9. Soviet ambassador reported supporting Togliatti against party rivals: 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Tin D c mar�-e-r- Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 --I�LI' 0 LI -1 N. Li I *lc '711.44001 NINO Comment: Togliatti has for some time been reported under attack by militants, including Longo, for his conciliatory tactics. However, Longo allegedly delivered a speech at the CPI conference supporting the present line of the party. It has been rumored that party vice secretary Secchia, who has been reported absent from the Senate and party activities, would be dropped from the party after the conference. According to the latest press dispatches from Rome, however, Togliatti is retain- ing Secchia for the time being. The Communist parties of Western Europe have in general been using conciliatory tactics as part of the united front strategy of combating West German rearmament. The re- ported instructions suggest that for the present the strategy will not be changed, but that following ratification the possibility of a change is being held open. LATIN AMERICA 10. Costa Rican rebels appear to be slowing down: A Costa Rican government patrol pene- trated to withiT. 20 miles of the Nicara- guan frontier on 13 January but was unable to contact the rebel force which had invaded the extreme northwest section of Costa Rica late on 12 January, The invading force, part of which came by land and part by sea, is estimated to number 550 men and reportedly has heavy ma,chiltie guns and mortars. 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 I r Iwousse The government is reported to have approximately 1,000 men of its Civil Guard in this sector, based at Liberia about 40 miles from the border. Costa Rica believe that rebel planes have been operating from Nicaragua, although the F-47's observed over Costa Rica on 12 January may be based in Guatemala or Honduras. Comment: The rebels appear to have Lost the initiative upon which they probably depended for quick victory. They seem to have attempted to emulate the successful revolution last summer in Guatemala, where wide domestic un- rest permitted a relatively few men to achieve victory. In Costa Rica, however, the rebels' psychological weapons are weakened by government jamming of their clandestine radio and by their inability to use air bases in Nicaragua without danger of detection by the Organization of American States committee now in Costa Rica. Furthermore, the Costa Rican armed forces are loyal and the people have been angered by the "invasion" of their country. The recapture by government forces of the airstrip at Villa Quesada appears to have been a serious blow to rebel plans. There is, however, an airport in the small area under rebel control near the Nicaraguan border, on which rebel planes are now reported to be based. it Comment on ouster of Panamanian president Guizado: Panamanian president Guizado was ousted -early on 1-5 Jan4ary. He__11-iad been implicated in the 2 January assassina- tion of President Remon/ Guizado earlier in the day was confined to his residence by the Na- tional Guard, which announced that a 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 11 --T�OP�STCR.Err Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046 Ed 1 Neel solution to the murder was near. Also arrested were Guizado's son, one of his business associates, his minister of agriculture and commerce, and many followers of former president Arnulfo Arias. Guizado's removal because of implica- tion in the crime would not necessarily involve a break in the con- stitutional order. Ricardo Arias, vice president and foreign min- ister, would legally become president. certain National Guard officials distrusted Guizado because of his previous association with ex-president Arnulfo Arias and would place Ricardo Arias, whom they considered their friend, in the presidency should they deem it necessary to oust the president. Ricardo Arias, a member of one of Panama's wealthiest and most influential families, has been con- sidered friendly toward the United States. He has not distinguished himself in politics, but is reportedly a capable administrator. Colonel Saturnino Flores, second com- mandant of the National Guard, is apparently assuming control of the situation and is emerging as the "strong man" of Panama. 15 Jan 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 12 T (-)P CEC�P-Pla" Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 CO2989046