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August 9, 1958
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vow pproveciei Release: 2020/01/23 3.5(c) 9 August 1958 3.3(h)(2) Copy No. C- CENTRAL :17 INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN - DOCUMENT NO NO C! DA UL REVIEWER: jApproved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 A Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 � NE � 40611, 160111 �Wii .010111k, Approved for Release: 10217723 CO2987881 %sod Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 I I., 9 AUGUST 1958 L THE COMMUNIST BLOC Some Soviet military units resuming normal activities after precautionary measures during Middle Eastern situation. II. ASIA-AFRICA Crown Prince Faysal of Saudi Arabia to visit Cairo shortly for further discussions: General Shihab now states he wants bulk of US forces to remain in Leba- non for the time being and to use their presence to bargain with op- position. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Jordan - King Husayn has word that uprising against him is imminent CI Tunisia - Bourguiba may lose sup- port of important labor elements. Laotian government authority break- ing down in rural areas where Com- munist strength is growing. Indonesian dissidents have stepped up guerrilla activity against government forces in North and Central Sumatra. 0 More border clashes likely between Pakistan and India. 'Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 ,r d �11:71-W:,(AXE,1 ,04 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 9 August 1958 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNfST BLOC Soviet military activity: Some of the Soviet air and na- val ulirigi began to return to normal activities ono tneir home bases on 6 August. On 7 August, Soviet aircraft be- gan leaving Bulgaria. However, some Northern Fleet sub- marines have continued to operate in the North Atlantic - Norwegian Sea area; some Black Sea Fleet units have re- mained at sea. The Soviet bloc press announced on 6 and 7 August that maneuvers in Bulgaria, Transcaucasus, and Turkestan had ended and that Marshals Skripko, Grechko, and Meretskov II. ASIA-AFRICA Saudi Arabia - UAR: The visit of UAR Vice President Amir to Saudi Arabia resulted in agreement that Saudi Crown Prince Faysal would visit Egypt shortly. An aide to King Saud has expressed the opinion that any matters of iinportance would probably be taken up during Faysal's visit to Cairo, ob- serving that Faysal and Nasir held similar views. A Saudi Government accommodation with Nasir may take the form of some type of association with the United Arab States--the UAR- Yemen arrangement--or a revival of the Egyptian-Syrian-Saudi military alliance. King Saud, meanwhile, is attempting to purchase a "long-range aircraft" on a priority basis, suggest- ing that he is again considering a European visit, or making preparations for escape in the event of trouble. 7 TOP SECRET 4Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987861 // , Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 ! - A I kir- JEA-11.L. 1 NW , A , c. 7 v �.. / / , / /2- '7 .. - 0/Y W � U.4, *". � 9 Aug 58 AApproved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881/ Lebanon: General Shihab has said he hopes the United States will not make more than a token withdrawal of Amer- ican forces in Lebanon until the peace and security of the country have been assured. Despite his public statements favoring early departure of the Americans, the general says he wishes to use any exodus as a bargaining point to extract concessions from opposition leaders. Jordan: King Husayn has received information that a popular uprising against him is imminent. (Page 1) Tunisia: President Bourguiba may lose the support of Tunisia's principal labor leader, Ahmed ben Salah, who is also secretary of health and social affairs. TMs leader and the other labor union officials who held government posts are considering resigning because of their dissatisfaction with the lack of progress on land reform. unemployment prob- lems, and promulgating a constitution. (Page 3) Laos: Government authority is breaking down in some rural areas. Some officials have resigned because they fear the growing strength of the Communist-dominated Neo Lao Hak Zat (NLHZ) party. If the situation is allowed to deterior- ate further, it may lead to a military solution imposed by the army and crown. (Page 4) Indonesia: Indonesian dissidents in North and Central Sumatra are stepping up their guerrilla operations against the central government. Their aim is to recapture major communications centers, possibly including Medan, and to DAILY BRIEF ii TOP SECRET 77,it V ;77 7 11.0. Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 I k11 La 1 A time "successes" to coincid rotirrhlv with InclonPsian inde- pendence day on 17 August. (Page 5) (Map) India - Pakistan: Increased tension and troop activity on both sides of the East Pakistani - Indian border have re- sulted in new shooting incidents. These incidents may be attempts to influence a meeting between Indian and Pakistani officials scheduled for 23 August on the border and related issues. Border clashes and mutual recriminations will prob- ably continue for the time being, but both governments have shown a desire to keep such incidents localized. (Page 6) (Map) 9 Aug 58 DAILY BRIEF iii TOP SECRET / / / , AApproved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 zgr A TAP crrorT, Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Awe I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC No Back-up Material, IL ASIA-AFRICA Tension Rising in Jordan King Husayn has received information that a popular uprising against him is imminent, which could possibly in- volve a prolonged campaign of terrorism and guerrilla war- fare. The UAR-sponsored Jordanian clandestine radio, which is located in Syria, has raised exhortations to rebel- lion to a shrill pitch, with such calls as "on to the revolu- tion, Jordanian people," urging the population to "chop off the heads and destroy those who plan intrigues to keep Pal- estine in the hands of outlaws," and generally urging imme- diate violent destruction of the pro-Western regime of King Husayn. Other reports indicate that Syria may have recently reinforced its troops along the Jordanian border. Syria has brought its military strength along the Jordanian border up to two brigades and that small arms and ammunition have been stockpiled near the border, fromwhere they are smug- gled into Jordan. Syria's recent closure of the Jordanian border, which now is partially lifted, may have been partly intended to ob- scure troop movements. Syrian troops would probably be intended also for psychological pressure, rather than for overt military operations against Jordan, and to cover infil- tration of paramilitary elements. a group of Syrian and Palestinian raiders, along with their officers, had infiltrated northern Jordan for sabotage activity during the week of 10-16 August. -T-012-SEeRET 9 Aug 58 CFNITI2A1 INTFLLIC;ENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Page 1 Tr. r crrrrTrr� Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Noire A possible new element of risk for King Husayn may arise from the scheduled transfer of control over the se- curity of Amman from the King's uncle to Deputy Chief of Staff Sadiq Shara, who has been suspected of involvement in conspiracy against the regime. Shara's increased au- thority in the army apparently stems from the insistence of Prime Minister Rifai, who overcame misgivings of the King. Rifaits sponsorship of Shara and his efforts to curb countersubversive activities in the army by the King's uncle suggest that he might be considering preparing the around for transition to a less anti-Nasir government. TOP SECRET 9 Aug 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Page 2 C-CamEiguP- Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Tunisian Labor Union Leaders May Pull Out of Government Tunisia's popular labor leader, Ahmed ben Salah, secre- tary of state for health and social affairs and former head of the dominant Neo-Destour - affiliated trade union, the Tunisian Gen- eral Union of Labor (UGTT), is reported dissatisfied with in- ternal developments and may leave the government. He is disappointed with the government's lack of progress toward land reform, reducing unemployment, and promulgating a constitution. If he resigns, other UGTT officials would also leave, among whom are the secretaries of state for agriculture, commerce and industry, and education, youth, and sports, and the under secretary for information. Ben Salah and his cohorts might form a labor party in op- position to Bourguiba's Neo-Destour party, thereby ending the quasi-one-party political system in Tunisia. Such a break seems unlikely, however, while Bourguiba is hospitalized following surgery on 8 August. Bourguiba in late 1956 forced Ben Salah to resign as head of the UGTT because he feared him as a potential politi- cal rival and because he felt Ben Salah's economic views were discouraging foreign investment. Ben Salah, who is des- cribed as an anti-Communist Marxist, was advocating na- tionalization of industry and collectivization of agriculture. Ben Salah was partially restored to favor by the following July and accepted the comparatively minor post of secretary of state for health when the Tunisian Republic was founded. He proved an exceptionally able administrator and was rewarded with the additional portfolio of social affairs in the minor cabi- net reshuffle last May. SEC-RE-T--- 9 Aug 58 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 _CV D EvT Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 'Tim" Nusie Government Authority Disintegrating in Laos General Ouane, chief of staff of the Laotian Army, pre- dicts a nationwide breakdown in government authority within three to four months unless the present trend is reversed. He told an American official on 5 August that royal govern- ment officials in remote areas are resigning out of fear of the growing strength of the Communist-dominated Neo Lao Hak Zat (NLHZ). Members of the auto-defense force--special part-time volunteers�stationed in outlying areas are turning in their arms in increasing numbers, commenting that the royal government is not strong enough to protect them. Ouane was depressed over the continuation of the cabinet crisis and stated that he would not wait much longer before using the army to set up an anti-Communist government. After its success in the 4 May supplementary elections, the NLHZ stepped up its propaganda activities in the villages and began an all-out campaign to discredit royal government officials throughout the provinces. This campaign is apparent- ly meeting with success, -SECRET 9 Aug 58 r-FKIToei LInENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/01/23 CO2987881 AMP' 9 ATJE Si bo 1g NOR T dan 'Pee reee. -La � Tuba. glitil�pr a ' U )1s S A -47/3 Tarut 4/ \ Be n g Rumba Elukittingg Bat,u Sang Padang INDIAN OCEAN �kv 1% U. - A S P ak anb a r u