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October 15, 1960
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,ZZ/Z/MMZ/Z/ZZ/Z/Z/Z/ZZIZZI TrZ/Z/Z� 4/./V/Z/ZrZZ/ZZrZe Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 II� %ir ME 1 011111."' 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) nrif/////7 Apicfvfdzfcf ife=focfocif(cf2f7W/1/ 15 October 1960 Copy No. C 77 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET DOGUMENT !1(1 EINAV,P. CAS. NEXT 11,1!E./ L'ATE Awc7i., wht0 JUN _____198_%Evq,NFJk3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 IFO-P-SEeRET- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: .20210/03/13 CO2977792 Arid Nod 15 .00TOBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Peiping extends $105,000,000 loan to North Korea in another move to strengthen Chi- na's political position among Asian satel- lites. Albanian political crisis apparently re- lated to Sino-Soviet dispute. II. ASIA-AFRICA Laos--Another military regional com- mander may throw his support to Phoumi; this would leave Souvanna Phouma de- pendent on Kong Le's forces and might cause him to reverse decision to move government to Luang Prabang. Japan--Leftists trying to exploit impact of Asanuma assassination by demanding prime minister's resignation. South Korea--Factionalism intensifying within ruling party but Prime Minister Chang believes he will achieve majority support. Mali Republic intends to establish early diplomatic relations with Communist China, North Vietnam, USSR, and Czech-0 oslovakia. �Situation in Congo. III. THE WEST �West German foreign minister says trade with East Germany will not end com- pletely despite cancellation of interzonal agreement. �Situation in Argentina. LATE ITEM 0 Soviet launch attempt. 7.1.nr:r7SLF6114.F4' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 V / isipison_c=1for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 rtj r ' vtS , CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 15 October 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Communist China - North Korea: Peiping% intention to strengthen its political position among the Asian satellites with firmer economic ties is demonstrated by the 13 October --A--e-z-g agreement extending a new $105,000,000 loan to North Korea. A sizable loan from Moscow to North Korea can be expected. Peiping's $50,000,000 loan to Mongolia last May was followed by a Soviet offer of more than $150,000,000. Both Mongolia and North Korea are beginning new long-term economic devel- opment plans and -probably have approached Moscow and Pei- ping for assistance. Pyongyang has given general support to Moscow's foreign policy line in the current Sino-Soviet dispute, but North Korean commentary shows reluctance to criticize Pei- ping. (Page 1) Albania: The Albanian political crisis, which led to the ouster of .a politburo member in early. September, has appar- ently affected a number of party personnel at the regional level. In addition, a sizable number ofGaval personnel andi residents in the southern area of the country have reportedly been arrested. Reports persist that an abortive coup took place in late July or early August which may have led to a general crackdown. The Albanian regime has taken a more markedly pro-Chinese position following the conclusion of the September party plenum, and current evidence now sug- gests Belishova, the politburo me her ousted in September, may have favored the Soviet line. (Page 2) TOP SECRET / / , Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO297/792 V 7 ' / ,�,,-/- ,.7 - i ,,4 , / Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 z IL ASIA-AFRICA Laos: In Luang Prabang the commander of the 1st Military egion is planning to come out in support of the Savannakhet reb- els, possibly on 15 October. In this event, four of the five military regional commanders would be lined up with Phoumi. The Souvanna Phouma regime would be isolated and dependent on the troops in Vientiane dom- inated by Kong Le. It would almost certainly cause Souvanna to reverse his recent decision to move his gov- ernment from Vientiane to Luang Prabang3 (Page 3) Japan: Leftists in nationwide demonstrations are extiloit- ing the emotional impact of the assassination of Socialist leader Asa,numa by demanding Prime Minister Ikeda's resignation on the ground that his government is respon- sible. Press play of the incident, however, stresses the need to eliminate violence from Japanese politics and tends to moderate public reaction to the assassination in spite of widespread shock and sympathy for Asanuma. The government, in an effort to minimize adverse reac- tion in the forthcoming election campaign, has accepted the resignation of the cabinet minister in charge of public safety. (Page 4) South Korea:LAlthough public agitation over the light punishment given to former officials of the Fthee regime is subsiding, Democratic opponents of Prime Minister Chang Myon apparently believe this provides them with an issue to justify splitting the gov ernment party. Both Chang's faction and his opponents within the party are in the process of forming separate organizations. Although the split may result in the resignation of some members of Chang's cabinet, Chang is not disturbed at the prospect as he believes his faction will profit by the split to the extent ' 1 soon have a clear working majority: (Page 5) 15 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF Ii 0-1 s-t TOP SECRET /JAPproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 %spd TOP SECRET Mali-Bloc: The left-wing, neutralist government of the Mali Republic intends to establish early diplomatic relations with Communist China and North Vietnam as well as with the USSR and Czechoslovakia. The govern- ment announced on 13 October that it had recognized the Peiping regime. Of the 16 African states which have be- come independent this year, Mali is the first to take such action. (Page 6) Republic of the Congo: The reported disappearance of Mobutu's troops from around the residence of deposed Premier Lumumba and the withdrawal of a Congo Army contingent from Leopoldville against Mobutu's orders sug- gest that Mobutu is encountering serious difficulties in maintaining discipline among his army supporters. Ten- sion continues high in Leopoldville, and pro-Lumumba demonstrators�who assaulted one of Mobutu's commis- ��ioners on 14 October�have stepped up their activities. LIIN representative Dayal favors reconvening the parlia- ment2 in which event Lumumba would probably resume political activity. (Page 7) III. THE WEST West Germany: Foreign Minister von Brentano has told Christian Democratic foreign affairs experts of the Bundestag that trade with East Germany will not end com- pletely despite suspension of the interzonal trade agree- ment. Trade would continue on the basis of individual or- ders, but licenses would depend on East German actions re- garding Berlin. While West German industrialists are re- luctant to cut off trade with East Germany, Brentano empha- sized his dissatisfaction over the unwillingness of the NATO allies to support economic sanctions against East Germany. He noted reports from Bonn's ambassador in Paris that French determination to stand by the status quo in Berlin was weakening. Although conceding that new international talks on Berlin could not be avoided, Brentano would try to delathem until after the German elections in the fall of 1961. Page 8) 15 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF iii Ter SECRET , , AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977/92 / /A/ 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Argentina: While the crisis over army demands for changes in President Frondizi's advisers and policies has been eased, the situation is still troubled by army unrest. At least 17 of the some 50 generals have presented their resignations. Frondizi is reported to have given in to one of their demands by accepting the resignation of War Secretary Larcher, who is trying to reduce the pow- er of army commander Toranzo Montero. A special meet- ing of all army generals has been called for 17 October. (Page 9) LATE ITEM *USSR: On 14 October the USSR launched a vehicle from Tyura Tam which, like that of 10 October, failed in flight shortly after launch. The vehicle was launched at approximately 1350Z 0950 EDT), was airborne at least five and one-half minutes. the apparent failure of attempts by Soviet facilities in the Far East to track the vehicle, indicate an in-flight failure. The Tyura Tam and Klyuchi facilities and the four SIBIR ships participated in the operation which closely re- sembled the event of 10 October. The characteristics of the vehicle and the objectives of the operation are cur- rently unripterminpd 15 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF iv TOP SECRET ;okpproved for Release: 20c67051TEE177792/ //A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 I 11-1L. 'Nee Communist China Extends New Economic Assistance To North Korea Peiping on 13 October demonstrated its intention to strengthen its political position among the Asian satellites by granting North Korea a loan of $105,000,000. This loan covers equipment and technical aid to build industrial plants for the manufacture of rubber tires, radios, and telecommu- nications equipment. China will also assist enterprises pro- ducing consumer goods and will provide cotton-textile equip- ment. A sizable loan from Moscow to North Korea also will probably be forthcoming. Peiping's $50,000,000 loan to Mon- golia last May was followed by a Soviet offer of more than $150,000,000. Mongolia has embarked on a Five-Year Plan, and North Korea is beginning an ambitious seven-year program of economic development. Both countries have probably ap- proached Moscow and Peiping for assistance. North Korea has received large-scale economic assistance from the Sino-Soviet bloc during the past ten years, initially in support of the war effort but since 1953 to sustain rehabilita- tion efforts and to expand inaustrial capacity. Excluding mil- itary deliveries during the Korean war, the total amount of bloc economic aid is estimated at about $1.2 billion--most of which was in the form of outright grants prior to 1957. The USSR has provided about $500,000,000, while Peiping's contribution has risen with the new loan to some $400,000,000. The terms of the new Chinese credit indicate that Peiping intends to play a more active role in North Korean industrialization, including supplying complete plants, which heretofore have been installed chiefly under the Soviet aid program. At a party plenum last August Pyongyang pledged "full sup- port" for Moscow's foreign policy line in the current Sino-Soviet dispute on Communist strategy. Since that time, however, North Korean commentary on the subject has indicated reluctance to criticize Peiping. Pyongyang has attacked both "revisionism" and "dogmatism" as "un-Marxist tendencies." In a speech on 10 October, Pak Kum-chol, a leading party spokesman, was es- pecially critical of "revisionism?' A si1inp the "Tito clique and other international revisionists?' TONFIBENTIAL__ 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 *awlU1 JULAtt,/ Nov' Albanian Internal Situation The ouster of politburo member Belishova and party audit commission head Tashko appears to have been a part of a series of widespread political changes in Albania since midsummer. A political crisis apparently has been stimulated by Albania's support of Peiping in the Sino-Soviet controversy. Recent evidence suggests that Belishova favored a pro- Soviet position and that since her ouster the regime has consolidated its positions around the pro-Chinese line. The Albanian regime has taken a more markedly pro-Chinese po- sition since the September plenum, as manifested by party boss Hoxha's speech on the eve of the 1 October Chinese libera- tion anniversary and the conduct during the past two weeks of Albanian Vice Premier Kellezi in China. Alternate politburo member Dervishi was removed from his post as party first secretary of the Tirana city organiza- tion and replaced by Fiqerete Shehu, the premier's wife, short- ly before the September plenum. a sizable number of regional party and government officials of middle rank were also ousted in various areas in Albania. a coup was attempted in late July or early August. also report an abortive coup. the "nervousness" of the Albanian leaders was "noted by everyone" in August and was perhaps related to rumors of imminent changes in the party. (Vice Admiral Teme Sejko, commander in chief of the Albanian Navy reportedly, was arrested by Serritv authorities alonq with a number of other naval personnef:-I TOP SECRET 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Not, %we Situation in Laos [the commander of the 1st Military Region, Colonel Houmpanh, is going to come out ii. support of the Savannakhet rebels, possibly in the next day or so. Houmpanh, whose headquarters is In Luang Prabang, previously has maintained a cautiously neutral position between the rival camps, although during the past few days he has leaned toward Phoumi. According to Houmpanh, the top military figure in the Vientiane regime-- General Ouane--is associated with the planii Houmpanh acts, four of Laos' five military, regional commanders will be lined up behind Phoumi. Premier Souvanna Phouma, who recently decided to move his government to Luang Prabang, where it would be less subject to direct influence by Kong Le, would almost certainly reverse his decision. With the great bulk of the army arrayed against him, Souvanna would probably be forced into closer dependence on Kong Le, who to- day called for a shake-up in the top command of the Laotian Army, demonstrating once again that he does not see his role limited to that of a battalion commander] Souvanna Phouma told the press on 14 October that he is determined to stick to his neutralist policy and added, "If the Americans are willing to understand this, it is fine; if they do not, it is too bad." Souvanna continues to hint broadly that he will be forced to turn to the Communist bloc unless American aid is resumed. Soviet Ambassador Abramov parried report- ers' questions on possible Soviet aid on his arrival on 13 Octo- ber but indicated he would make a statement on the subject after he presented his credentials to the King. an the first substantive talks between the Vientiane govern- ment and the Pathet Lao on 13 October, the Pathets reportedly called for a "Cambodian-type neutrality" and for action against the Savannakhet regime. Vientiane is, in effect, being asked to sign a "separate peace" with the Pathets. The Pathet negotiator said that he reserved the right to attack any troops which in his opinion do not support the policy of neutrality 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Nei �04�01 Demonstrations in Japan Leftists are staging nationwide demonstrations to exploit the emotional impact of the assassination on 12 October of left-wing Socialist leader Inejiro Asanuma by supporting de- mands of labor, Socialist party (JSP), and Communist leaders for Prime Minister Ikeda's resignation on the grounds that the government is responsible for the incident. Rallies called by the Socialists in connection with the assassination are to coin- cide with a half-hour strike and mass labor demonstrations against the government which have been planned since early September by Sohyo, the large leftist labor federation. Sohyo, which supports the JSP, was chiefly responsible for organiz- ing and financing the demonstrations in May and June preceding the fall of the Kishi government. The press, however, which encouraged the demonstrations last spring, is stressing the need to eliminate both leftist and rightist violence from Japanese politics. This view is moderat- ing public reaction to the assassination in spite of widespread shock--perhaps the sharpest in Japan since the war--and sym- pathy for Asanuma. By recalling the recent stabbing of former Prime Minister Kishi, the press has attempted to counter left- ist allegations of government responsibility in the Asanuma case. The JSP, which hopes orderly demonstrations will arouse support for party opposition to the government in the special Diet session scheduled for 17 October, has joined the govern- ment in appealing against violence. The demonstrations so far have been relatively calm, but there have been clashes between students and the police. In an effort to minimize adverse public reaction in the No- vember election campaign, Ikeda has accepted the resignation of Iwao Yamazaki, who as chairman of the Public Safety Com- mission is the cabinet minister in charge of police. The Sot cialists, to preserve their unity in the campaign, have appar- ently decided to defer the intraparty contest over choosing Asanuma's successor until after the parliamentary election. -SECRET- 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 vat, x5E-Cirn�t- South Korean Majority Party-mbyut-3 6actional opponents of Prime Minister Chang Myon within his Democratic party have launched an attack on him over the light punishment given to former officials of the Rhee regime. Although public agitation over the sentences handed down by the Seoul District Court on 8 October appears �to be subsiding, Democratic dissidents apparently believe this issue provides them with an opportunity to split the party. The public, which has resented the continuing factional strife, may accept the break.: 1�1'he split may result in the resignation of some members _o_t_C_hang2scabinet-1 s not disturbed at the prospect. he be- lieved the split would give him a good working majority in the National Assembly and free his administration to turn its oftention to pressing national problems. rom 20 to 30 of the 85 declared anti- Chang factionists in the dominant 233-seat lower house will join the 95 Democrats now committed to the prime minister. The local press has stated that of the five anti-Chang faction- ists in Chang's 14-man coalition cabinet, three will remain in the government, one will join the opposition, and the intentions of the other are unknown: Chang's opponents have faxen an active part in organizing the recent disturbances. To appease popular indignation over the sentences, the govern- ment has appealed the cases, Chang has called for ex post facto legislation to assure stiffer penalties, and the assembly has passed a measure suspending the trials until the special laws can be enacted. As a further gesture to the public, Chang has accepted the resignation of Home Minister Yi Sang-chol�who assumed moral responsibility for the outcome of the trials-- and a plinted onetime Defense Minister Hyon Sok-ho in his place SECRET 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 LLJ1EIL)L4IV 1 IHL Mali Movinq Toward Early Diplomatic Ties With Sino-Soviet Bloc The leftist-oriented government of the Mali Republic apparently intends to establish early diplomatic ties with a number of Sino-Soviet bloc countries, inducing Communist China and North Vietnam. The government announced on 13 October that it had recognized the Peiping regime, becom- ing thereby the first of the 16 African states which have be- � come independent so far this year to take such action. � This step will probably be followed shortly by a request for the departure of a Chinese Nationalist mission which had been seeking recognition for Taipei. The Mali announcement of 13 October revealed that a South Vietnamese envoy who had been in Bamako on a mission similar to that of Taipei's rep- resentative has already been directed to leave Mali. This ac- tion followed a recent visit to Bamako by the North Vietnamese ambassador accredited to Guinea. The Mali announcement also stated that a Soviet delega- tion would arrive in Mali later this month. Earlier Mali authorities had announced receipt of a cable from Khrushchev proclaiming the USSR's readiness to proceed with an exchange of diplomatic representatives. Czechoslovakia is apparently already in the process of establishing both diplomatic and eco- nomic ties with Mali. Since Mali was admitted to the UN on 28 September, its delegation in New York has consistently voted with the bloc on all East-West issues. In one instance--the inscription on the General Assembly's agenda of the Hungarian question--Mali alone among African states cast a negative vote. This pattern may change to some extent, however, after the arrival of Mali's new permanent representative to the UN and ambassador to the US--a man believed to be somewhat less ill-disposed to the West than are his country's present spokesmen at the UN. Top offi- cials at Bamako, apparently desirous of preserving a neutral posture, balanced their gestures toward the bloc in their 13 Oc- tober announcement with statements implying an intention to encourage friendly relations with Western countries. -eONFwENTIA 15 Oct 60 CEMTDAI I inFKR-F R111 I FTIN Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Naly1 UI' J1A-rcr. %re Situation in the Congo The reported disappearance of Mobutu's troops from around the residence of deposed Premier Lumumba, together with the withdrawal of a Congolese Army contingent from Leopoldville in defiance of Mobutu's orders, indicates that Mobutu may be having difficulty in maintaining discipline among his army fol- lowers, when he had last passed by Lu- _ mumba's residence, "I found the Congolese troops in a state of general laxity." He added that on one occasion an army unit had insulted Mobutu. In view of Mobutu's inability to maintain a secure guard on his rival and UN representative Dayal's hope that a reconvening of parliament will bring a political reconciliation favorable to Lumumba, Lumumba may resume political activity in the near future. One Congolese politician has speculated that parlia- ment might reconvene about 21 October. Any speechmaking by Lumumba--in defiance of Mobutu's "neutralization" of Congolese politicians�might compel Mobutu to attempt to arrest him. President Kasavubu and Foreign Minister Bomboko have declared personae non gratae three Ghanaian diplomats, in- cluding Ambassador Djin and Charge Welbeck, for interfer- ence in internal Congolese affairs. The whereabouts of Wel- beck�who is believed to have left Accra for Leopoldville on 12 October on a mission to "rescue!' Lumumba--remains un- clear. TOP SECRET 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 JIjQj Noe Bonn Clarifies Stand on East German Trade doreign Minister von Brentano has reportedly told mem- bers of the Christian Democratic Union's foreign affairs work- ing group in the Bundesta,g that despite Bonn's 30 September suspension of its interzonal trade agreement, trade with East Germany will continue after 1 January on the basis of individual orders, but licenses will be dependent on East German moves in Berlin. Although key West German industrialists are still reluctant to cut off their trade with East Germany, Brentano emphasized his dissatisfaction over the unwillingness of Bonn's NATO allies to support economic sanctions against East Ger- many. He cited in particular a complaint of the Belgian am- bassador about "damage" done by the Allied suspension of temporary travel documents for East German trade mission personne1.7 French determination to stand by the status quo in Berlin was weakening, there are no other indications that Paris' support for the Allied occupation of Berlin has lessened. Brentano also noted the French were interested in renewing talks on Berlin at the earliest opportunity, probably around late February or early March of 1961. Although conceding that new talks on Berlin could not be avoided, he stated that he would try to delay them until after the German elections in the fall of 1960 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Noe Argentine Crisis Eased, but Military Unrest Continues While the crisis over the army's demands for changes in Argentine President Frondizi's advisers and policies has been eased, the situation is still troubled by army unrest. Horacio Rodriguez Larreta, a Foreign Ministry official who has been in contact with the US Embassy in Buenos Aires as an emis- sary for Frondizi, commented on 13 October that the crisis "has been transferred from the national sphere, in which the government itself was threatened, to (another) sphere, in the form of a contest for power between War Secretary Larcher and Army Commander in Chief General Carlos Toranzo Mon- tero." He added that concessions made by Frondizi had satis= fied all but a minority element within the army which favors a coup. Similar information was given to the US army attache by Toranzo Montero's aide. Frondizi's "concessions" thus far seem mainly to be as- surances that his administration will curb any political activ- ity designed to restore Peronista political power or favor the objectives of international Communism. He also said other problems in the administrative, labor union, and other fields would be corrected, Rodriguez Larreta expected some shifts among lower officials, particularly those suspected of graft or involvement with Frondizi's unofficial adviser, Rogelio Frigerio, whom the army considers too conciliatory toward the Peronistas. The mediation of former President Pedro Aramburu is generally believed to have played an important role in easing the negotiations concerning the army demands. At least 17 of some 50 generals, apparently excluding Toranzo Montero, submitted their resignations to Larcher, whom they consider too partial to Frondizi. Frondizi, how- ever, is reported to have given in to one of their demands on 14 October by accepting Larcher's resignation. A special meeting of all army generals has been called for 17 October. SECRET 15 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 L,L11 ftesd THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director IA Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792 z6.7./7/ zzzizzrrz.zoewzyzzm-zzmriz%. zyrz. TOP SECRET ZrZ Zi777 / / / / ef/ / / / / / / / / / Ioe% / / / / / 0 4 oret / / / / 0 0 / / / / / / / / / '0 : I oz0 / / / / � 0 TOP SECRET ��/'/ ZOPA( Z,Z;OAPProved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977792ZIWZA/ZAWM/Z