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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 � I %111"" OGIlrel�C 1 P 10 October 1960 Copy No. C CENTRAL , INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN ie 17.;) IS r � 76 1 0 JUN 1980 / ',Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 -Ta15-SECRET' Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 NIS planning takeover from politicians. 10 'OCTOBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Cairo's claim that King Husayn's uncle shot Syrian pilot adds to Jordanian-UAR tension. UAR continues its aid to Lumumba ; rumors in Ghana of forthcoming Ghana-backed move to re- store Lumumba. Burma--Discontented senior army officers 0 Laos--Phoumi continues to rebuff Vien- tiane's truce proposals; Souvanna Phouma to begin talks with Pathet Lao on Tuesday.� III. THE WEST Berlin--West German Social Democratic leaders pessimistic about Berlin situation and possibilities for Western countermeas- ures; some privately urge negotiating with the USSR. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Vfor Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 ii ftio nni SECRET Niue CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN � 10 October 1980 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA UAR-Jordan: Tensions between the UAR and Jordan remain high, even though the situation along the Syrian- Jordanian border has eased somewhat. The propaganda battle between the two countries has again become intense, with the UAR's Middle East News Agency now accusing King Husaynts uncle of shooting to death a Syrian pilot whose plane crash-landed in Jordanian territory on 28 September. The LIAR is likely to sanction new subversive efforts aimed at the overthrow of Husaynt regime, and Jordan may seek Iraqi cooperation in attemits to further secessionist tend= (Page 1) encies in Syria. 6:; z Congo: the UAR ambassador in Leopoldville, he is still in regular con- tact with Lumumba, to whom he has transferred more funds believed primarily for the purchase of parliamentary support. On 6 October, Lumumba told the ambassador about the new cabinet that he announced the following day, which included anti-Lumumba leaders and was intended to put the "opposition in a dilemma." Lumumba's maneuver failed when Mobutu ar- rested 12 Lumumba followers�most of whom were named to the new "cabinet"--immediately after it was announced. Meanwhile, rumors are circulating in Ghana that attempts, supported by Ghanaian troops, to restore Lumumba as pre- mier will be made "in about a week." (Page 2) l'a0P�SECREF ,Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 ,/ A 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 TOP SECRET 1.Burma: There are continued rumblings of discontent with U Nutsladministration among senior officers in the Burmese Army. they are "waiting, planning, and will be ready" o take over again when the government "makes a mistake." hese officers, who probably represent the military fac- ion which argued against the surrender of power in the fall of 1959, feel that General Ne Win made a major error in turning the country back to the politicians after the Febru- ary elections. (Page 3) e k-- Ljaaos: Renewed attempts by the Souvanna Phouma re- gime To arrange some form of truce with General Phoumi's -ri) i Revolutionary Committee have been rebuffed. Souvanna Phou- ma has announced tht his neaotiations with the Pathet Lao are to begin 11 October. (Page 4) III. THE WEST Berlin: At a meeting of the Executive Council of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) on 29 September, Mayor Willy Brandt of West Berlin, the party's chancellor candi- date in the 1961 national elections, indicated his pessimism about the Berlin situation, Brandt was skeptical of the value of possible Western countermeasures, but on the following day publicly supported denunciation of the interzonal trade agreement. Deputy SPD chairman Weh- ner agreed with Brandt that the Berlin situation would prob- ably get worse and saw no possibility of hindering this from the Western side. One SPD leader urged the party to revert to a position of advocating negotiation with the USSR. Al- though Brandt also favored negotiations, he warned against saying anything publicly because Chancellor Adenauer would use surh a statement to open a political attack on the SPD. (Page 5) 10 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF ii TOP SECRET AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 TOP SECRET Nid Tensions Still High Between UAR and Jordan The situation on the Jordanian-Syrian border has eased somewhat. The Jordanian Royal Guards Brigade has been moved from the frontier area back to Amman, and sabotage in Syria by Jordanian infiltrators has decreased. The state of alert of Syrian military and internal security forces re- portedly has been reduced. The propaganda battle between the two countries, however, has again intensified. The UAR is making a martyr of a Syrian pilot who crash-landed his MIG-17 south of Amman on 28 Sep- tember. The Jordanians claim that he was a defector ready to denounce the Nasir regime; an 4 October they announced that he had committed suicide:. The UAR initially declared that he was either murdered or driven to suicide by Jordanian torture. On 8 October Cairo's Middle East News Agency went a step far- ther by alleging that, when he refused to break under torture, he was shot by Sharif Nasir, the uncle of King Husayn. LSharif Nasir was reported to be one of the targets of the UAR- supported assassination plot which. killed Jordanian Prime Minister Majalli on 29 Augusta It appears likely that the UAR now will sanction new assassination attempts against Jordanian leaders, in further subversive efforts aimed at overthrowing Husayn. Jordan's recognition of the Qasim regime in Iraq has laid the groundwork f9r possible cooperation between the two coun- tries in subversive activities in Syria. Both have a strong in- terest in encouraeine those elements in Syria eager to secede from the UAR. Cairo's belief that the object of recognition was to isolate the Syrian region, and it warns of possible attempts "to win friends for the Baghdad Amman axis." TOP SECRET 10 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Approved for R-e-le-ase: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 . The Situatio4wi the Congo Cairo's ambassador In Leopoldville continues to maintain regular con- tact with Patrice Lumumba. On 6 October when the ambassador turned over to Lumumba "three fifths of the amount sent," he found Lumumba "more cheerful than on the previous occasion." Lumumba apparently discussed with the ambassador his inten- tion of announcing a new cabinet to include anti-Lumumba lead- ers in order to place the "opposition in a dilemma." ) This maneuver was thwarted, however, by the arrest of 12 Lumumba followers--most of whom were among those named to the cabinet�immediately after the announce= ment was made on 7 October. Lumumba assured the UAR ambassador that he would im- mediately both resume publication of his newspaper and dismiss an Egyptian Jew who served as a press aide and had been useful because of his linguistic ability. The ambassador assured Cairo he would see that the dismissal was effected within two days. Also on 6 October the UAR ambassador pressed UN repre- sentative Dayal to strengthen the guard on Lumumb a and to the salaries of the members of the Congolese parliament. the ambassador had cited the danger that members of parliament loyal to Lumumba might be bought off because their salaries had been denied them. The ambassador estimated on 6 October that the Congolese Army was more strongly armed than UN forces, pointing out that it was equipped with ar- mored cars, many bazookas, mortars, and light guns. He added that "any soldier would be able, by himself, to gain complete con- trol of the situation." Meanwhile, rumors are circulating in Ghana that an attempt with Ghanaian support will be made "in a week" to restore Lu- mumba as premier. One such report claims that Ghanaian troops in Kasai will be flown by IL-18s to take over Leopoldville. Although admitting that the Leopoldville airport could be closed to such a flight, the Belgian ambassador in Accra claimed that such a plan could explain the disappearance of 40 Soviet technicians not seen in Accra since4 October, CThe Soviet ambassador to the Congo is reported to have returned to Accra, after consultations in Moscow, with the full intention of returning to Leopoldville. the USSR is supporting Ghana completely in the move to restore Lumumbao 10 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 -- -- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Noe' Neff Discontent Continues in Burmese Army LISenior officers, apparently from among those who op- posed General Ne Win's decision to return the government to U Nu, continue to be dissatisfied with the way Burma is being administered, they are "unhappy," too, with General Ne Win and are waiting, planning, and will be ready" to take over when the government "makes a mistake." They appear to hope for MD- ular support in case they take action. "The Burmese people realize things are getting ad and remember the good things the military government did for them."__ With the exception of the boundary treaty with China, which was almost entirely an army venture, the Nu government has accomplished little in the six months in office, and administra- tion has deteriorated markedly. Rangoon's leading newspaper recently observed that, unless there is a marked improvement in the government leadership, "Burma will have the distinction of having one of the best prime ministers and one of the worst administrations in the world." Discontent is not yet widespread, however, and both Prime Minis pear to retain their popularity. SECRET 10 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 The Situation*upi Laos *of Lyremier Souvanna Phouma has informed Ambassador Brown that his most recent attempt to arrive at some kind of concord with General Phoumi's Revolutionary Committee was rebuffed. Souvanna said he had sent a note to Savannakhet asking that the committee be dissolved on the basis of no reprisals. Phoumi had� countered with the suggestion that both his committee and the Souvanna cabinet resign, after which the King could name a new government. Souvanna commented that PhoumPs reply put the two camps back to 30 August, when the King appointed the present government and Phoumi refused to participate. Phoumi's determination to have nothing to do with the Souvanna regime may be strengthened by reports of a Meo tribal uprising, details of which are still fragmentary, in the Second Military Region, which has jurisdiction over Sam Neua and Xieng Khouang Provinces. This region was declared loyal to the Vientiane re- gime by a regional subcommander on 28 September following a revolt in the internal command structure which formerly had supported Phoumi. It is possible that Meo tribesmen have been armed by pro-Phoumi officers in the area in an attempt to redress the situation, or at least to cause further difficulties for the Vientiane regime. Souvanna Phouma may be in for trouble from another quarter. General Ouane, armed forces commander, and some of his sub- ordinates in Vientiane are reported to be considering plans for mounting a coup against the Souvanna government. General Ouane stated on 9 October that he and other officers would carry out a coup if Souvanna's negotiations with the Pathet Lao, which now are scheduled to begin 11 Oc- tober, do not "go well" for the royal government. Ouane has information that the Pathet Lao will demand, among other things, a reintegration of their civil functionaries and the regrouping of their forces in specified areas. The reasons for Ouane's reported change of attitude would appear to bring him considerably closer to an alignment, at least in political objectives, with Phoumi. Meanwhile, there are reports of a sizable attack by Pathet Lao fora-es on a government post in Phong Saly Province of the First Military Region. A significant upsurge of Communist military activity there could be an additional persuasion for Ouane to take some action. The loyalty of the regional military commander and of his officers to the Vientiane regime has also been reported as wavering. -SEC-RE-1= 10 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Approved for Rel�ea�se720-2703/13 CO2977788 West Germatocialist Leaders Pessimistic biller Berlin At a meeting of the Executive Council of the Social Dem- ocratic party (SPD) on 29 September, Mayor Willy Brandt of West Berlin, the party's chancellor candidate in the 1961 national elections indicated his pessimism about the Berlin situation. Brandt was skeptical of the value of possible Western countermeasures. On the following day, however, he publicly supported Bonn's denunciation of its trade agreement with East Germany. Brandt also stated at the meet- ing that he had persuaded leaders of several veterans' organ- izations to abandon plans for a mid-October meeting in West Berlin because such a gathering would make the situation worse. _SPD Deputy Chairman Herbert Wehner agreed with Brandt that the Berlin situation would probably get worse and saw no possibility of hindering this from the Western side. One SPD leader urged a reversion to a position of advocating new nego- tiations with the USSR. Although he specified no details, he may be thinking along the lines of the party's 1959 "Germany plan," which advocated the military neutralization of Germany. Wehner, however, took the view that the SPD would be certain to lose the 1961 elections if it should move away from its en- dorsement of Germany's membership in NATO�which the SPD indicated during the Bundestag foreign policy debate last June. CAlthough Brandt, apparently with general support, also favored negotiations, he cautioned against saying anything pub- licly because Chancellor Adenauer would use such a statement to accuse the SPD of "defeatism" and "softness on Communism" charges which have hurt the party in the past. Brandt noted, however, that the "big front of neutral countries" is forming in the UN and that this group might exert enough pressure to place the German problem within the framework of international con- siderations again. For this reason, Brandt said he would con- duct himself in such a way during the present crisis that the door will always stand open for negotiations, -SEeRET- 10 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788 �told -uvivr WEIN I 1241.1_, km0 THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977788