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7 October 1960
Copy No. U
CLASS. (111.4PW:.:1 TO: TS
AUTII: }hi
1 0 JUN 7980
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7 OCTOBER 1960
Another cargo of bloc arms arrives in
Cuba; two more Soviet vess
arms expected this month.
Japanese Communists avoid public align-
ment in Sino-Soviet dispute.
Laos--Souvanna Phouma sees King after
conciliatory Vientiane radio appeal to
Phoumi group; sentiment growing to move
capital to Luang Prabang to escape Kong
Le 's influence. 0
Congo--Arrest of Lumumba adherents
discredits Lumumba's claim to army
loyalty outside Leopoldville.
Iraq--Clashes likely in Baghdad between
Communists and Nationalists during stu-
dent congress starting 8 October.
Gaitskell retains support of Labor party's
political and parliamentary arm in defenspo
policy dispute.
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Coviet Bloc ,7hat is probably a further substan--
1 shipment of bloc ni ln unloaded in. Cuba from
the Soviet vessel Sei--7,
the shir derted the Black Sea port of Nikolaev
on 3 eptember with more than 3,000 tons of "varied cargo"
--a term recently th� 1n military items were included.
Its unloading in the o Ca'bnnas along the northern coast
of Cuba--38 miles webt of 1-12nriana�apparently is being con-
ducted tinder strict security cover, including the prohibition
of all flights in the area.. The type of equipment involved is
not yet known. Two Soviet vessels��the Nikolai Bur-
denko and the Atkarsk----with military cargoes of approximately
the same tonnage are scheduled to arrive in Cuba during Octo �
Japan: American officials in Tokyo believe that the be-
-havior of the Japanese Communist party toward the Sino-
Soviet dispute indicates a reluctance to become publicly in--
volved because of close ties with both Peiping and Moscow;
party publications have assiduously tried to give .the impres-
sion that no dispute exists� They believe that the party, if
forced to choose now, would declare in favor of Moscow's
current interpretation of Communist theory and doctrine, but
that over the longer range the orientation of the Japanese
Communists will be influenced by their long and close sym-
pathetic association with the Chinese party and by the special
attraction exerted by the mainland throughout Japanese so-
(Page I)
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/7 V
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Laos: Radio Vientiane, just prior to Premier Souvanna
Phouma's departure for talks with the King in Luang Prabang
on 6 October, issued a somewhat conciliatory appeal to lead-
ers of Phoumi's Savannakhet Committee to osist the royal
government in reaching "national concord.", Meanwhile, the
idea of moving the seat of the government to Luang Prabang
is reportedly gaining increasing acceptance among leaders in
Vientiane, including Souvanna. One reason for such a move,
would be to get out from
under the immediate influence of Captain Kong Le. Transfer
of the government to Luang Prabang, however, would not only
leave Kong Le in undisputed possession of Vientiane, Laos' ma-
jor administrative and economic center, but would also in ef-
fect be an admission that neither Souvanna nor his ranking mil,.
itary commander has any real control over him
Republic of the Congo: Mobutu's success in securing the
arrest of pro-Lumumba leaders in Orientale Province by the
army on 5 October appears likely to discredit Lumumba's
claim that he commands the loyalty of army units outside Leo-
poldville. Lumumba on 27 Sep-
tember asked the UAR for arms for ten to fifteen thousand
men, claiming that army units outside of Leopoldville were
loyal to him rather than to Mobutu.
Although Orientaln� Province has been regarded as a
Lumumba stronghold,
leaders of Lumurnba's National Congo Movement
MNC there were less experienced than those who followed
umumba to Leopoldville, and that Congo Army units there
ere "almost leaderless: (Page 2)
Iraq: lashes between Communists and nationalists are
ikely during the Sixth Congress of International Students in
aghdad beginning 8 October. Baghdad security forces are
Oct 60
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vietOr SECRET *mod
taking stringent precautionary measures to head off trouble.
he recent closure of several extremist newspapers is part
f a general p oararn of reducing f iiction between the oppos-
g 71ements.
where anti-Communist sen-
timent is strong, a violent demon-
stration had taken place there on 6 October and that most of
th,e city's shops were closed
Britain: iAlthough Hugh Gaitskell suffered a major de-
feat when the-trade union - dominated Labor party conference
rejected his pro-NATO policies, he retained the support of
the party's political arm--representatives from its organiza-
tion in individual constituencies. This fortifies his position
as he faces the continuation Di the left-wing challenge when
the new session of Parliament opens in early November. Al-
though the Labor party membership in Parliament is likely to
reject or bypass the conference's endorsement of neutralism
and to retain Gaitskell as leader, its effectiveness as an oppo-
sition to the Macmillan government will necessarily be further
reduced. (Page 4)
7 Oct 60
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Japanese Communists Avoid Sino-Soviet Dispute
American officials in Tokyo believe that the Japanese
Communist party (JCP) is reluctant to become publicly in-
volved in the Sino-Soviet dispute because of close ties with
both Peiping and Moscow. These officials consider that the
JCP--if forced to choose now--would declare in favor, of
Moscow's current interpretation of Communist theory and
doctrine. They feel that over the longer range, however,,
the orientation of the Japanese Communists will be influenced
by their party's long and sympathetic association with the Chi-
nese party and by the special attraction which the mainland ex-
erts on Japanese society.
Prior to the meeting of Communist parties in Bucharest
in late June, the JCP newspaper Akahata had urged readers
to study the text of three statements of the Chinese thesis
which had been reprinted on 5 June in the semimonthly organ
of the JCP central committee, Sekai Seiji Shiryo. However,
since JCP officials learned of the disagreement between the
Soviet and Chinese delegates at Bucharest, the Japanese Com-
munist press has published only those Chinese statements
which support the Bucharest communique. In publishing ex-
cerpts from Khrushchev's speech at the Bucharest meeting,
editors of Sekai on 10 July referred to it as giving the "posi-
tion of the international Communist movement," and on 25 July
they published editorials from both Pravda and People's Daily
supporting the communiqu�
:_here are unconfirmed reports that JCP leaders delayed
their support of the Bucharest communique until after Liu
Ning-i, Chinese Communist party central committee member
who visited Japan in late July, had assured them that his party
"fully supported" the communique and that "there is no discord"
between his and the Soviet parties.
7 Oct 60
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The Situation in the Congo
Mobutu's success in securing the arrest in Stanleyville of pro-
Lumumba leaders in Orientate Province by the army on 5 October is
his most notable show of strength outside the Leopoldville area.
The arrest of three Lumumba adherents�including his half-
brother�on charges of plotting a countercoup appears likely
to discredit Lumumba's claim that he commands the loyalty
of most army units outside Leopoldville.
cAlthough Orientate Province has been regarded as a Lumum-
ba aTionghold,
leaders of Lumumba's National Congo Move-
ment there were less experienced than those who follow Lumum-
ba to Leopoldville, and that Congo Army units there were "al-
most leaderless.'
On 27 September, Lumumba asked the UAR ambassador for
light arms for 10,000 to 15,000 men, claiming that army units
outside Leopoldville were loyal to him rather than to Mobutu.
On 4 October, however, Cairo for the first time conceded the
need for some form of official-contact with Mobutu and instructed
its ambassador in Leopoldville to designate an embassy officer
"to examine (Mobutu's) attitude and watch his conduct.
the commander
of the UAR troops in the Congo has been reprimanded by Gen-
eral von Horn, who accused him of "insolence and insubordina-
tion." Following the rebuke, the senior UAR officer in Leopold-
ville canceled his orders concerning the transfer of additional
forces from Gemena to Leopoldville. Von Horn's reprimand
was probably prompted by knowledge that the UAR contingent
had failed to implement UN orders for the transfer of its Leo-
poldville company to Gemena,
a cargo of
Czech aid to the Congo is scheduled to reach Matadi aboard a
Portuguese ship between 6 and 8 October. The Czech Foreign
Ministry, following Mobutu's expulsion of Communist diplomats
7 Oct 60
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la, 1 VC 3LiAlt,
from Leopoldville, has requested that the UAR embassy take
charge of the cargo, pending instructions from Prague concern-
ing its disposal.
The activities of Soviet diplomatic personnel and cargo
ships suggest that the USSR is marking time until the Congo sit-
uation clarifies. Diplomatic personnel evacuated from the Con-
go in mid-September are reported to be in Guinea "under wraps,"
although the former ambassador to the Congo is in Accra. Two
cargo ships believed to be transporting equipment to the Congo
have held their nositio7 off the African coast since mid-Septem-
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Page 3
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'ft BM 1.1 PLI'1"1 A
e3f2.,tish Labor Party4rospects
Although Hugh Gaitskell suffered a major defeat when the
trade union - dominated Labor party conference rejected his
pro-NATO policies, he retained most of the support of the po-
litical arm of the labor movement. Some 80 percent of the
local party constituency representatives voted with Gaitskell.
This will fortify his position in the face of the left-wing group,
which now will carry its attack against his leadership to the
moderate Labor members of Parliament.
When the Parliamentary Labor party organizes early next
month for the beginning of the new session of Parliament, a
large majority of the 255 Labor members will probably vote for
Gaitskell's re-election as party leader. Last June, when left-
wing sniping against his leadership was already extensive, he
won a vote of confidence, with 179 Labor Members of Parlia-
ment approving his leadership and only 7 opposing.
Faced with this line-up, the radicals are more likely to
continue their agitation now on the unilateral nuclear disarm-
ament issue than to make an immediate all-out effort to oust
Gaitskell. In any case they are gaining representation in the
top party hierarchy with the conference's election of Harry
Nicholas, Cousins' principal assistant in the Transport and
General Workers ilhion,as party treasurer. The left wing
also supports Harold Wilson, chancellor of the exchequer in
the "shadow" cabinet and the leading contender to succeed the
late Aneurin Bevan as deputy party leader.
Even if Gaitskell is re-elected, his tenure as party leader
will be more precarious. His prospects depend on the positions
taken by moderate supporters such as George Brown and James
Callaghan, who feel that his leadership has been inept and a
major factor in the party's decline. In any event intensifica-
tion of the rift over policy and leadership will further limit
Labor's effectiveness as the parliamentary opposition:
7 Oct 60
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l,l./11 11JL: 1 'I 1 11-i L.
The Vice President
Executive Offices of the White House
Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
Scientific Adviser to the President
Director of the Budget
Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization
Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination
Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities
Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy
Executive Secretary, National Security Council
The Treasury Department
The Secretary of the Treasury
The Department of State
The Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration
The Counselor
Director, International Cooperation Administration
The Director of Intelligence and Research
The Department of Defense
The Secretary of Defense
The Deputy Secretary of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
The Secretary of the Army
The Secretary of the Navy
The Secretary of the Air Force
The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, The Joint Staff
Chief of Staff, United States Army
Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
Commandant, United States Marine Corps
Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations
Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army
Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy
Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Commander in Chief, Pacific
The Department of Commerce
The Secretary of Commerce
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Director
Atomic Energy Commission
The Chairman
National Security Agency
The Director
National Indications Center
The Director
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for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977786_ezmz,...#,�._,. yr"