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October 1, 1960
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//z/z/z/zrzzrzzrzz/zz/ / � TO CRET zrriz 1 October 1960 Copy No. C , CENTRAL 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN d21 71! Ti 0 V.111.^ hC EtlEv Approved for Release 1050701/13 ECIgthg37 /// Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 OMR %.� N.4,11111L, I Approved for Release: CO2977783 -Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 .64'd Soo, 1 OCTOBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Iran somewhat ociimigtir about current talks with USSR. II. ASIA-AFRICA South Korean army chief of staff sees urgent need to dismiss top officers asso- ciated with Rhee. Laos--Early showdown between Kong Le and Souvanna Phouma possible. Morocco may move against French Army in Algeria if border violations continue. 0 Congo--Mobutu continues to stress Lu- mumba's dependence on foreign support. 0 III. THE: WEST NATO members not united on travel re- strictions on East German officials. Opposition to De Gaulle's proposals for confederation of Common Market coun- tries declining. 0 LATE ITEM Evidence indicates high-level Soviet dde- gation has been in Peiping trying to iron out Sine-Soviet differences. �TA-r-ppi.�rovi r ld 707: Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 (40.4 I %Jr r . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 1 October 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-Iran: Khrushchev, with the Shah, apparently repeated standard Soviet eman s for concessions by Iran as the price of "normal" relations, he also evived a proposal�previously described by the Shah as meaningless--that the two countries withdraw their troops from along their common frontier. The Shah and other lead- ing Iranian officials are maintaining their opposition to con- cessions to Moscow, but are continuing to seek a means of Improving relations, he and Acting Foreign Minister Afshan took a firm position in ex- changes of views with Pegov on 28 and 29 September. that such talks. "if they encounter no obstacle, will be prom- ising." III. ASIA-AFRICA uth Korea: Army Chief of Staff Lt, Gen. Choi Kyong- nok believes that the dismissal of top general officers associ- ated with the corruption of the Rhee regime is the basic re- uirement for eliminating dissatisfaction among junior officers nd restoring discipline in the armed forces. Choi believes hat failure to take early action on this problem will create he real possibility of a revolt supported by the great majori- y of officers, who as yet have not agitated. While contending that a coup is not the proper solution, Choi noted that military rule has been suggested by civilian as well as military elements. (Page 1) ET V Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 tiffI yr ant-az Laos: A showdown may be approaching between Captain Kong Le and the Souvanna Phouma government following Kong Le's apparent refusal to abide by the cease-fire reached be- tween Souvanna's military commanders and General Phoumi's Savannakhet Revolutionary Committee. While Souvanna has publicly rebuked Kong Le, his ability to bring Kong Le into line is still open to serious question. (Page 2) Morocco-France: Moroccan Acting Deputy Premier Ab elkhalek Torres--the ranking executive in Morocco in the absence of both the King and the crown prince--reportedly will order military action against the French Army in Algeria if alleged recent border violations continue. Torres is said to have the King's permission for such extreme action if necessary. Torres is reported to believe that Moroccan mil- itary counteraction would create an international incident on the basis of which Morocco could request the intervention of UN forces. Such intervention is the avowed aim of the Al- gerian rebels and seems to be the motive underlying Tunisian President Bourguiba's interest in "close union" of the Tunisian and Algerian rebel governmentsj (Page 4) *Republic of the Congo: Katanga President Tshombe's refusal on 30 September to attend the forthcoming political round-table conference in Leopoldville appears designed to emphasize ICatanga's political independence of the Congo. In Leopoldville, Mobutu is continuing his efforts to discredit Lu- mumba by emphasizing the ousted premier's dependence on foreign support. However, his charge that Lumumba success- fully solicited a loan from Communist China is unsubstantiated. Lumumba continues to have the active support of rUAR7 Ghanaian, and Guinean representatives in the Congo. instructed the UAR ambassa- dor to urge that Lumumba emphasize that he is prime min- ister, especially while the General Assembly is in session, by making a large number of declarations, statements, and press conferences and other similar acts within his power." Lumumba reportedly told the press yesterday he would not 1 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF ii //Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977787 / A Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 tits 1 %,1 OLLA....111,Er I attend the round-table conference nn thP iirnilmig that nnlv iarlia- ment could call such a conference. III. THE WEST Berlin: Some NATO governments are refusing to cooperate inflinposing travel restrictions on East German officials as a countermeasure to recent East German interference with access to West Berlin. Denmark has stated that trade considerations and the importance of cooperation between the Danish and East German railway systems prevent it from concurring in the re- strictions placed by the Allied Travel Office in West Berlin on travel by semiofficial or trade representatives. The Dutch Government has relaxed its travel ban on East German officials in response to urging by the KLM airline that these officials would merely use alternative routes to Western countries. *On 30 September Bonn denounced the 1961 interzonal trade pact with East Germany, over the apparent opposition of Britain and France. The West German move will not affect interzonal trade before the end of the year. East German offi- cials who have threatened Bonn with retaliations for such a step now may feel compelled to take some action. Possibly aware that Western countermeasures were being contemplated, Foreign Minister Gromyko stressed to British Foreign Secre- tary Home on 28 September that Moscow was "fully aware" of recent East German actions and warned that if a crisis devel- oped it would be the fault of the West. He indicated, however, that Khrushchev was prepared to resume negotiations on Berlin after a new American administration took office. (Page 6).3 Euro ean Confederation: The initial hostility to French proposa s for a confederation of the six Common Market coun- tries appears to have declined considerably since De Gaulle first publicly outlined his plan on 5 September. Although still strongly opposed to De Gaulle's related plans for a revamping3 1 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF iii TOP SECRET ,r 7 � A AApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977i z -71-t ii ri Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 %00#IJr JE.L.11.E. I Nril0 /....pf NATO's structure, Italy, Belgium, and Luxembourg apparent- ly feel that De Gaulle's proposals are still subject to modification and have been impressed with French assurances that the Com- mon Market would not be weakened. Premier Debre will probably try to overcome Adenauer's reservations during his 7-8 October visit to Bonn. (Page 8) LATE ITEM *USSR-China: There is accumulating evidence that a high- level Soviet delegation--including Presidium members Mikoyan and Suslov--has been in Peiping since mid-September holding ,4,Lat discussions with Chinese leaders. In addition to attempting to work out an agreed position prior to the forthcoming meeting of �' all Communist parties in Moscow this November, such a delega- tion may have been sent to China to determine if a meeting of Chinese leaders with Khrushchev during his planned visit to North Korea this month would be possible and fruitful. Recent Chinese propaganda suggests that this attempt at reconciliation has been as unsuccessful as earlier attempts were. (Page 10) 1 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF iv SECRET Approved CO2977/83 A Approved for ReleTse.T. --0-20703/13 CO2977783 Purge of Tovievenerals in South Korean Armtmoi South Korean Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen, Choi Kyong-nok believes that the "one-shot" dismissal of top general officers associated with the corruption of the Rhee regime is the basic requirement for eliminating the dissatisfaction among junior officers and restoring discipline in the armed forces. Prime ; Minister Chang Myon, faced with disunity in the Democratic party, also favors removal of these generals, believing they might align with opposition political leaders. The purge prob- ably will, include Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Lt, Gen. Choe Yong-hui, First Army Commander Lt. Gen. Kim Chong-o, Second Army Commander Lt. Gen. Chang To-yong, and others senior in rank to Choi. Choi said that he also recognized the necessity of disciplin- ing junior officers who, hoping for promotion, are agitating for the ouster of senior commanders. He added, however, that failure to remove the generals in the near future could en- courage a revolt supported by the great majority of officers who as yet have not agitated. He intimated that the intensity of the feelings of Korean junior officers on this issue is not fully appreciated outside Korean circles. The junior officers concerned recently visited Chang and the minister of national defense to present their demands. Of- ficials of the ministry, believe that these officers are becoming increasingly con- fident of their influence, that the prime minister is afraid of them, and that the officers believe they can take over the gov- ernment if the situation warrants. Choi noted that a military coup had been suggested by well- informed civilian as well as military elements to restore politi- cal stability to the country. Students of two leading Seoul uni- versities are reported to support Choi's program to remove the general officers. One group indicated it would not oppose a military coup by voune. honest officers to restore stability in South Korea. -SECRET- 1 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 %we The Situation in Laos An app rently rancorous exchange between Premier Sou- vanna Phouma and Captain Kong Le in two separate press con- ferences indicates that a showdown between the Vientiane gov- ernment and the paratrooper may be imminent. Kong Le an- nounced that he would continue his offensive against the Phoumi forces east of Paksane despite the cease-fire reached at Luang Prabang and accused Souvanna of being "very soft." He warned that the "people" would have to remove Souvann if he did not "lead his country in the right direction." He also made slurring remarks about General Ouane, the armed forces commander and his ostensible chief. Souvanna subsequently retorted that Kong Le "was making up stories. Do not talk about him. That will be decided by army headquarters." icr It is problematical whether Souvanna's top commanders-- Ge al Ouane and General Amkha, the Vienti ne garrison commander--could win in any test of strength with Kong Le. Although the bulk of Kong Le's 2nd Paratroop Battalion is now outside of Vientiane, he probably can count on the support of the numerous irregulars he armed in the period immediately after his 9 August coup d'etat. He is also believed to have gen- erated considerable popular support in the capital. In earlier phases of the crisis, moreover, neither Ouane nor Amkha showed much appetite for action against Kong Le. The scales might be tipped decisively against Kong Le, however, were Phoumi's forces east of Paksane to unite with Amkha's units in Vientiane � -.4 Phoumi's Radio Savannakhet, meanwhile, has issued an ppeal "to our foreign friends" for help in the face of the al- eged presence in Laos of three North Vietnamese units. ch statements, whether true or not, would be calculated to excite Thai Premier Sarit and would possibly be used by him to justify increased support.,:7he Thai general staff is reported to have a plan for direct Thai intervention if its becomes clear that the Communists have taken over Vientiane. British Ambassador Addis in Vientiane reports being in- formed by Souvanna that the USSR has accepted Laos' proposal SURE T 1 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Nrse ahat nonresident diplomatic relations be established. Souvanna claimed all he needed now was the approval of the King. Under Souvanna's proposal, the Soviet ambassador to Cambodia would also be accredited to Laos, while the Laotian ambassador to France would be accredited to the USSR. The King's decision could well be delayed pending the outcome of political discus- sions that may result in a new government.7 The Soviet counselor in Peiping recently told that Peiping did not intend to intervene. in Laos, but if the Chinese should decide to send troops to counter a United Na- tions move into Laos, the USSR would support Peiping "even to the extent" of sending Soviet troops. The US consul gen- eral in Hong Kong points out that the authority of the Soviet counselor is probably limited but that his statement is indica- tive of the impression Moscow wants conveyed to the West. Moscow propaganda has emphasized the gravity of the La- otian situation and, together with Peiping and Hanoi, is making an effort to forestall intervention by Laos' pro-Western neigh- bors or the United Nations while avoiding any specific threat of bloc counteraction. SECRET 1 Oct 60 rCkITD Al 11..ITC1 I IrICk1/^C DI II I CTIAI �Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Page 3 � --- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Nop, *woe Moroccan Government Seeks New Means of Embroiling UN In Algerian Question The Moroccan Government is reported to have protested sharply several recent incidents of alleged shelling by French military units in Algeria of Moroccan territory along the east- ern border of Morocco where several thousand armed Algerian rebels are based. Such incidents occur fairly regularly, but are seldom publicized. Abdelkhalek Torres�Morocco's acting deputy premier and, in the absence of both King Mohamed V and Crown Prince Moulay Hassan, the ranking Moroccan offi- cial--is reported to have decided that should similar incidents recur he will order the Moroccan armed forces to take military action against the French. Such a Moroccan counterattack would be designed to cre- ate an international incident enabling Morocco to request the Intervention of the United Nations, General Ben Hamou 1Cettani, commander of Morocco's forces in the Congo, returned to Rabat on 29 September and may have been summoned to ad- vise Torres on this question. Torres is said to have the King's permission to take even such extreme measures as military retaliation. Torres has recently held talks with Algerian rebel leaders, who may have sought to enlist Morocco's support in enlarging the Algerian conflict just before the question is debated by the UN General Assembly. Meanwhile, the Tunisian Government is exploring ways to implement the Algerian-Tunisian "union" which President Bourguiba suggested on 3 September might be formed if such an action "would hasten the end of the war." Bourgruiba de- signed his announcement as a gambit to break the Algerian- French deadlock resulting from the failure of the Melun talks last June and is aware that any such "union" would entail the risk of war with France. North African leaders apparently consider the use of the United Nations forces to restore and maintain order in the 1 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Rele-aeT. -2-0-20/03/13 CO2977783 r,_Congo as a precedent which may be followed to obtain Algerian independence if De Gaulle cannot be induced to open negotia- tions with the rebel leaders. There have been North Africa overtures to some of France's NATO allies to exert pressure on De Gaulle to reopen talks with the Algerians. 1 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Nur *fto# (Allied Regtrictions on Travel by East German Officials Some NATO governments now are refusing to cooperate in imposing travel restrictions on East German trade and travel representatives as a countermeasure to recent East German interference with access to West Berlin. Previous- ly, the Benelux governments had given support to the re- strictions by a tentative decision to withhold visas from East Germans who had not been cleared through the Allied Travel Bureau in West Berlin. The Netherlands even suspended short-stay permits for those in transit to other countries. The Danish Government has informed the American Em- bassy in Copenhagen that because of trade considerations and the importance of cooperation between the Danish and East German railway systems, it is unable to concur in the proposed restrictions. There is evidence that since early this year, the government has been under considerable pressure from Danish trade and travel interests to expand contacts with East Germany. Despite reported opposition from the justice and defense ministries, the Foreign Ministry has acceded to certain East German requests for privileges and permitted the East German railways to open an office in Copenhagen. The Dutch Government has modified its travel ban as a result of pressure from the KLM airline on behalf of an East German official en route to Cuba, and it now appears likely that entry will be granted to East Germans making a stopover in transit to other countries. The airline argued that if the Netherlands refused such entry, the East Germans would merely use alternate routes. On 30 September Bonn denounced the 1961 interzonal trade pact with East Germany, over the apparent opposition of British and French officials. The West German move will not affect interzonal trade before the end of the year. Bonn's move may compel the East Germans to give meaning to the SECRET 1 Oct 60 CAPPT-c7ve.d fOr.17j1e.a.s;-261070i/.1.i "C-07977783 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Ghreat made by Foreign Trade Minister Heinrich Rau on 6 Sep- tember, when he said that if West Germany took steps to inter- fere with trade between East and West Germany, "it will only hasten the measures needed to make West Berlin a free city." Possibly aware that Western countermeasures were being con- templated, Soviet Foreign Minister Grornyko stressed to Brit- ish Foreign Secretary Home on 28 September that Moscow was "fully aware" of recent East German actions and warned that if a crisis developed it would be the fault of the West. He indi- cated, however, that Khrushchev was prepared to resume ne- gotiations on Berlin after a new American administration took office. SECRET 1 Oct 60 CAPPTc3ve-d for Release: -C-0-2-977783 Page 7 -Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 SFr- *,r.�%,,,INE4 I Opposition tO De Gaulle's European Confederation Plan Lessening Hostility to De Gaulle's proposals for a confederation of the six Common Market countries, which he first publicly outlined in his 5 September press conference, appears to have moderated considerably in the past few weeks. Opposition is still strong to De Gaulle's related ideas for a revamping of NATO's structure to permit France to "speak for" a Continental bloc, but several of the Common Market countries seem prepared to accept the con- federation plan itself as a basis for negotiation. Typical of this more receptive attitude is the Italian posi- tion as outlined by an Italian Embassy spokesman in Washington on 26 September. According to him, Rome "strenuously op- poses" creation of a "restricted steering group" in or outside NATO but feels De Gaulle's "proposed version of Europe could be accepted in principle." The spokesman explained that Italy believes it is impossible to make progress toward political in- tegration without France and without extending integration be- yond the economic field. Luxembourg's prime minister, who visited Paris in mid- September, is said to have been "relieved and encouraffed" by De Gaulle's exposition of the French position. the Belgian foreign minister has also said he agrees with the objectives of the De Gaulle plan, which is being considered with a "favorable preconception." Paris has been attempting since De Gaulle's press con- ference to give the impression that his plan is open to nego- tiation and would not weaken the Common Market, Foreign Minister Couve de Murville, for example, has publicly re- ferred to the Common Market as the "cornerstone of the European edifice." Considerable interest has also been aroused in the Common Market by a series of press articles j TOP SECRET 1 Oct 60 CApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 441� WI- ..),cdt.-nc Lby a prominent Gaullist deputy in which he implied that the confederation's decisions might ultimately be reached by ma- jority vote�that is, not subject to French veto. To find out whether France is prepared in fact to make any such far-reaching concessions will probably be Bonn's major objective during French Premier Debre's visit on 7-8 October. Adenauer, whose position will be crucial, has remained pub- licly noncommittal on the confederation plan, but has implied certain reservations about it and has freauent17, reiterated his strong support of NATO. J TOP SECRET 1 Oct 60 CAp. p7c7vea b02977783 Page 9 Nese Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 lure I Fl 6.71�el....,1�ILa I Sovi6t Delegation Visits Peiping A high-level Soviet delegation has been in Peiping since mid- September holding discussions with the Chinese on the "ideological issue," Ovlet Ambassador to India Benediktov Informed Indian Party General Secretary Ajoy Ghosh that the five- man delegation included Presidium members Anastas Mikoyan and M. A. Suslov, as well as candidate Presidium member P. N. Pospelov. Ambassador Thompson reported on 27 September that a rumor was circulating in Moscow that Mikovan and Suslov were visiting Communist China. There have been several unscheduled VIP -associated flights from Moscow to Peiping, one on the 15th of September and another on the 27th. A delegation of this stature, including Suslov, the Soviet Union's top ideologist, would be empowered to conduct serious negotiations with the Chinese in an effort to bring their positions closer together so that the forthcoming meeting of Communist parties in Moscow in November would not result in the same impasse as the Bucharest meeting of last June. The Soviet party may have felt that its efforts of the last two months to marshal support for its own views and thus isolate the Chinese within the world Communist movement would induce the Chinese to adopt positions closer to those of the Soviet Union. In addition, the delegation may have been sent to China to determine if a meeting of Chinese leaders with Khrushchev during his planned visit to North Korea in October would be possible and fruitful. Recent Chinese propaganda suggests that this latest attempt at reconciliation has been as unsuccessful as were earlier attempts to resolve the dispute. On 29 September, two weeks after the talks were reported to have begun, the CCP Central Committee, in a commentary on a new volume of Mao Tse-tung's works, issued its TOP SECRET 1 Oct 60 CFNTRAI INTFI I InFKICF RI II I FTIN Page 10 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 i (Jr ant-AEA� trio, (most substantial reaffirmation since the Bucharest meeting of --s-everal of the most important Chinese positions in the dispute. Chinese comments on the occasion of the October 1 celebration of the 11th anniversary of the regime, while asserting the need for "unity" within the Communist world, have adhered to the hard-line positions set forth in the Central Committee's pro- nouncement. TOP SECRET 1 Oct 60 rCkITD A I IkITCI I If-Cklf`C 12111 I CTIAI Page 11 �Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 Yr IL /L.1 V I zra NIS THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director rnrJf71fl1ThJT1A 1. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977783 7231/27 4 414' 4 OP-Site RET- ".11** , . � / / / / % / Irj ley lej TOR SECRET for Release:-152620a71d CO2977783zzmdrzzz,-zdm/,