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�I_ UP ---SKEIir
29 April 1960
Copy No. C
DOCUMENT NO. 115-42."
AUT61 jaHR 701480
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Nite Nor
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
29 APRIL 1960
USSR's prompt recognition of Togo under-
scores campaign to cultivate new Afri-
can nations.
Laos - Conservative candidates continue
to pile up implausible leads in elections;
negotiations for new government may be
Arab states may also boycott Canadian
South Korea - Students aid in restoring
Turkey declares martial law in Istanbul
and Ankara following student riots a-
gainst Menderes administration.
�London considers giving Somaliland
Protectorate independence before
1 July.
()Venezuelan President Betancourt dis-
illusioned with Castro.
T) r'
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
29 April 1960
Communist Bloc - Africa: The USSR's prompt recognition
of Togo, like that accorded Cameroun in January, underscores
the bloc campaign to cultivate the new African nations. At least
five more countries are scheduled to achieve their independence
this year. Moscow's efforts will undoubtedly be furthered by
Khrushchev's planned visit to West Africa this fall, as well as
through offers to extend economic aid and dispatch diplomatic
missions. Since 1958, when the USSR broadcast three hours
a week to Black Africa, the bloc's radio propaganda output has
climbed to more than 60 hours npr week
Laos: Conservative candidates continue to pile up leads
of implausible proportions as returns from the National Assembly
elections on 24 April filter in from outlying districts. Negoti-
ations for the new government to be formed after the assembly
convenes on 10 May may be protracted and will probably lead
to new tension between former Premier Phours Rally of the
Lao People and the reformist Committee for Defense of Na-
tional Interests. (Page 1)
Arab Shippin Boycott: The reported picketing of a UAR
ship in Montreal has prompted dockworkers at Syrian ports to
set up a picket line to dramatize their intent to boycott all
Canadian cargo ships and tankers. Such action against Cana-
'dian ships may occur throughout the Arab states and accompany
the boycott against American vessels scheduled to begin at
midnight 29 April. The UARts efforts to prevent the spread
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s LECH 1
of picketing against its ships is having some success. Swedish,
Norwegian, and Danish dockworkers are re.norted to have de-
cided not to boycott Arab ships. I
:he head of
the seamen's union in Finland canceled a decision to boycott
Arab ships in return for the removal from the Arab black-
list of Finnish ships whnomp numeNre nrnmip nnt +n +rat-1P with
Israel in the future
" � 'South 'Korea": The students, - who have emerged as 'a signifi-
cant new force, seem to be exercising restraint and are aiding
In quieting demonstrations throughout the country. Lieutenant
General Song, the army chief of staff, hopes that conditions
will improve sufficiently to permit a quick termination of martial
law so that he can return his troops to their primary mission.
Pending new elections, political instability probably will re-
quire the gover7Tnt to rely on some military control to
win into in rwricet,
Turkey: TAW has been declared in Istaribtrand
Ankara following demonstrations by Istanbul University students
pg,-- against recent repressive actions of the Menderes admininstra-
otion. The students, who called for the resignation of Menderes
' demonstrated against the powersgmaitWAprillto theparlia-
mentary investigation commission. f split has occurred in t
Cg ruling Democratic party ranks over t e powers to be granted
to the committee, which represents for the most part the ex,
tremist wing of the party. About one fourth of the Democratic
ro ,cfp.)64) party deputies do not approve of the wide powers granted the
committee, and Menderes' position could be jeopardized if
these deputies decide to break party unity.]
(Page 3)
Britain - British Somaliland: CLondon is considering ac-
celeratiiigits timetable for the Somaliland Protectorate in order
j to grant it independence shortly before 1 July. This would allow
ON a formally sovereign state to negotiate for union with the j
`\ \Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782 \\
29 Apr 60
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
lalian-administered trust territory of Somalia, which is due
for independence on 1 July. London will try to meet antici-
pated Ethiopian objections by arguing that it is only attempt-
ing to assure stability by responding to strong local pressures
for uniolj ( (Page 4).
Venezuela - Cuba - Dominican Republic: LVenezuelan Presi-
dent Betancourt has told US Ambassador Sparks that he is com-
pletely disenchanted with Fidel Castro and is ready to play
a leading role in bringing hemisphere attention to bear on the
Cuban situation, provided Dominican dictator' Trujillo is
ousted beforehand. Betancourt insists, however, that any
effort to bring the issue before the Organization of American
States prior to Trujillo's elimination would not have the sup-
port of more than three Latin American members--Guate-
mala, Honduras, and Nicaragua. The Venezuelan President's
long-standing hatred of Trujillo has been intensified by Domin-
ican support of the recent abortive military uprising in Vene-
zuel!.:3 (Page 6)
(Available during the preceding week)
Outlook for the Dominican Republic. SNIE 86. 2-60. 26
April 1960.
Outlook for the UAR. NIE 36-60. 26 April 1960.
29 Apr 60
x Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
Aftermath of Laotian Elections
Progovernment conservatives continue to pile up a lead
of implausible proportions as returns from the elections on
24 April for the 59-member Laotian National Assembly fil-
ter in from outlying districts. Apparently only one candidate
from the Communist-front Neo Lao Hak Sat (NLHS) has been
elected, as against 44 conservatives. Runoff elections on 8
May for the remaining 14 seats will probably be necessary,
but a leftist is involved in only one of these races. The
electoral ordinance specifically tailored for the April elec-
tions provided for a second ballot in districts where the lead-
ing candidate failed to gain an absolute majority.
The margins amassed by many conservatives support
charges of electoral fraud. Rigging was particularly evident
in Champassak Province in southern Laos, where all six
government candidates won seats by margins of more than
90 percent. Before the election the US Embassy felt that at
least three of these candidates might lose.
The divided conservatives may have considerable dif-
ficulty in forming a government after the assembly convenes
on 10 May. Former Premier Phoui's old-guard Rally of the
Lao People (RLP) and the reformist Committee for Defense
of National Interests (CDNI) will probably be fairly evenly
matched in assembly representation, and the search for a
premier acceptable to both groups and to the King may re-
open the RLP-CDNI split which led to the downfall of the
Phoui government late last December. The problem is fur-
ther complicated by factionalism within the RLP between
29 Apr 60
CEtApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782)age
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the followers of Phoui and those of another former premier,
neutralist-inclined Souvanna Phouma.
� While Phoui and Souvanna are the most obvious candi-
dates for premier, the CDNI and the King are reported op-
posed to both and appear committed to Tiao Somsanith, the
widely respected interior minister in the caretaker govern-
ment. Souvanna and Phoui have thus far shown no sign of
willingness to stand aside in favor of Somsanith or any other
compromise premier.
29 Apr 60 CHApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782Page 2
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Turkey Imposes Martial Law Following Anti-Menderes Riot
The Turkish Government declared martial law in Istan-
bul and Ankara on 28 April following riots in Istanbul by stu-
dents demanding the resignation of Prime Minister Menderes.
Five persons reportedly have been killed. The demonstra-
tions, occurring on the eve of the NATO Ministerial Council
meeting in Ankara, followed action by a parliamentary inves-
tigation committee banning political activity for three months.
The committee on 28 April was granted authority to prohibit
the publication of any news and to seize any publication violat-
ing the committee's decrees. The student demonstrators were
probably encouraged by the success of the student riots in
The committee, composed of 15 of the more extreme
members of the ruling Democratic party, was formed last
week to investigate the "subversive" activities of the opposi-
tion Republican People's party, whose leader, Ismet Inonu,
has been suspended from the next 12 meetings of the Grand
National Assembly,
split reportedly has occurred in the ranks of the
Democratic party over the extent of the powers to be granted
to the investigating committee; ten to twelve deputies are
said to have walked out of a party caucus in protest against the ex-
treme measures. Some 100-150 Democratic party deputies
are thought to disapprove of the powers granted to the com-
mittee but do not desire to break party unity at this time.
Should these deputies decide to split with Menderes, his
position would be seriously weakened. There is no indica-
tion that the army, whose attitude will be of crucial impor-
tance if further repressive measures are required, would
revolt or that the RPP intends to call on the military for
29 Apr 60 CEtApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977780age 3
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Britain May Grant Somaliland Protectorate Independence
Before 1 July
[London is considering granting its Somaliland Protec-
torate independence before 1 July, instead of in two or
three years as previously contemplated. This timing would
make a formally sovereign Somali state rather than the UK
responsible for negotiating union with the Italian-administered
trust territory, of Somalia, which is due for independence on
that date. Nationalist leaders of Somalia and the protectorate
announced on 22 April their intention to unite the two terri-
tories as a Somali Republic on 1 July]
Eralks between British and Somaliland ministers begin
in London on 2 May. The British cabinet has not yet de-
cided Britain's position, but the Foreign Office fears Somali
pressure for quick independence will be irresistible despite
the technical difficulties of hurriedly arranging such a move.
The British gave elected representatives a majority in the
Somaliland government only last February]
Liondon has long been concerned about UAR and Soviet
subversive influence in the Horn of Africa, but it may
conclude that acquiescence in independence demands is
the most feasible way to obtain a period of calm in view of
urgent problems elsewhere in British Afric.2.3
[London will try to meet anticipated Ethiopian objections
by arguing that it is attempting only to assure stability and
orderly development by responding to strong local pressures
for union. Nevertheless, Ethiopia can be expected to renew
charges that Britain is secretly promoting a union of all
Somalis�including those in Ethiopia--within the Common-
w ealthj
L.The Foreign Office envisages a schedule consisting
of the following steps: the establishment of a date fog)
29 Apr 60 CEtApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO297778-2age 4
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a_ndependence, informal talks in Mogadiscio between
Somalia and Somaliland on arrangements for union, in-
dependence for Somaliland, and independence for Somalia
on 1 July, followed immediately by union. Italy's initial
reaction to this arrangement has been negative; Rome in-
sists that it must represent Somalia in any such talks be-
fore independence, and that Ethiopian reaction would be
29 Apr 60 CeApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782Page 5
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Venezuelan licy Toward and the Doip'rrrfcan Repcbli
enezuelan Presigent Betancourt halg told Ambassador
Sparks that he is completely disenchanted with Fidel Castro
and that he would play a leading role in bringing hemisphere
attention to bear on the Cuban problem if Dominican dicta-
tor Trujillo were ousted beforehand. Betancourt insists, how-
ever, that any effort to present the Cuban problem to the Or-
ganization of American States (OAS) before Trujillo's ouster
would not have the support of more than three other Latin Ameri-
can countries--Guatemala, Nicaragua, and Honduras. He evi-
dently is aware of the charges of Cuban intervention presented
to the OAS on 25 April by Guatemala, which has now broken diplo-
matic relations with Havana. Honduras may also take this action
soon for similar reasonsD
Cr_he question of policy toward Cuba is a potential threat
to the viability of the three-party coalition of Betancourt, who
has admitted that Castro supporters in Venezuela are causing
difficulties for the Caracas government. Among the strong po-
litical groups seeking closer Venezuelan-Cuban ties are the
dissident leftist wing which recently broke away from Betan-
court's own Democratic Action party, the principal Venezuelan
labor organization, the Communists, and the Democratic Re-.
publican Union, which is a dissatified member of the govern-
ment coalitiog
Betancourt is a long-standing enemy of Trujillo, and his
hatred has been intensified by Dominican support of the 20-21
April uprising of Venezuelan military dissidents and the pos-
sibility that Trujillo will soon assist another group of Venezuelan
plotters. Trujillo has also alienated Colombia, which is con-
sidering breaking diplomatic relations and lodging a formal
complaint against Trujillo in the OAS. The complaint would
be based on Dominican documentation used by the Venezuelan
dissident leaders to enter Colombia before the revolt. Betan-
court's regime, which has already lodged charges in the OAS
against the Dominican Republic for flagrant violation of human
rights, would support Colombia in this mov_e_j
LI-According to the Venezuelan foreign minister, Ecuador is
on the verge of breaking relations with the Dominican Repub-
lic and will probably be followed by Peru and later Panam,L.7.
29 Apr 60 CE,O;Fpr�ov'ed jOr:�Rele.aie7-2020/03/13 CO2977782age 6
rniVri-riPM7I A r
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Nwie visro.
The Vice President
Executive Offices of the White House
Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
Scientific Adviser to the President
Director of the Budget
Director, Office of Ctvil and Defense Mobilization
Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination
Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities
Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy
Executive Secretary, National Security Council
The Treasury Department
The Secretary of the Treasury
The Department of State
The Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration
The Counselor
Director, International Cooperation Administration
The Director of Intelligence and Research
The Department of Defense
The Secretary of Defense
The Deputy Secretary of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
The Secretary of the Army
The Secretary of the Navy
The Secretary of the Air Force
The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, The Joint Staff
Chief of Staff, United States Army
Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
Commandant, United States Marine Corps
Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations
Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army
Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy
Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Commander in Chief, Pacific
The Department of Commerce
The Secretary of Commerce
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Director
Atomic Energy Commission
The Chairman
National Security Agency
The Director
National Indications Center
The Director
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977782
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