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Niro 3.5(c) z.,//z/zzrzzgff 'Approved6ie-lsr;iaiTCI o 3.3(h)(2) 13 April 1960 Copy No. C 7() CENTRAL IVIELLI6ENCE BULLETIN DODUMENT INI NO, 3# AVE tN CLASS, X - ! DECLASSIFIED CHANCED TO: TS S 7,':KT REVIEW DATE: -2-D(O. Mali: ND 10-2 DATES 8 JUN me%EVIEWEfli -TOP-SECRET- #71M/AMMZMApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777/Z/MWWWWW Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 iono. r- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 13 APRIL 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Black African nationalists in Johannes- burg may call week's work stoppage 18 April. South Korea--Rioting in Masan under- scores resentment against government's repressive measures; further disturb- ances can be expected. President Garcia advocates stationing of modern American weapons in the Philippines. CD Laos--Government apparently believes only one or two Communists should be permitted to win in coming elections. 0 Turkish Premier Menderes and Soviet Premier Khrushchev agree to exchange visits. Continuing reports that Afghanistan is calling up some reserves and augmenting garrisons on the Pakistan border indicate that tense tribal situation still has not been resolved. \ / N C, r, Ap-v Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 ; .3cA-KLI CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 13 April 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA South Africa: Black African nationalists in the Johannes- burg area may call a week-long work stoppage beginning on 18 April. Their two main nationalist groups, now outlawed, have reportedly joined forces and are planning to use gangste elements to intimidate the labor force. The Afrikaner popula- tion in the area, whose temper is reportedly at the breaking point after the attempted assassination of Prime Minister Ver- woerd, can be expected ntly to any further mass demonstrationlg (Page 1) South Korea: The new rioting in the southern port city of Masan, scene of police suppression of election-day demonstra- tions last month, underscores the nationwide resentment of the ,repressive tactics of the Rhee reeime ) Philippines: resident Garcia's recent statement that he would like to see the most modern American weapons, includ- ing guided missiles and atomic weapons, stationed in the Philip- pines, is an abrupt switch from the nationalistic policy he has been following. Garcia, with an eye on the presidential elections next year, may feel that the friction he has fostered in Philippine- American relations may boomerang politically; (Page 3) SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 "" '�" �"Approved for Release: 202u/03/13 CO2977777 ---- .77E"ePt-E4 // Laos: [The government apparently believes that only one or two Communists should be permitted to win seats in the 24 April National Assembly electionsj Peiping has joined Hanoi in repeat ing Pathet Lao threats of increased violence in Laos if the elec- tions are "nonrepresentative" of the people's wishes. (Page 4) Turkey-USSR: Announcement of an exchange of visits this summer between Turkish Premier Menderes and Soviet Premier Khrushchev follows persistent efforts by the USSR since early 1960 to secure Turkish agreement for such visits. The Turks appar- ently have accepted the exchange in an effort to keep pace with some of their NATO allies in current attempts toward improved East- West relations. The move will probably generate added pressures on Iran and Greece for improved relations with the USSR. (Page 5) Afghanistan: [Reports continue of a call-up of certain classes of reserves in the Afghan Army and the augmentation of garrisons i the tribal area adjacent to the Pakistan border. Such reports in- dicate that the tense situation which has persisted among the tribes since last October has still not been resolved. In addition, Kabul may be anticipating an expansion of Pakistani-inspired antigovern- ment activities among thp nnmadir. Afghan tribes w o return from Pakistan each spririgj (Page 6) 13 Apr 60 DAILY BRIEF ii ' SECRET 114,,,nnaK , �Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777% A/ , Armg Approved for Rele-a-se7. 2020703/13 CO2977777 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC IL ASIA-AFRICA Further AntigoveAment Demonstrations Planned in South Africa Ullack African nationalists in the Johannesburg area may call a week-long work stoppage beginning on 18 April. Remnants of the African National Congress (ANC) and the Pan-Africanist Con- gress (PAC), which have been outlawed since 8 April, have re- portedly joined in an underground coalition under a PAC leader, Walter. Jolobo, and are planning to use gangster elements to in- timidate the labor force. Widespread demonstrations may occur on 15 April, Africa Freedom Dal] Er_he African campaign will meet determined opposition from the white population, particularly from the dominant Afrikaner (Dutch-descended) community. Afrikaners in the Transvaal, whose tempers are reportedly at the breaking point after the at- tempted assassination of Prime Minister Verwoerd, can be ex- pected to react violently to any further mass demonstrations. In addition, the Afrikaner-controlled government has apparently decided to increase the intensity of its drive for total racial sep- aration, in an effort to reduce the economy's present overwhelm- ing dependence on African labor. Government spokesmen have stated that the system of "cheap black labor" will have to be "drastically revised," and that more of the 500,000 Asians in the country should do manual wori...3 (if this intensified apartheid program is implemented, the Union's English-descended community, which dominates South African industry and thus has the greatest present stake in the retention of the African labor pool, will probably increase its op- position to the government's program of racial separation. The English may, be joined by moderate Afrikaners in the Cape Town area, who have recently criticized fundamental aspects of apar- theidj 13 Apr Apr 60 Approved for ReTe-a.s.e721526765/1-3-662-97777 Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 Further Rioting in South Korea New rioting in the South Korean port city of Masan, scene of the brutal police suppression of election day demonstrations on 15 March, underscores the smoldering resentment through- out the country against the election tactics of the Rhee govern- ment. The growing disaffection of the population can be expected to erupt in disturbances, especially in such opposition strong- holds as Taegu. The riot which started on 11 April was incited by official refusal to turn over to a group of students the body of a student victim of police violence in the previous riots. The initial group of 1,000 students quickly snowballed to an estimated 10,000 ri- oters who battled armed police while shouting "death to Yi Ki-pung"--Rhee's vice president elect�and "down with the Syng- man Rhee regime." Government concern over disaffection and resentment against the regime's election tactics has been reflected in Local authorities have been ordered to use as little force as possible in preventing demonstrations t Also, the administration as yet has failed to silence continued strong crit- icism by the opposition and independent press. Such administra- tion forbearance, however, appears attributable more to a desire to ameliorate domestic and foreign criticism than to a liberaliza- tion of its policies. The announcement in Seoul on 11 March of the discovery of a "plot to overthrow the government" appears intended to justify further repressive measures in the name of restoring order. There is some indication that powerful elements in Rhee's Liberal party are working to turn the opposition into a govern- ment puppet and establish a one-party state. the "backbone" of the new party structure is patterned on the Chinese Nationalist Kuomintang. -SEeitEr Anr RI) Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 Page 2 Approved ' ' f-"Or Reler'r� ase:-20.267. 03113 CO2977777 vav Philippine Presiamws 131c1 ior US Niissile and Nuclear Weapons Bases &resident Garcia's press statement on 9 April that he would welcome the stationing in the Philippines of the most modern American weapons, including guided missiles and atomic weapons, was apparently made without the prior knowledge of Philippine cabinet or other high officials. The care and elaborateness with which he expounded his argu- ment suggests, however, that he had given the matter con- siderable thought) ghe Philippine Congress is giving strong bipartisan sup- port to Garcia's statement, and press reaction has been equally favorable. The Defense Department reportedly has received messages from veterans' groups throughout the Philippines un- qualifiedly supporting Garcia's position. Secretary of Defense Santos has stated that in the current ideological struggle there is no substitute for military preparedne_q_s3 (-Garcia, with an eye on the 1961 presidential elections, may feel that the friction he has fostered in Philippine-American re- lations could boomerang politically. The relatively weak appeal of the administration's "Filipino First" slogan in the November 1959 senatorial elections and the defeat of the Nacionalista can- didates most closely identified with Garcia have probably con- vinced him that an issue with considerable appeal is necessary. He may have decided that a renewed emphasis on close US- Philippine defense ties and military preparedness, particularly if underwritten by the United States, will serve his purpo7- 13 Apr 60 ("CkITD A I IkITEI I te� MA!" rsa -e�ik Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 A.J1.1%... � 1k 41* 44, LLaotian Government 'oyisiaering kuggingiElections Against Communists [The Laotian election committee will reportedly meet on 16 April to decide which Communist candidate or possi- bly two candidates will be allowed to win National Assembly seats in the 24 April elections, The government estimates that completely free elections would give the 20 to 25 Commu- nist or pro-Communist candidates seven of the 59 seats at stake;,/ CAn American Embassy official who recently toured Cha.mpas- sak Province in southern Laos reports a general local assump- tion that all six government candidates will win because the po- lice and the army are effectively persuading the people, some- times through threats, that it would be unsafe to vote for oppo- sition candidates. At least four of the government candidates, including Deputy Prime Minister Nhouy, are said to be having difficulty generating popular enthusiasm. The embassy officer believes that in a reasonably free election, two or three of the six seats at stake in Champassak would go to opposition candi- datesj {communist pre-election tactics appear to have been pred- icated on the hope that, despite the small number of Communist and pro-Communist candidates, a small leftist bloc headed by the Communist-front Neo Lao Hak Sat (NLHS) could be elected. Should Communist hopes be disappointed, an intensification of guerrilla warfare by the Pathet Lao insurgents is likely. The threat of increased violence in Laos if the elections are "non- representative" of the people's wishes was implicit in the latest NLHS statement on the elections, which was summarized in con- siderable detail b respectively. SECRET pril, 13 Apr 60 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 Page 4 �-� ��-�� �-'1 P-11, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 *of Turkish an[ Soviet Premiers to Exchange Visits Simultaneous announcements in Ankara and Moscow on 12 April that Premier Menderes would visit Moscow in July and Premier Khrushchev would make a return visit to Turkey at a later date mark the successful conclusion of persistent Soviet attempts since early 1960 for a high-level exchange of visits, lurkish officials had been reluctant to accept the So- viet suggestion, fearing its effect on some of Turkey's allies-- particularly Iran. There have been indications for some time, however, that officials in Ankara have resented what they con- sider criticism from some NATO allies that Turkey has been provocative toward the USSR in an era marked by growing con- tacts between East and West. The proposed exchange is re- garded as an attempt by Turkey to keep pace with other West- ern states in their efforts to bring about some relaxation of tensions. Turkish officials have stressed, however, that the decision to accept the Soviet proposal does not represent any change in Ankara's firm anti-Communist foreign policy and that no significant results are anticipated as a result of the visi2 Reaction to the announcement within Turkey is expected to be generally favorable, as the exchange will tend to be in- terpreted as recognition of Turkey's international standing. Ingrained distrust of the USSR among the Turkish people, com- bined with political maneuvering in preparation for possible elections later this year, however, may arouse some internal criticism of the move. Officials in Greece have already indicated fear that the announcement will cause difficulties for the Karamanlis gov- ernment, which has consistently refused similar Soviet requests for a high-level exchange of visits. Opposition parties within Greece and bloc representatives in Athens can be expected to exploit Turkey's acceptance of the proposed visits in urging im- proved relations between Greece and the Soviet bloc. Similarly, Iran, which has had severely strained relations with the USSR during the past year, will be urer increased pressure to im- prove relations with Moscow. SECRET 13 Apr 60 CFNITD A I IMTCI 1 inckiec DliiieTiki Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 _ _ Kabul Apprehensive Wer Possible Trigal Unrest During Spring Migration LThe Afghan Government's apprehension over possible tribal disorders during the annual spring migration of nomadic Afghan tribes which traditionally winter on the plains of Paki- stan has reportedly led the Kabul regime to continue the recall of reserves released from the army during the past three years. There is no indication at present of the extent of the call-up, but civilians with bedding rolls were observed being organized into units in Kabul on 11 April-.1 [The returning tribesmen, always a potential source of trouble, are cause for special concern in Kabul this year in view of the already strong and continuing reaction in the tribal areas to Kabul's efforts at reform and modernization. In addi- tion, worsened relations between Pakistan and Afghanistan on the Pushtoonistan question cause Kabul to fear that some of the returning tribesmen have been subverted by the Pakistanis. Afghan army units, which during 1959 were increasingly de- ployed into the tribal areas adjacent to Pakistan in an effort to assert Kabul's authority, are reported also guarding the routes traditionally taken by the nomads:7 (lathe past, Kabul has given every indication of intending to suppress disorders in the tribal areas with dramatic dis- plays of military power. so as to prevent them from spreading. Afghan Prime Minister Daud's absence from the country is not likely to result in any less forceful a response in the event of trouble this spring.] 13 Apr 60 (Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 pac,,e 6 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 t..-Lnw" IVEAN I i L., �lior THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777 �TOP�SECRET� 0 ZA 0 VI WZ,ZzArrnm,Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO2977777