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Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 C ONF I Ei E 1T T IAL SECURITY INFORMATION COUNTRY SUBJECT CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT Philippines Anti-US Sentiment/Expected Election Violence PLACE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE ACQUIRED (BY SOURCE) DATE (OF INFO.) SOURCE THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS INFORMATION AFFECTING THE NATIONAL DEFENSE OF THE UNITED STATES. WITHIN THE MEANING OF TITLE 10, SECTIONS 793 AND 794, OF THE LI'S. CODE, AS AMENDED. ITS TRANSMISSION OR REYE. LATION OF ITS CONTENTS TO OR RECEIPT BY AN UNAUTHORIZED PERSON IS THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION U$ national REPORT NO. RESPONSIVE TO 2 CD NO. 00/O NO. ORR NO. DAS NO. OCI NO. DATE DISTR.X7 October 1953 NO. OF PAGES 2 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. (b)(1) (b)(3) 1, thought you would be interested in the attached articles taken from this morning's MenilaNulletin : Sep 53; article 'Alsop's Report' headlined 'Columhist Says Megsalsay rican Choice! in Election by Joseph 411.En, Page 1, and editorial 'Intervention Again'� editorial page, Things like this cause a lot of difficulty for Americans in the Philippines for Elpidio Quirino never fails to make a big issue over Americans interfering in Philippfne politics, Es le a very ruthless individual and could probably be termed a modern Al flanone, His two months sojourn in Johns Eopkin's certainly did not improve 'Mai Lis disposition or his physical condition to any marked degree, Nothing is allowed to stand in his way with knifings and shootings being the order of the day throughout the Philippines, Recently, an American Consul and his wife, attached to the DS Embassy vere pretty roughly handled by a couple of motorcycle policemen right in the heart of Manila and there Is almost a continuous broadside being fired at Ambassadoraruance from Malacsnan or the Presidential Palace, Fortunately, Ambassador 411,erte has seen tit to ignore most of the criticism but at times must retaliate for the protection of the Americans here in the Philippines. Ion assure you there is no love lost between them but 1 don't see haw it could be any different under the circumstances, U.S. Officials Only OONFIDENTIAL SECURITY INFORMATION DISTRIBUTIONFT (b)(3 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 - 2 - (b)(3) "BambnllaiSaztay is certainly looked up to by the PiIiPinO7people over and abbve eVeryOne else but I don,t think the consolidation of the Eacionalistaa and the Democratic parties has helped hii cause to any great extent. A.lot of confusion has resulted and while it IS gradually being irOmed out, has Presented somewhat of a diVided front in Supporting him. Edwever, Nhgdaysay continues to campaign from City to city and barriolto baeriti and is gaining a tremendous f011oWing. Be -id a fine man and conducting a very intelligent and gent3milerly ciatipaign by ignoring the aheap-claimS and contention's of quiriho and the Liberal Party.- The general feeling seems to persist that Magsaysay will win theiteetImiOn November 110th but that Quirino"Will be the next President. Ballot lbxes have a habit of very bytteridusly disappearing or being stuffed. by the Party in:power:and in addition flying sqUsdrons or armed thugs are quite sUbdesaful in keeping apposition Votes away from the polls by threats and outright violence. would like *pry much to make amovie of some of theserlblitical gatherings for they Usually always end up in a big fight but I just don't have the nerve. EVerYone seems to be packing a gum or a knifes known here in the Philippines as a balisong, and don't hesitate to use them." "The pOlitical cauldron will probably continue to boil with even greater fury as we approach election day with the result that there will be a general etodus of foreigners from Manila and the other cities juat'Prior to and follow- ihgthe election. I feel that it is just is deadly to be oaUght in the drossfire as 'would be the came if the gun were timed at ydu and will join the rest of the foreign population'and leave Manila from Approximately November 6th to November 14th or 13th. I have never been one to run away from trouble but for safety's sake, believe it the better part of valor in thie politically crazed city. We must begin to think about making reserve- tiona,for every suitable plane outside the firing tone will no doubt be crowded-with foreigners. Oince Magsaysay's resignation as Beeretary of Defense' Meny changes have been made in the Army and the -Philippine Constabulary. Many of the high ranking officers have been replaced by questionable characters tho yere leaders during the bloody elections of 1949. Everyone feels that these moves are indications of Vhst can be expected in this year's election and 'while every precaution is being taken by the opposition, still very little can be done to overrule the edicts of President Quirino. I sure hope that everyone is 'Wrong in their deductions but I don't think it would be very. sound :udgment to stay around Manila to find out." gvallable are photographic copies of: (b)(3) a) "Alloy's Report", headlined "Columnist Owe Massaysay American Choice in Election", by Joseph Alsop, Page 1$ Manila Bulletin, 25 Sop 53. b) Editorial, uintervention Agate, editorial page, Manila Bulletin, . 23 Sep'5317 - end - -COMINIDERMA194-6,161A�8-MT- 8:ECPRAT. WOW= Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 Manila Bulletin, Fri. Sept 25, 1953 ALSOP'S REPORT COLUMNIST SAYS MAGSAYSAY AMERICAN CHOICE IN ELECTION The following article, first of two Int the Philippines, will ap- pear shortly in snore than a h.undred U.S. newspapers of large circulation. It was toirciessed from Hongkong to New York and airrrutiled exclusively to the Bulletin, which carries the column ,regularly on the editorial page Mr. Aleop was a recent visitor to Manila where he saw and interviewed leaders of both the Liberal party, including President Quirino, and the Necionalis- ift,Democratic coalition. The second article will appear torn orrow. _� By JOSEPH AESOP Ttudyard Kipling dismissed the ipine capital. But here in Ma- lit tie Englanders of his day with the line, They nothing know of England who only England know." It, a quite different way, Am- erica's involvement in the Nkorid is r a I entlessly producing a com- parable s t a- t ion. For who at home under- stands, for ex- ample, that Am-, erica now has: a candidate in: a critical elec- tion in a rnajo Far Eastern na- tion? Certainly this t� arra spo�dent had no such ALSOP idea until he reached the amia- ble. steaming hot, charmingly gim- crack, irrepressibly vital Phil- lulu it is clear at once that Ra- mon Magsaysay is the American choice against the incumbent President Elpidio Quirino. The evidence speaks for iLscif with a loud voice. In considering this remarkable fact, one can at least lyein by saying that we need not be ashamed of our own side. Since the end of the war, the omni- present blackmail of the com- munist threat has extorted Am- erican sympathy, or money, or military aid, or in some cases all three, for some highly unappetiz- ing politicians and political re- gimes. But this is not true here. The ailing, crafty and insatia- ble Quirino came into office in an election celebrated for its fraudulence. With all his shrewd. &turn, he still represents al- ' (Continucid on page 2) Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 MA NIT :Is Ei 1.7 LLETIN. FRI., SEPT, 2.5. ALSOP Magsaysay cleansed his minis- try and the Philippine army of graft and politics. He breathed (Continued from pow= ( a wholly new spirit into the most every backward tendency in campaign against the 'Mks. By Philippine end Asia-0c Piothic-'s� untiring effort he destroyed or Ile is surrounded by a rlique whose rapacity has startled �tven tolerant Manila ft he is ad at all, he will win by the z-ncv; visior, to his people. ruthless use of his control of 'he In all this effort, Maasaysay arTny and government machinery;t14 worked intimately with the Am- for these are his only visible sup- F erica, embassy and military ad- port in an aroused nation. vtsory -grouts The relation was Magsasisay, in contra-4, crthielYt io happy that Quirino has even struids for the future. that Asia charged that Magsaysay's Amer- rnay reasonably hope for, yet H :cat' liaison officer acted as rnay so easily be cheated at by :'Maissaysay's public relations the powerful collaboration of son- mar.- All that ended of Course runt ruling elements and the , when Masssaysay left the Cabinet always active communists to an for the presidency against The new man is not all that., . his former chief. Our wholly *ti- the older man is. The finesse, mirahle ambassador here, /WI/li- the disillusioned knowledge of the; roil Raymond Spruance, has main- violin, the surface polish that are t tallied an attitude of the Strict- ures immediately striking in Qua- i est correctness in the present rinci are not present in Muses-- � -ear say. You think when you meet n Msaysay, "lie has worked with him hands and he fought in the woods," and you would still Suspect these things if you did not already know them to be true. And you also think, sure. ly this man is a bit uncomplicat- ed. even maybe a bit na.if for one tion. The real attittide cif the whc must thread the labyrinths itinerican government LS diseeriv of Asiatic politics, and this is }hie behind the correct facede ir probably true too, and may one aueh very simple fact as the day prove a drawback. tmmhire ot any Eisenhower ad- let this dark, vigorous, burn- ' Pres- a localized these communist guer- rillas and to checkmate comma- aistd he began to offer his new ipa g None the less, President Qui- t-Ion has twice burst out that the embassy was intervening in the struggle. Although these un- founded charges have had te be withdrawn, Quirine's Supporters, like Speaker Eugenio Peret, have Continued to repeat the aceusa.- itig man is explosively courageous, . angrily honest, and above all tret,rn, !possessed of a vision of the fu- his ti.ire that has made him a nero ieaa. 'of his people. Today the Phil- ippines is a poor land in which a vury few enjoy great. wealth. cm:ass is Yet this is also a land of ins- I wit morose, untapped riches, with a ss s em ass. Hs. a� semes Ircutier in Mindanao, in Mindoro, Th- fact e� to' t. ;Ain pro- in Palawan, that holds almost dues, ;ls. roost la' rss ing el- the promise of the American vet, up�� i h � �.!ii Asia frontier. The vision that Mag- saysay offers is a vi.sion of na- tional self-development, of hard- working progress and better life for the people. liut this does not answer the cptcstion of how the United States came to have this candidate in the election of another nation all the way across the broad Pa- cific. The answer is at once sim- ple and complex. Magsas.say comes of relatively humble people. He ran a -bus Line before the war. In wartime, he was the guerrilla leader of his province. When peace came. General MacArthur named hint provincial governor, He ran for congress and was elected. in the period when the communist Ifulsbalahaps were still operating' in the suburbs of Manila his; bravery, energy and determined! anti-communism attracted erten-, tion In that disordered time the Philippine government was living by American aid. American in- fluence was an important factor In making Magsaysay minister of defense. sormg , ;lobs : tstit. -here- aricricari elect next Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 Manila Bulletin, Sept. 25, 1953 4 wo .a.-yaiWks MANILA. ..ULLETIN Est CARSON FA YI.C)R. Publtsnet PORI) WILh INS. Manuong %rtao? H. A. 11NN, 81141nesta Manager AI3LJNUO. ticcretory-Treasurer, bulletTn Puhltattlno Compotty FF1 tiONZ.%LE2., Newi dctital Issued e,ery morning except Sunday by the Bulletin Publishini Co. inc.. Fiorentino lorrea St. Manila. En- tered as second citisit Mali matter at the Manna Postor (ice on February 77 1946, P.O 801 769. Subsrriptton rates-1 ear, 1'30.00 Six montne et.6.50: 1 month, �3.00. TELVPHONE 3-s-7-$1 - I 'INTERVENTION AGAIN I The explosive topic of American intervention in the Philippine' elections has come up once more in a slightly new way, via thos, opposition to President Qatiriso's administration. Senator Laurel,' :talking more or less Informally,I asked the American community, and American offieialdom both here and abroad to "do some- I thing" about the preservation of democracy in the Philippines. It might be considered an open in- vitation to intervene. The United States does indeed have an abiding interest in the preservation of democracy in this country, both its government and its people. Every official action and every casual expression has shown that to be true, ever since Independence was granted and right up to the present moment� increasingly so in fact, in recent, months. We don't believe Dr. Laurel or anyone else has reason to doubt that. So it becomes necessary to de- termine, so far as it can be done, just how far the United States or anv its citizens or institutions should go in trying to further the preservation of democratic insti- tutions at a time when political TIN-alry causes every action and every word to be suspect of par- tisanship. What the United States and Its citiz.ens cannot do is well defined by law, and has been called re- peatedly to attention by the American embacsy. It is not per- missible to contribute money to- ' wards the election or the defeat of any candidate, nor to actively join an election campaign, or to attempt to vote. It is against both American law and Philippine law to do so, and the Philippine law of course applies to all aliens. What the tee or any f foreign nation could ett and with Oropriei y to . -prcser, I` detrideracy- in the Phil- us not neeti defined, and Is a c,.nf roversi a I II i,iec indPtSi. 1C}r k\>Sil that. In i.n1111,1 had 111�1`11 Anerir, alnott what, he ,,,e;,rrt olaCt. think tie ; oterm I the United !Artiteg shoitid inn M. a iircelr rtitompt to In- thience fifers. ilid We can- not nree odth him. That would ii filch violation if sovereignty 11 a liii 111 vi ye. nor mutual k..n emir,. a ell 'A it trioelt ancw el independence. An or riciat or unofficial e\Iirvs- j , of itrefcrenee for one I,' ia mni. hcr, or one political r�-giito, as nt,,ainsl lino': her shoeld riot, he a % IiiiI,,in or either sot. er- , eis Illy or decorum. In fact atty I pcch il,1 ion against It, st-lf-Impos- 0,r1 or 0 lbe mi...., u otild spin to iota I e lie pni liego of free mloculr. Any rf�porting of opinion Rivione Americens or Othet tifiliL I'., such 41,. tor IngtancO ese N.Is op 's ri it' IP 011 I oday '14 t rOnt page. is within the best radit ions of a free press so long as it an es a Itintinn based on impart int In veo iga Ando it hoot tear or hesitation II sccurs Ii. its Om t lit,' Anteriean ortimen I ;mil its people should take a militant iv aetiVe interest in 'the pri,sert a lion of tree and *.�ii�I't it/nS, SS it !lout violence mi limit coercion. Siirli in- terest ilaS t1-e1�11 e�ftritited freely, and Will calitiolio, Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 44.).[(2,vviede.GULL/Inini,=cluw SECRET ROUTING AND CONTROL RECORD DO NOT DETACH FROM 'ON LOAN' DOCUMENTS 15 October 1953 DATE TO: CIA LIBRARY ATTN : BUILDING M ROOM NO. 142:- TITLE Attached to Photographic copies of: A. "Alsop's Report" B. Editorial, "Intervention Again" REMARKS I pcx.01 RETAIN I I ON LOAN DOCUMENT (S ) FOR RETENS ION BY ADDRESSEE DOCUMENT (S) MUST BE RETURNED TO CONTACT DIVISION/00 BY (DEADLINE) FROM: CONTACT DIVISION/ 00 BRANCH FE/P BU ( LD I NG South ROOM NO. 332 LA I tr,151 UN 2= RESTRICTED PIRI4 Approved for Release: 2022/10/17 CO2932198 )20-40)