DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/10/22
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Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
22 OCT 1946
I. USSR will not take part in Japanese reparations conference�Soviet offi-
cials in Washington have informed the State Department that the USSR
will not attend the Japanese reparations conference which the US has
proposed to the Far Eastern Commission. Soviet refusal to attend is
based on the Department's insistence that the conference take into con-
sideration Japanese assets in South Sakhalin and the Kurtles, and Soviet
removals of industrial equipment from Manchuria.. Since the USSR will
probably veto the US proposal in a final FEC vote on 24 October, the US
is now considering calling a conference unilaterally and may invite the
USSR to send an observer.
2. UK views on elections to Security Council�US Delegate Austin reports
that Cadogan is "not sympathetic" with Greek aspirations to the Security
Council. Although he has not been formally instructed on the subject,
Cadogan indicated that the UK would probably favor Colombia and Bel-
gium for the SC and New Zealand and the Netherlands for the ECOSOC.
3. UK position on the Faroe Islands issue�The British Foreign Office offi-
cial charged with Scandinavian matters has informed Embassy London
that the UK would "deplore" full independence for the Faroes. The UK
desires that the Faroes remain attached to Denmark but with sufficient
autonomy to satisfy the population.
4. USSR: MA suspects Soviets have decided against early war�US Military
Attache Moscow suspects that Stalin's replies to Alexander Werth reflect
a decision by the Soviet War Council against any military venture for the
Komsomols object of official criticism�US Military Attathe Mos-
cow reports that the most recent object of official censure is the Komsomol
(Young Communist) organization,. which is charged with "inadequacy in
numbers and improper training." The MA comments that this move in-
dicates an extension of the purge to the "very bed rock of Communism."
Document No.
NO CHANGE in Class. 0
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
Auth: DDA E7G. 77 1763
Date � 2 0 MAR 19
� BY: ekt,
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
5. YUGOSLAVIA: Terms for reopeninglila --The Yugoslav Govern-
ment has notified the Srate Department that it would reconsider its de-
cision to close the USIS reading room in Belgrade (see Daily Summary
of 3 October, item 4), provided USLS (a) restricts its activity solely to
Information on the life and culture of the American people; (b) refrains
from publishing material "against the Yugoslav people and their laws";
and (c) distributes its daily news bulletin only to Government Ministers
unless prior permission has been obtained for a wider circulation,
id Caffery that, because of MRP
retucuulce to tangle with the Communists, de Gaulle has "no great
confidence" that, once the deputies are elected, the MRP will either break
with the Communists or fight for revision of the Constitution. Caffery be-
lieves that, although the General will probably issue a statement next
week, he will not make a "final decision" regarding his future course un-
til after the 10 November elections.
7. AUSTRIA: USSR reluctant to remove zonal food barriers--US Charge
Denby reports that Chancellor Figl personally requested General Tsinev,
the acting Soviet Commander, to remove restrictions on movements
across Soviet zonal boundaries, particularly of food from Soviet-held es-
tates. Tsinev replied that the Soviets would not relax these restrictions
until they were assured that their zone would be treated on.a par with
other zones in the distribution of food and raw materials.
8. DENMARK: Plan for autonomousgatte21,..Sk_o Schle ..uth sw --Legation Copen-
hagen reports that leaders of the "Danish-minded" population of South
Schleswig are working on a plan which they rather than the Danish Gov-
ernment would present to the ACC in Berlin for an autonomous state of
South Schleswig (excluding Holstein). The state would have a customs and
monetary union with Denmark.
9. NORWAY: Soviet interest in Spitzbergen and Bear Island�US Embassy
Oslo reports that Molotov has privately expressed to Norwegian Foreign
Minister Lange a desire to discuss Spitzbergen and Bear Island with him
while they are both in New York for the General Assembly of the United
Nations (see Daily Summary of le August, item 1)�
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 30 August 2018
10. ITALY: Plot to sabotage Italian Fleet reported�President Bidault has
informed Caffery that he has "trustworthy information" to the effect
that certain Italian naval officers plan to sabotage the Italian Fleet.
11. IRAN: US gesture of support suggested--US Ambassador Allen reports
that the Shah has made several s rong pleas that the US publicly demon-
strate its economic interest in Iran. Allen recommends some encourage-
ment from the US, even if only a press statement.
12. CHINA: Soviet proposal for Sinkiang concessions�Chinese Foreign Of-
fice officials have confirmed to Embassy Nanking that the USSR is seek-
ing exclusive mining rights in Sinkiang Province and that the Soviet pro-
posals Include joint Sino-Soviet operation of a tin mine and a wolfram
mine. The Embassy points out that the USSR could use wolfram as a sub-
stitute for the molybdenum which it previously imported from the US.
(Other evidence of Soviet interest in Chinese wolfram was received at the
end of July, when it was reported that between 2,000 and 3,000 tons of the
metal had been shipped from Shanghai to the USSR since day; see
Daily Summary of 30 July, item 13.)
Approved for Release: 2018/09/05 CO2930243
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